My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 74 Submission

Dracula rushed at Zero with his ice sword and slashed downward but his strike was deflected by an invisible barrier. Zero brought his arm to Dracula’s chest and flicked him causing him to be pushed back by a tremendous amount of force. Dracula crashed into the wall and fell to the ground coughing up blood.


“Get up we don’t have much time. Come on attack me using all your power and try to defeat me. Come get up!” said Zero in a slightly mocking tone


Dracula stood up and roared and transformed into the previous wolf form that he used to battle Zero and Yoko. He moved at an impossible speed making his movement look as if he teleported and slashed at Zero from behind. Before the claw could reach Zero shadows formed a wall and blocked the attack. The wall instantly sprouted spikes and forced Dracula to retreat.


Zero snapped his fingers causing the bones in Dracula’s leg to break making him fall to the ground. Zero pointed his finger up to the sky and brought it down summoning multiple swords that pierced Dracula. Zero walked towards Dracula and summoned shadow tendrils that pierced Dracula while twisting.


“I remember you did something similar to me. Think of this as a little payback. So do you surrender?” said Zero coldly as he looked down at Dracula who was in excruciating pain from the tendrils.


Dracula turned to mist and reformed next to Zero slashing at his neck. The ice blade cut through Zero's neck but rather than it forming a cut the blade seemed to phase through his neck. Zero kicked Dracula away while grabbing his ice sword and threw the sword impaling him as he crashed into the wall pinning him into the wall.


Zero teleported next to Dracula grabbed the sword and twisted the blade while asking “Do... you... surrender?”


Dracula grunted in pain as he tried to grab Zero but clawed hands erupted from the wall, grabbed his limbs, and rendered Dracula immobile. Dracula glared at Zero while saying “Never!”


“How unfortunate for you then. Looks like I can continue to have some fun. We’ll play until you’re ready. Although I wish we could hurry up this up.” said Zero with a smirk


Zero pulled out the blade and jumped back before snapping his fingers again causing the hands to release Dracula. Dracula fell to the ground and Zero waved his hand instantly healing Dracula then tossed the ice sword to Dracula’s feet.


Dracula stayed on the ground and made no attempt to stand on his feet. Zero looked and waited but after a few seconds, he asked “Does this mean you wish to surrender?”


Dracula waved his hand and a fiery spike erupted from the ground and traveled towards Zero but before they could reach him he vanished. Before Dracula could even process what had occurred Zero smashed his head into the ground and with his hand pierced his heart.


“I… surrender!” yelled Dracula


“Good, that wasted too much of my precious time.” said Zero


Zero then pulled Dracula from the crater and dragged him by the leg to where Soma laid unconscious. Zero sighed as he said, “If you want something done right you got to do it yourself.” Zero then proceeded to slap Soma awake after healing his wounds.


“What happened?” asked Soma


“Long story short you fought Dracula got your body taken over and I had to rescue you.” answered Zero


“So what happened to Dracula?” asked Soma


“He’s over there and he’s willing to merge with you now.” answered Zero


“I’m not doing this willingly!” retorted Dracula


“Really? If you need some more motivation I’m more than happy to oblige.” responded Zero


This caused Dracula to become silent and glare at Zero. Soma looked at the weird dynamic between the 2 individuals as he walked towards Dracula. When he kneeled in front of Dracula and placed his hand on Dracula’s shoulder a black light erupted. When the light faded Soma stood there looking the same except his red eyes were now a darker shade akin to blood.


“I’m complete now.” said Soma


“Good to know. Now then we shouldn’t waste any more time here and head to the final remaining door.” said Zero


“Sure, but before we go, I just have to ask. Did you have to be so rough with my body and past self?” asked Soma


“Well, if you wanted it done a gentler way then you should have finished it yourself rather than leaving me with all the work and complaining afterward.” retorted Zero


“We’ll save that for that bridge that we have to cross when this is over.” said Soma repeating Zero's words


“Okay then, let’s move.” said Zero as he walked away followed by Soma


The 2 exited the castle and walked through the metal door that they used to enter this part of Soma’s mind. They appeared back in the void and the metal gate vanished leaving only the door-shaped portal of light.


“What's through there?” asked Zero


“Due to my connection to the chaos entity I can access the chaos dimension where it resides. This door should lead us there.” answered Soma


“I thought we could only access it through the castle.” said Zero


“No, I’m able to go there whenever I wish even from here. However, going through here will probably take us to an area that I shouldn’t normally be able to enter. Like a back door entrance to a restricted area.” said Soma


They walked through the portal and a flash of light blinded them. When the light faded they found themselves in an area that looked similar to outer space with tiny stars everywhere. This was the chaos dimension where the chaos entity resided.


When they looked around they saw a bright golden orb made of light floating in the distance. They flew towards the light and as they flew closer and closer the orb grew bigger. When they arrived near the orb they were shocked to see the size of the orb. The orb was the size of an actual planet and inside the orb, a shadow of a winged female shape could be seen.


Zero ordered the system to appraise the orb and the results shocked him.









LEVEL: ???



SPEED: ?????


VITALITY: ???????

SKILLS: ????????



“This must be where Sophia is sealed with us.” said Soma


“Yes and that worries me.” said Zero


“Why would that worry you?” asked Soma


“If I were to seal something like this, then I wouldn’t leave it unguarded, so I believe we’ll be receiving an unwanted guest soon.” replied Zero


As soon as Zero said that an unearthly growl echoed throughout the chaos dimension and caused both men to shudder and feel a sense of dread that they had never experienced before.

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