My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 2031 - Make the most of water

Chapter 2031: Water Makes The Best

“I remind you that this is the Luo family!”

Faced with Zhuge Wu’s true iron fist, Luo Tiejun was not afraid and shouted in a deep voice.

Zhuge Wu’s face was somber, “Luo Xue is my daughter-in-law who hasn’t crossed the door. I’m close to her…”

“It’s a matter of the future. She didn’t get married in a day. She was surnamed Luo, not Sun!” Luo Tiejun interrupted Zhuge Wuzhen, and his words sounded loudly.

Although the two weren’t injured and only fought for a while, the fighting sound attracted some people.

At this time, Luo Jianshe, Luo Xue’s father Luo Yingcai, Sun Jingwen, Sun Hewu, and the two female soldiers guarding Luo Xue all stood at the door and watched this side.

“What are you doing?” Luo Father Luo Yingcai just looked round, pointing Zhu Zhuwuzhen and Luo Xue to ask.

Under such circumstances, Zhuge Wu really can’t do anything anymore, and he can only let Luo Tiejun go. Just after getting up, pointing at Luo Tiejun, nodding with a smile, the expression seemed to say: You are good, let’s just wait and see!

He looked back at Luo Xue again, reached out and nodded her, “When you marry the Sun’s family, I will teach you how to be a qualified wife…”

After speaking, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Although the elders didn’t know exactly how it went, they could even guess what was going on. Some things are inconvenient, and they all leave each other.

Only Uncle Luo stared at Luo Xue before leaving, and said in a warning tone, “You give me some peace. You and his affairs are determined. No one can change it. You should not have any unrealistic illusions! “

“And you, what trouble? You come out to me!” Uncle Luo yelled at Luo Tiejun, almost to scold.

Luo Tiejun patted Luo Xue’s shoulder, and his face was full of helplessness, “Xiao Xue, what Elder Brother did for you…”

Having finished speaking, he left the room.



Uncle Luo glared at Luo Xue and threw the door out.

“You show me her, you can’t let her out of this room half a step. No one will see her without my orders!”


Outside the door, Uncle Luo confessed the dialogue between the two female soldiers.

Luo Xue was sitting on the bed, clutching her sore neck, and she instinctively thought about her situation.

Now, Mu Fei’s life and death are unknown. Grandpa is unconscious and forced to marry.

What’s more terrible is the person she was forced to marry, or the culprit who killed her lover… If you don’t want to be okay, the more you think, the more difficult Luo Xue is to calm down.

She hates!

She hates the Sun family and hates them so much.

Especially that Zhuge Wuzhen, she wished to kill Zhuge Wuzhen ten times and eight times before she lifted her hatred. She even wondered if Grandpa was seriously ill and would have a relationship with Sun’s family.

She also hates herself and hates herself for being incompetent. If she is capable, how can the Sun family bully people like this?

But what she hated most was her uncle.

Her uncle is an elder, but he has no affection in his eyes. He never regards himself as a loved one, only regards himself as a profitable goods…

Thinking of this, Luo Xue’s gasped tears flowed, and his chest kept rising and falling.

After a while, she was slightly calm.

Despite the strong hatred in her heart, she also knew that at this time, her uncle could not let her run away.

“A Fei…Where are you? I miss you so much…”

“Also, the little girl and the night bee, looking for A Fei… just please you, you must find him…”

Luo Xue thought, you thought quietly…

“Yeah, I can’t contact Sister Luo Xue. Yes, I haven’t been able to contact you all the time. It’s the third day today since she said she went home to see Grandpa…”

“Brother Mu Fei didn’t have any news. Sister Luo Xue couldn’t be reached… I’m so worried…”

The young talented girl talked with Yefeng on the phone and kept vomiting bitterness.

“Okay, I know. You will continue to look over there. I will contact Sister Luo Xue. I will call her later. If not, I will use a hacker program to locate her…”

After a while, the talented girl hung up the phone.

But just when she was going to call Luo Xue, a strange number came in.

“Why, who is this?” The little girl was curious, and she rarely received calls from strangers.

As soon as she answered, a very anxious voice came from a girl, “Hey, is it a young talent?”

“Hey, I… yes, who are you?” She was a little awkward when called by strangers.

“It’s just you, I’m Luo Xue’s cousin Lori. She asked me to tell you that she was under house arrest, and the family forced her to marry Zhuge Wuzhen, and the wedding was on the 18th of this month!” Telling.


The little girl was shocked by the news. She stood up at once, and half of the snacks on the table fell to the ground. In a flash, several thoughts flashed through her mind.

Her first reaction was to instinctively want to rescue Luo Xue-she and Luo Xue had the same sister, Luo Xue was usually like her to her sister. Now Luo Xue is in trouble, and of course the young girl wants to help her.

