My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 103 Farewell Nyx

“Looks like you’ve used my gift wisely.” said Nyx


“Well, I didn’t really do anything the system suggested it and I went along with it. I need to ask you something.” said Zero


“What is it?” asked Nyx


“What is wrong with this system? It keeps messing me and ignoring me.” said Zero


“There’s nothing wrong with it. It must have been annoyed with you.” answered Zero


“Annoyed with me for what?” questioned Zero


“Most likely due to the fact that you don’t use it wisely. The system reported that you’re using it at 16% percent efficiency so it dislikes you. It says that you should be using it when creating new souls or augmenting the souls of your friends since you waste souls so get subpar results.” answered Nyx


“But, I don’t want to be overly reliant on it. I need to figure out how to take care of my problems and become stronger.” retorted Zero


“Well, that’s fine and all but what pissed it off was when you first got in trouble the first time in the castle. The system said you were teleported and surrounded by armors and a devil almost dying but you didn’t use the system until the end. The system is semi-living so if you die it would have died so it started to dislike you then. I believe you 2 should take some time and discuss your issues.” said Nyx


“Fine, system when we get to the next world remind me that we should discuss this issue.” said Zero




“Well that’s good, now let’s go find that new subspace and those kids.” said Nyx as she clapped barely holding back laughter


Zero tried to teleport to the land of death but found that there was some resistance when he tried to enter the realm. He looked at Nyx and she shook her head while chuckling.


‘System do you know how to enter their realm?’


As Zero asked that, a black gate adorned with red skulls appeared out of nowhere. The gate opened and showed the scene of the land of death. Wasting no time Zero and Nyx walked through and appeared in the realm of death. Zero took to the skies and looked around finding that the realm had grown quite even larger than before and the white sky that hung above was now replaced with a starry night sky.


Nyx flew up next to him and saw that Zero was looking at the star and answered, “Yes those are real stars. It’s a rather simple layout but it works well for an underworld.”


“I wonder what the rest of it looks like.” said Zero


“Well, they look interesting but let’s go find the others.” said Nyx


“Wait, you can see them and if you can then you should have been able to teleport us there.” said Zero as he narrowed his eyes and looked at Nyx with suspicion.


“Now now, a big boy like yourself who can get a girl pregnant and turn his lovely young mother into a grandma shouldn't be asking for so much help.” said Nyx mockingly


“Young!?” asked Zero with a smirk


“Yes, young do you have a problem with that?” asked Nyx in a voice that sent a chill down Zero’s spine.


“I don’t think a young person needs to threaten her son every 10 minutes.” said Zero


“Oh, this isn’t a threat trust me it’s a promise. You'd know if I was threatening you.” said Nyx as she flew towards the temple leaving Zero behind.


Zero followed behind Nyx until they arrived at the temple and landed. They entered the temple and found the four women chatting with each other as Valna held Nova. As they entered the temple Nova’s eyes opened and yawned.


She looked around and when she noticed her father and jumped out of Valna’s arms and ran towards him. Zero picked her up and hugged her before pulling back and saying, “Nova this is your grandma Nyx to my left.”


Nova looked at the woman and remembered that she tried to attack her so with her head down she said, “I’m sorry grandma.”


“Don’t worry about it kiddo it was partially my fault but I was in a hurry so I didn’t explain. Anyways, it’s nice to meet you, Nova, you don’t have to call me grandma.” said Nyx


“Then what should I call you?” asked a confused Nova


“Well I’m too young and beautiful to be called grandma so I guess aunty or big sister.” said Nyx


“Sister have some shame and accept your…” said Zero but was silenced by Nyx with a glare before smiling and smacking him on the head.


“Papa is being rude to Aunty.” said Nova as she smacked Zero’s chest


Nyx grabbed Nova and pushed Zero so hard that he crashed into the wall. She rubbed her cheek against Nova’s and said, “Aww you’re such a sweet girl unlike my rebellious son over there. If he ever says anything bad about me be sure to tell me.”


Nova nodded as she hugged her new aunty while the 4 women were dumbstruck by what they were seeing. Nyx sighed and said, “I wish I could stay longer and spend time with you child.”


“Where are you going mother?” asked Zero who’d pulled himself from the wall and was looking at his mother with sad eyes.


“It’s unfortunate but I’m dealing with an issue that requires my full concentration but you were in a terrible condition so I rushed over here to save you. Now that you’re fine I have to return. Besides it’s not easy for someone like myself to remain in lower worlds long without a lot of preparation.” answered Nyx


“I’m assuming you won’t tell me what it is you’re doing right?” asked Zero


“No, I won’t. Hikaru what do you want to do?” asked Nyx as she turned away from Zero to face Hikaru.


“I want to stay here and help out. Is that okay?” asked Hikaru


“That’s fine you can do as you please my dear. I just wanted to ask if I needed a lift on my way back.” said Nyx


“Thank you so much for bringing me here ma’am. I’m forever grateful.” said Hikaru as she bowed her head


“Don’t worry about it. Well, I’m about to leave so I wish you all the best of luck. Say hi to Yoko and my other grandchild for me.” said Nyx as she walked around and hugged everyone except for Zero who she patted on the head before hugging him.


Nyx then created a dimensional rift portal to the Void of Chaos and walked through shutting it tight. Azalea and Dahlia looked around before both saying, “I understand what you meant by saying that she's like Nova, however, we must make sure Nova grows up differently. That was an exhausting visit.”

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