My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 2061 - Punish several crimes

, Update the latest chapter of my future girlfriend as soon as possible!

Chapter 2061 Counting Crimes And Punishing

“This is also normal. What level of leadership is Chief Long? He is dealing with national affairs! The petty things of kittens and puppies also annoy him, and it is strange to take care of them!”

“That’s right, young people now feel too good about themselves! Don’t look at what they are!”


Those people laughed, Mu Fei ignored those people, they still come.

“This gang is silly…”

Mu Fei clicked on the mobile phone while cursing, “Speaking of the heads-up, what fun are you guys coming out with? What’s the problem with you? See you for a while…”

“The lying trough, not only came out to make trouble, but also dared to scold people? See if I don’t scold you, you gang wow wow wow…”

Mu Fei scolded the phone.

Although he did not show mercy, he didn’t take his ancestors’ family, and it wasn’t like spraying, but it was also unobstructed.

And how can those people not know that Mu Fei is scolding them?


They instantly blushed with angry old faces.

I have to say, they played with Mu Fei and they scolded them, they found the wrong person!

They are really accustomed to being tall, thinking that everyone is as gentle as they are and hurting others. Sorry, Mu Fei is much more direct than them!

Moreover, Mu Fei doesn’t have any identity, and he dares not scold, but can they put down their identity and scold Mu Fei? Do they dare?

It was exactly this, they were choked by Mu Fei, but there was no way-they could not scold Mu Fei, but could not dare to hold hands, all kinds of suffocation.

Sun Hewu knew that those people were talking for themselves. Now that they are being abused, they can no longer ignore them.

“Curse it, you will feel better in your mouth…”

Sun Hewu looked at Mu Fei with a sneer, “Because you scold, you can’t change reality!”

“Yes, now, at least you still have the energy to scold, and I’m afraid you won’t be able to scold it for a while!”

Sun Jingwen’s face was as cold as ice. Looking at his eyes, he seemed to swallow Mu Feisheng, “You have **** luck and can escape… But do you think you’re okay when you come out? You hurt me really go to jail, this I can’t count on you, you’re even on that dead girl!!”

“Don’t she like you very much? Then let her pay the debts for you! Let me see how she reacts and regrets when she is going to die for you, what kind of expression do you have… ha ha, Hahaha…” He said, actually smiling, even a little madness flashed in his eyes.

Understandably, he thinks that Mu Fei killed his son as a prisoner. He naturally hated Mu Fei.

But as soon as he said this, Mu Fei finally showed a little anger-saying he didn’t matter, but the little girl did so much for him, saying that he couldn’t bear it.

And just as Mu Fei was about to fight back, another door of the courtroom opened, and many soldiers in military uniforms and holding paper materials quickly stepped forward.

Mu Fei recognized them, these are the judges of the military court. Obviously, this court is about to open.

“I’ll give you back your words… I hope you can smile a while later.” Mu Fei said with a sullen face, pointing at the two of the Sun family.


Sun Jingwen snorted and turned away.

Unlike external courts, there are not so many ‘debate’ links in this military court. As long as the evidence is conclusive, the outcome of the sentence is almost always determined before. This is the case, the entire judgment process is exceptionally fast.

The little girl was brought up first. After passing the evidence, the judge asked the little girl if she denied the crime.

After the noble girl nodded and admitted, the Chief Judge directly pronounced the result, “Xu Mengmeng’s behavior, the facts are clear, the crimes are conclusive, and according to Article …… of the Military Law, Article… of the Cyber ​​Security Law, and other relevant laws and regulations, the sentence is as follows… …”

[PS: Everything about “Green Law” here is purely fictional. Just look at the meaning, please don’t delve into it. All knowledgeable bookmates, please raise your hand. 】

“Hehe…” Sun Jingwen looked at Mu Fei head-on, sneering.

Although Sun Hewu didn’t speak, they also had similar eyes—their expressions seemed to be saying, wait, the good drama came.

“Xu Mengmeng, the crime of infringing citizens’ personal information, the leaking of state secrets, the crime of abusing power, punishable by three crimes, sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, fifteen years!” the judge pronounced.


Hearing this, the Sun family immediately raised an eyebrow.

In fact, when they listened to the content of the sentence just now, they were not quite right-this is different from their previous estimates. These crimes are obviously lighter, which is not enough to kill the talented girl!

Moreover, according to their ideas, even if the young talented girl is not dead this time, at least for an indefinite period or two or thirty years, how can he be sentenced so lightly?

Now, they just feel weird. But the judge’s subsequent words surprised and disappointed them.

“However, Xu Mengmeng, as an elite and scientific research talent in the Beidu Military Region and the Special Numbered Action Group, has great potential and is extremely difficult to cultivate. After meeting and deliberation at the upper level of the military headquarters, he decided to take this case, special–>>, update the latest chapter of my future girlfriend as soon as possible!

