My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 233 Assignments

Zero began assigning roles to the subordinates. He looked at each of them carefully, considering their skills and abilities, before making a decision. "Nova's subordinates will be in charge of the Elven Empire of Enia. Iris will be the group leader, and your mission will be to gather information on their political structure, their alliances, and any potential threats to our organization."


Next, Zero turned to Azalea and Dahlia's subordinates. "You will be in charge of the Human Kingdom of Eoqelon. Casandra will be the group leader, and your mission will be to gather information on their military capabilities, their trade relations, and their internal politics."


Turning to Valna's subordinates, Zero said, "That leaves you guys. You will be in charge of the Dwarven City Blesas. Eir will be the group leader, and your mission will be to gather information on their mining industry, their defenses, and any potential threats to our organization."


All the subordinates nodded, accepting their roles with determination. They knew that this would be a difficult task, but they were ready for it. Zero looked at each of them, his eyes full of confidence. "Remember, your success is vital to our group's goals. I have faith in all of you. Now go and do what you do best. Oh, right before I forget, I will craft an artifact for you to blend in with the natives, but that will seal most of your powers. I can, however, make it to allow one ability, so when you return, think very hard and discuss among yourself what you will each pick."


“Why didn’t you mention that magic tower? Is that not the most likely place we’ll find the information we’re looking for?” asked Yoko


Zero paused for a moment before addressing the issue of the main Magic Tower Acesh. "As for the Magic Tower Acesh, I suggest we leave that alone for now. We need to fully understand the magic system of this world, Lingua, before we can make any moves. They will also most likely have the technology from the destroyed Alv Kingdom, Aepilia. It's too risky to go in blind."


“Why would we do that? Even if those things are true, they shouldn’t pose a risk to anyone of us. So what do we have to fear?” asked Yoko


“No, I think it’s best to follow what Zero says for now. It’s rare, but there are worlds out there where mortals have the power to temporarily seal gods. So it’s best to play it safe for now. Once we know enough, we can infiltrate that place.” said Dahlia


Hel raised her hand and said, “I agree we’re new here and we lack information, so let’s play it smart for now.”


“Very well, that’s fine; it’s not like I was suggesting we go there. I was simply curious as to what the reason was.” said Yoko


Zero nodded his head. "Okay, then that’s fine. Also, this just occurred to me, but where’s the baby? Shouldn’t he be you?” to which Yoko chuckled.


“So we’ve been together for nearly an hour, and it’s only now dawned on you that your son is missing. He’s sleeping in my realm; Metis will inform me when he awakens. A father should always be aware of when their child is missing,” said Yoko with a sigh.


Zero nodded, acknowledging Yoko's comment. "Alright, now you all need to focus on your missions. Remember, you are not just here to gather information. You are also here to monitor changes in this world and to alter them if they seem harmful to us. Do not forget, our purpose is to find out why we were brought here."


The subordinates nodded in agreement, their determination renewed. They knew they had a long and difficult road ahead of them, but they were willing to do whatever it took to succeed.


As they left the meeting room, Zero turned to Yoko. "I need to discuss something with you in private."


Yoko raised an eyebrow, wondering what it could be. "Sure, what is it?"


Zero took flight and led Yoko to a secluded area of the world before speaking. "I have obtained a creature from this new world. I encountered two of them, but I was only able to secure one as a sample. It's either a living shadow that took the form of a wolf or a wolf with shadow properties, so I’d like you to inspect it and perform an autopsy. I felt the way Mana was moving throughout its body was weird."


Yoko nodded, intrigued by Zero's discovery. "I see. I will examine the creature and report back to you with my findings. Do you have any other information about it?"


Zero shook his head as he released the creature’s corpse from his shadow. "Not much. It appeared out of nowhere and attacked me, but I was able to subdue it. It's definitely not like any creature we've seen before, so I'm curious to know more about it."


Yoko nodded again. "I understand. I'll get to work on it right away."


With that, the two parted ways, each focused on their respective tasks. Yoko couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of studying this mysterious creature, but she also knew that there was much work to be done. She had to focus on her mission and do her best to unravel the mysteries of this new world’s magic.


Zero returned to find only Nova and Valna waiting for him, as the rest had dispersed. He then asked Valna, “Where did everybody go?”


“Hel and her brothers returned with Azalea and Dahlia to their realm. Nova wanted to wait for you, so I waited with her, but I have business with Yoko. I feel she’s left here, so I’ll head over," answered Valna.


Zero walked over to the little girl and rubbed her head. “You waited for me? I’m glad I had something I wanted to show you.”


Nova smiled as she asked, “What do you want to show me, Papa?”


Zero picked her up and said, “It’s a secret, so close your eyes until I say it's okay to open them.”


Nova closed her eyes tightly and held onto Zero as he took off into the air. She felt the wind rushing past her and the sound of the world around them as they flew. After a few minutes, she felt them pass through a gateway and was met with a gust of cold wind when Zero finally spoke.

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