My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 45

Bang bang!

Even though the day was still bright, the exploding firework sounds lifted the students’ spirits.

From the entrance of the academy, all the way to the interior, various stalls run by classes or individual students were packed.

The laughter and cheers of people pouring in felt like they had been waiting just for today.

Thus, a four-day festival that would be noisier and longer than expected at Aios Academy had begun.

“Wow, a lot of people really showed up,”

As I gazed outside from the classroom, Tana grumbled.

“Look at them having fun all by themselves. Hey, if you’re bored, come help with serving!”

Our Class E was a stall specializing in pancakes, with Tana serving and Eve taking care of the cooking inside.

She said she had made them a few times for her younger siblings.


Seeing Eve struggling to lift five stacked chairs, I couldn’t just sit still.

“Ugh, let me.”

I supported the bottom of the stacked chairs with my palm and lifted them, startling Eve.

It wasn’t as heavy as I expected, so I just moved ten in total with both hands while Eve hurried behind me.

“Hehe, thank you!”

“It’s just because I’ve been doing cardio to lose weight. After the festival, it’s time for strength training.”

“Hey, if I push Daniel down the stairs now, would he die?”

Though a chilling comment, she followed up with a playful tongue-out gesture.

Sorry, but I’m not joking.

I really am going to do strength training after the festival.

My little Eve will become my big Eve.

Because those muscles will grow.

Seeing Eve humming happily, unaware of her future, made my heart soften again.

Tana, following behind, laughed and asked if that helped.

“By the way, didn’t you guys say your drama team would meet separately?”

“Uh… right. Hayun’s joining that gathering to sell whatever they can.”

Good luck to hayun.

I sighed in resignation.

“There’s nothing to do there. They just gab and eat food among themselves.”

I had heard that all the drama team would gather under the pretext of fostering friendship, but it just seemed bothersome.

“Then let’s eat pancakes at our stall.”

“Yeah, I’ll make them for you.”

“I’m not too fond of sweet things, but maybe I’ll give it a try.”

As we made our way toward our stall, I spotted students running around from a distance and immediately covered my face with a chair.

As they passed, Tana pouted.

“Geez, with so many outsiders, why are they running around like that?”

“Weren’t those Mei’s troublemakers?”

“Right. They looked like they were searching for someone.”

That’s right.

They were Mei’s group, and I actually knew who they were looking for, which is why I was in the empty Class E room.

‘So they’re even gathering people now?’

While I had planned to hang out with Mei during the festival for four days, I had no intention of complying.

‘Let them look for her if they can!’

I had already been roped into this once, so being bothered for a whole day was out of the question.

Lately, Mei had been on a roll, too…

After reaching our Class E stall and setting down the chairs, I pulled one out to sit.

As I was quietly waiting, Eve appeared wearing an apron, bringing over a steaming hot pancake on a plate.

“What syrup do you like?”

“Just pour anything.”


With a smile, Eve handed it over with a fork. It seemed like she was waiting to see my reaction, so I deliberately took a bite and exaggerated my response.

“Mmm, yum. I don’t usually like sweet things, but this is delicious.”

It might have been tasty, but pancakes are pancakes; they all taste similar, don’t they?

Still, Eve beamed happily as she said,
“I made a lot for my siblings at home since they like them so much. Whenever the scent of pancakes wafted through the house, our family always got along.”

Eve may be a noble, but hers was the kind of humble home more like a regular family due to its small size.

“That’s nice.”

The thought of a soft, sweet scent filling a home does give a peaceful vibe.

As I nodded, munching on the pancake, I noticed Eve leaning in closer with a bright smile.

“Right? Isn’t it nice? That’s why it’s my dream. When I start a family, I want to make pancakes with my kids in a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere!”

What a surprisingly simple dream.

‘Or is it not simple?’

If I can’t stop Rin, there’s a 10-year deadline until humanity faces extinction, so I’d need to get married and have kids quickly.

Well, I’ll just have to work hard to keep Rin’s rampage in check.

“I’ll try my best.”

As I fiddled with the pancakes with my fork, mumbling,


Eve’s eyes widened.

In an instant, I realized I had misspoken.

