My Girlfriend’s a Demon Incarnate!

Chapter 1

In the dim light of dawn, a figure emerged from the shadows of a narrow alleyway, cloak billowing in the early morning breeze. The cobblestone streets of the city were still damp with dew, and the distant toll of a church bell echoed through the air. The figure's horns, a stark contrast to the soft whispers of the waking world, gleamed in the feeble light, hinting at a face that set her apart from the bustling humans. Her eyes, a piercing brown, surveyed the scene with wariness. Elen had learned long ago that being a demon in human skin was a precarious existence.

The market was bustling with activity, the smell of freshly baked bread and roasting meats mingling with the more unsavory odors of the city's less salubrious districts. Elen's nose wrinkled, but she pushed the discomfort aside. She had more pressing concerns than her olfactory senses. William had been gone for hours, searching for information on their new enemy. The one who had transformed her into a demon and left their home in ruins. The one they had sworn to hunt down.

Her hand strayed to the dagger at her side, a gift from William. He had forged it from the very stone that made up the city's ancient walls, instead of the old modern walls, imbuing her with the power to harm those who sought to hurt her. The blade was cold, a stark reminder of the harsh reality they now faced. They had been a reliable, hardy duo that had brought a measure of peace to the office they worked within through filing hunter's paperwork. Now, they were but a whisper of their former corporate selves, hunted and feared by all because of their increased power after resurrecting, especially because of Elen's transformation into a demon during it.

The sound of distant hoofbeats grew louder, and Elen tensed. It was a patrol, their eyes searching for any signs of the demonic infiltration that had ravaged Bird's Eye. They passed the alley without a second glance, their attention drawn to a commotion further down the street. A crowd had gathered around a group of travelers, and the sharp tone of accusation sliced through the air. Elen recognized the fear in the travelers' voices—fear of the very creatures she and William had once feared but now which she was no different from.

Her stomach churned as she recalled her own transformation. The night it had happened was still a blur of pain and rage, the memories as jagged as the shards of glass from a whiskey bottle. But she knew they needed to find the culprit, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of the unborn child growing within her. She had died back then and reawakened as a demon, quite confused. William had also died, but unlike her came back human, except far stronger than beforehand and far more knowledge of their predicament than her.

The hoofbeats grew closer, and Elen ducked into the shadows, her heart racing. The patrols had become more vigilant since the attack, and she couldn't risk discovery. The thought of William fighting or even walking alone weighed heavily on her, but she knew he was more than capable. Together, they had faced worse.

Their old world was a boring, modern Earth during their childhoods, yet it combined into this dystopian landscape of an old video game RPG named Terra Morte and that of a fragmented Earth. They had grown up and then worked in Bird's Eye as guild office workers and temporary monster hunters during this rough time, hiding safely behind what remained of the ancient stone and modern city walls most of the time but going off to hunt goblins for extra gold.

The desire for more money hastened their downfall because when they went out hunting, the goblins rushed to them in droves between a large gap in the walls. They knew this was off, so William said with a big smile, "Well, we better run and tell someone." Both tried to, however, their legs collapsed as they dashed through the city and came across their house. William forced them both to hide in there, only for goblins to break the doors down and swarm their living room.

As a result, William planned to set them both on fire to warn the city. He didn't make it though as when he uncorked that bottle and struck the matches he needed, the green fiends jumped him and stabbed to death, causing him to drop it and start a flame. Elen remembered her body soon facing the same trauma as the heat consumed the building. Fortunately, they didn't rape her, but that's because a person in a cloak stepped in amidst the flames and dealt a final blow to both of them with a swift stab through their chests with a rapier before disappearing.

The city soon learned of their troubles because of this blaze that arose and sent in forces to handle it. She clearly felt herself dead that day and when it came time for her, death had found herself with no regrets on that house's burnt floor. So why was she alive?

William, being who he was, held the key as he woke up first. He definitely felt terrible hours after their deaths. Burials were quick in Terra Morte as the resources couldn't get wasted on poor individuals like them. Their friends and families left them there. Therefore, William gripped his home's ruined boards and struggled to his feet in a pair of dark brown pants and a green shirt, knowing he had gotten left where he perished. His only words were: "Death offered me a deal. We need to get up, honey."

He looked around and quickly found her sleeping next to him, but something was definitely off. Her eyes were brown instead of blue, her hair pink instead of black, and her face held lofty black demon horns. It was bizarre and unexpected to him. He slapped her face gently. "She will not like this," He told himself as his hands moved behind her butt and back to carry her bridal style. She had a rather broad, open shoulder grey white shirt and pants on, but more importantly, he could feel a long black tail connected to her rump that only demons possessed.

Then he remembered a set of words of death said: "A ghost will come to take your lives. You will awake from that point alive. You won't change, but she will be the mother of demon progeny."

He realized that his had occurred and when he died; he remembered a black space leading him to a woman no different from Elen, maybe older, albeit covered in a black cloak she would never wear. This lady smiled, and it was she that announced his demise and told him these things, for she was Death and Elen's mother. If that was the case, William thought he could bargain and, in exchange for new lives, he agreed to birth demons with Elen and find their killer. She ordered William Trevor and Elen to do this in her name. Then the woman passed some kind of purple energy through him and sent him back. The young man felt the energy enter his girlfriend nearby.

William gave her a classic wake-up call. He set her back on the floor where he found her then shouted, "Elen, wake up!" his urgent voice pierced through to her faculties while she remained in a dazed, unconsciousness. "We're alive!"

Her eyes fluttered open, and she lay in the ashen wreckage of their home. The smoke stung her eyes, and she coughed, her chest tight with the residue of the fire. She tried to sit up, but William's firm grip kept her in place. "What happened?" she asked, her voice hoarse. She could smell leftover whiskey and feel glass shards beneath her. "How are you not as damaged as I feel?"

"I woke up a while ago," he stated. But Elen felt a lie. She knew Will hadn't a desire to press him here yet. They had just resurrected. The two didn't speak after that, and upon forging a dagger for her and finding her a cloak, the two had gone into hiding.

The city hated monsters, but demons as well. They couldn't show their faces together lest the citizens target Elen. William thus became her key to the outside world for the next month, however, her heart turned despondent because he didn't return for long periods. Today, well, that was one of those times. Elen wanted him back because she had conceived a child mere days ago, but it was already growing fast in her womb. She feared two things getting discovered and having to give birth earlier than humanly possible. Her hands went to her hood to make sure its brim never lowered as she walked through the crowd. William had come here she knew, but where was he now?

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