My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 251 One Eyed Ashby H

Eager to establish themselves within the city of Eoqelon, Ash suggested registering with the local Adventurers' Guild. The city's reliance on magical crystals and the presence of dangerous magical beasts made adventuring a popular career choice. Ash believed that registering would provide them with official identification, allowing them to move freely in and out of the city.


However, Casandra expressed reservations about the idea. She cautioned that obtaining identification through the guild might create a traceable connection back to them when they eventually assumed higher-level identities. Her insight struck a chord with the group, and they realized the potential risks involved.


Taking Casandra's advice, they opted to forgo registration for the time being, choosing to rely on their existing disguises and the ring provided by Zero. It was crucial for them to maintain a low profile and not draw unnecessary attention while they continued their mission.


As Ash, Andrea, and Casandra walked through the busy streets of Eoqelon, their ears perked up at snippets of conversation from passersby. They overheard the excited murmurs of two townsfolk engaged in conversation nearby.


Townsperson 1: "Did you hear about those bandits causing trouble in the outskirts? It's getting dangerous around here."


Townsperson 2: "Yeah, I heard they've been robbing travelers and ambushing caravans. The city guards are struggling to catch them."


Townsperson 1: "I heard they've set up a camp not far from here. A bunch of them, I reckon. Stay away from that area, if you ask me."


The trio exchanged knowing glances, their curiosity piqued by the news of the bandits. They moved closer, trying to catch more snippets of conversation.


Townsperson 2: "I heard they're led by a ruthless and cunning leader. They strike fear into anyone who crosses their path."


Townsperson 1: "I hope the city guards do something about it soon. We can't have these bandits running amok in our lands."


Casandra, her eyes shining with a mischievous gleam, leaned in to whisper to her companions, "Did you hear that? It seems these bandits could prove to be quite useful to us. They're causing trouble, and we could turn that to our advantage. Instead of avoiding the bandits, why don't we confront them and turn them into our unwitting allies?"


Ash's curiosity was piqued, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Go on, Casandra. Explain."


Casandra elaborated on her scheme. "We can track down the bandits, engage them in combat, and once subdued, we'll use your hypnotic abilities, Ash. By placing them under your control, we can make them work for us, gathering information or carrying out tasks that aid our mission."


Andrea nodded, intrigued by the idea. "It could be a clever way to leverage the bandits' skills and knowledge while ensuring our own safety. They won't suspect that they're working for infiltrators, and even if they get caught, they have no official ties to us."


Ash considered the plan, his mind racing with possibilities. "Indeed, it has its merits. With the bandits under our control, we can exploit their resources and turn their illicit activities into an asset for our mission. But we must proceed with caution. You’re right; since I'll control them, we don't want to expose ourselves to the risk of their loyalty faltering."


Casandra added, her voice calm and measured, "Agreed. We need to ensure that they remain under your control, Ash. Let's devise a failsafe to maintain their obedience and our anonymity, perhaps with regular hypnotic reinforcement or a hidden trigger that activates regularly."


Andrea's gaze shifted between Ash and Casandra, a mixture of curiosity and concern in her eyes. "But what if they resist the hypnotic control? We have yet to test it on any resident of this world, so we're unaware if it will work as normally as it has been."


Ash's expression hardened, determination etched onto his face. "No need to doubt my abilities, but to reassure you, we can find a bystander and give them a series of orders to see if it works. However, I believe that with my hypnotic abilities, we don’t have anything to worry about."


Casandra nodded in agreement with Ash. "Testing the effectiveness of your hypnotic abilities on a bystander would be a wise precaution. It will help us gauge the potency of your control and ensure that our plan proceeds smoothly. Once we have confirmation, we can proceed with confidence."


Andrea's concerns began to ease, her trust in her companions unwavering. "You're right. It's crucial to have faith in our abilities and to test them before implementing our plan. Once we confirm the effectiveness, we can move forward with our strategy to utilize the bandits for our mission."


Ash's confidence radiated as he addressed the group. "Rest assured, ladies. We will conduct the necessary test and make any adjustments needed to ensure success. The bandits will become our unwitting pawns, and together, we will gather the information we seek."


Casandra, her voice calm and measured, joined the conversation. "Okay, but we also need to carefully consider the suggestions we will place on them to avoid suspicion or arousing their own self-interest. It should be something that aligns with their existing behavior and motivations. They should work for us without knowing they work for us."


Andrea nodded, "Agreed, Casandra. The suggestions we implant should seamlessly integrate into their existing desires and motivations. We need to ensure that they feel a sense of personal gain and fulfillment by assisting us, without arousing suspicion or self-interest."


Ash, his mind already at work, added, "We can tailor the suggestions to appeal to their desire for power, wealth, or even the thrill of challenging authority. Hmm, what if we make them believe that they are part of a rebellious movement and give them the ultimate goal of dethroning the royal family? If we do that, then their loyalty will remain steadfast to their new cause rather than us, and we can observe them with Andrea’s power."


Casandra's eyes sparkled with intrigue as she considered Ash's suggestion. "That's a brilliant idea, Ash. It ensures that our true identities remain hidden, and we can carefully observe their activities through Andrea's intangibility."


Excited, Andrea nodded in agreement. "Yes, this way, they will remain focused on their mission to challenge authority, while unknowingly aiding our efforts. It will also give us insight into the workings of the corrupt nobility and their connections. We can easily manipulate both sides and easily collect whatever information we desire without anyone becoming wise to our actions."


Ash grinned, pleased with the collaborative breakthrough. "Precisely. Once we become nobles in this kingdom, we can provide both sides with guidance and resources, all while manipulating events from the shadows. This might also draw the people of the magic tower out, giving us a chance to maybe hypnotize one and plant a spy with that group."

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