My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 58

Last day at Yggdrasil.

I was wondering how it could already be the last day, but I feel like I’ve done almost everything I could enjoy in just three days.

“To be honest, it feels like there wasn’t enough to enjoy,” I mumbled while sipping on what they called “dew juice.” Rin and Hayun awkwardly laughed in agreement.

The scenery around was pretty, but I left it mostly untouched, which made it honestly a bit dull.

Isn’t it serious when the only thing to play with is swinging on a tree? But on the bright side, it allowed me to focus solely on training.

Hayun’s swordsmanship from the Eastern Training had roughly grasped the basics, and she’d built a foundation in Elf swordsmanship as well.

I heard that they adapt the Elf swordsmanship to create their own style.

‘The fundamental flow of both sword styles seems similar, so it shouldn’t be bad.’

Maybe it’s because lately, Hayun was often stuck with needles and thread due to living expense shortages, but originally, she was quite talented with a sword.

“Daniel, how about this?”

Hayun offered me a drink with a smile, trying to tickle my taste buds. I nodded while taking a sip.

“What flavor is this? It tastes like something ground from a fir tree.”

“Uh… that’s right.”

“You gave me this junk?”

“I-it’s not that bad, right?”

As I grumbled, Eris continued sipping the drink.

Over the past three days, I can confidently say our relationship with Eris has certainly progressed.

Knowing her tendencies and preferences, I’ve been able to get closer without a hitch, and while it’s my first time sincerely pursuing a relationship, it turned out to be more heartwarming than I thought.



For some reason, Rin kept gazing around with a blank expression.

When we sent Eris off at the Academy, I teased her only because her voice was tinged with melancholy, yet she showed no response at all despite my overt advances toward Eris.

‘Well, I suppose from my perspective, it’s a relief…’

But I felt a bit uneasy and slightly worried.

It’s one thing to have rare odd behavior now and then, but it’s an ominous sign if she maintains this off vibe.

‘I should talk to her about it later.’


The Elf Queen smiled lightly as she watched Eris approach her.

It was the first time she was so excited to discuss another person, especially a man.

“Isn’t it fascinating? Daniel treats me like he’s known me for ages, taking care of all sorts of things.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, he even knows my preferences and has superb manners. I wish there was such a man among our Elves.”

As Eris spoke, blowing at her tea, the Elf Queen probing asked,

“What would you do if he confessed that he wanted to date you?”


Eris wore a face as if she never imagined such a scenario.

She turned her head around awkwardly for a moment, then crossed her arms with a slightly flushed face.

“W-well, that’s not possible! I’m a Guardian! I’m not so easy as to date a guy I’ve met for just a few days!”

“Are you saying the weight of a relationship is determined by how long you’ve known someone? Then surely, Polim’s feelings from a hundred years ago must weigh heavily.”

“……That’s not it.”

Having said that, Eris fell silent once more.

The Queen, wishing to alleviate her unnecessary worries, gently advised the foremost warrior among the Elves.

“Just as you said, he’s a good man. He has a strong belief that’s quite unusual for a human, and he seems to have his own secrets, along with great power… and.”


“He also likes you.”


This time, Eris was even more surprised and got flustered, not knowing where to put her hands.

But the Elf Queen continued with a slight grin on her face.

“Think seriously about it. Human lifespans are short, so while we can’t love for long periods like us, that makes it all the more meaningful.”

Eris stared at the Queen, as if she had some past experience, her mouth agape for a moment before eventually stepping outside.

The sky visible through the enormous gaps in Yggdrasil had gradually darkened.

The faint starlight peeking through the branches calmed her excited heart.

‘Daniel, likes me?’

She had thought he was a good person over the last few days spent together.

Having lived for such a long time, she knew well that there was no one that matched her so well.


The word that seemed totally unrelated to her suddenly struck her, making her heart race as if she needed to act.

A rising feeling of elation.

The sadness that Daniel would leave tomorrow morning.

All these mixed emotions swirled within Eris when the culprit that stirred her heart made his appearance.



Although it wasn’t too late at night, she wondered why he had come to find her at that moment.

Then, words flowed from his mouth that were almost unbelievable.

‘Ah, so it was true.’

She realized that what the Elf Queen said was indeed true.



My face was hot, and my heart raced uncontrollably.

Even though my body was 18, my heart felt like it was 28, trembling over something as simple as a confession.

But just like everyone has their first time, I realized how difficult it could be to express my feelings.


Thinking that, I felt a pang in my heart, knowing how much courage Rin and May, as fellow female students, mustered.

Nevertheless, I confessed to Eris.

Since I had to leave tomorrow, I sought advice on confessing to Hayun and got a surprisingly good vibe in response.

After all, once we part ways, it’s going to take a long time until we meet again.

Rather than stressing over heartache, I decided to just go for a bold confession.

‘P-please give me a moment to think.’

Eris said that and left just like that.

I thought, ‘She’ll give me an answer by tomorrow morning because I need to leave,’ but…

‘Is there a chance here?’

If she didn’t like it, she would’ve rejected me right away!


I closed my eyes and lay down on the bed, hoping tomorrow wouldn’t arrive too soon, but I was too excited to fall asleep.

