My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 277


About a month has passed since my resurrection.

“It’s been a while since it’s been peaceful.”

I am now at Aios Academy.

After my resurrection, I returned to my hometown to rest, but ended up enrolling as a fourth-year at Aios Academy.

I wondered if this was even possible, but with the help of the dean, who is May’s cousin, my somewhat unreasonable transfer was made possible.

Plus, since I have records from when I attended third year, they adjusted it in the records to reflect that I took a leave of absence and returned.

Of course, this was bound to raise some eyebrows, but I plan not to worry about it. The dean can handle those details.

The academy had been a place of mixed feelings for me, so while I did have a desire to graduate, returning after just a month was also partly to escape my home.

Especially since Sen had started to openly tempt me.

Since my resurrection, having been devoured, I lost my purity even after regressing three times.

However, of course, things didn’t develop that way with Sen.

I could never do anything like that with my little sister, Sen.

Although she claims she’s older now and insists on being called ‘big sister,’ that’s nonsense, and in any case, I could never lay a hand on Sen.

“Ugh, I finally feel like I’m living like a person.”

Thinking back to the time when my lower half felt numb and I could barely walk is horrifying. I learned for the first time in my life that a man’s part could swell up.

Honestly, I thought I was going to pass out.

Just to clarify, I genuinely thought I was going to return to the Goddess of Death.

Anyway, after a month of living in dorm-like conditions, it was decided we couldn’t just stick around at my house indefinitely, so we agreed to go our separate ways for now and reconvene later.

The date was set for two months later.

We decided to meet again when summer vacation at the academy begins.

Everyone expressed regret, but if I didn’t get some rest, I would seriously be in trouble.


After a long time, I put on my school uniform and stepped outside the dormitory. It wasn’t the same room I used before, but it was still on the same third floor.

The corridor was already filled with familiar sights: students still half-asleep, others bustling about early in the morning, and some walking around with toothbrushes in their mouths.

“No matter the year, everyone’s actions are pretty much the same.”

I feel satisfied.

This ordinary daily life feels really good.

I haven’t made any friends yet, and I know it’s going to be tough to butt into relationships that are already well-established by the time I got to fourth year.

Nevertheless, I wanted to find at least one friend to have lunch with.

Preferably a guy.

Even now, the warning from Rin on the last day before leaving for the academy still echoed in my ears. Just a sweaty embrace and her whispering in my ear:

“If you do more, you’ll really die.”

Knowing that wasn’t just a joke and that dying included not just me but my opponent as well.

“That kid has become way too scary.”

Rin had destroyed the world for my sake before and had also killed me, so I understand her possessiveness has stretched too far.

But still, shouldn’t she be able to act a little bit apart? Rin has her own dreams after all.

So, I managed to persuade Rin by using that as leverage.

During the two months apart from me while she studies to become a doctor, Rin will likely pass the exam with ease at this point.

It’s rare to find a doctor who can freely use Healing Magic.


With about two months left until vacation. Now that I’m free, I headed off to my first class. Students were glancing at me, the newcomer, but I decided not to pay them any mind.

Drawing unnecessary attention right now would only brand me as the weirdo.

For now, I thought I’d remain quiet until the curiosity about me dies down.

However, during the second-period lecture.

I unintentionally drew the students’ attention.

“Daniel McLean, please come to the dean’s office immediately.”


A sudden announcement calling my name.

I couldn’t remember this kind of function existing three years ago; the academy has advanced in various ways.


A professor with a startled look called my name.

He was a professor I’d seen three years ago, but upon seeing me, he clicked his tongue as if surprised to see a returning student.

“The dean is calling for you, so you should go.”

The eyes of other students were glued to me, and I could hear whispers.

“What? Why is he suddenly calling him?”

“I don’t know. Transferring to fourth year is pretty abnormal.”

“His name was Daniel, huh.”

“I heard they’re getting rid of old practices, but it seems some still linger.”