“No, I didn’t mean that. Sorry. I made a mistake. Really, I’m sorry.”

I tried to explain, but Eve just stared at me, giggling softly and whispering,
“Please try.”

“No, that’s not…”

Eve spun on her heel and left.

‘You stupid idiot.’

What difference is there between this and Ares?

Letting out a heavy sigh mixed with self-hatred, I slightly reddened while glancing at Eve making pancakes.


I’m sure Rin and Mei definitely have feelings for me. With them so boldly approaching, how could I not notice?

And probably Eve too.

‘…Sorry, but.’

I gazed up at the sky for a moment, and I made a firm resolution.

After this festival, I’m definitely going to tell those three.

That I have someone I like and have no intention of having a romantic relationship with any of them.

As for Rin, while she does pose a threat of rampage, it seems she’s getting the hang of holding it back lately.

“Ha, I miss Eris.”

As I muttered in complaint, I felt a presence behind me right away.

What is it? It was Aldric, a fourth-year senior, along with Seria.

Both looked down at me sitting on the chair, but the atmosphere felt a bit strange.

Aldric had an expression of someone who had heard something they shouldn’t, not knowing where to look, while Seria wore a peculiar smile.


Shouldn’t they be at their drama team meeting by now? Aldric cleared his throat and spoke.

“Daniel, we thought you forgot about today’s meeting, so we came to fetch you.”


So they came to get me.

Even if I were to reject going, I figured there wouldn’t be any good words exchanged. For now, I thought I’d keep my distance from Eve. So I followed the two.

As we walked, Aldric adjusted his glasses and naturally came closer to me.

“Hey, you’re aiming for Seria, right?”


What fresh nonsense is this?

Aldric leaned closer, glancing at Seria in front, and my face scrunched up without me realizing it.

But Aldric, thinking I was trying to hide my embarrassment, patted my shoulder cheerily.

“She’s definitely pretty. Starting with her emerald green hair and eyes, and she’s really kind to everyone.”

“I don’t need a description.”

“I see, you must know everything. But be careful. Since Seria is regarded as the most beautiful girl in the fourth year, she has many rivals, including some very aggressive fans.”

“No, I said I don’t like her.”

“Right, I’ll keep your secret safe. Just be careful. I wouldn’t want to lose a talented junior like you. With Professor Veritio’s connections, we’re bound to succeed. Someday, I want to stand on a professional stage with you.”

This crazy guy, does he even know what “listening to others” means?

I turned my head to check if my ears were functioning properly, and they were indeed wide open.

There were no earwax remnants, keeping them spotless as expected.

“Why on earth do you think I like that senior?”

Now feeling calmer, I asked, and Aldric gave a strange smile.

“I heard you muttering about missing Eris earlier.”

“What does that have to do with…”

I puzzled over his words when a sharp realization struck me.

Seria Deloa, who plays the female lead competing with Rin for Ares, had the name Eris.


I slapped my forehead, swearing to be more cautious with my words today as we arrived at the auditorium where the drama team had gathered.

They were sitting together, piled with food, happily eating.

Rin waved at me with a bright smile, while Mei glared at me as if flames were shooting from her eyes, demanding to know where I had been.

“Alright, let’s head over here.”

Suddenly, Seria grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the fourth years’ seating area.

What the heck is going on? She seated me and began piling food on my plate.

‘What’s wrong with her?’

If she’s heard Aldric, she could easily be mistaken into thinking I liked her.

But it’s strange to become so friendly over such little information.

While we had interacted a fair bit during practice, we weren’t exactly close friends.

And naturally, Rin transformed into a tense expression, glaring at me and Seria, while Mei cursed under her breath, warning me with a “Just you wait.”

“Why are you acting like this?”

I asked, bewildered, and Seria just smiled, theatrically holding out a cookie with a playful “Ahh!”

And along with them, I felt countless piercing gazes.

The jealous stares from fourth-year male students made me anxiously glance across the table, where Ares sat among the girls.

I looked back to see Seria, smiling and offering me a cookie beside me.

Instincts honed over 18 years living with Ares as his childhood friend told me.

‘This is basically girl Ares now?’

An involuntary, unpleasant expression emerged on my face.

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