My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 202.5 Side Story Investigation Team Assembled

(***Muriel POV***)

In her living courters, Muriel donned her armor and picked up her blade. As she did her final checks, another angel appeared outside and knocked on her door. When she opened her door, the angel relayed a message.


“Angel Muriel you are ordered to ready yourself and gather at Orifiel’s Gate within 10 minutes.” said the angel who then flew away without waiting for Muriel’s response


Muriel then closed her door and flew in the direction of Orifiel’s Gate. This divine realm called heaven by mortals was sealed off to all non-angels as a way to defend against invasion. The only way in and out of this divine realm were 4 mystical swords created and empowered by God. The 4 blades were held by 4 unique angels with the rank of Dominion each staying at the 4 corners of the divine realm. Muriel was currently on her way to Orifiel’s Gate or also known as the west gate guarded by the angel Orifiel.


When she landed, she came face to face with the Orifiel who looked at her with no emotion visible on her face. Orifiel could be described as a blonde-haired haired gentle being with clear, white eyes that stared so intently while a serene energy took hold of you. While a gatekeeper, her divinity was that of peace causing her brilliant white wings of pure energy to radiate an atmosphere of tranquility. Orifiel’s slim body moved slowly causing the white dress she wore to flutter gracefully against her body. She carried her mystical sword and a sturdy golden shield, which she famously was said to have used to single-handedly repel Lucifer until Michael arrived to strike him down during the rebellion.


Orifiel was best known as the angel without emotion for good reason because in the 2000 years of Muriel’s birth, she had never seen this woman show a single emotion. She turned to look at Muriel and without any emotion said, “Muriel it is good to see you yet again. Do you have another mission into the Void of Chaos?”


Muriel shook her head no and replied, “No I’m part of an investigation team and we were ordered to gather here by the leader of the team. I’m a little early so I’ll just wait for the others.”


“Oh still trying to be a little showoff even though you’re a disgraced angel. I used to respect you Muriel but look how far you’ve fallen.” said a voice from behind Muriel


Muriel turned to see a face that she hadn’t seen in 400 years. A woman with silver, short hair neatly coiffured revealing a skinny, charming face. She had narrow gray eyes that showed anger and disgust as she glared intensely at Muriel. Muriel paid no heed to the look of disgust, bowed her head slightly, and said, “It is good to see you again Evangeline.”


Evangeline the angel continued, “I find your voice to be unpleasant so keep it shut and don’t besmirch my name with that filthy mouth of yours” to which Muriel simply nodded and looked away.


A few seconds later 5 other angels landed and a young man with straight brown hair covering his beautiful but furrowed and menacing face stepped forward. His stern arrow-green eyes looked over the face of everyone there but when he saw Muriel, his brow furrowed even more. His gaze stayed on Muriel a few seconds before he looked away and said, “Hello I’m Nathaniel a member of Archangel Michael’s Charity Corps. My rank is a Power and I shall be leading this team. Introduce yourselves in order of left to right.”


“Evangeline a member of Archangel Uriel’s Chastity Corps. My rank is a Principalities and I shall be responsible for surveying the target world and tracking any foreign mana we encounter.” said Evangeline


The next angle had pink, long layered hair braided to reveal a petite and wild face. She had beautiful blue eyes and stood closely next to Evangeline more so compared to the others. She said, “I’m Michelle a member of Archangel Raphael’s Humility Corps. My rank is a Principalities and my role will be healing and restoration. I’m not very good at fighting so I won’t be much help and I apologize for that.”


The next to speak was a mature female angel who had fiery red, long hair pulled in a ponytail revealing a lively face. She had bright brown eyes, which seemed to look upon the others watchfully like that of an older sister. She said, “You may call me Seraphina and I am a member of Archangel Azrael’s Patience Corps. My rank is also Power and my job will be to check on the world’s death maintenance system to ensure that we still have control of the souls there.”


The next was an older male angel with a gray, frizzy that covered a noble but, bored face. He had green eyes that watched everything with an uninterested calm look. His beard delightfully compliments his hair and leaves a gracious memory of wisdom. He looked toward Orifiel who paid him no mind as he said, “You may all call me Micah and I am a proud member of Archangel Ramiel’s Humility Corps. My rank is a Principalities and the divine duty given to me shall be to asses if any foreign deity has led the mortals away for our Lord and if so lead them back to the right path.”


The final angel was another male with short ginger hair that gently hung over a chiseled, lively face. He had black eyes along with a defining scar reaching from the bottom of the right cheekbone, running towards the tip of the nose, and ending on her left nostril. He quietly said, “Name Castiel. Diligence Corps under Archangel Gabriel. Rank Principalities and my mission communications.)”


With all the others finished introducing themselves Muriel began hers by saying, “Hello my name is Muriel and I belong to the Temperance Corps under Sir Phanuel. My rank is Angel, and my mission…” but was interrupted by Nathaniel who was now standing in front of her.


“We don’t need to hear what every abominable mission given to you by the most disgraceful corps. You will do well to silently follow my orders. Am I understood?” said Nathaniel in a very threatening manner as he grabbed Muriel by the collar lifting her off her feet.


Orifiel who had stood to the side ignoring all this commotion finally spoke and said, “You there the youngling leader did you just insult the mission of the Temperance Corps? You are aware that all the corps were assigned their duties personally by our Lord. To insult their duty is to insult not only insult Archangel Phanuel but Lord Kadmon as well.”


Nathaniel released Muriel and slowly backed away but came to a halt when he noticed Orifiel’s blade behind his back. Orifiel pressed her blade against Nathaniel's back aimed where his soul resided and said, “You’re young so I shall forgive your insolence this time but if I ever hear you speak such things again then I shall extinguish your existence. Am I understood?”


All the angels looked either nervous or scared but none more so than Nathaniel who nodded his head in agreement. Orifiel then took a step back and sheathed her sword. She walked back to her original position as Nathaniel broke out in cold sweat and fell down to the ground. Orifiel then turned to Muriel and said, “Finish”


“My mission will be to maintain the balance of good and evil on the target planet. If Aeon Sophia has upset the balance and tipped it too much in our favor then I shall contact some demons to spread some death and chaos.” said Muriel


The others all frowned upon hearing this because they couldn’t understand why this corps even existed. They always saw it as their duty to wipe out all demons and lead all mortals into the loving embrace of their Lord. The Temperance Corps stood in the way of this mission and thus was hated by all other angels. Worse yet they even worked closely with demons and devils so were considered unclean and filthy.


Orifiel then removed her sword from her waist and with it sliced the sky in a horizontal manner. The sky split in two and the tear began to swirl as a portal of light began to form. Orifiel then said in a cold voice, “You have your mission do not fail due to petty reasons or you shall all be held accountable. Now go I grow tired of you all.”


Muriel was the first to heed Orifiel’s word and flew into the portal and she was followed by the other 6 angels as the portal closed behind them. Orifiel then sheathed her sword yet again and stabbed her sword into the ground and once again took up her position.

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