My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 105 Hiccup

Zero materialized in the room that held Sophia’s new body which was absorbing her essence. The fusion of the 2 seemed to have stabilized and a cocoon had formed like with Yoko except this was a very light golden color instead of blue. Zero could still see the body in the cocoon so it seemed as if was newly formed and would most likely darken before hatch meaning Zero had some time before Sophia emerged.


Now finished checking on Sophia; Zero proceeded to teleport to the gate before the entrance area where Soma should be waiting for him. Zero opened the door to find everyone looking at him as Mina ran up to him and hugged him.


“Zero what happened Soma said you show up in 15 minutes but we’ve been worried for an hour.” said a worried Mina as she sobbed and hugged Zero.


Soma walked up to the 2 of them and with a worried look asked, “What happened? Why were you so late? Did anything dangerous happen?”


Zero rubbed Mina’s head and attempted to comfort her and calm her down. While still sobbing Mina refused to let go so Zero answered Soma’s question knowing that he could do nothing about the situation. Zero said, “A few hiccups occurred and caused me to have to deal with them but it’s nothing too serious. I’m sorry I’m late but we need to get started as soon as possible.”


Alucard walked over to the 3 and said, “Soma filled me in on what you plan to do. At first, I was against the idea but I do see the merits in the plan now. Is there anything you need?”


“Nope everything is ready so I just need Mina and Soma to follow me. We have less than an hour left so get Hammer out of here first and wait for us.” said Zero as he reached out his hand to Soma who grabbed it. Zero then teleported them to Dracula’s study.


Zero released Soma’s hand and patted Mina’s head while saying, “Mina please I know that you’re worried but I promise that if you let go I won’t disappear again.”


“Do you promise? You 2 are always doing dangerous things and leaving me behind. I don’t want to be the reason you 2 get hurt.” asked Mina with tears in her eyes


“Didn’t Soma explain to you what I plan to do?” asked Zero confused by Mina’s words


“No, he said you’d explain.” said Mina


Zero turned and glared at Soma who was conveniently facing the other way. Zero sighed and chuckled as he said, “Mina since coming to this castle Soma and I have gained the power to fight. We’ve been fighting monsters trying to find a way out of the castle. We’ve found a way but there is a really powerful creature standing in our and we’re not sure we can protect you. The reason I brought you here was to give you the same power that Soma and I use to fight so that you can protect yourself and fight with us.”


Without a moment's hesitation, Mina stepped back, grabbed Zero's hands, and said “Yes I’ll do it so let me fight alongside you 2!”


“O... okay let’s get started. Can you lay down there for me.” said Zero as he pointed to the center of the room. Mina walked to the center of the room and laid down. Zero walked over, kneeled down, and said, “Okay close your eyes,” as Mina followed Zero’s instructions. Zero used his dark ethereal hand to reach into Mina’s chest and pulled out her soul. Soma clenched his hands tightly and started to bleed.


Mina’s soul was a pure white soul with golden sparkles that emanated from within the core of it.


Zero walked over to where Soma stood, touched his shoulders, and said, “Calm down Soma she’s fine.”


“I know, it's just that it reminds me of our past lives when I see her in a state like that.” said Soma as he took a deep breath.


‘System use anything that matches best with Mina but be sure to use the body parts and blood taken from the body made for Sophia. Make her look the same and take care of the soul me to please.’




‘Oh, I almost forgot; remember to save her clothing so she’ll have something to wear. Alert me when the process is complete.’




As soon as the system answered Zero grabbed Soma’s arm and led him out of the room into the hallway. Soma turned to Zero and asked, “What are you doing? Why aren’t you doing what you said?”


“I’ve already begun and I thought it might be best to give Mina some privacy until it’s finished since she’ll be naked the entire time.” answered Zero


Soma’s face blushed as Zero words and said, “I hope you didn’t see anything and if you did, I’ll kill you.”


Zero laughed and said, “Why do you think I’m out here with you? Curiously why are you blushing I’m sure you must have seen naked women before in your past life.”


“My old memories are mine but at the same time, they aren’t so they don’t influence me as much as you might think. I’m mostly still the same Soma Cruz you met a year ago and no I haven’t seen it before so leave me alone.” said Soma as he continued to blush even more.


“Relax, I’m just messing with you. On a more serious note, I checked up on Sophia and from the looks of it she’ll emerge in an hour.” said Zero


Soma stopped blushing immediately when he heard Zero’s words and said, “This is bad Yaldabaoth is due to arrive in 30 minutes based on your information and Mina is evolving. Will we really be able to escape?”


“Don’t worry Mina will be done before then and I have a backup plan. My info said it would arrive at the earliest in 30 minutes but you never know we could get lucky and it arrives after Sophia awakens.”


“I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been quite unlucky in all my lives.” said Soma as he leaned against the corridor wall.


“Well my luck isn't all that great either, although I'm sure it’s better than most, but I still feel we’ll be unlucky this time.” said Zero as he patted Soma’s shoulder and sighed.

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