My Girlfriend’s a Demon Incarnate!

Chapter 4

"We're not safe here," Elen whispered, her hand resting protectively on her stomach. "We have to leave before they realize they can still hunt us."

William nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of pursuit from the city's citizens. The fire had spread quickly, the flames licking at the night sky like a living beast. "We'll head west," he said, pointing to the dark silhouette of the distant mountains. "There's less population there, and we might find a place to hide."

They began their journey through the burning forest, the heat of the fire at their backs. The ground was uneven, the crackling of the flames and the occasional snap of a branch were the only sounds accompanying their frantic steps. Elen felt the warmth of William's hand in hers, his grip firm and reassuring. Despite their argument, she knew he was with her and would do anything to protect her and her unborn child.

The trees grew sparse as they approached the edge of the forest, the flames dying to smoldering embers. They stopped at a small stream to quench their thirst and wash the soot from their faces. Elen looked at William, his expression a mixture of determination and fear. "We'll make it," she said, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

"Yes," William said, though doubt filled his voice. "We'll live through this mess."

The moon cast long shadows as they moved west, the cool night air a stark contrast to the inferno they had left behind. They moved quickly but cautiously, staying off the main roads and avoiding any signs of human habitation. The landscape was eerily quiet, the usual nocturnal sounds muted by the distant crackle of the fire.

As the night grew colder, Elen felt the first stirrings of her child, a gentle reminder of the life growing within her. She leaned into William, drawing strength from his presence. They had to survive, not just for themselves, but for the little one they had created.

"We'll be fine," William murmured, sensing her fear. "We'll find a place to rest soon."

They stumbled upon an abandoned farmhouse just before dawn, the moonlight illuminating the overgrown path that led to it. The building looked as if it hadn't been inhabited in years. The windows were boarded up and the roof was half collapsed. But it was shelter, and that was all they needed.

Inside, the air was thick with dust and the smell of decay, but it was dry and sheltered from the elements. They settled into a corner, wrapped themselves in the tattered blankets they found and tried to get some rest. Elen's eyes remained open, staring at the shadows dancing on the ceiling. Her mind swirled with questions and fears. What world had they lived in before they died and what would become of who they were now? What did it mean to be a demon and a devil worshipper? Would they ever find a place where they could live in peace?

William's arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer. "We'll get through this," he whispered, his voice soothing her, "together."

Elen nodded and buried her face in his chest. His heartbeat was steady and warm, a comforting sound in the unsettling silence of the farmhouse. They had to trust and rely on each other if they were to survive in this world that had become so twisted. As they lay there, she felt a strange connection between them, something that went beyond their shared experiences and love. It was almost as if their very essence was intertwined, a bond forged by the chaos that had brought them to this point.

The sun rose, casting a faint light through the cracks in the boarded windows. William stirred, his grip on her tightening slightly as he, too, awoke. He looked into her golden eyes. The fire of the night before was reflected in them. "We should go," he said, his voice thick with sleep. "We need to put more distance between us and Bird's Eye."

They gathered their meager supplies and set out again, the horizon now a hazy mix of smoke and light. The landscape was barren, a testament to the fire's reach. Elen couldn't believe how far they had come. She noticed that the status effect of Golden Eyes was gone, and that her stat screen had gone up to level 4, probably because a good part of the forest behind them had burned down. Her normal brown eyes turned to Will, who was still walking behind her.

"Hey," she called to him. "I leveled up."

"What? How?" William caught up to her, his eyes wide with disbelief. Then he remembered that she had burned down part of a forest. He frowned while saying, "You burned down part of a forest, so you must have gained experience by killing the animals there. How could I forget?"

Elen felt a surge of pride. "Maybe it's because we're stronger together," she said, her voice hopeful. "We can face whatever this world throws at us."

"No, only you are, you foolish woman. And I didn't ask you to do that last night," Will replied as he slapped her back.

Elen's tail swished in annoyance. "I know, but it was for us. And look, we're alive and they're not on our trail."

"Yeah, but we had to run through burning trees to get here," William grumbled.

"Well, it worked," Elen said, trying to keep the smile off her lips.

"You know, I just hope you give birth soon because you caused a lot of trouble. I want to see the pain you go through," William said as he walked in front of her.

"Thanks for the encouragement, sweetheart." She muttered under her breath.

William stopped and turned to her. "I'm serious, Elen. If we're going to survive this, we have to stick together and try communicating better. You can't burn down trees when you're hungry or change a plan on a whim when you agree with it. It's just not good," William spat back.

