My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 107 Yaldabaoth Descends

“Hey, Mina how are you feeling?” asked Zero who stood next to a motionless Soma. Zero understood why Soma was so shocked by the changes to her current appearance since Mina now resembled her 2 previous iterations.


“I’m okay although my back feels weird.” said Mina as 2 majestic wings that radiated an intense mana burst forth from her back. The wings had a unique color with the top area being white, followed by an aqua blue, and finally, the tips of her wings were an emerald green. They looked as if fairy wings were converted into angel wings.


The wing coming from her back freaked out Mina who was trying to turn to see them knocking over chairs. Zero walked over to her, placed his hand on her shoulder, and said, “Calm down Mina. Everything is going to be okay. There’s just one last thing I have to do.”


Zero activated his mental manipulation skill and entered Mina’s mind. Due to the fact that Yaldabaoth saw no value in control of Mina; Zero found her standing in the dark void of her mind with 2 locked doors behind her. Wasting no time Zero raised his hand and the doors shattered. A few seconds later 2 individuals emerged from these rooms. All 3 women bore a resemblance to one another. The 2 smiled at Zero and bowed in thanks before walking over to a confused Mina. They turned into white lights and flew into Mina who glowed briefly before returning to normal.


“Do you remember now?” asked Zero


“Yes, I do and I’m also aware that you’re not my cousin. Who are you?” asked Mina


“That’s a long story and if we’re all still alive at the end of this, I’ll be sure to tell you. We’re going to leave this place and I’ll need you to trust me okay.” said Zero as he deactivated his mental skill forcing him out of Mina’s mind.


Now back in the real world, Zero released Mina. Thoughts moved fast so although Zero had spent a few minutes in Mina’s mind not even a second had passed in the real world.


Mina’s wing retracted as she still had a confused look on her face. She turned around and looked at the room. Zero noticed that on her back where her wings had ripped her shrine maiden top, there were a pair of wing tattoos that looked exactly like her wings from a second ago.


Zero teleported next to Soma and shook him while saying, “Soma wake up. Mina needs you to explain what’s going on.”


Soma awoke from his daydreaming state and walked over to Mina. Mina turned around and hugged Soma before pulling away and slapping him across the face. Soma blinked repeatedly and asked, “What was that for?”


Mina smiled and said, “The hug was for Mathias, the slap for Vlad, and this is for you.” Mina pulled Soma in and kissed him.


Zero coughed and the 2 pulled apart blushing as they avoided Zero's line of sight. Zero said, “So by now you’re aware that I’ve restored Mina’s memories. That's good and all but your reunion can wait until we escape the castle.”


Zero walked over to the 2, placing his hand on their shoulders, and teleported them to the castle entrance. Zero then showed them to the hidden entrance and said, “Okay Alucard and the rest of the group will be waiting for you. Once you’re out of here Soma you need to help Mina adjust to her new body and powers. You’ll have an hour maybe a little bit more but it’s wiser to assume we’ll be limited to an hour.”


“Wait, you’re not coming with us?” asked a worried Mina


“Don’t worry, I just have a few last-minute things to take care of. I already have a foolproof escape method ready so that I can escape anytime. Oh, I almost forgot Mina, Uncle Yuto is staying with an acquaintance so you don’t need to worry when you don’t find him at the temple.” said Zero as he attempted to reassure Mina.


“So, you’re sure this full-proof method will let you escape here unharmed right?” asked a serious Soma


“1000%!” said Zero with a smirk.


Feeling assured by Zero cocky nature the 2 walked through the opening and left the castle leaving only Zero, Sophia, and an army of demons with the castle walls. Zero quickly teleported back to Dracula’s study, opened a small dimensional rift, pulled a flat black disk that he placed in a safe area, and teleported back to the castle entrance.


After 15 minutes of waiting the sky began to turn red and cracks appeared throughout the sky. The earth and castle shook violently and gale winds began to blow. Thunder could be heard and lightning could be seen striking the castle damaging it and intensifying the shaking while debris fell constantly.


As the chaos continued a gray portal appeared in the sky like a gray moon. At the edges of the portal claws could be seen grasping the edges of the portal allowing the creature to pull itself out. When the figure finally emerged, it was quite grotesque. The creature had the body of an eastern dragon with random patches of scales and fur placed randomly all over its body. The dragon claws were misshaped and didn’t seem to belong to the same creature with one looking like a human arm. The head of the creature was that of a lion rather than a dragon. Seeing the creature, the only thing that popped into Zero's head was the word chimera.


Finally, free of the portal the creature released a powerful howl that shook the castle as much as the earthquake that had subsided.


Skill Explanation


Light Metabolization: The user has the ability to feed off and digest light, to sustain themselves and their powers.


Empathy: The user can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover their hidden emotions. Some users may learn to read emotional imprints left in the environment or objects. Usually, over time, an Empath's power grows to the point that they can manipulate emotions in others, and possibly use them to empower themselves. The user may learn to extend their power over vast numbers of sentient beings or reach extreme distances, even other levels of existence but this may be possible only if the user has an emotional link to them.


Malleable Anatomy: Users can modify their physiological features, including face, body, skin, or size to disguise or look like another person. While the user can conceal a body part, like a finger, or an eye the user can't actually add anything new to the body shape. They can, however, shift the flesh to a remarkable degree, although the changed being will always be recognizable as a member of their species.


Ethereal Form: The user is made up of or can transform their body completely into pure "Aether", a substance that pervades all positive Universal Space. It is also a fact that "Aether" is what makes the physiology of mystic entities such as Angels, Fairies, and some Deities, explaining how they have been able to reside in certain Spiritual Planes and make contact with physical beings.

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