My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 2094 - Defective products

Chapter 2094 Defective Products

“No! I can’t hand them over to you!” Mu Fei reached out and blocked-he naturally knew that this future man said it was reasonable, but Xu Xiaomeng had become his most important person for so long.

How could he hand Xu Xiaomeng out of Professor Cheng’s simple words?

In addition, he also remembered one thing, that is Liu Mang’s divination.

Previously, Liu Mang gave him a gossip, saying that he will be separated for a long time, and it will be hundreds of years.

At that time, Mu Fei only thought that the goods were nonsense, but now it seems… he really is not kidding! ! Now, really go to the direction of his divination!

Indeed, according to the divination, Mu Fei and Xu Xiaomeng should have a reunion day, but Mu Fei still can’t accept it-a hundred years apart? At that time, he died early! Is it impossible to meet each other in heaven?

Although there is no time to think about it now, Mu Fei knows that it is absolutely impossible for these people to take Xu Xiaomeng away.

Just thinking of it, he would never let it go!

Professor Cheng was expressionless, “Please don’t block our recycling work.”


Mu Fei still refused to let go, but he noticed something, “What do you mean by recycling?”

“Of course, it is to extract the core components, decompose and rebuild them, and reuse them again. The other… destroy!” Cheng said.


Hearing these two words, Mu Fei jumped.

Look at the flowers that Xu Xiaomeng and Elizabeth have been scared, and they cried.

“Brother, Xiaomeng is afraid! Xiaomeng will not be separated from you, wow wow…”

“I’ve only become a “human girl” in less than three months… I don’t want to be destroyed, woo…”

They cried while struggling with the mask—the mask couldn’t escape even Neptune, let alone them?

And Mu Fei knew that they were dead after being’recycled’, and naturally they would not let it go.

He opened his arms and blocked Xu Xiaomeng from behind Elizabeth, “I will never hand them over!”

“Sorry, you have no right to stop us.”

I saw that the female future person said, a group of slender hands, the eyeball-shaped metal ball behind her flew to the front, stretched out a light cable, and entangled the mask that locked Xu Xiaomeng’s second daughter.

Immediately afterwards, they dragged them and flew towards the aircraft.

“Brother! Brother!”

“Master, save me… Master!”

The second woman’s tears fell like rain, and her hands smashed the mask hard.

I don’t know whose nails were cracked. The mask, the two female arms and sleeves were covered with blood.

“Not allowed to go!”

Mu Fei grabbed the light cable and wanted to take them back. But how could his strength be that big metal ball?

Letting Mu Fei bite the silver teeth and use his energy to feed the baby did nothing. Not only did he fail to stop, he was all dragged off the ground.

Mu Fei worked harder, his mouth suddenly sweet-because he bit too hard, he cut his lips with his teeth. His grinning teeth and blood stains on his mouth made him look embarrassed.

Mu Fei was so desperate that he directly pulled his gun and pulled the trigger according to the metal eyeball. “I told you to fly! Laozi fell on you!”


The gun sounded, but Mu Fei imagined that the direct explosion of the “eyeball” did not happen.

It was just shocked to withdraw a few meters, even with it, the second daughter Xu Xiaomeng in the mask was also shocked.

Mu Fei was flustered, and then he gritted his teeth and ruthlessly, actually pointed the gun directly at Professor Cheng Cheng.

“Let Xiaomeng! Let them go!” Mu Fei shouted.

But Professor Cheng Cheng didn’t change his face at all, “Dare you point a gun at me? Are you afraid that we will kill you too?”

“Don’t hurt my brother!”


Upon hearing this, Xu Xiaomeng’s face changed again, and they shouted silently.

“Don’t threaten me, it’s useless!” Mu Fei hissed and roared.


At that moment, the leading man in black scolded.

Mu Fei was scolded by him, and when he reacted, he laughed. It’s just his smile, his mouth full of blood, but it looks a bit terrible, “You think I am coveting those materials of future technology?”

“Isn’t it?”

“Bah! The information is, in my opinion, a fart! I want them! It’s them!”

Mu Fei reached out and pointed to Xu Xiaomeng and Elizabeth. “They are my most important people. For whatever reason, whoever dares to take them away, I will kill them!”


“Master… woo…”

Looking at Xu Xiaomeng and Elizabeth, they bit their lower lip tightly, their tears flowed down, and their faces were filled with emotion.

Especially for Elizabeth, she always believed that she had no body importance in Mu Fei’s mind. But now, when she heard this sentence, she was contented instantly!

