My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 120 Forge

Zero appeared in the temple and saw Yoko and Hikaru watching Yaldabaoth’s battle with Sophia. They were watching the fight so intensely that they didn’t notice Zero open a portal and walk through it. Zero was now within his own subspace of the chaos dimension and he was surrounded by souls and lifeless bodies.


Zero called a few souls from the sea of tens of thousands. Zero opened his mouth and the soul flew in and he began chewing and swallowing the soul. The essence of the soul dissolved and turned into mana refilling Zero low mana. Drinking the blood previously had caused Zero’s recovery to jump to 30% but consuming the soul had brought him to 75%. This was enough for him to forge now.


‘The battle’s started and I don’t know how long it’s going to take so I’ll forgo my own weapon so I'll focus on the support items for now. System let’s begin. I’ll think of what I want and you’ll give it form.’




Coming to a decision on what to do Zero called over 1000 souls and started to forge. He imagined 10 devices to allow communication between each other regardless of distance or dimensions. The form he thought of was similar to an earpiece but that might fall off during battle. So, to combat that problem he imagined it having the ability to temporarily fuse with its user until the user wished to take it off. The abilities were simple but powerful so the system needed more souls to complete it. It called over another 1000 souls to have enough material to forge these earpieces.




In front of Zero floated 10 black earpieces in place of the 2000 souls.


Item: Echo of Truth

Effect: Allows the user to communicate with other wearers regardless of distance and space.

Description: An artifact that was forged by Zero the Soul Forger for communication purposes,


‘Echo of Truth?’





‘Yeah, I guess that’s okay.’


Zero grabbed the Echoes and opened a portal back to the Nether Realm. When he arrived, he saw the image of Yaldabaoth lying on the ground as Sophia was approaching it. It looked like Yaldabaoth was beaten and the battle would be ending soon. Zero watched as Sophia pulled out Yaldabaoth’s soul and proceeded to squeeze and crush the soul. Eventually, the soul shattered and Yaldabaoth’s body faded along with the shattered soul.


‘Hmm, so that’s how a god kills another god. That’s not too difficult but I’ll definitely have to try it out later.’


Zero saw that time was truly up so he called out to Hikaru and Yoko, “Here take these and wear them on your ear. Yoko, I want you to stay here with Hikaru and Nova. I’ll explain why when I give the rest to the others. Also, give these 2 to Dahlia and Azalea for me.”


Zero tossed one to Nova although he didn’t want her involved in this it was better to have her wear it regardless. Zero then opened a portal back to the Hakuba Shrine. He found Mina and Valna still practicing as Soma was off to the side discussing something with Alucard and Julius.


“Everyone gather around quickly!” yelled Zero to get everyone’s attention.


The group all ran up to Zero wondering what he needed to inform them about. Zero then explained, “Sophia has just defeated Yaldabaoth so we should expect her to come here soon.”


Zero then handed everyone an Echo except Julius and showed them how to put it on. He then looked at Julius and asked, “You’ll need to evacuate here soon.”


“I know I’m just an old vampire hunter who’s no good in a battle against gods. I just came to inform Soma and Alucard that the barrier has been set. Hakuba Shrine has been separated from the rest of the world so you guys can run as wild as you want. I’ll be maintaining the barrier from the outside and will make sure no one tries to get in.” said Julius


“Good that takes a lot off our mind. Thank you, Julius your help means a lot to me.” said Zero


“You know I still don’t really care for vampires but you guys are alright. Try not to die out there.” said Julius as he walked waving.


“Hmm, he can’t be honest with himself. I’ve known that man for a long time and I can tell you he truly wishes for our safe return.” explained Alucard


Zero smiled and said, “I never really liked humans when I first arrived, but now I found that there are a few that I can see as family and friends.”


“A heartwarming sentiment but I believe we should focus on the oncoming danger.” said Valna killing the heartfelt mood.


“Yes, this device will allow us to communicate with each other including a few others of my allies. I’ll have 1 of them observe the battle from a safe place and direct us. She’s a wise person and might see a strategy we don’t so I hope you’ll trust her since I trust her with my life.” said Zero


{Hello, my name is Hikaru. I’ll do my best to help you all survive this battle} said Hikaru over the Echo network.


“Wow, I heard someone talking in my head.” said Mina


“That is Hikaru the person I want directing us. She currently talking to us using the devices you placed on your ears. Just think what you want to say while wanting the rest of us to hear it. The device will only allow us to hear what you want us to hear.” explained Zero


{Like this?} asked Mina


{Yes, now that’s out of the way we can focus on other things. Yoko what’s the situation with Sophia now?} asked Zero


{She currently charging what seems to be a large energy attack to destroy Dracula’s castle. I assume that as soon as she’s done with that she’ll head to your location.} explained Yoko


{Okay thanks for the update. I wanted you to stay in the Nether Realm and prepare a large-scale attack so that when I bring her there you hit her with full force. Azalea and Dahlia, I want you out here with us to fight Sophia…} said Zero


{Actually, I believe it’s wiser to only have Azalea out there. I’ve talked with Yoko and found that while they're more powerful together they also have a weakness when together. Azalea has more combat-oriented powers so I believe Dahlia should stay here.} interrupted Hikaru


{That’s fine, I agree with that. Then for our formation, I believe that Valna, Soma, and myself should be the vanguard while Mina, Alucard, and Azalea should be our rearguard focusing on magical attacks.} said Zero


{Yes, I agree with that.} said Soma who had been staying silent listening to the conversation between Zero and Hikaru.


{I don’t agree with that. I don’t have many magical abilities. Dahlia has more of them and would be better suited for the rear guard.} said Azalea


{Yes, from my understanding of your abilities this formation works best. Azalea is more combat-oriented but Sophia may choose to attack the rearguard first so having her with them will buy enough time for the vanguard to attack. That’s why you’re a better fit than Dahlia.} explained Hikaru


{I have to report that Sophia has destroyed the castle and is now opening a dimensional tear to your location now.} said Yoko


A tiny tear appeared in the air and started to grow bigger. Wasting no time, they got into position with Azalea picking up Mina followed by Alucard as they headed far behind the vanguard group. Soma summoned the ice sword that Zero returned to him after he awakened. Valna summoned her new spear and took a battle pose preparing for battle. Zero summoned his shadow sword and took his void sword stance.


The tear completely opened and Sophia’s winged figure flew out. She landed in front of the vanguard as she looked at them preparing for battle. Sophia then turned to face Zero and said, “I thought Yaldabaoth killed you. Oh well, it’s of no importance I’ve come to inform you that Yaldabaoth is no more and our deal is complete.”


“Well that’s good news, then so I hope you’ll keep our bargain and leave us be.” said Zero


“Our bargain is complete though. With your help I defeated Yaldabaoth and I refrained from harming your friends. Now that it is complete you shall all be purged.” said Sophia


Zero sighed and said, “Well, I thought it might end like this. Would you like to make another bargain?”


“Unneeded although rest assured Zero while I plan to kill all your friends you will survive. Being able to create a body to house my essence is no small feat. I’m sure my lord will find you fascinating when I bring you to him.” said Sophia


“Enough talking let’s begin.” said Zero as he began to release a massive amount of killing intent.


“Very well since you’re all in such a hurry to die who am I to stop you.” said Sophia

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