My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 199 Zero vs Fenrir Part 3

Zero kneeled in pain, clutching a bleeding stump where his missing used to be. Fenrir had attacked and attempted to bite Zero’s arm, but Zero had started to dodge when Fenrir suddenly grew bigger, shocking Zero and causing his movement to become sloppy. In the instant of confusion, Fenrir’s teeth bit into Zero’s right arm and flung him ripping off the arm.

A pain like no other Zero had ever felt before engulfed him, causing him to collapse on the ground and roll around in an unsightly manner. Even when Soma had previously burned off his flesh, leaving only his bones he didn’t feel pain on this level. The pain consumed him leaving him unable to even think, all he could do was continue to squirm on the ground and scream.

Fenrir then spit out Zero’s arm, causing the severed limb to land next to Zero, who was still in agony. Fenrir then slowly walked over to Zero, slammed his paw on Zero’s chest crushing his ribs, and said, “Hurts doesn’t it? Gods can’t be hurt by physical wounds alone you need to simultaneously destroy both the body and soul. Nothing quite like the first time you feel your soul being shredded to pieces sometimes it even drives gods mad. My first time was when Odin and Tyr bound me in chains it drove me mad with pain and rage.”

Zero didn’t have the luxury to listen to what Fenrir was saying all he could do was check whether the system was ready.

‘Is it done!?’

[No I require 3 more minutes. So stop acting pathetic and buy more time.]

‘Damn you!’

Fenrir noticed Zero’s facial expressions changing and that the changes didn’t match what he would expect so he assumed that Zero was up to something. Fenrir then increased the pressure of his paw on Zero’s chest causing Zero to cough blood.

Zero didn’t even flinch as his organ were being crushed because compared to the pain his soul felt this could be compared to a mosquito bite. Zero tried to calm his mind enough to try to escape when he realized that his wound hadn’t healed or even shown any signs of attempting to heal. Zero grabbed his severed arm and attempted to reattach it but it still showed no signs of healing.

‘System how do I heal this wound?’

[Hah please don’t bother me too much these calculations need to be precise or you’ll die. The way to heal this wound would be to use your chaos form to reattach the arm forcibly while simultaneously using your ability to rejoin the severed part of your soul. Just buy 3 more minutes and you’ll be victorious.]

Zero then used his remaining functional arm to create another green sound sigil and slammed it against Fenrir’s leg which was crushing him. This created another high-pitched sound that caused Fenrir to retreat and Zero used this moment to battle through the pain to reattach his severed arm. When he finished the mindnumbing pain he was experiencing was greatly reduced and focused his mana to quickly heal himself before Fenrir recovered.

Although now fully healed physically Zero found it hard as he tried to pull himself off the ground. Though he repaired his soul he still felt some pain from it and coupled with the sonic attack he just suffered Zero was no longer in fighting shape. Zero with great difficulty finally managed to stand just as Fenrir also recovered.

“That’s quite an annoying attack you have there. I hope you understand that I’ve been playing with you until now but I plan to end this now. You can either surrender now and get to live or die.” said Fenrir as he started to grow even larger than what he first showed Zero until some golden tattoo mark all over his body began to shine stopping his growth

“I can’t surrender, and I don’t plan to die, so I can only win.” said Zero as his body began to shine a beautiful purple light engulfing his body completely

When the light died down, Zero was gone and a gracful white wolf with amber eyes stood in his place and howled. The wolf had fur that was long and smooth. It stood at average height for a wolf and had muscular legs, with its paw having an ethereal purple glow. Anyone who saw this beast could only describe it as solitary, assertive, familial, and profound.

Perhaps taking Zero’s new form as offensive, Fenrir released killing intent for the first time since this match had begun. He no longer showed the playful side of his and charged at Zero. Due to his immense size, he arrive in seconds, and with his massive paw attempted to crush Zero, but the wolf managed to barely dodge and was blown away by the massive gust of wind as Fenrir cratered the ground around them. Fenrir’s blow was so powerful that it caused the entire area to transform into a crater with spikes of earth piercing the ground in multiple areas.

Fenrir’s hearing hadn’t healed yet but his sight had recovered and he instantly found Zero disappearing and reappearing next to him. He attack even more ferociously and attempted to bite Zero’s tiny body but the small wolf jumped into his shadow last minute avoiding death.

Shadow tendrils then erupted from Fenrir’s shadow and began to bind the giant wolf when he easily ripped through the bindings. Fenrir then sniffed the air and pounced to the right once again slamming his paw into the ground creating an even deeper crater. The gust of wind this time blew Zero into the air and as he fell back down Fenrir was under him with his mouth wide open awaiting Zero’s descent.

Shadow tendrils emerged yet again to bind Fenrir, and this time he didn’t move or try to break the bindings he simply howled, but no sound could be heard. Zero stated yelping in pain as he continued to fall towards Fenrir’s mouth, but he managed to use his purple claws to rip a dimensional tear through which he fell into. Fenrir looked and sniffed around but found no signs of Zero when he heard the sound of something crashing into the ground a couple of kilometers away. Fenrir then easily broke free from his binding and raced toward the direction in which he heard the sound.

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