My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 2079 - Old things

2079 &nbp; Old things

“Dad, the soldiers of the army condolences the anti-island veterans, come to see you…

She shouted to the back room and pointed to the sofa next to him. “You sit and wait for him. He waters the flowers and comes right away.”

Without much effort, a little old man with a flower mirror came out.

Needless to say, this is Mr. Pan. And his condition is really good. Although he is in his eighties, he looks pretty tough.

“This is not a holiday, nor is it a commemorative day, you are…” Mr. Pan looked at the two with some doubts.

“Pan Lao, don’t hide it, condolences are only second. Actually we came for the task… We want to know with you about Liu Wangnian.” Xiao Wu said.

Now, Mu Fei knows why leaders like to bring a secretary and follow-up-there is a person who can handle things around, which is really too worry-free.

When the old man heard Liu Wangnian’s name, his expression changed slightly.

“How? Old Pan… is there any inconvenience?” Xiao Wu asked.

“Oh, don’t think too much, it’s nothing. It’s just that many people asked me about Commander Han before. If you asked Liu Staff like you, it was the first one…”

The old man smiled and pushed the mirror upward, “OK, let’s talk, what do you want to know.”

“All.” Xiao Wu replied.

At this time, the woman just brought a few cups of tea.

“Okay, then I will tell you from the beginning. This Liu staff…but a magical man…”

Mr. Pan picked up the tea cup and looked out the window, as if recalling, “I was under eighteen that year, and since the team opened, I followed Commander Han and Staff Liu. We were in a village at the time, and we were very familiar with each other. Acquaintance. The devil came over and burned and looted. We couldn’t live anymore and had to fight back…”

“At that time, it wasn’t Han Commander, but his father. Both of their grandfathers were born in martial arts. They were strong and able to fight. With their plum blossom darts, they would be able to shoot wherever they were. Both are enthusiastic and affectionate, and the people in the village are convinced. And Staff Liu is the only gentleman in the village. He has the knowledge and understanding, and the people in the village admire… when the team opened, it was their heads!”

“In the beginning, it was really smooth, but the good times didn’t last long. The commander Han Commander’s dad was hit by stray bullets and unfortunately died. At that time, some people wanted to push Liu staff to pick up the beam, but Liu staff said that he was not in good health, and would not Kung Fu couldn’t go to the battlefield with everyone, so he gave this banner to Commander Han…”

“Is Liu Wangnian really sick?” Mu Fei interrupted and asked.

The old man nodded, “Yes, before getting the disease, Liu’s staff was really not in good health.”

“It’s not good before getting sick?” Mu Fei was even more confused now. Normally, it’s not just getting worse after getting sick. Is this justified?

“Young man, don’t worry, listen to me…”

The old man waved his hand, beckoning Mu Fei, and continued to tell, “At that time, Commander Han was only eighteen or nineteen years old, what can he know? And Liu Staff, at that time, was in his thirties. What happened after that? It was Liu Staff who made the decision, and Commander Han was only responsible for leading the soldiers to fight and taking the brothers to charge…”

“At the beginning, the islanders didn’t notice us. Liu’s staff judged accurately. Commander Han was also a newborn calf. He didn’t fear the tiger. He dared to fight and dare to fight. We really got the results. Not to mention invincible. As soon as a little name was played, more people came to join the team, and the team grew quickly…”

“At this time, the victory stunned our minds, and we patronized our happiness, but we didn’t notice that the little devil had stared at us. At that time, the little devil sent a company of regular troops and set a trap to ambush us. Although we had five hundred There are many people, but there are only more than 70 guns, and the little devils are fully equipped. Our

Armament and combat quality are comprehensively backward. If ambushed, we have no chance…”

“Fortunately, Staff Liu responded in time, just before we entered the trap of the little devil, and led everyone to retreat. But in this way, the little devil was caught up from behind and killed more than one hundred brothers…”

“The following period was the most difficult time for us. The little devil searched around to wipe us out. And we are not opponents at all. The scared Dong hides in Tibet and dares not show up at all. , Brothers were found, killed one by one…”

“As the saying goes, the house leaks in the middle of the night rain, and at this juncture, Liu Staff is suddenly sick, and he can’t afford to be sick. The team has no heart, and it’s a mess…”

“I can’t quite remember how long it has been hidden and how many people have been killed. Just when the number of the entire team, even less than half of the previous ones, we are in greater danger… They were surrounded by hills, with no food and no bullets. They did not go out and starved to death. They could not fight even when they went out. They were still dead…”

I have to say that this personal experience is different.

Now listening to this old man, Mu Fei and Xiao Wu have a feeling of being on the scene.

