My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 39 - Principal compromise

Chapter 39 Principal’s Compromise

“If you have to expel Mu Fei, then find another math teacher.” Liu Keqi said no more to see Wu Wenquan, waiting for his decision.

As soon as she spoke, several people were stupid at the scene. No one thought that Liu Keqi actually used his teaching career to protect Mu Fei. She is almost fifty years old. Because of the many years of worrying about her, although her body is not seriously ill, it is not healthy, and it is a kind of overwork. If there is no accident, Mu Fei’s third year of high school will be the last graduate brought by teacher Liu Keqi, and he will not serve as the class teacher in the future.

However, Mu Fei felt that Teacher Liu Keqi really liked these children. Unlike other teachers, he only liked students with good grades, but he ignored the poor students.

She treats all students equally, whether you are good or bad, naughty or well-behaved, even if you are a poor student, Liu Keqi will never look down on him. Instead, she will use more energy to care, take care of him, and teach him to learn. , Teach him to live, teach them to be human.

It can be said that Teacher Liu Keqi spent more time on these “poor students” than he spent on those good students. She was like a stream flowing in the wilderness in the hearts of the students in the third grade of high school. Using her own life to irrigate the dry heart fields of these “poor students”, it was called how they could not be moved.

The irony is that such an old teacher who devoted his whole life to students and dedicated to education, did not even have the title of an excellent teacher. What kind of age is this?

Seeing that Teacher Liu Keqi actually bet on the teacher’s career for his own sake, although Mu Fei knew that the principal would never dismiss Teacher Liu Keqi for his own affairs, but his heart was still full of sourness, and tears circulated in his eyes, It seemed that weeping soon.

Wu Wenquan watched Liu Keqi’s face change slightly, but finally smiled.

Wu Wenquan was finally relieved that Mu Fei did not leave school. He saw that Liu Keqi was definitely not kidding. There is still half a year to take the college entrance examination. If you change the class teacher at this time, the students will have a feeling of not having a low heart, and their grades will be affected. This is a very terrible thing. ‘S on-the-spot coaching is similar.

As a principal, Wu Wenquan’s grades in the college entrance examination are a direct reflection of his ability to work. If he offends Liu Keqi because of Mu Fei and thus affects the grade three of the whole school, it is tantamount to throwing a stone at his own foot This kind of stupid thing, he naturally would not do it.

But he remembered that hating Liu Keqi was certain. When the two of them left the office of the teaching office, Wu Wenquan’s extremely dissatisfied look at Liu Keqi had already clearly explained everything.

Liu Keqi didn’t say anything to blame. She just patted Mu Fei’s shoulder and left him a sentence, “Try hard not to let those people look at you and don’t let me down.”

Mu Fei looked at Liu Keqi’s back with a throbbing heart. He was just one of the most ordinary students. Teacher Liu had offended the principal and director. This kindness-it was too heavy.

When Mu Fei returned to the class, the teacher in the class had already started to lecture, and when Mu Fei knocked on the door and entered the room, the eyes of the classmates suddenly fell on Mu Fei.

When Li Chaonan and Gao Yuan saw Mu Fei coming back, they finally felt relieved. Lin Ruoyi was even more exaggerated than the other two. After she was greatly relieved, the whole person was lying on the table softly like a gas balloon. Can’t get up.

Mu Fei was also stunned by their various eyes, and there was silence in the class, then no one knew how to take a picture, and then more and more palms were taken, and thunderous applause could be heard all over the floor. It is no exaggeration to describe the current situation with applause.

Now more than the first grade of the third grade, all the students in the school know that there is a guy named Mu Fei. In order to save his classmates and brothers, he rushes into the bad students of the foreign school. Not only does he have nothing, but instead will Dozens of gangsters ran away, and this **** was a hero in the novel. It can be said that most boys in the third grade class are now proud of Mu Fei.

When Mu Fei returned to the class, they all gave Mu Fei warm applause. At this time, Mu Fei realized that although he was stupid, he was at least wrong. At least the students supported him.

Finally, the teacher interrupted the continuous applause. “Although I can understand the excitement of the classmates, if I can divide these applauses into half, I think I will be happier.”

Then the students in the class made another laugh.

Mu Fei returned to his seat and gave Li Chaonan and Gao Yuan their peace of mind. Before they sat down, the female student in the front seat sent a note. She also watched Mu Fei cover her mouth and laughed.

“??? Director Yu didn’t embarrass you?” Mu Fei looked at her suspiciously, opened the note, and a line of beautiful fonts jumped out. The word he knew was from Lin Ruoyi, and it is worth mentioning that the front Two words were crossed out after being written, as if it was written “A Fei”?

She called me A Fei? When did we get so familiar?

However, Mu Fei did not take this matter to heart, and wrote a pen on the note.

“Older than the head, and the old demon Wang are not good things. They were almost expelled from them. I am fine, but Teacher Liu offended the director and the principal in order to protect me.”

The note came back shortly after it was passed. This time it was obviously written in a hurry, and the handwriting was much more connected than before.

“Gosh, how come they are so excessive, you won’t be fired?”

Mu Fei froze at the note, “No, Mr. Liu has helped me to smooth it out, as long as I guarantee that I will not fight again before graduation.”

After a while, Lin Ruoyi’s note came back.

