My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 68 - video

Chapter 68 Video (No. 1 on the 23rd, even more flowers)

Mu Fei has been in class for a while after returning to the class. As soon as he entered the classroom, the classmates’ attention was once again focused on him. He didn’t know when he was so noticeable.

After returning to his seat, he ripped a piece of paper and wrote two notes. The content was the same. Just one sentence, “Is it done?”, were passed to Li Chaonan and Gao Yuan respectively.

When the time was not big, the two passed the notes back one after another. Li Chaonan’s decent, which said, “I am doing things, you can rest assured.”

But when Mu Fei opened the note on the plateau, even though he was very “egg-poisoned” and “poundered”, he laughed out at once, and found the teacher and the students around him puzzled. Mu Fei quickly lowered his head and held back the laughter. , And pretended to cough a few times before raising his head, giving the lecturer an apologetic look, pointing to his throat, indicating that the teacher was not very comfortable.

“Your study tasks are very heavy. You must pay attention to your body at ordinary times. If you feel uncomfortable, find some medicine as soon as possible after class…” The teacher comforted and turned his head and wrote on the blackboard.

Nothing was written on the plateau’s note, just a few words, “*, teachers and students, multiplayer, abuse, oral violence, *stealing/shooting.” Mu Fei suddenly smiled when he saw these words, this It’s a **** horse thing.

“What you wrote is a **** horse. If you don’t say anything else, what does it mean that abuse and oral violence are **** horses?” Mu Fei passed a note back.

Gao Yuan was proud now, his face all smiled indifferently, and when he saw Mu Fei’s note come back, he glanced at it, quickly wrote something on it, and then came back.

“*——Wang Laoyi is designated as**: Teachers and students—do not explain: many people—there were dozens of people in the class at that time: Abuse—you are the party you don’t know, when Wang Laoyi smoked you That ruthless: mouth storm-when the old demon scolds you, his mouth is flying, his mouth is full of breath, this is not wrong. I’m right, haha, in fact, I forgot, and I’ll add another in the back One, heavy taste. That would be more appropriate…”

After reading this note, Mu Fei couldn’t really judge the vulgar guy. He could only give him a **** upward, despising gesture.

As soon as Mu Fei entered the classroom, Lin Ruoyi turned back and looked at Mu Fei from time to time, seeing that Mu Fei seemed quite energetic, and she was relieved, so she felt relieved and began to listen to the class.

After class, Mu Fei and Li Chaonan, three people from the plateau ran into the woods, and one of them lit a cigarette and swallowed.

“Take a look…” Mu Fei hooked his hands to Li Chaonan, beckoning to give him something.

Li Chaonan bit the cigarette in his mouth, took out a nokia5230 from his pocket, and pressed it quickly a few times, then handed it to Mu Fei.

There is a video on the screen. A female teacher in her forties is yelling at a male student. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is flying. The momentum is really “shocking, weeping ghosts”. The background is in the classroom. If it is in the vegetable market, no one can connect this sturdy middle-aged woman with the sacred profession of teaching and educating people-teachers. She seems to be a shrew who scolds the street.

As the video played, the shrew was scolding and getting more excited, and the more she was more excited, even though the boy repeatedly begged for mercy and apologized, but she did not let him go at all, and in the end, she picked up a book The thick book whipped against the boy desperately.

Mu Fei watched fast-forward. This video took more than ten minutes. The stubborn female teachers and the beaten male students there are naturally Wang Chunlan and Mu Fei.

After watching Mu Fei, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and handed the phone to Li Chaonan. “Go home and save this video in the computer, send me a copy of your mailbox, and leave a copy yourself.”

At this time, Li Chaonan was more excited than Mu Fei, and the expression on his face was like thousands of dollars in the lottery ticket. “Ha ha ha, Fei Ge, with this video, look at that Wang Lao dare not dare to provoke You, if she dares to pick you up, let’s pass on this video and let her be embarrassed, haha…”

Mu Fei also smiled, but he didn’t agree with Li Chaonan’s words, “A Nan, this video is useful for me, you stay well, don’t tell others that it happened, let Wang Chunlan see it now, it’s not interesting… “

As he was talking, he heard a crisp voice not far behind him, “Juoyi, look, I’m right, I guess they are here…”

Mu Fei looked back, Li Ling was coming to this side, and Lin Ruoyi was following her.

“Well~~ three big smokers, so choking…” Li Ling’s little hand fanned the wind in front of her nose, dissatisfied with sorrow.

Generally, there were no girls in this grove. Mu Fei was curious about what she did here, but she just wanted to open the door, but Li Chaonan took the lead.

I saw Li Chaonan violently ran a few steps towards Lin Ruoyi, and then she suddenly bowed to her, “Sister-in-law is good…”

Hearing this, Lin Ruoyi hesitated, and then her pretty face turned red at a rate visible to the naked eye.

I thought, his name is Brother Afeifei, then he calls my sister-in-law, which means that I have a relationship with Afei…

Thinking of this, Lin Ruoyi couldn’t help but show a small smile on her face, and she began to drift away…

“Speaking of Shenma, you say Shenma…”, Gao Yuan pushed Li Chaonan away and glared at him with dissatisfaction. “Sister Shenma, will you say something? Our school committee is so beautiful. , Let you call old…”

Then the plateau turned his head to Lin Ruoyi, “If you want to call it, you must call your younger sister, right? Brother Ruoyi, how are you…”

“Haha…” Both Mu Fei and Li Ling were amused by these two treasures, but Lin Ruoyi’s face and the cooked hairy crab were all red, she quickly pulled the sleeve of Li Ling’s school uniform and cast it Seeking help.

