My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 255 Magus Level Cipher Conclusion Z

With the attempted ambush thwarted, the other men who accompanied the woman exchanged nervous glances, realizing that they were severely outmatched. They hesitated, uncertain of how to proceed.


Before the situation could escalate further, Yoko decided to defuse the confrontation. "Tell me the truth, and I promise to let you leave and will take no further actions against you," she offered, her voice calm but firm.


The woman seemed to consider her options, understanding that they had no chance against someone of Yoko's caliber. "Fine, I'll talk," she conceded, signaling to the others to back away.


The woman then suddenly cast multiple "Ignitus Ardescere!" fireball spells and mixed in a different spell, “Ventus Acies,” that creates sharp wind blades as she shouted, "Get her!"


The men, fueled by desperation and fear, rushed forward, weapons drawn, intent on overpowering Yoko. She copied the woman and created a barrier that seemed to nullify the fire and wind with ease. Yoko remained composed as the men rushed her, the symbiote clothing she wore activated to protect her from their attacks, leaving the assailants incapacitated and unable to continue their assault.


The woman, now trembling with fear, fell to her knees in submission. "Please, spare us," she pleaded, her bravado shattered.


Yoko stepped closer, her eyes glowing an eerie blue filled with desire. "I need information," she said, her voice still holding an air of authority. "Tell me about the magic tower and why you’re bothering me when I’m trying to spend time with Nova."


The woman hesitated, her fear evident, but she knew she had no choice but to comply. "The magic tower," she stammered, "received a request from the kingdom of Eoqelon. Apparently, one of the spies posted in this city noticed much activity in Torin’s castle. I was dispatched to find out if he was planning anything and if so eliminate whoever he was working with."


As Yoko tilted her head up, pondering what the woman said, she attempted a last-ditch attack, trying to stab Yoko with a dagger coated in poison. But to her shock, a section of Yoko's symbiote clothing liquified and stopped the blade.


As the woman's last-ditch attack was thwarted by Yoko's symbiote clothing, Yoko's stoic expression broke into a smile. The eerie blue glow in her eyes softened, and her demeanor seemed to shift.


"I like you," she said, surprising the woman with her words. Despite the dangerous situation they were in, Yoko couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the woman's determination and courage in the face of such overwhelming odds. She leaned in, placing her hand on the woman’s cheek and said, “Tenebrae Sopor,” causing the woman to collapse instantly onto the ground.


Yoko stood up and said, “Well, I’ve wasted enough time here. You guys wait patiently here when we’re finished we’ll grab you all on our way back,” as she exited the enclosed space. With the area still blocked off by the spatial barrier she left the alleyway. Yoko's eerie blue eyes returned to normal as she left to rejoin Zero and Nova at the dress shop.


"Everything alright? That took longer than I thought it would." Zero asked, noting the change in Yoko's demeanor.


"Everything is under control. I spent a few extra minutes testing something is all," Yoko replied, her voice calm and collected. "Let's continue with our day and enjoy our time in the town."


Zero raised an eyebrow, but he didn't press further. He trusted Yoko's judgment and knew that she had her reasons for handling the situation as she did.


"Alright then," Zero said, giving her a nod. "Let's finish up here and then continue with our day and make the most of our time in the town."


In the dress shop, Nova's eyes sparkled with excitement as she tried on various dresses, twirling and giggling with delight. Yoko and Zero admired her like proud parents, offering their opinions on each dress she tried.


After what seemed like an eternity of dressing up and trying on different outfits, Nova finally settled on a lovely, powder-blue dress adorned with delicate lace and ribbons. The dress complemented her youthful charm and innocence, making her look like a true princess.


With Nova's new dress in hand, the trio continued exploring the town, visiting various shops and enjoying the local cuisine. They laughed, talked, and shared stories, relishing the simple joys of being together.


As the day wore on, the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the town. Zero suggested they head back to the castle, and Nova, though reluctant to leave, agreed.


Yoko carried a tired Nova as they walked. “Hey, I’ll take Nova back so can you do me a favor and grab something for me?”


“What do you need me to grab?” asked Zero.


“I left those six who were following us alive. They seem to be from the magic tower, and apparently, there are spies in this city. So I figured we can interrogate them for some information, and they can help us with that elemental experiment that we’re about to start,” explained Yoko.


Zero nodded, understanding the importance of gathering information from the spies. "Sure, I can handle that," he said, his eyes scanning the surroundings to ensure they were not being overheard. "I'll take them back to the castle and set up a secure space for the interrogation. We can find out some of the magic tower secrets and if they have any information on this creator."


After saying that, Zero turned into a cloud of mist and vanished. Yoko smiled appreciatively at Zero's quick response and his understanding of the situation. With Nova resting in her arms, she made her way back to the castle, taking her time to savor the remaining moments of the day.


Upon reaching the castle, Yoko settled Nova in her room, tucking her into bed with a loving kiss on the forehead. She lingered for a moment, watching her daughter sleep peacefully, feeling a swell of love and protectiveness in her heart. She then also went to check on Avarus, who seemed to be sleeping with a maid nearby if he awoke during the night.


Seeing that the kids were okay, she left Avarus's room. She made her way to the designated interrogation space that Zero had prepared by sensing the mana in the air. The attackers were waiting, strapped to chairs with their mouths gagged. They looked anxious and fearful, no longer displaying the bravado they had first shown in the alleyway.


Yoko approached them, her blue eyes sharp and calculating. "I have a proposition for you all," she said coolly, her voice echoing in the enclosed space. "You can cooperate, provide us with the information we seek, and we might consider leniency. Refuse, and let's just say you won't have a pleasant time as you learn what it feels like to live forever."

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