It’s just that Professor Cheng saw Mu Fei’s fate, and his eyes showed a rare suspicion, “They are just a clone of life, and they are still disabled products. As for you to do this step? For them, do not hesitate to use your life to take risks ?”

“What? Inferior goods?”

Mu Fei was suddenly unhappy. He, who was originally angry, raised his eyebrows higher.

“Isn’t it? She is the first-generation partner produced by our company. Although they are capable of basic companionship, their shortcomings are everywhere…”

“First, they have problems with their IQ, and often cannot understand their master’s orders, make mistakes, do stupid things, and cause trouble.”

“Second, the functions are too simple. They can only handle the most basic housework and data management. In addition, they can’t do any work, even the most basic driving vehicles.”

“Third, I have almost no learning ability, so I can play simple games. I can’t learn something more complicated…”

“Fourth, they are too self-conscious and often ignore their master’s orders…”

“Actually speaking, there are many more… But on the basis of these, her generation of partners are not qualified, they are all defective products!”

Professor Cheng said that he had a slight meal here, and he extended his finger to the female future person beside him. “May I show you that this is the fourth generation partner, the latest product produced by our company. The first generation can do it, she Can do it. She can do it without the first generation. Just say the three most important points…”

“First of all, her body is much stronger than the first-generation products. She can complete any manual work in daily work. At the same time, she can also act as a bodyguard…

“Second, she has more learning functions, and with this function, plus the first one, she will be able to do more than 78% of the work in the world. As long as it is not a creative job, as long as you are willing to teach She, she can learn…”

“The most important point is that she can obey the master’s order completely. Even if your order is difficult and unreasonable…”

Professor Cheng Cheng said, turning his head to look at the female futurist who had previously held the instrument, “twisted his arm.”


The woman’s future face is constant, her right hand clenches her left arm, and she suddenly exerts force.


The sound of infiltrating bone cracking sounded, and the female future man’s left arm was almost twisted into twist.

Almost instantly, cold sweat oozed from her face and neck. Her body trembled with pain, but she forcibly endured it.

At this scene, Mu Fei looked dumbfounded. As for Xu Xiaomeng and Elizabeth, they covered their eyes in fear.

In contrast, the female future master, Professor Cheng, was expressionless.

Looking at him, it seemed that the injured person was not a person, not even a life…just an insignificant object.

“Okay, treat it.” Professor Cheng ordered again.

“Thanks, thank you master…”

The female futurist responded, quickly rolled up her sleeves, reset her bones, and wore bandages.

“Did you see it? Not only can any job be competent, but also completely obey the master’s orders, this is the perfect product.” Cheng said.

“Perfect product? Perfect…hahaha…hahahaha…”

But Mu Fei seemed to hear the laughest joke in the world, laughed in the sky, and then moved forward and back together.

“What are you laughing? Is there a problem?” Professor Cheng asked.

“Laughing? I laugh at you silly!”

Mu Fei pointedly pointed out at Professor Cheng, “I ask you, what is the main purpose of your production of this product?”

Professor Cheng thought without hesitation, “Of course accompanied.”

“Yes, whether he is a partner or a companion…Since I want to be with someone, first of all, someone who can do this must be a “person”!”

“And since she is a person, she will have strengths, weaknesses, memories, feelings, self-consciousness…this is a person!”

At this point, Mu Fei pointed at Xu Xiaomeng, “My Xiaomeng is stupid, but what about that? She has thoughts and feelings. She will be with you when you are happy, and she will comfort you when you are lost. I coax you to be happy. Whether you are poor or wealthy, or suffering from health, she will always be with you…”

“Yes, I picked her up from the first I knew she was not a normal human girl, but what about that? I don’t care where she is, no matter where she comes from. . I only know that when I was in the most difficult and low point of life, she was with me, she played with me, cried with me, laughed with me, comforted me, encouraged me. I still used her A heartless smirk that infects me…”

“In my opinion, she is not a partner, nor a product. She is a living person! It is my most important and most precious sister!”

After that, he extended his hand to the fourth-generation partner who broke his arm. “And your so-called perfect product is, in my opinion, just a machine, a puppet, a job that can understand people’s words! She doesn’t even have feelings, so she can’t be called a human at all!!”

Mu Feiyue said, the voice was louder.

“Brother, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorexietyXiao Xiaomeng was crying and wiped his nose on Elizabeth.

And Professor Nacheng has been expressionless, but at this moment, he was a little bit stunned.

He seemed to be moved by Mu Fei. He looked at Xu Xiaomeng, who was crying all the time, and then looked at himself, as if the “perfect product” without any emotion was thinking…

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