My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 196 Obsidian Fists of Protection & Queen’s Defender

Zero, Hammer, and Soma fell onto a grassland plain that seemed to go on for miles. Zero had created this large patch of land and filled his space with oxygen the instant they passed through the gateway.

‘Hmm, it’s annoying to have to create a piece of land and air every time I bring someone here. Looks like I should have a small world too. It would save me time and maybe I should build a family home on it.’ thought Zero as he landed on the ground

“Well looks like we got all ta space we gonna need. So what type of hand-to-hand combat ya want to learn kid?” asked Hammer

“I’m not really that well-versed in combat styles. Do you have any styles that are good for fighting someone stronger than you and another for dealing with multiple enemies?” asked Zero

“For stronger opponents, I suggest either Judo or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and for multiple people, ya gonna want Krav Maga.” said Hammer

“Okay I’ll leave it to you Hammer.” said Zero as he summoned his ring to reduce his strength and speed to human levels

“You’re wearing the ring why? Should I wear mine?” asked Soma

As Zero stretched his body feeling a bit of discomfort normally not wearing his ring he responded, “No in my normal form I’m stronger than both of you so I can’t fully focus on learning if I have to constantly worry about controlling my strength. You guys will be teaching so you won’t need to wear your ring, Soma.”

“Good on ya kid for wanting ta do that but I suggest you take it off. Well ya’ll probably take it off on ya own later so let’s start!” yelled Hammer as he charged and attacked Zero

Zero barely managed to put his hands up defensively but with his speed, Hammer spilled to his side. Hammer then used his leg to sweep Zero’s feet off the ground and threw him on his back. Before Zero could register what happened Hammer performed a technique where he used his arms and legs to lock

“The first technique is called foot sweep and is a basic staple in judo and jiu-jitsu where in you attack the leg of your opponent to keep them off balance allowing you to either throw them or reposition them to allow for follow-up moves. The second technique is called an armbar it’s a basic technique used to lock the joints of your opponents in place while you use your legs to put pressure on their neck to knock them out or kill them.” explained Hammer as he released Zero form the technique and then pointed at Soma saying, “Now you try it on Soma here.”

Soma walked forward and then stood 6 feet away from Zero. Zero then looked at Soma mimicking the stance Hammer had just taken. Soma then similarly charged at Zero and prepared to sweep Zero’s leg yet again. Zero having seen this had already prepared a countermeasure and sidestepped the leg sweep and crouched down then with all his strength performed his own sweep knocking Soma off his feet. With Soma down on the ground, Zero attempted the armbar move but with his reduced strength Soma easily broke out of Zero's grip and jumped onto his feet putting some distance between them.

“You won’t be able to pin me down with human-level strength. I don’t know why your ego has suddenly started to grow so much but you need to get it under control. The Zero I know would take the ring off and use every possible advantage even cheap tricks to win. I’ll stop holding back too and show you everything I got so you do the same.” said Soma as dark energy started to gather and condense on his hands and feet forming black-clawed gauntlets and greave leg guards.

Zero sensing that he was now in danger hastily took off the ring as Soma charged at him. Soma empowered by the black greaves moved at a speed that Zero could barely manage to react to. Zero had no time to dodge this attack so he summoned shadow tendrils to form a wall in front of him as he moved out of the way. Slowed down by having to break down the wall Zero managed Soma’s attack.

Dark energy emanated from the gauntlets and greaves causing Soma to move at an even faster speed. Soma disappeared from Zero’s sight and reappeared behind and aimed a roundhouse kick at Zero’s head but Zero ducked last minute and performed a leg sweep. Soma jumped avoiding the leg sweep but now he was vulnerable midair and Zero took advantage of this to summon numerous shadow blades and telekinetically shoot them at Soma.

Soma’s gauntlets started to release blood that quickly took the form of a red longsword. Dark energy emerged from the gauntlet and enveloped the sword. Soma swung the blade releasing a dark red energy wave that clashed with Zero’s shadow swords creating a dust shockwave enveloping both Zero and Soma.

Soma jumped out of the dust cloud and landed but a second later a dark tendril emerged from the ground and performed a leg sweep. Soma was unable to dodge this attack causing him to fall and Zero teleported near to capitalize on this moment and used it to perform the armbar.

“Alright, that’s enough the both of ya. Looks like Zero can do the technique so let’s quickly move on.” yelled Hammer reminding the 2 that this was supposed to be a simple training session and not a sparring session.

Zero released his armbar, got up, and offed his hand to Soma. Soma grabbed his hand and proceeded to be lifted off the ground. Zero then asked, “So I thought you lost the ability to summon the weapons now that Yaldoboth was dead? How did you get them back and why did the color change?”

“My weapons didn’t come from the power Yaldoboth gave me but rather the painful emotions I felt from losing my wife. Now that I have Mina with me all I needed to do was channel different emotions to recreate them.” answered Soma

“What emotion are you channeling?” asked a curious Zero

“Hey! Enough talking we ain’t got time for this. Now I’ll show you the next move. This is a judo move called harai goshi. This move can easily be done when an opponent grabs you releasing their grasp and allowing you then perform. Before you ask judo throws work well with jiu-jitsu and krav maga so I’ll teach you a few of them. Now take your stances!” said Hammer

Just like this 2 days passed as Zero trained with Hammer and Soma.

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