My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 87 Sophia Part 9

(***Saklas POV***)


The archon roared and destroyed the trees around them as it looked for Zero's body. As he continued to look for Zero the archon noticed a pathway between the trees lead somewhere so it decided to follow. Following the path, the archon came to a clearing and found a small girl sitting on a rock.


“Who… are… you?” asked the archon.


“That doesn’t matter but you hurt my daddy so I’ll never forgive you.” said the little girl as she waved her hand and the pathway disappeared instantly.


The archon roared and rushed at the little girl disappeared causing the archon to stop its charge. The bark of the trees around splintered and the bark needle flew at the archon simultaneously piercing it all across its body. The archon screams in pain as the wooden shrapnel dug deeper into its skin. The archon asked, “Why… does… this hurt… so much?”


The little girl paid no attention to the archon as no voice answered and more wooden shrapnel erupted from the trees and impaled the still screaming archon. The archon muscle tensed up and all the shrapnel were expelled from its body. Although all the shrapnel was removed the pain still remained.


The archon shifted from its jester form into a wolf-like one. The archon focused all its senses on locating either Zero or the little girl. With its sense of smell, it noticed that one of the new trees smelled different. With its razor-sharp claws, the archon tore the tree apart and found the little girl. It had expected the little to be terrified and scream but the little girl simply looked upon the archon with disinterest as she vanished yet again.


This time no matter how much the wolf-like archon attempted to smell or listen for the location of the girl it couldn’t find it. As the archon walked around looking for the girl vines burst from the ground, entangled the archon, and bound it in place.


“So, I can’t beat you like this.” said the little girl


“I’ll… kill… you!” yelled the archon as it struggled to get free from the vines.


“Silence.” said the little girl as vines wrapped around the archon's mouth leaving it unable to talk.


(***Nova POV***)


Nova had gone with Yoko to her domain to acquire the ingredients necessary to create the holy water. It required quite a few herbs but Nova was able to grow them due to Dracula’s meticulous notes. With the herb collection complete they returned to the Nether domain.


“Mama do you need any more help?” asked Nova as she looked excitedly at Yoko


“No, you’ve already helped plenty I’ve got it from here. I’m going to start making it now so why don’t you go spend time with Dahlia and Azalea.” said Yoko as she patted Nova on the head.


“Okay.” said Nova as he walked towards the temple.


As Nova walked to the temple she felt Zero return to his dimension. She looked in the direction she felt his presence and said, “I wonder why Papa went to that place instead of coming here. Hmm, there’s someone with papa. It’s not Aunty Valna.”


Nova paid close attention to where Zero was with this other unknown guest. She noticed that her father’s mana was constantly dropping meaning he was fighting. Valna had explained to her that when they fight they constantly use up their mana. As time went by Nova noticed that Zero’s mana had stopped draining as much but she still felt the other mana still being used.


“Papa’s in trouble!” yelled a worried Nova


Nova tried to teleport to the area where Zero was but was unable to. Nova required a plant or tree as a medium to teleport and there were none in the area where Zero was. Nova tried her best to sense the area where Zero was so that she could grow plants to use to teleport.


“No, I can’t get to Papa!” said a worried Nova


{Do you want to help?}


“Who said that?” asked Nova


{Do you want to help?}


“Can you help Papa?” asked an extremely concerned Nova.


{Do you want to help? Last Chance.}


“Yes!” yelled Nova


(***?????? POV***)


Nova began to glow lime green and vanished and appeared in the sky above where Zero was lying unconscious and a mysterious creature was fighting a shadow. Nova? looked to the left and saw a tiny mini creature was had been crafting spells. When she got close to Zero the small creature fired the light spell at Zero. Laying on the ground unconscious Zero was protested by his shadow who didn’t reform.


Now that the shadow was back with Zero and the light orb was minimizing the shadow making it harder for Zero to summon a shadow. With a simple thought in her mind, Nova? opened her domain and crafted a lush forest underneath the fight instantly. She then controlled the vines to extract Zero from the area where she laid and moved him to where she had arrived from.


Nova? landed in the new forest and was checking out when she saw that the creature had begun to enjoy itself. Curious to see what was happening Nova? hides within the nearest tree. What happened next was quite shocking as the beast was able to interpret where she had hidden and found her quite easily. Evading capture Nova? teleported far away from where the creature searched. With the use of her ability to control vines, Nova? managed to finally retrain the creature.


“So, I can’t beat you like this.” said the Nova?


“I’ll… kill… you!” yelled the creature as it struggled to get free from the vines.


“Silence. This body is too underdeveloped for me to be able to make use of actual strength.” said Nova? as vines wrapped around the archon's mouth leaving it unable to talk.


Nova began to glow dark green this time as opposed to the light green from before. When the light died down a woman who looked to be in her early 20’s emerged instead of a little girl. The woman’s eyes glowed with a piercing emerald green color as she looked upon the creature who shook in fear from the amount of pressure coming from Nova?.

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