“Isn’t that mortal?” Mu Fei asked casually.

Master Pan smiled, pointing to Mu Fei, “I thought so at the time, thinking I was dead, but at this time a magical thing happened-Liu’s illness was actually cured without treatment.”

“Heal without cure?”

“Yes, there was no medicine for him at that time, and he was fine. And he did something that I still can’t think of… he went alone to meet the islanders.”

“We all think he is self-sufficient, a dead end, and some people even suspect that he will surrender… In short, he just thinks he can’t come back. But no one thought that he would not only come back in less than an hour, and he When I came back, there was a problem inside the team of the little devils, there was internal fighting, and the casualties were heavy…”

“Such a good opportunity, we will not let it go. Under the command of Staff Liu, we swarmed up and wiped those little devils together. In that battle, we won a great victory, and we paid nearly a hundred for the three or eight major battles. …”

Speaking of excitement, Mr. Pan even talked with gestures, and looked up and down.

But Mu Fei frowned, very doubtful.

Because the island soldiers in history are not as mentally handicapped as the anti-island drama. On the contrary, they are not only well-equipped, well-trained, but also very disciplined.

Infighting? Still dead and injured? Will this really happen to the regular army?

He looked up at Old Man Pan, and this old man naturally had no reason to deceive him… but this thing was really a bit unreasonable.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it? What’s even more amazing is coming?”

Grandfather Pan looked at Mu Fei and smiled, “Our team has become more famous after this battle. But at the same time, it also completely angered the islanders. Afterwards, the islanders actually sent three companies to block the three Dao, we’re going to blow us all!”

“Our combat strength at that time… let alone three companies, one could not even beat it! At this time, another magical thing happened-Staff Liu went to see the islanders alone…”

“And when he came back, the army of the island country was the same as the previous one, and there was internal fighting. It was exactly this way. Not only did we escape the blockade of the little devils, but we also destroyed them one company later. We asked What’s the matter with Liu Staff, but he smiles without saying…”


Hearing this, Mu Fei had a big eye and clenched his fists at the same time-figured it out, he figured it out.

If the previous time was just a coincidence, then similar things happened one after another, it is definitely not a coincidence!

You know, Liu Changsheng’s ability is to interfere with his opponent’s thinking! Let the other party do what they want.

If Liu Wangnian was Liu Changsheng, as long as he used the excuse of surrender to see the boss of the little devil, he would hypnotize the other party…these two magical battles can be explained!

There is also the inexplicable illness before, which can’t be cured for a long time, and heals without cure…Where is the disease? This is simply the normal reaction of the psychic awakening or advanced!

Do not want to be okay, the more you think, Mu Feiyue affirmed his guess-this Liu Wangnian is Liu Changsheng no doubt!

Of course, to determine this, there are still three questions without answers.

First, if the two are really the same person, then he must be over 115 this year… How did he live for so long?

Second, according to his ability, it is not impossible to get a founding general, why did he not do it?

Third, Liu Changsheng mixed with the military and also contacted Anka. What was his purpose?

These problems made Mu Fei a little distracted, he could not understand.

After he reacted, he didn’t know where Mr. Pan said, “Our team is getting bigger and bigger, the equipment is getting better and better, and Commander Han is becoming more and more mature. I remember clearly that we just keep playing devil Until 1944, the Battle of Straight Bridge in 1944…”

“In that battle, Commander Han and Staff Liu attacked Omi occupied by the devil in two Commander Han had a large target and attacked head-on. Staff General Liu led the martial arts and made a surprise attack around the city. Hard fight, not easy to fight. Although we won in the end, but we have died a lot of brothers, and Staff Liu never appeared again…that was the last time I saw him.” Mr. Pan said.

“Liu Wangnian… sacrificed?” Mu Fei asked.

“do not know……”

Mr. Pan glanced at Mu Fei, but shook his head. “After the war, we also went back to collect corpses for the brothers who died in the war. Most of the brothers’ bodies were found, but they did not find Liu Staff. Ask the surviving brothers. , Neither of them saw…”

“If he didn’t die, what happened to Liu Wangnian’s martyr monument in Nanshan Cemetery in Nawu City?” Xiao Wu interjected and asked.

“Well? That was after the little devil surrendered. The country wanted to build a monument to the martyrs who made outstanding contributions in the war. Commander Han felt that his achievements were entirely due to Liu’s staff. He raised the name of Liu’s staff. …”

After finishing talking, Mr. Pan stood up and gently tapped on his lower limbs, “I can think about Liu’s staff… I don’t know if it’s enough. If you still have questions, just ask.”

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