Elen stepped forward. "I understand, but I'm still learning to control this new body. Give me a break, okay?"

"Yes, I understand, but just remember, when you woke up from your death with me, you brought that on yourself." William replied, poking her in the stomach.

"You know I had no choice," Elen said, her eyes flashing. "The game chose this new race for me."

"Yeah, well, why couldn't it have made you an elf or something?" William grunted.

"Because apparently I was a badass demon in my past life," Elen joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"You and I were humans, stupid. And to be honest, we just did clerical work for real adventurers and the tiniest bit of hunting for rats, goblins, or other creatures. How can you call yourself tough?"

"Well, I don't know. Maybe because I can summon fire from my fingertips and knock down fully armored knights?" Elen said, raising an eyebrow.

"You may have called down the fireballs, but I was the one who pushed the guards aside while pretending to be you. I put myself in a real, threatening situation. You could've sat outside the city and waited, but you burned down an area just outside the city limits and made my escape that much more difficult!" William roared. He turned away and continued to trudge along a stone slope toward their mountain destination.

Elen took a step back, surprised by the intensity of his outburst. "I know you're angry, but I did what I thought was best. You pretended to act as me, but if you can do these things as me, surely I can too."

William ignored her. The argument simmered between them as they continued their trek up the mountain. The night was cool, and the fire in the distance was a stark contrast to the icy air that surrounded them. The climb was steep and challenging, but Elen pushed herself, her newfound strength and agility surprising her. William's words echoed in her mind, a reminder that she wasn't just a player anymore. She was a creature of this world, and she had to adapt.

They reached the top of the slope, the moon casting a silver glow over the jagged peaks ahead. Elen stopped, her chest heaving. "William," she called, her voice softer now. "We need to talk." William, however, put a hand to her face.

"Will, I think we need to make camp somewhere," Elen told him. "It's getting dark." He didn't listen, even as she tugged at a small, pink backpack that belonged to her and was slung across his back.

He slapped her hand away, "I'll say when we stop," he told her as he turned around, noticing that she looked tired like him from traversing this mountain. They had done this for eight hours without stopping. "But if you insist, we should." Elen remained silent.

"Well, are you going to speak or will you act like a trophy wife now?" William asked, pointing an accusing finger at her. A mixture of annoyance and curiosity crossed his tongue, and his eyes bored into Elen's as if daring her to answer.

The air was heavy with tension. Their surroundings carried the sounds of distant chirping from nocturnal creatures and the soft creaking of the trees. Elen's gaze did not waver. Her eyes locked on William's, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. She raised an eyebrow, her expression a perfect mask of calm, but her eyes sparkled with a knowing gleam. This friend felt her husband's lust; the desire to copulate with her through his frustration.

As he grew frustrated, his demon girlfriend's silence followed. He reached forward and grabbed her shoulders, hoping for a response as he kissed her lips. His fingers dug into Elen's shoulders, his grip firm but not bruising as he pulled her closer. Their lips pressed together as they shared a mixture of frustration and desperation. Elen's eyes, still sparkling, fluttered closed as she yielded to the kiss. Her soft, supple lips molded to William's, but she didn't kiss him back. She simply allowed him to ravage her mouth, her body remaining still and unresponsive. The surrounding air vibrated with tension as William deepened the kiss, his tongue probing the seam of Elen's mouth.

The woman leaned forward, her big belly pressing against William. This relaxed him a bit, making his kiss softer and gentler. She whispered, "I'm sorry..." He heard her answer and slightly narrowed his eyes at her words. His hands loosened from her shoulders and moved to her hips, pulling her closer as he kissed her deeper.

He could feel his penis growing between his legs and asked, "Elen, can I bone you?"

Elen's eyes opened wide in surprise, her lips parted slightly as she pulled away from his face. She looked at William, her eyes searching his face for a moment before she spoke. "William, I-I don't mind, but I'm sure there was a better way to ask me, even if I can sense your excitement."

William looked at Elen and whispered, "You've been open to this, and it's just us here." He spoke firmly and tried to persuade her as he gently turned her face toward him. His fingers touched her skin, making her shiver, and Elen closed her eyes slightly. The sounds of crickets and an owl were the only witnesses to their shared tension. William's thumb moved across Elen's cheek, making her heart flutter as he encouraged her to look at him.

She blushed, but then said, "All right, but make my orgasm fun." Elen's cheeks turned a deep pink as she said the words, her voice quivering. The sound of her voice seemed to surprise her, and she looked away again, her gaze drifting to the trees on this mountain, as if searching for an escape from their predicament. William's eyes, however, remained fixed on hers, his pupils dilating with excitement as he processed her request.