But then, there was another idea.

‘Wait, if Sister Luo Xue really married Zhuge Wuzhen, wouldn’t the biggest obstacle between herself and Mu Fei go away? Isn’t that…’

Thinking of this, the heart of the little girl jumped…

“No, right, right! Sister Luo Xue is so good to me, I want to do this kind of thing… am I ungrateful? No, I can’t have this kind of thinking, absolutely not!” The little talented girl shook her head and threw her head out.

Immediately afterwards, the young talented girl was embarrassed again, “But if you want to save Sister Luo Xue…how can I save it. Let me make a program on the Internet, and I won’t do anything else…”

“Hey, hello, did you listen to me? What are you talking to yourself, muttering?”

“Hey? Hey! Yes, I’m listening.”

It was only then that Loli awakened the little talented girl from thinking.

“Sister Luo Xue asked me to tell you a few things. First, don’t control her first, you can’t control it either. Save my future brother-in-law first, it’s important to save people…”

“Second, investigate Zhuge Wuzhen. Although she has no specific evidence, she can be sure from Zhuge Wu’s true response that the brother-in-law’s accident has a direct relationship with this bastard!”


Although I guessed it might be the case earlier, but after hearing the exact answer, the young talent still feels ‘hit’.

She clearly felt that a huge stone was pressed on her chest, making her breathless. At the same time, the tears in the beautiful eyes kept flowing.

Even more terrible is that her hatred’s anger is burning, burning more and more, completely burning her reason.


Just hate!

Like Luo Xue’s reaction, the little talented girl felt that she had never hated a person so much since she was small!

She can’t wait for one to go down, and together with Zhuge Wuzhen and their grandchildren, send them to heaven.

Even if he will be tried by the military court, he will not hesitate to burn with them, and he will die together.

Since then, what Loli on the other side of the phone said, the little girl could not hear it.

“Brother Mu Fei, don’t worry, I won’t let them go…”

“Surnamed Sun… Don’t think we are bullying, I’ll never end with you!”

The talented girl sat back in front of the computer and tapped the keyboard quickly.

Her eyes widened and stared closely at the screen, and she did not wipe away the tears that kept flowing, even if her big, thorough eyes were full of blood…


In the uninhabited area of ​​northern Tibet, the sun is shining brightly.

There is only one lone figure in the empty wilderness with nothing in it, walking forward.

He was high and low, and he walked very hard. But in spite of this, his hands still held something tightly like a baby.

A strong wind blew, and his broken clothes and the grass on the ground swayed in the wind, adding a bit of sadness to his already lonely figure.

Needless to say, this is Mu Fei and Xu Xiaomeng.

At this time, it was already the twelfth day of their accident.

These twelve days have experienced more suffering than some people have experienced in their lives.

Unpredictable weather, harsh ground environment, no food and fresh water supply, all kinds of difficulties, all destroy Mu Fei’s nerves all the time.

Indeed, in these twelve days, Mu Fei has almost no delay, and he is advancing as far as possible and going outward.

But he knew that, in fact, he did not go far.

The desert weather is fickle, with strong winds of level five or six, and heavy snow and goose feathers.

Especially at night, it is necessary to dig pits or build igloos to avoid the cold. Otherwise, the temperature of minus ten or twenty degrees outdoors may kill them at any time. Despite the igloo sheltering from the cold and the real Qi body protection, Mu Fei and Xu Xiaomeng can only barely bear it.

These all add suffering to Mu Fei and Xu Xiaomeng.

And these days, the only thing that suits their wishes is that there are only two crows who do not know life and death, and Mu Fei and Xu Xiaomeng, who are asleep, are dead, and want a good Of course, those two crows entered the stomachs of Mu Fei and Xu Xiaomeng… this was the only time they had eaten since this time.

Wind and snow obstruction is the’theme’ of the first seven days of the twelve days. At that time, Mu Fei really hated the bad weather caused by snow and snow.

But until now, Mu Fei did not know that the snowy sky was the grace of God.

Because there is water in the snow, there is at least water to drink in the snow.

This wasteland is a saline land. Although there are occasional small lakes on the ground, they are all saltwater lakes. This kind of water is not drinkable…at least, humans are not drinkable, and if you drink it, you will be poisoned.

So far, Mu Fei and Xu Xiaomeng have been cut off for nearly five days…

Mu Fei’s real energy is only enough to cope with the low temperature at night, and his physical strength is also not supported because of lack of food.

There is no water and no food, the qi is exhausted, and the physical strength is not fast… the real bombs are full of food!

No, to be precise, it should be that water and food are the only right…

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