Special handling in special cases. The processing results are as follows…”

“First, in view of Xu Mengmeng’s great contributions to the country and the military department in the scientific research work, he was given a commutation of ten years.”

“Second, at this stage, China’s satellite technology and the network offensive and defensive wars between countries are becoming more important. Xu Mengmeng’s expertise should be able to make more contributions to this. Therefore, Xu Mengmeng is specifically approved Serving outside the prison, I hope that he can work hard, live up to the high expectations of the country and the military, make greater contributions, and condemn the crime…”

The judge finished reading and closed the document.

Hearing the verdict, the little girl’s eyes were bright, and there was a little sparkling in her eyes, ‘Brother Mu Fei…… Sure enough! ’

At this time, Mu Fei also looked at her and smiled. Seeing her coming, she reached out and compared her with an ‘Ok’, ‘Finish’ gesture.

And the young talented girl actually secretly compared Mu Fei to Mu Fei with her hands in shackles-okay, it’s the nature of all girls to look cute.

The two soldiers walked away with the talented girl, and Mu Fei pointed out the door again, mouthing, ‘See you later! ’

The little girl nodded and was taken out of the court.

At this time, Mu Fei and the young talented girl were at ease and at ease. Looking at Sun’s family again, his face is not pretty.

When the judge finished reading the first, the Sun family’s eyes widened, and it felt bad. After reading all these two, the Sun family was puzzled.

In order to retaliate Mu Fei, the operation of this matter, but seriously paid a price… But how could the result be like this?

Having said that, the Sun family was surprised, but not stupid. They looked around and there was no expression of surprise or surprise on Mu Fei’s face. How could they not know that today’s trial Mu Fei already knew in advance…No, it should be said that this is what Mu Fei did! !

“Fourth son, didn’t you say Mu Fei ate the soup behind closed doors?” Sun Jingwen’s eyebrows twitched and he approached Sun Hewu.

Sun Hewu was also very surprised, “Yes, when I went to see Lao Long, I just came across him. At that time, his face was like that of his dead family… Who can have that expression?”

The two are talking about this, Mu Fei just turned his head to look.

“Shit luck!” Sun Jingwen scolded bitterly.

Mu Fei still didn’t speak, but raised his lips slightly and smiled slightly. It was this smile that made Sun Jingwen suddenly feel ominous.

Again, this military court is much faster than the court court outside. After a few minutes of work, the matter of the little talented girl was over, and the two soldiers brought Zhuge Wuzhen in.

I have to say that Zhuge Wu really had a good skin-although he was wearing a prison uniform at this time, he was not embarrassed. On the contrary, he was still handsome. Just like the fashion male model walking on the stage.

It’s just that when he saw Mu Fei sitting below, if there was a seemingly absent smile, he instantly solidified. It was replaced by a cold face, and a killer flashed in his eyes.

But Mu Fei was even happier when he saw him-yes, it would make Zhuge Wu really plug, Mu Fei was happy! Let the enemy block… this kind of thing Mu Fei is quite willing to do.

Sun Jingwen and the two saw Mu Fei fortunately, and they stared at it wickedly.

In the end, the Chief Judge announced to start processing Zhuge Wuzhen’s case, only to attract everyone’s attention to the past.

At this time, Sun Jingwen, Sun Fangwu, and Zhuge Wu were all calm and comfortable, but with the submission of evidence and the statement of the case, the eyes of these people gradually widened, and their backs were straight, and the whole person gradually Nervous-they can’t be uneasy because the evidence and the case are not the same as what they had discussed before!

Moreover, the factual nature of those evidences is much more serious than they expected! !

Upon reviewing the evidence, the statement of the case, and the like, the judge pronounced the result, “Zhu Gewu’s real behavior, the facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, and the behavior is extremely bad. XX and other relevant laws and regulations will be sentenced as follows…”

“Zhuge Wuzhen, the crime of homicide, the crime of leaking state secrets, and the crime of abuse of power, punish multiple crimes, sentenced to… the death penalty! Immediate execution!” The judge pronounced.

[Re-PS: The above charges are fictitious, you readers will understand it, no need to delve into it. 】

At this time, all the Sun family factions were dumbfounded.


“How could this be!”

Sun Jingwen and Sun Hewu stood up in shock. They stared at the boss, and they were totally unacceptable.

Not only them, Zhuge Wuzhen, who has always been calm, was also surprised. Slowly, bloodshot eyes appeared in his wide eyes-he finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

“Judge, we have objections to the trial result!” Sun Hewu raised his hand without hesitation and said aloud.

The judge raised his eyes and said blankly, “You can apply for a retrial!”

“Don’t accept! I don’t accept!”

Sun Hewu is still negotiating, but Sun Jingwen heard his son was sentenced to death, he has been messed up, “Judge, my son’s crime is not so serious, this sentence is too heavy!”


The judge struck the hammer twice, but Sun Jingwen was still shouting, “I don’t agree! I want to appeal!”

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