A slow smile spread across his face, his lips curling upward as he leaned closer to Elen, his hands moving lower down her back. His breath danced across her skin, sending shivers down her spine as he whispered, "I'll see to it."

William unzipped his pants, and Elen felt excited as she saw his penis. She couldn't help but look at it since it looked different and blushed as she reached out to touch it. "Is it just me, or is your penis bigger?" she whispered while holding her hand over his erection.

William smiled, his eyes crinkling. He looked at Elen's hand on him and said, "I hate to say it, but since we came back to life—me as a stronger human and you as a demon—my thing's size might have changed." He held her smaller back and noticed her leaning in, showing she was interested. As he talked, his fingers traced her lower back and rubbed her stomach.

Elen's gaze drifted down to her belly, her eyes widening slightly as William's hand pressed against the soft curve. His palm was warm and his fingers spread over the fabric of her clothing, a gentle pressure that seemed to seep into her skin. She felt a flutter in her chest, a mix of emotions swirling together as she met William's gaze. His eyes were intense, the blue deepening to a rich, dark shade that seemed to draw her in. "I hate that we're on the run now, but man, what you did to help us escape was risky," William's voice was low and husky, and it sent a shiver down Elen's spine.

Elen's lips brushed against the warm skin of William's neck, sending a shiver down his spine. His eyes fluttered closed and he tilted his head to the side, allowing her to deepen the soft kiss. The sound of her whisper seemed to caress his ear. "Well, I wouldn't say it was hard to leave Bird's Eye, our lovely city." The words hinted at sarcasm, and William's lips curled into a smile as he opened his eyes to look at her.

"That's because we fled before the guards there could hunt us," William insisted, his voice low and husky as he tugged at her demonic tail, the movement sending a shiver down Elen's spine. The tail, a deep, iridescent black, quivered in response, the delicate hairs catching the faint moonlight filtering through the trees. Elen's eyes fluttered closed, her lips parting slightly as she felt a surge of excitement at the gentle tug. William's fingers wrapped around the base of the tail, his thumb stroking the sensitive skin, and Elen's breath caught in her throat.

"William, please be with me," Elen said, scratching his chest. "If we're going to keep arguing, just take your frustrations out on me. You might think I messed up the plan, but I felt stronger this time than ever before and changed it to succeed. If you want to do better next time, get stronger. I'm just one level above you now, but you can catch up and protect me so we don't have to run away again."

William's eyes flashed with a mixture of surprise and desire as Elen's words hung in the air, her voice hoarse with need. His gaze fell to the sharp red marks on his chest where her claws had raked across his skin, leaving a trail of tiny, pearling drops of blood. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he reached out to brush a strand of hair behind Elen's ear, his fingers brushing the delicate skin of her cheek. "Is this what you want?" he whispered, his voice low and harsh as he searched her face for any sign of hesitation.

"No, duh. We made a baby together, and as long as I'm in the mood, we can have sex. Don't you think?" Elen growled.

William's eyes widened at Elen's words, his grip on her tail tightening slightly as he searched her face for any sign of hesitation. He saw none, only a fierce determination and desire that matched his own. "You're right," he said, his voice low and husky. "We made a baby together, and if you're in the mood, I'm happy to oblige." He leaned closer to her, his lips brushing her ear as he whispered, "But first, let's make sure we're in a safe and comfortable place."

As William's words hung in the air, his gaze drifted down to her body, his eyes tracing the gentle curve of her belly. He felt a surge of excitement mixed with a hint of trepidation as he took in the sight of her legs spread, her tail twitching slightly as she settled into position. The moonlight filtering through the trees cast an ethereal glow on her skin, making her look almost otherworldly. "We're fine here... Alone in the wilderness," she whispered, her voice full of frustration as she lay on her back against the rock and spread her legs. "Just be careful of my tail and my growing baby bump."

William's fingers continued to trace the curve of Elen's belly, feeling the gentle swell of her unborn child. He looked up at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and concern. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asked, his voice soft and gentle. Elen nodded, her eyes meeting with fierce determination. "Yes, I'm sure," she whispered, her voice hoarse with need. "I want this, William. I want you." William's heart raced as he leaned closer, his lips brushing hers in a soft kiss.

