My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 57 Reconciliation

After Zero finalized the plan with Genya he teleported to Valna’s location. He arrived to find her next to a mountain of corpses.


“Looks like you’ve collected a lot of souls.” said Zero


“That was quick. Did you finish your business with Alucard?” asked Valna


“Yes I did so I’ll head back to the dimension. Also, throw those bodies through the portal as well I can use them.” said Zero as he walked through the portal


Appearing in the area in which Zero kept the souls and bodies within his chaos dimension Zero used his soul manipulation skill and drew all the succubus, witches, valkyrie, and curly souls to him. He then activated his soul forging skill and a game-like screen appeared. He ordered the system to help him create the equipment faster.






Zero then imagined the weapon and armor that he wished to create for Yoko.






A blinding light shone and when it faded a whip and red orb appeared. Zero appraised them to see if all the abilities he imagined were included.


Weapon: Malice, Reaper of Twilight



Shape-changing weapon (Bladed whip, Sword, spear)


Sentient Weapon

Magic Amplification x2

Soul Bound

Growing weapon

Weapon assimilation


Current stats increase (+800 strength, +500 speed, +30,000 magic energy)


Description: Malice is a shape-changing weapon that was created by Zero the Soul Forger which alters its form to suit the user's needs although its normal form is that of a bladed whip. It’s a living sentient weapon capable of amplifying the user's magical abilities and self-repairing whenever damaged. Binds to the user’s soul so can be summoned and dismissed at will and even when completely destroyed the user can recreate it. Can assimilate other weapons and minerals to strengthen itself.



Armor: Spellkeeper







Magic Amplification x4

Symbiotic Living Armor

Soul Bound


Current stats increase (+2,000 speed, +5,000 magic energy, +155,500 vitality)


Description: Spellkeeper is a living symbiotic armor created by Zero the Soul Forger. Its unique properties make the symbiote immune to most conventional weapons. It is dense enough to absorb the force of powerful blows before they reach the host being. It shares a soul bond with its host and is able to shapeshift itself into whatever form the host desires. While a living creature it has a weak sense of self and only allows it to bind permanently to its first host and obey their orders. Able to access the host’s memories of spells and mana to auto-cast spells for the host. Grants its host with powerful regeneration capabilities due to its desire to protect and help its host.




‘How many souls do I have remaining?’




With the soul forging complete Zero teleported to the area, he had last seen Yoko and Nova. He found an empty bed flew to the sky and asked the system to locate them. An arrow appeared and he followed it until he reached the location it directed and landed finding himself deep in the forest.


Using his sense of hearing and smell he found them surrounded by the nymphs. Nova stood at the center and was teaching them about different plants. and how to take care of them. The nymphs were eagerly listening to her instructions.


Zero flew into the middle of the pseudo classroom and looked at Yoko “Hey let’s go talk over there.”


“What’s wrong?” asked Yoko who refused to look Zero in the eyes


“Well we have a lot to discuss and I felt like now was the best time to start.” said Zero


“You and I have nothing to discuss!” yelled Yoko


Zero disregarded what she was saying and picked her up in a princess carry “Nova we’ll be right back don’t go anywhere okay.”


“What are you doing!?” yelled Yoko


“Okay, Papa take care of Mama.” said Nova as she waved at the 2 of them


Zero flew 2 minutes away from where Nova and the nymphs were. He landed and placed Yoko down and she still refused to look at him.


“So why don’t we start with why you refuse to look at me” said Zero


Zero waited for a few minutes but Yoko said nothing and still refused to look in his direction. Knowing that time was not on their side he walked towards her and grabbed her cheeks and faced her face towards his.


Now looking each other in the eye Zero said “Tell me what’s wrong so that we can move past it.”


“What's wrong!? What’s wrong is the fact that the moment you found out about my pregnancy you ran away at the first chance and didn’t look back.” said Yoko as tears flowed down her cheeks


“Yes, I should have dealt with it better. I didn’t consider what you must be feeling and dealing with the situation like I normally would. Although I’ve known that you were pregnant for a while now I didn’t talk to you about it.” said Zero


“Wait, what you knew?” asked a shocked Yoko


“Yes, Nova could see its life energy due to being well-versed in the life attribute but I’m able to see souls and for the past few days you had a different soul growing inside you.” explained Zero


“If you knew why didn’t you talk to me about it?” asked Yoko


“Because I’m not sure that I can protect you all. I'm also not sure I can do it alone.” said Zero as he looked down in shame


Yoko walked up to him and grabbed Zero by his shirt collar “You don’t always need to protect me all the time. We’re supposed to be partners who share a bond of trust. No matter what you can come to me.”


“I know but I can’t let you and the child dive into danger. I need to protect you, Nova, and the child.” said Zero


“I’m strong so we’ll protect everything together so please don’t shut me out. No matter what we’ll face it together. Please trust me and don’t hide things from me.” said the crying Yoko


“I understand I’m sorry for trying to solve everything by myself. I’ll work with you to protect Nova and the child.” said Zero as he smiled at her


“What about Valna?” asked Yoko


“What about her?” asked Zero


“You’re not going to protect her too?” asked Yoko


“Nope” replied Zero in a split second


“This is no time for jokes” said Yoko as she smiled slightly


Zero stroked her cheek and kissed her forehead. They pulled apart from the kiss and stared into each other eyes afterward.


“I’ve got a little making up a present for you.” said Zero

“What is it?” asked Yoko


Zero snapped his fingers and a bladed whip and red orb appeared out of thin air “Here I made these for you.”


“Wait if you already had this prepared then you already knew why I was mad.” said Yoko


“Well, I had a pretty good idea since I can see souls. It gives me the power to understand the emotions and thoughts of the people around me.” explained Zero


“Then why didn’t you tell me” Yoko was embarrassed when she remembered what happened between the 2 of them.


“Well, you wouldn’t look at me remember.” said Zero as he smirked


“You’re so annoying!” yelled Yoko


“Well, that's enough teasing why don’t you try the weapon and armor.” said Zero


Yoko grabbed the bladed chain whip and the moment she did purple engravings appeared on the whip similar to what was on her body and horns. Now it was bound to Yoko and only she could use or even touch the whip.


“It can change forms between, a whip, a sword, and a spear. You just need to communicate your thoughts to it,” explained Zero


Yoko thought of a sword the engravings on the whip glowed and the whip retracted causing the bladed section to snap together to form a long sword. When she thought of a spear the tip of the sword grew larger while the rest of the blade thinned to form a shaft.


“This is rather convenient.” said Yoko as he admired her new weapon.


“Yeah it can also grow by absorbing weapons and minerals to gain new forms.” explained Zero


“So it can eat other weapons!” exclaimed Yoko


Next, she touched the red orb and it turned into a liquid form. The symbiote crawled on her skin and when it reached her chest it simply vanished.


“Where did it go?” asked a confused Yoko


“It’s inside you now. Take off your ripped clothes and imagine an outfit.” explained Zero


Yoko stripped naked and did as Zero instructed and the red liquid reappeared on her body and reformed into the outfit she had removed except this one formed around her wings and tail so she felt no discomfort like when she wore her previous outfit.


“What is this?” asked a curious Yoko


“When it’s basically living armor that will form into any shape you want. It can be armor or clothes.” explained Zero


Listening to Zero’s explanation Yoko imaged the color of her clothing changing from red to black and they did instantly. She then imagined jeans and a shirt and the symbiote reformed into it just as quickly “Wow it really can turn into anything.”


“Yes it boosts your magic too and it’s self-cleaning amongst other things.” explained Zero


"Thank you I love it!" said an excited Yoko as she hugged him.


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