My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 243 Report

(***Meus POV***)


Meus, a loyal and skilled knight in the service of Earl Torin, made his way through the castle corridors. His steps were purposeful and focused as he followed a familiar path that led to an underground training area. Meus knew that his lord, the former Duke and now Earl Torin, sought solace and release in the art of swordsmanship, especially since the tragic loss of his wife Zuria and daughter Shia at the hands of the royal family's assassins.


As Meus reached the door of the training area, he took a moment to prepare himself mentally. He understood the weight of Torin's grief and the intensity of his emotions. With a deep breath, he pushed open the door, revealing a spacious room equipped with training dummies, wooden targets, and various weapons lining the walls.


There, in the center of the room, stood Earl Torin, swinging his sword with fierce determination. Meus could sense the raw anger and sorrow emanating from his lord. Torin's face bore the weight of his losses, his eyes filled with a fiery resolve that matched the intensity of his emotions.


Without hesitation, Meus took off his jacket, walked forward, and picked up a sword, silently positioning himself in front of his lord. He knew that Torin sought not only to train but also to find an outlet for his pent-up emotions. Meus understood his role as both a loyal butler and a trusted confidant, someone who could stand by Torin's side during these trying times.


As Torin continued his swordplay, Meus could see the moment of intense focus and concentration on his lord's face. It was the telltale sign that Torin was about to activate his "Knight's Resolve." This power, unique to knights, allowed them to tap into their inner strength and project an aura of power and enhanced physical abilities.


The room suddenly filled with a vibrant display of light as Torin's aura, a blazing red, surrounded him. It symbolized the intense rage and determination that fueled his every movement. Meus, in contrast, radiated a calm and resolute blue aura, a reflection of his focused determination and unwavering loyalty to his lord.


As the clash of swords filled the air, Meus matched Torin's movements with precision and skill. The training session was not merely about honing their physical abilities; it was a cathartic release, an opportunity for Torin to channel his grief and anger into something productive.


The sound of steel meeting steel echoed throughout the training area, as the two warriors engaged in a synchronized dance of blades. Meus could feel the weight of Torin's emotions, the depth of his pain, and he silently vowed to support him through every strike, every swing, and every moment of release. Meus understood that his presence here was not only as a sparring partner but also as a pillar of support for Torin, someone who could listen and provide guidance when needed.


As the training session drew to a close, the intensity of Torin's aura gradually subsided, returning to a more subdued calm blue state. Meus lowered his sword, taking a step back to give Torin space to process his emotions. Sweat trickled down their brows, mingling with the weariness that comes after exertion.


Meus spoke, his voice filled with unwavering loyalty and respect. "My lord, you fought with great strength and resolve. I am honored to stand by your side, now and always. I have no idea what has caused you this distress, but please calm yourself."


After taking some deep breaths, Torin said, “It’s just us here, Meus, so please drop the formalities.”


Meus stabbed his blade into the ground and asked, “What happened, Mathias? What’s got you so worked up that you need to come here?”


“As you know, the deal with the Alv princess went well. After that, I had a discussion with Zero, and he reminded me of how powerless I was in the face of that tragedy. He said he will not act against us so long as I protect this place and his child. He was right in that my future actions will bring a war the likes of which we’ve never seen,” explained Mathias.


Meus listened attentively to Torin's words, his face filled with concern. He understood the weight of responsibility that Torin carried, both as the Earl and as a protector of this place and Madam Zuria. Meus knew that Torin's actions held the potential to shape the future and determine the course of events.


With a solemn expression, Meus responded, his voice steady yet compassionate. "Mathias, I understand the burden you bear and the weight of the decisions before you. It is true that your actions may have far-reaching consequences, and it is natural to feel the weight of that responsibility. But remember, my lord, that you are not alone in this. You have allies and trusted advisors who stand beside you, ready to offer support and guidance."


Meus approached Torin, his eyes meeting his lord's gaze. "I have served you faithfully for many years, and I have seen your strength, your wisdom, and your determination. I believe in you, Mathias. I believe that you have the capacity to navigate these challenges and protect what is dear to you. We will face the future together, as a united force. Besides, you know I shall always protect you from the shadows."


Torin's expression softened, a mix of gratitude and weariness etched on his face. He placed a hand on Meus' shoulder, appreciating the unwavering support and understanding. "Thank you, Meus," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. "Your words give me strength, and I am grateful to have you by my side. We will face the challenges ahead together, and I trust in your guidance."


Meus nodded, his eyes reflecting determination and loyalty. "Mathias, you have always been like family to me. I will do everything in my power to support you and ensure the safety and prosperity of this place. We will find a way to protect what is important to us, and we will emerge stronger from this storm no matter what."


Torin smiled at Meus’ response as he felt a weight lifted from his heart. “I can never thank you enough for all you’ve done for me, Meus. How’s that thing I asked you to look into? Were you able to glean any useful information?”

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