“Mu Fei, I know you are worried about your friends, but can you please promise me, don’t be impulsive to do things in the future…”

In the latter part of this line of words, followed by a line of extremely small words, if Mu Fei’s eyesight is amazing, he must not be able to see clearly what it was written, but when Mu Fei saw this, he was shocked. “…I am worried about you.”

She… worried about me?

Mu Fei looked up suspiciously, Lin Ruoyi looked back with a red face. She touched Mu Fei’s eyes and hurriedly turned her head back, but Mu Fei clearly saw her neck ashamed red, And she looked into her own eyes just now. It was not the same as before. There were obviously some changes. As for the specific changes, he couldn’t say clearly.

Mu Fei suddenly remembered what Li Ling had said to herself before, “Ruoyi cares about you…”

Lin Ruoyi cares about me? Does…she…like me?

Lin Ruoyi made Mu Fei think so, but then he hurriedly denied his ideas.

No, it’s impossible, it must be wrong. Her kind of arrogant girl would never look at me as a foolish man. Even if the vision is bad, there are so many suitors who are stronger than me. It must be wrong. Too.

“Thank you for your concern, I will pay attention to it in the future. If you affect your grades, then I will be a sinner, haha.” Mu Fei finished writing and painted a smiling face behind the note .

After the note came out, Mu Fei couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. Just when he thought that Lin Ruoyi might like himself, he suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart, why he couldn’t even think about it.

After school, Mu Fei and Li Chaonan, Gao Yuan and others went to Li Zongwei’s house. The kid was not seriously injured. Mu Fei and his gang were sitting and watching TV. According to him, it takes less than two or three days to start classes, which really relieved Mu Fei.

Later, Mu Fei, who planned to go home to accompany Xu Xiaomeng, did not quite meet the warm invitation of Li Chaonan and others, and he dragged him to a barbecue stall.

“Feige!!” Li Chaonan. Donggua and several of his little brothers stood up and held up a glass of wine to Mu Fei.

This made Mu Fei cry and laugh. He didn’t want to use the scene in the morning, and finally he came back. It was not difficult for him to have a drink, but why did he have to call him Fei Ge? The whole thing is with the underworld.

“How many of you? It’s just this one in the morning, but it didn’t finish in the morning, and the sequel in the evening?”

Mu Fei said with a smile, but still raised his cup.

“Li Chaonan and I don’t know each other if we don’t know each other. Although my classmates have graduated for three years, this is really a friend. In the future, our brothers should be here, but you guys don’t call it, I can accept it. I’m sorry.”

Mu Fei said to raise a glass to drink, but was stopped by Li Chaonan.

“Brother Fei, don’t say that. If it wasn’t for your help yesterday, melon and me, the monkey might not be what they were transformed by them. I know that you are a real person and have enough meaning for your brother, whether you help me or not Fortunately, for my friends and brothers, I will serve you, and I will never be wronged if I call you Fei. Although I often do some **** things, I think I am also a real person. I don’t care, Fei Ge. Anyway, I just called it. In the future, it’s Li Zhaonan’s business.” Li Chaonan said, knocking the glass on the plate and raising it.

The couple of melons and monkeys were not hypocritical, and they all drank.

Everything is like this, Mu Fei might say something, and he can see that Li Chaonan’s words are really sincere. He just toasted and wanted to drink, but he was stopped again.

“Brother Fei, don’t drink it until I finish talking.” Li Chaonan filled himself with a glass and lifted towards Mu Fei. “Feige, when I was in the first and second year of high school, I was very polite to you, but you can’t Blame me. I didn’t know you back then, who knew how good or bad you are, right? This second glass of wine pays for my disrespect for you before.”

Li Chaonan raised his neck again and drank it, and then filled another glass, “Feige, this third cup is to make you guilty for this morning’s affairs. You are a smart person, Feige, you know what I mean, I won’t say much.”

Li Chaonan drank three cups in a row, and the real person said the truth, Mu Fei could say anything, he smiled and toasted, and drank.

When Li Chaonan and Donggua saw that Mu Fei had dried up, they clapped their hands and applauded. At this time, they had been on the plateau without talking or drinking, but coughed twice.


Li Chaonan turned his head to look at the scolded dissatisfiedly, “Fat fat man, you cough a fart. Have an opinion?”

Plateau jumped up as soon as he patted the table, pointing at the people around him, “I have an opinion? I have a big opinion.”

He walked around the table with his hands like a leader inspection, and finally slapped on the table in front of Li Chaonan. “I doubt if you look down on me. Mu Fei and I are good buddies. Why do you only respect He doesn’t respect me?”

Li Chaonan smiled, “You don’t have to doubt, I just look down on you. Haha.”

“My grass, you unconscionable stuff, you forgot who brought you back in the first place? Isn’t it a fight?”

Gao Yuan said and ran to Li Chaonan’s ribs. Li Chaonan, who was hit by the wound on the plateau, took a breath. “Hi, my grass, you don’t know that the pain hurts, tiger.”

“Fuck, you dare to scold me, I have to repair you today, brother, hurry up.”

“No, I won’t call…”

Seeing Li Chaonan and the plateau in a mess, everyone at the table laughed.

PS: The transition chapter is not too hard. It is said that Xiaoba is most afraid of excessiveness and it is very difficult to code.

PS2: There will be Xiaomeng at that episode in the evening. In the future, Xiaomeng’s drama will be added more, but everyone will leave the flowers to Xiaoba, thank you.

PS3: Advertisement, readers deduction group of this book, 168652924

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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