“Aren’t commoners supposed to be excluded?”

The students thought I was somehow receiving special treatment because of some impressive backing. But the important part was, I actually did have a significant backing, so it was a little hard to deny.

From the dean to the third princess, Elise, they were all looking out for me.


I was about to question why I was being called when I left the classroom. My footsteps quickened as I reached the dean’s office on the top floor.


No need for knocking.

I burst through the door and immediately blurt out,

“I specifically asked for minimal special treatment….!”

My words trailed off as I noticed my last words faltering, losing my strength a little.

“I cut my hair like the old days, what do you think?”

Standing in the dean’s office was May, now with her long hair cut into a bob like back then.

“You, you… why are you here?”

“Well? I work here. I’m the dean’s secretary.”

“But didn’t you quit?!”

I thought I had heard she quit when I came to the academy!

I distinctly remembered Elise saying she had resigned when searching for me, complaining to the professors as she handed in her resignation.

But May just shrugged in response.

“The dean can hire whoever he wants. He said he wants me back, so what right do the other professors have to talk back?”

“……Can you really live like that?”

I’ve only ever been a Sherpa guiding through the woods, but I knew how unreasonable what May was saying sounded.

“Well, I did have quite a lot of conversations with the professors. My abilities improved once I became an adult, you see. After lengthy discussions, I managed to get my job back.”

I couldn’t help but wonder what those long conversations contained.

I’d bet she used Elise’s status as a princess to her advantage.

Realizing the situation, I forcibly turned my gaze away.

“Uh, where’s the dean?”


May walked over with her clicking heels. Without realizing it, I began to feel my strength drain away.

It had become a habit since my resurrection.

Just as a myth says that if you ring a bell and feed a dog, the dog will begin to drool just from the sound of the bell.

Seeing her made me unintentionally relax. Resisting was futile, so I’d rather save my energy.


The door locked.

“It’s 2nd period, so I’ll be heading out!”

“Okay. I’ll be back by the 5th period.”


“The dean is out for a bit. Apparently, something’s come up regarding a competition with Pales Academy.”

“Got it, so move away.”

May approached me and slipped her legs between mine. I tried to back away, but suddenly found myself against the wall. Where on earth did she learn to do this?


May’s brown hair brushed against my cheek.

She whispered in my ear, smiling,

“Do you know why I was so diligent about contraception?”


It was such an out-of-the-blue statement, but honestly, I was curious.

During that month of wild living, May had always been careful about contraception, even learning related magic from the witch, Adriana.

In contrast, she couldn’t be more opposite of Eris.

To create half-elves…

I’ll keep my mouth shut on that.

“Are you doing it to work?”

I threw out a guess, but May giggled and responded.

“If all the kids get pregnant, then nobody can do anything with you for about ten months, right?”


“So for those ten months, I can be with you all I want.”


This girl is seriously amazing.

Without realizing it, I abruptly turned my head to look at May. We were so close that our noses nearly touched. May broke into a bright smile and kissed me.


“I love that expression of yours.”

“Okay, okay, calm down for a second! I have to go to class, you know? Don’t you remember I couldn’t go on the field trip last time because of a low score?”

“I’m the dean’s secretary, so what does that matter? I can guarantee you’ll graduate.”

“That’s corrupt ……!”

Before I could finish, May immediately sealed my lips with hers. Having done this numerous times before, she expertly ravished my mouth.


After a long kiss, May’s hand had already made its way downwards.

“Hey! Hey! I’m really going to get mad!”

I pushed May away forcefully.

I thought I could rest for about two months, but at this rate, it would be no different than when I lived at home.

However, even against my resistance, May loosened her tie and shrugged off her suit jacket while laughing.

“The dean’s office and the position of secretary are more exciting than you’d think, huh?”

“Can you not talk……!”

My words didn’t get any further.

The sweet scent of May’s candy completely filled the air around me.

It wasn’t until after the 5th period turned into the 6th that I could finally return to the classroom.

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