My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 247 Blesas D

Eir and Mist arrived at the entrance of the cave that led to the underground city of Blesas. Standing outside the grand entrance to Blesas, the awe-inspiring underground city, Eir and Mist were greeted by massive stone doors. These doors loomed above them, intricately carved with dwarven runes and symbols. As they approached, the doors creaked open, revealing a glimpse of the splendor that awaited them inside.


Side by side, both wearing rings that disguised them as female dwarves, Eir and Mist had adopted the petite figures and distinctive features of the dwarven race. Their appearances blended seamlessly with the inhabitants of Blesas, allowing them to move through the city undetected.


Eir, now appearing as a dwarf, stood with a sturdy and compact build. Her jet-black hair had changed to a dark brown, intricately braided and adorned with small golden beads, cascading over her shoulders. Her eyes, golden yellow with black sclera, changed to a regular brown with white sclera. Eir's countenance remained serious and focused, exuding an air of authority.


Mist, too, had assumed the appearance of a dwarf, her figure petite and solid. Her black hair had changed to an orange-brown, pulled back into a tight bun and framing her face. Her eyes, a vibrant yellow color, also turned brown. Mist's features still bore a hint of the chaos she represented, with a mischievous smile playing at her lips.


As they approached the entrance, two sturdy dwarf guards stepped forward, blocking their path. The guards' scrutinizing gazes scanned Eir and Mist, assessing their appearance and demeanor.


One of the guards, a grizzled veteran with a bushy gray beard, spoke in a deep, authoritative voice. "Halt! State your names and purpose for entering Blesas."


Eir, the group leader, maintained a composed demeanor as she stepped forward. "I am Eir, and this is my sister, Mist. We came to start a new apprenticeship with a master forge master."


The guards exchanged glances, their suspicion evident. "Prove your identities. Show us your identification papers and referral papers."


Eir's mind worked quickly, considering their options. She knew that any suspicious actions could reveal their true purpose and draw unwanted attention. With a subtle gesture, she summoned her death magic, weaving the energy around her and the guards. Spirits, momentarily separated from the realm of the dead, materialized and stealthily possessed the guards, granting Eir temporary control over their bodies.


Eir, now in control of one of the guards, confidently handed over two blank papers. "Here are our IDs and documents, as requested. We apologize for any inconvenience caused."


The guards examined the blank papers, their expressions betraying no suspicion or realization of their temporary possession, showing them illusions. Satisfied, they returned the papers and stepped aside, allowing Eir and Mist to pass.


Eir silently signaled to Mist, and together they entered the city, disguises intact. Eir's decision was clear—they needed to navigate through the slum area first, the part of the city that would likely provide forged identification papers they would need for future events. Allowing them to avoid arousing suspicion or drawing attention to themselves, they could gather information discreetly.


Passing through the entrance, the disguised Valkyries found themselves in a bustling thoroughfare. Dwarves of all shapes and sizes hurried past, their hands adorned with heavy rings, and their beards meticulously groomed. The sound of hammers striking anvils and the faint scent of molten metal filled the air.


As Eir and Mist headed deeper into the city, they were immediately greeted by a breathtaking display of architectural marvels. Towering structures, hewn from solid stone and adorned with intricate carvings, reached toward the cavernous ceilings. The streets, crafted from polished stone, glimmered under the warm glow of enchanted crystals embedded within the walls.


The city's layout was a testament to the dwarves' meticulous planning. Golden bridges spanned vast underground chambers, connecting different districts and creating a sense of unity. The bridges, adorned with intricate patterns and designs, reflected the dwarves' love for beauty and functionality.


As Eir and Mist made their way toward the presumed slum area, a noticeable shift in the surroundings unfolded before them. The grandeur and meticulous craftsmanship of Blesas gradually gave way to a stark contrast as they ventured deeper. The once-polished stone streets turned rough and uneven, showing signs of wear and neglect. The golden bridges that had connected districts now gave way to creaking, wooden walkways hanging precariously over murky underground streams.


The buildings along the path became increasingly weathered, with crumbling facades and faded paint. The intricate carvings and decorative embellishments that adorned the structures in the more affluent areas of the city were replaced by plain and utilitarian designs, displaying the signs of a struggling community.


Dimly lit lanterns cast a feeble glow, barely illuminating the narrow and winding alleyways. The atmosphere became heavier, with the air carrying a sense of stagnation and resignation. The once-vibrant and bustling city seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of abandonment and forgotten dreams.


Eir and Mist observed as the dwarves they encountered became fewer in number, their faces bearing the weight of hardship. The voices of laughter and camaraderie grew faint, replaced by hushed conversations and weary glances. The vibrancy and warmth that had permeated the city's atmosphere dissipated, leaving behind a palpable sense of struggle and disillusionment. The slum area of Blesas sprawled before them, a stark contrast to the gleaming structures and polished streets of the city's more affluent sections.


Their first task was to find a trustworthy source who could provide them with forged IDs. They discreetly inquired among the locals, seeking out the underground network that operated in the shadows of the city. It was in this hidden realm that they hoped to obtain the necessary papers without raising the suspicions of the city's authorities.


Eir and Mist cautiously approached a rundown tavern nestled within the slum area. Its faded sign swung precariously on rusty hinges, barely readable. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of stale ale and the murmurs of hushed conversations.


As they entered, the dimly lit interior cast shadows that danced across the weathered wooden tables and worn-out chairs. The tavern's patrons, a mix of dwarves and other races, glanced up briefly before returning to their drinks and whispered exchanges.


Eir and Mist found an empty corner booth and settled in, their eyes scanning the room for any signs of the contact they were seeking. They ordered two mugs of ale, their disguises holding up as they attempted to blend in with the slum-dwelling crowd.

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