My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 63 Twilight Bridge

“Looks like you made a healthy tree that won’t be affected by the underworld.” said Dahlia


“Yes there doesn’t seem to be any rejection from the tree or the underworld.” said Azalea


“Yeah I made it like that!” exclaimed Nova


“So, what do these trees do exactly?” asked Zero


“Well it connects all mortals, nature, and the world with each other and with the other realms such as the underworld and the heavens, acting as an anchor to most, if not all of existence.” answered Nova


No one spoke as they looked at Nova who had explained the world tree function. She had always been smart but always childish but her word just now was not something she should have been capable of saying.


“How do you know that?” asked Azalea finally breaking the silence


“When I plant a new world tree I get new skills and knowledge each time. I got something that explained to me how world trees work and what I should be doing?” answered Nova


“What you should be doing? What is that?” asked Dahlia


“When Mama and Aunt Valna make their own world I need to plant world trees there. I also need to talk to the plants and trees of many different worlds.” answered Nova


“Why do you need to do that?” asked Zero


“So that we can create our worlds and universes.” said Nova as she lifted her hands for someone to pick her up.


Dahlia walked towards her, picked her up, and asked “What does that have to do with creating worlds?”


“Hmm I don’t know but I know that if we do that we can make our own universe.” said Nova


“Looks like I need to go see my mother after we leave this world.” said Zero


“Grandma will know? What is grandma like?” asked Nova


“She’s… a lot like you Nova.” said Zero


“I’m interested in meeting your mother master.” said Dahlia


“Yeah I wonder how she’s like Nova.” said Azalea


All 3 looked to Zero who couldn’t answer that his mother was immature like Nova so he looked away.


“Anyways what do you want to name this place?” asked Zero hoping to change the subject


“I like Obsidian the Dark Realm.” said Dahlia


“Really I like The Nether Nexus.” said Azalea


“How about Obsidian the NetherRealm.” suggested Zero


“Okay.” answered Dahlia and Azalea


“I told you to stop that.” said Zero


“Yes, we hadn’t planned to do that.” said Azalea


“Anyway, what about you Nova what do you want to call your world?” asked Zero


“I asked Iris and she suggested Esme but I’ll also add The Emerald Realm so that it matches.” said Nova


“Esme meaning green and beloved?” asked Zero


“Yes, I like it since I love my green world.” said an excited Nova


“I think it’s an amazing name.” said Azalea


“Yeah you have great naming sense.” said Dahlia


“So, are you 2 going to stay here or will you come back with us back to Nova’s world?” asked Zero


“We’ll return with you for a while as we wait for the souls to arrive.” said Dahlia


“Oh, then let’s take the twilight bridge back.” said an excited Nova


“Twilight bridge?” said all 3 adults at the same time.


“It’s a secret pathway in my trees. You can use it to travel between realms.” explained Nova


“I’m really not used to you being so smart.” said Zero


“That’s mean Papa Nova has always been smart.” said Nova in a sad tone


“Master made a child cry how cruel.” said Azalea


“So how do we take this twilight bridge?” asked Dahlia


“We just walk into my world tree.” explained Nova


“Walk into the tree? How do we walk into a tree?” asked Zero


Nova jumped down from Dahlia’s arms and walked towards her new world tree. She was next to the tree and walked into the tree phasing through the black crystal bark. The 3 looked at each other and followed behind Nova and walked into the tree.


They appeared in a dimension that looked like the blue sky filled with clouds. They came through a mirror that showed the netherworld they just left and stepped onto a green grassy walkway. There was a multitude of mirrors connected by the walkway but they all looked cloudy except for the one they came from and 2 others. The first of the 2 mirrors showed Nova’s tree of life and the second showed the Underground Reservoir of the castle that Zero had taken Nova to.


“So, it can take us to places you’ve been to?” asked Dahlia


“Yes, it can and it can even take you from one world to another whenever you want.” said Nova


“That’s quite useful. With this we can send our reapers to collect souls from many worlds at once.” said Azalea


“Yes, and we can invite other races from other worlds to populate our worlds. This is amazing.” said a shocked Dahlia


“Yeah we can make new friends in every world.” said Nova


“Now you sound like yourself. I have to admit this ability is amazing and will be very useful. It’s just as powerful as my world travel skill.” said Zero


They walked down the pathway that led to the mirror that showed Nova’s tree of life. Walking through the mirror they appeared out of the clear crystal tree.


“I feel so much better now.” said Nova


“Why did you feel bad in the underworld?” asked a concerned Zero


“No, it’s just that I couldn’t feel the plants and trees when we were there. I feel happier when I can feel them.” explained Nova


“Okay you 2 watch Nova I have to go take care of something in the castle now.” said Zero as he opened a portal.


Skill Explanation:


Chloroscience: The user knows everything about plant life/vegetation and as such, they know everything within plant life, and what dwells around it. The user knows everything when it comes to plant life because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how plant life is supposed to work.


Absolute Change: The user can change absolutely anything, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily, from physical things like humans and objects to metaphysical things like concepts and logic regardless of the target's immunities. They can choose what they want to change, and how they want to change it. For example, they can change an insect into a transcendent being or change themselves without limits.


Totality Connection: The user is undetached to any reality and can freely travel throughout the entirety of creation and even outside of it. They can enter, escape, and re-visit any part of the Totality at any time: nothing can force them to stay or leave certain locations. Ultimately, users can appear in different realities, planes of existence, layers of reality, metaphysical locations, and the most distant realities. There's nothing that can stop them as all doors are opened to them. On top of that, those who are unbound to the Totality are also free from its restrictions, which is why this power is mainly used by free beings.


Omni-Communication: The user can communicate with anything and everything, including people, plants, animals, insects, microbes, the dead, non-living/inorganic matter, inanimate objects, machines, nature, and abstract and conceptual forces. They can correctly perceive and understand the speech, emotions, and reactions of anything and everything they communicate with.


Dark Soul Manipulation: Users can create, shape, and manipulate souls of a darker, detrimental nature; that which damages, destroys, and consumes everything they come across, representing the hazardous destructive side of souls, which in turn ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal soul. In essence, this is about solely controlling the negative powers of souls themselves.


Absolute Dark Pleasure Inducement: The user can induce absolute; lust and all the dark sexual arousal, bliss, orgasms, and pleasures in anything and everything and cause them to crave sexual interaction, regardless if they can feel love or pleasure, with anything. This power works on both genders, their sexual interest, people of any age, genderless beings, aliens, and those with radically different biology.


Mutation Inducement: The user is able to induce mutations, and changes in the sequence of an organism's genetic material, in self or other living beings. The changes can range from minor genetic changes to severe physical mutation, the user could even be able to activate recessive abilities in allies or suppress abilities in foes. Note that the user may force instant change or stretch it over longer periods or even several separate sessions.


Pollution Embodiment: The user becomes the embodiment or personification of pollution, granting them limitless or near-limitless control overall pollution.

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