The man slid his penis into her vagina and thrust into her. Her heart raced as he leaned closer to her, his lips brushing against hers in a soft kiss. His hands roamed over her body, feeling the curves of her hips and the softness of her skin. He could feel her body responding to his touch, her breathing quickening as he traced his fingers along her thigh. With a low growl, William broke the kiss and undressed her, his fingers deftly unfastening her top and pulling it over her head. Her breasts spilled out, her nipples hard and erect. He leaned down and took one in his mouth, sucking and nibbling it.

She moaned, wanting more of him, her back arching as William's tongue touched her nipple. She pulled his hair to bring him closer, feeling pleasure throughout her body. The gentle pull on her tail added to the sensation, making her hips move slightly. William looked at her with desire and leaned in closer, whispering, "You're so beautiful, Elen. I love how you respond to me." His voice made her shiver, and she melted against his touch.

"I am beautiful," Elen insisted as he looked into her eyes, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow on her face. "I think that's how a woman and a demon should react in this position," she replied, her words dripping with husky desire. William's grip on her tail tightened slightly, his fingers stroking the sensitive skin as he leaned closer, his lips brushing against her ear. "You're so responsive, so alive," he whispered, his breath sending shivers down her spine.

"It's because I want to live, carry your child, and find out who killed us." She told him as she moved her head to suck on his penis.

Elen's lips closed around William's penis, her head moving slowly as she pleased him. William groaned, his fingers tightening in her hair as he felt her tongue swirl around the tip. He felt her hot breath against his skin, sending shivers down his spine. Elen's hands moved up his thighs, her fingers digging into his flesh as she took him deeper into her mouth. William's hips bucked, his body responding to her touch as he felt a wave of pleasure build at his core. "Elen," he moaned, his voice low and husky. "You feel so good."

Elen's mouth felt warm and wet, making William feel a strong pleasure. Her tongue teased him as she took him deeper, and her fingers held his thighs. "Elen," he moaned, feeling her goodness spread within him. He sensed her desire through her breath against his skin and wished to respond.

Elen's mouth was pleasuring William, making him moan and lose control as he bucked his hips for her. Yet just as he was about to climax, a beep interrupted them, showing a message that said they had both enjoyed sex and gained a permanent bonus of +1 Depravity. This forced Elen to stop, her lips still around William's penis, and look up at the screen in surprise. The interruption was sudden, and for a moment the only sound was the screen and William's heavy breathing.

William's eyes, which had been closed, opened and he looked at the screen with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "This is interesting. It's like someone's watching us," William said, his voice low and husky, as he reached out and gently stroked Elen's hair.

She pulled away, her lips leaving William's manhood with a soft pop sound. "Yeah, they're acting rather vulgar spying on us," she said, sounding frustrated and worried. William looked at the screen, which showed a "System Message." He dismissed it, and Elen stood up and fixed her clothes.

"Elen, what do our stats stand at?" He asked as he reached for his clothing. "Since you have the same stat categories as me, mine look like this: 50 Aether, 20 Spirit, 5 Strength, 5 Fortitude, 15 Intellect, 10 Agility and 20 Depravity. Well, 21 Depravity now."

Elen stopped adjusting her clothes and smiled at William. "You want to check our stats now?" she asked unhappily. William nodded, curious. Elen looked to the side, and a small holographic screen appeared. It showed various numbers and categories. "My stats are similar to yours, but a bit different. I have 75 Aether, 10 Spirit, 25 Strength, 15 Fortitude, 5 Intellect, 20 Agility, and 31 Depravity now because of our actions today."

William's eyes widened as he saw the numbers, realizing Elen was much stronger than him. He felt curious about having that power. "Elen, let's rest here and find a dungeon tomorrow," William suggested. "It will help me get stronger and I think you can interact with a dungeon if we test out what your monster skills can do while there."

"Why do you believe that?" Elen questioned while crossing her arms.

"The Goblin King controls the closest mine, which is the low-level Goblin's Mine. Remember, those creatures killed us when we were human, but they might be easier to defeat now so we should investigate them and get revenge," William explained.

"So you mean for us to go there to look for clues," Elen said as she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Yep, when I was looking around Bird's Eye for the last month, for some but nobody could tell me anything about a cloaked person with a rapier in the area we were during the day we died. Also, since I admitted to everyone you were a demon, in a drunken state,  I feel bad for causing a mob to form to look for us," William sighed.

"Okay," Elen smiled, "let's go to the Goblin's Mine and defeat it. Maybe I can control it as a demon? I'm curious to see what will happen." She hugged William and accidentally used her Fire Mastery skill, warming them up. Will took a white blanket from their pink backpack and wrapped it around them both before they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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