My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 209 Farewell

Zero and Hikaru looked down on the drunk Hammer and Alucard who laid on the floor. Zero created a spatial tear to the island and then grabbed both of them. Hikaru walked through the tear and Zero turned to Yoko and said, “Get everybody ready to leave I’ll be back soon. Oh, also have Mrs. Kimura wait for me in the lobby.”


Yoko nodded and replied, “Okay but take your time I need an hour to finish gathering all my things.”


Zero said nothing as he dragged the 2 unconscious men through the spatial tear, which closed behind him. Arriving at the town square Zero dropped the 2 men on the ground and flew to the sky to get a better look at the renovated city. Although not all the renovation had been completed, the city was really coming along. It seemed under the direction of both Yoko and Mina some of the witches had used a spatial spell to expand the underground cave that held the city giving them 3 times more room.


The stone building had been renovated with a second floor being added to a few of the buildings and Zero could see that they were fortified with earth magic. To the edge of the city was a field cultivated by Nova’s dryads and it was flourishing. They had multiple fields growing fruits, vegetables, and even grains. The dryads had returned to Nova’s world Esme so the earth-attributed witches now oversaw the fields. They also seemed to be in charge of the livestock, which included cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, and deer.


They had also created a lake filled with sea life that seemed to be under the jurisdiction of the water witches. The number of animals and seafood wouldn’t sustain the city but it looked as if they planned to expand this operation even further.


A few of the other attributed witches seemed to be focused on researching other fields but most helped the earth and water witches in their fields. Hikaru decided on this because she felt that the other industries such as metallurgy were important but food and agriculture were even more important. So currently, 90% of this island’s manpower was being spent on this field while the remaining 10% is spent in other areas. This allows the other field to build a solid foundation so that when food sources become stable it’ll be easy to transition manpower to other areas.


When Zero landed next to Hikaru who had received a report from a vampire about the current developments and advances made while she was away. She put down the paper when she noticed Zero land.


“So I guess it’s time. Do you want me to gather everyone near the farmlands? There we’ll have enough space and you can do it at once.” said Hikaru


“Thank you that will be very helpful. I’ll head over there now and when you finish gathering them come and call me.” responded Zero


Zero released his wings and flew off to the farmlands. As he was heading there, he noticed the tower that Yoko had spent so much of her time researching. Zero grew a bit curious and decided to head there for a few minutes.


When he entered the tower, he heard a robotic voice greet him by saying, “Greeting user how may I help you?”


“Oh right, you’re that AI that was built a long time ago. What’s your name again? I want to ask you if you know what Yoko was working on here?” asked Zero


“This humble one is called Aquilina. User Yoko was studying all files on ‘magitech’ as she dubbed it and was researching a way to replicate me. She succeeded and is now pursuing a way to improve on my programming.” answered Aquilina


“Wow, that’s really interesting. I really want to see how far she’ll take this project. I wonder why she didn’t talk to me about it. Ah, maybe it’s because I’ve been busy. When we leave, I’ll have to make some time to spend with her and the kids.” said Zero as he exited the tower and headed to the farmlands


When he arrived, people were already starting to gather. As he landed, his group of friends approached him. The only person missing was Hikaru who was still making sure that everyone in the city was heading over. After 10 minutes Hikaru also arrived marking that it was time to begin.


“Is this everyone?” asked Zero


“Yup that’s all of em lad.” said Hammer with a nod


Zero then took to the skies and with his eye glowing purple cast his ‘mental dominance’ skill editing the memories of all the vampires, werewolves, witches, and new humans in the group. Unlike what he planned for his acquaintances, Zero simply erased any memory of his group from their minds. After deleting his involvement, he would alter their past memories to make them believe they were born supernatural creatures rather than humans. Doing this for thousands of people was quite taxing but he had the help of his system to handle the finer details while he handled the broader details.


When he finished, the citizens stood there with a dazed look before they began to disperse. Zero had planted a suggestion to head back to whatever task they had been doing before coming here. Once they returned their memory of even coming here would be erased and anyone who looked through their memory would find nothing.


“Is it done?” asked Hikaru


“Yes and now it’s time for us to say farewell for a little while.” said Zero


“Goodbye Zero it’s a little sad but I’ll miss you. Take care and don’t go around causing too much mischief.” said Mina with a sad smile


“Later kid be sure to learn all sorts of techniques out there so when we meet again you can show me em.” said Hammer with a hearty laugh


“Goodbye Zero I appreciate your help in correcting my past mistakes and reuniting me with my parents. I also want to say thank you for helping extend my life. I have no more regrets so I’ll use this life to find happiness. Thank you.” said Alucard


“Thanks for helping me stop the war between vampires and humans. It's a whole new world now and we’ll do our best to make it a better one for all.” said Julius


Soma walked up to Zero shook his hand and said, “I’m going to miss you, Zero. You know in all my hundreds of years of life you’re the second friend I’ve made. I enjoyed our time spent together it was fun” although he whispered, “Next time you see me I’ll introduce you to my kids.”


Hikaru looked at Zero for a while before simply saying, “Goodbye, little brother.”


Zero smiled at everyone’s farewell and activated his ability.

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