My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 93 Sophia Conclusion

Zero flew down and landed next to Yoko who had her eyes closed and took a deep breath with her arms stretched out. As Zero was about to say something Yoko motioned for him to remain silent as she said,” I already know what you want to ask me.” Yoko snapped and a magical circle appeared overhead and the lifeless body meant for Sophia appeared along with the rest of the divine energy. “I wasn’t able to finish the spell but it’s 20% complete and I’ll finish and improve certain areas.”


Yoko waved her hand over the body and the divine energy broke down into particles then flew over to the body and formed various magical sigils all over the body before fading away. Yoko then released blue mana particles that also merged with the body causing it to glow intensely before fading. Yoko turned to face Zero and said “I’m done.”


“Wait what!?” said Zero loudly as he turned his head toward Yoko.


“I’m done with the spell it’ll hold her but not forever. I don’t know how strong her soul is but it should be able to hold her for 2 years minimum.” explained Yoko


“2 years! I was expecting a month at most.” said Zero


“Well it could have been longer but I’m still not used to my current abilities or this body yet. I wasn’t really used to my previous abilities or body either.” said Yoko


“That’s true we’ve only been in this castle for a few days but sometimes it feels like months. You’ve really come far though 2 weeks ago you were a human, then became a corpse, after that, you became a Qarinah mixed with angelic traits, and now you’re finally a demigod. I thought I grew stronger fast but you’ve surpassed me easily.” said Zero with a smirk


“True I may be stronger than you but you’ve never put your faith in strength alone. I don’t think I could beat you though as I am now. Zero honestly I’ve always you’re a frighteningly cunning individual.” said Yoko


“I don’t think I’m that scary. None of my plans ever work out the way I want them to. I have more weakness than strengths.” retorted Zero


Yoko walked towards Yoko and placed her hand on Zero’s cheek and said, “You really don’t know how amazing you are. This plan to seal Sophia is a perfect example of how scary you are. You came up with this plan while fighting for your life against the archon in Soma’s memories and while Alucard and I were focused on simply surviving you thought of a way to defeat an unbeatable Goddess. That’s why I’m sure that while I could overwhelm you in power ultimately you’d defeat me in the end.”


Zero smiled, placed his hand on Yoko’s hand, and said, “You give me way too much credit. On a more important note, how’s the baby doing?”


“He’s doing just fine.” answered Yoko


“He? How do you know it’s a boy?” asked Zero


Yoko placed her other hand on her stomach and said, “As an added benefit of this body I’m able to see pieces of the future although I can’t see much because the child is also now a god. I suppose it wouldn’t make sense to be able to easily see the future of god and goddess.”


Yoko removed her hand from Zero’s cheek and with a flick of her finger, the lifeless bodies levitated into the air and flew towards Zero who caught it. Zero sighed and said, “Okay I’m assuming this is your subtle way of telling me to go take care of this now.”


Yoko nodded and said, “Yes we’ll have plenty of time to talk later so go finish what you need to do.” A magical portal appeared in front of Zero and he sighed again.


“Fine, I’ll go handle it. On another note I want you all to stay in the chaos dimension until I call for you.” said Zero


“You plan to use me as a secret weapon?” asked Yoko


Zero nodded and walked through the portal that closed behind him. Zero appeared in an area of the clock tower but far from the area where Soma was temporarily sealed by Alucard. Zero quickly teleported to where they sealed Soma and placed the body next to him. Zero then placed his on the black barrier that sealed Soma here and channeled his mana into it while squeezing it causing cracks to start appearing until it finally shattered.


Now that the barrier was gone Zero walked over to Soma and placed his hand on Soma’s forehead and activated his mental manipulation skill. Zero vision faded and he once again found himself within the void that was Soma's subconscious. He quickly located the portal-like doorway and entered.


Zero was once again within the space-like area in which Sophia had originally been sealed but he failed to find Sophia. Even with her gargantuan form within this world Zero and could neither find a trace of her and Soma.


Zero thought of an idea on how to make them come find him rather than race around this seemingly endless void. Zero decided that rather than waste time searching he’d make them come to him so he created fireballs and launched them in every direction. Thankfully Zero did not have to wait longer as a golden shot down from the sky and when it faded Sophia and Soma were left in its place.


“Since you’re here that must mean that my new body is ready.” said Sophia


“Yes, it’s ready and next to Soma’s body so we can begin moving you out of Soma’s body now.” answered Zero


“Good, then let us begin. Time to wake up now.” said Sophia as the vision crumbled.


Zero found himself in the outside world now that Sophia had ejected him from Soma’s subconscious. As Zero recollected himself a golden essence floated out of Soma’s body and merged with the lifeless body.


Skill Explanation:


Blessing Manipulation: The user can create or generate, remove, and manipulate blessings, that involve blessing people, become stronger with blessings, manipulate blessings to different effects. They can even manifest blessings as energy or powers themselves.


Omnicompetence: The user can handle anything and everything, regardless of the problem, situation, or conflict, and have the needed skill, knowledge, and experience. They seldom lose a fight or conflict because they will always be able to see a way to win or escape any situation, thus they just know what needs to be done to overcome any challenge no matter the odds, by making the most out of any circumstances, and tailoring it to their optimal benefit, enabling them to make the best decisions in any situation. The user is completely competent and aware of all the different facets of every situation they are in, able to perfectly think their way out of anything and achieve optimal results.


Knowledge Absorption: The user can steal and absorb selectively knowledge from people or objects such as books or computers, and store the taken knowledge within their own minds. By stealing the knowledge from the minds of others, they can leave their victims in a state of permanent dementia, or simply bestow a temporary lapse in memory.

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