Seeing Lin Ruoyi’s shyness, Li Ling knew that her girlfriend was thin-skinned, and quickly pulled her behind, blocking herself in front of her, “Cough, you two are so ridiculous, this is obviously in Ignore my existence, why only ask my sister Ruoyi, but not me?”

Li Chaonan and Gao Yuan looked at each other and then shouted together in unison.

“Ersao is good…”

“Good second sister…”

Li Ling was stunned and flushed as soon as she blushed. The speed was faster than Lin Ruoyi’s. She snorted and glanced at Mu Fei, thinking, who is that kind of relationship with him.

“Me, I am Mu Fei, that’s not the kind of relationship. Besides, I’m older than Joi’s birthday.”

“Oh~~” Gao Yuan suddenly screamed and laughed, “It turns out that Li Ling is the older brother and the school committee is the second younger brother. Haha, this is the case, this is the case…”

“Fat fat man, get away~” Unbearably, Mu Fei finally lifted his foot, just kicked on the **** of the plateau. He couldn’t help but walked forward two steps, stabilized his body, and turned back to give Mu Fei a flying eye Then, laughing loudly, Li Chaonan also laughed more than once.

Mu Fei gave them a blank look and turned to ask Lin Ruoyi, “Ruo Yi, how are you two coming here?”

“Oh, that…I just wanted to ask you, Yu Guofa, did you embarrass you…” Lin Ruoyi asked timidly.

“Please look at me and smile-click!”

“Fat fat man, take another photo of your broken phone, and I say I made your straight one into a clamshell…” Mu Fei shouted angrily at the plateau, and then to Lin Ruoyi Shake your hand and give her a peaceful look.

“The old designator wanted to give me some trouble, but yesterday I didn’t tell you anything, nothing.”

“Wang Chunlan found Li Sheng and wanted him to identify me face to face, but Li Sheng was timid, and he didn’t dare to say that I beat him. Later, Wang Chunlan was angry enough, and the parties said it was not me, what else could she do? kind?”

Mu Fei opened his hand, and indifferently, Lin Ruoyi breathed a sigh of relief and thought a little, then looked up and asked, “How come I always feel that Teacher Wang won’t let this go so easily Yes……”

“Oh, Ruoyi, you can rest assured…” Li Ling patted Lin Ruoyi’s shoulder, “Wang Chunlan embarrassed him, what else can he do, it’s just not letting him take Chinese lessons, look at this kid, Is he still in class now? Rest assured, rest assured…”

Li Ling glanced at Mu Fei with extremely jealous eyes, and then suddenly seemed to remember something, “Yes, when I came here, I heard what you said about the video, what video?”

Hearing Li Ling’s words, Li Chaonan and the plateau looked at Mu Fei, and that look was clearly waiting for Mu Fei to speak.

Mu Fei smiled helplessly. Although the less people knew about the video, the less they knew, but neither Li Ling nor Lin Ruoyi were outsiders.

Mu Fei instructed Li Chaonan to take out the video he recorded and showed her two, and when Lin Ruoyi and Li Ling took a look, they also understood what was going on.

“Oh, I am thinking about it. According to Mu Fei’s previous character, if he is not convinced, he will definitely rise up to resist. Today, he looks like a promise, and he is asking for forgiveness. It turns out that you have already set up a set. “Li Ling looked suddenly understood, but then asked in a puzzled way, “That’s right, although Wang Chunlan’s performance in this video is indeed shameful, but at most it shows that she is not good at teaching, and Can’t explain anything else. What do you want to do when you record this video?”

An export of Li Ling’s Not only Lin Ruoyi, but also Gao Yuan and Li Chaonan, were also aware of this problem. Although this video can have some minor impacts on Wang Chunlan, they can’t trip her over at once. What is the purpose of flying this video?

The four of them set their sights on Mu Fei together.

Looking at the curious faces of these four people, Mu Fei shook his head. He didn’t want to say anything. Since they all wanted to know, let them know.

“I kept this video, not to deal with Wang Chunlan…”

Mu Fei said with a soft sigh, “Actually, this video is what I am going to use to retaliate against Wu Wenquan…”

When I heard Wu Wenquan, these people couldn’t help but feel stupefied. This video clearly shows Wang Chunlan, what does it have to do with the principal Wu Wenquan?

Mu Fei naturally knew that they did not understand and did not sell Guanzi, and slowly expressed his thoughts directly.

Hearing Mu Fei’s words, in addition to knowing Mu Fei’s plateau very well, everyone else can’t help but open his mouth…

PS: It’s a very cup today. I sneaked a chapter into the class secretly. I thought I could go home a little easier. When I got home, I found out that the chapter with the code was forgotten to bring back. Depressed, you can only re-code the upload, this is the first one, and the second one is not sure what time it is. Don’t wait, bookies, read it tomorrow.

PS2: The transition is almost the same. It’s time to speed up the story in two days.

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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