As I thrashed around, restless with anticipation, I suddenly heard a knock from outside.

Thinking it might be Eris, I jumped up and opened the door.


There stood Rin in pajamas, looking rather strange.

“Daniel, can we talk for a moment?”

I wondered if she had caught wind of my confession, but it seemed not. Instead of that creepy jealousy, I sensed a type of fear?

Feeling that, I silently nodded, grabbing my coat as we headed outside.

At her suggestion to walk a bit, we made our way to the lake.

It wasn’t a long distance, but she seemed to be sorting out her thoughts.

‘It’s chilly.’

Due to the forest, the early morning air was definitely cold.

I carefully draped my coat over Rin, and she jumped a little but thanked me, tightly holding onto it.

‘What’s going on?’

It was surprising to see her so afraid, but we eventually arrived at the lakeside.


I waited silently for her to speak.

Gazing at the lake, Rin let go of my coat and suddenly started unbuttoning her pajama top.

Moonlight shimmering on the still lake.

The coat smoothly slid off.

The beautiful girl with black hair began to unveil her pajamas.

I panicked and tried to stop her, asking what she was doing.


She pulled her sides of the fabric to reveal her chest. It was a daring exposure, but that wasn’t what mattered.

“What’s that?”

A black mark was clearly stamped on her chest, exuding a wicked aura.


Rin looked at me with eyes on the brink of tears, pleading.

“Help me.”

I didn’t know what to say.

But one thing I was certain of was this was the very root of the calamity that would destroy this world.

“Ever since that magical beast appeared at the festival, this mark has shown up. Since then, it’s been hard to control my emotions. I feel like I’m not myself anymore.”


“Daniel, I’m… so scared. I’m so, so scared…”

Tears flowed down her cheeks.

If I just left her here, it felt like her body and mind would truly crumble, so I held her tightly as if to support her.

“It’s okay, you’re you, Rin. You won’t go anywhere. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Daniel, the reason you were avoiding me was because of this, wasn’t it? You knew something was wrong with me. That’s why you acted that way, right?”


Before her pleading gaze, I couldn’t lie.

“What do you know? Shouldn’t I know? Daniel, please. Tell me the truth.”

As I held the weeping girl in my arms, I contemplated briefly.

Would it be okay to tell her the truth?

If I revealed that in the future, she’d bring about the extinction of humanity and kill me, could this girl handle that truth?

No, it was impossible.

Rin wouldn’t be able to handle it.

So, I resolved to mix in a bit of a lie as I spoke.

“Just like Adriana said she could see the future, I too came to know something about the future one day. That you’d go on a rampage and bring about calamity.”


“I can’t tell you the details. But one thing I can promise you, Rin.”

Slowly pulling away from her, I locked eyes with Rin’s reddened gaze.

“I’ll protect you, so don’t worry. I’ll prevent you from becoming a calamity…”


I wondered if my words could offer her solace.

Could I become someone she could feel reassured with above all else?

Concerns filled my heart, but Rin did not voice them.

Instead, she simply nodded, a small smile rising, contradicting her flowing tears.



Just like Daniel, Eris couldn’t sleep through the night, her heart racing.

It was the first time.

Was it the first time she received a confession?

Of course, that wasn’t the case.

Possessing remarkable beauty and character among Elves, she had received countless confessions from countless Elves.

Even from non-Elves as well.

What was truly the first time?

It was the first time a man she held feelings for confessed.

A night of restless anticipation.

Ultimately, Eris rose from her bed, turned on the light, and tidied her hair in front of a mirror.

She was set to head to Daniel’s room.

She promised to give him an answer in the morning, but right now, she desperately wanted to pour out her feelings, so she knocked on his door.

‘Is he asleep this early in the morning?’

Although it was quite late,

As Eris was about to turn back, something felt off, so she turned the doorknob, and the door opened with ease.

‘Seems like he’s not the type to lock his door at night.’

Chuckling softly at discovering another side of him, she cautiously peered into the room but.


It was empty.

Where could he be?

Eris promptly turned around and, with her blue eyes, the blessing of Artemis activated.

Thinking that something might have happened, she began to search for Daniel, eventually finding him near the lake.

With Rin.


Wondering what the situation was, Eris hurried towards them, and as she got closer, her pointed ears caught Daniel’s voice.


She realized she had overheard something she shouldn’t have, but she didn’t backtrack.

Ignoring the pang in her heart, she watched the couple embracing at the lake.

She could only lower her gaze in silence.

She had heard some Elves say such things.

‘First love is always painful.’

Back then, she merely thought it was about heartache, wondering what the big deal was.

But now…

‘It’s more painful than I expected.’

Unable to bear watching any longer, Eris slowly turned away.

She didn’t know what thoughts she should entertain to untangle her complicated feelings, so she gazed at Yggdrasil, seeking answers, but of course, there were none.

In the end, tightening her jaw, Eris walked on.

She kept walking.

Passing her own house, venturing deep into the forest.

“He said he saw the future…”

Eris softly mumbled, reflecting on his words.

If that was true, did he truly know her tastes and tendencies because he witnessed them in the future?

“If that’s the case……”

If that was a reality, Daniel.

In that future, what kind of relationship did we share?

Did I have a chance?

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