My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 97 Renascence Part 4

(***Nyx POV***)


“Thank you please let me inform my men to take care of Yuto until we return.” said Hikaru as Nyx released her from the embrace and she walked out of the room.


“Sure, my dear we’ll leave when you’re ready.” said Nyx as she sat down again.


Hikaru left the room and Nyx relaxed waiting for her to return. After a few minutes, Hikaru entered the room out of breath seeming to run here as soon as she finished informing her men. “I’m ready to go now.” said Hikaru as she panted for air.


“Good then let’s go.” said Nyx as a tear in the fabric of space leading to an ancient-looking castle opened up in the hotel room.


Hikaru was shocked at the tear as she assumed they would need to head to the temple so she had a car prepare for them. The 2 women walked through the tear and it sealed behind them.


They appeared in a dimly lit room and Zero laid on the ground unconscious. Hikaru ran to his side to check on his condition and found that he wasn’t breathing. She froze in shock at being too late to save the boy she had come to look at as a little brother. Nyx on the other hand was looking around as if looking for something when her eyes fell on Zero’s shadow.


“What are doing he’s dead and you don’t seem to care!” yelled Hikaru as she sobbed while hugging Zero.


“Don’t worry he’s not dead and that’s an empty vessel. His soul’s in trouble though and it’s out of reach. I can’t force my way to where he keeps it so I’m looking for a medium to use.” explained Nyx


“Medium?” asked a confused Hikaru as she still sobbed


“My son keeps his soul in another dimension and uses a fake soul to move his body. There’s a link weak between the 2 souls but if I try to force my way to his real soul now I’ll break it. So, I was looking for something with a more durable link.” explained Nyx as she walked over to Hikaru holding Zero and placed her hand on Zero’s shadow causing it to leap off the ground and form a portal.


Nyx walked into the portal and Hikaru wiped her tears and picked up Zero following behind Nyx.


Elsewhere in the chaos dimension, Nova was still playing around with the 3 young ladies Zero left her with. As she was running through the water she splashed Valna and Azalea while Dahlia watched from the side. Suddenly a shadow succubus rose out of Nova’s shadow and twisted into a portal causing Valna to grab Nova and jump to Dahlia’s side along with Azalea.


Nyx and Hikaru exited the shadow portal and landed on the shores of a dark sea. As soon as Hikaru’s feet touched the ground her skin began to turn paler and she collapsed to her knees. Nyx glanced at her and instantly the color of her skin returned to normal. Hikaru was confused at what had happened as she stood up.


“Who are you!? Name yourself!?” yelled Valna as she stood protectively in front of Nova. Valna raised her hand and attempted to do something but nothing happened no matter what she did making her look nervous.


“Don’t bother trying that I’ve nullified all your abilities. It makes talking easier. Oh, before I forget I’m not going to hurt you so relax. I’m here to do something about him.” said Nyx as she moved to the side to give the 4 a look at Zero’s body in Hikaru’s arms.


“Papa!” yelled Nova as she tried to run to Zero’s side but was stopped by the 3 women who looked shocked and worried.


“What have you done to master?” asked Dahlia in a cold tone as she glared at them.


Azalea who had her eyes closed suddenly opened them and said, “All of our abilities and magic really have been sealed.”


“Hmm didn’t I just say that? This will go by much faster if you believe what I say.” said Nyx


“When they tell us who you are and what you’ve done to my lord?” asked Dahlia


“Also, why is that human behind you able to stand in our land?” added Azalea


“Well to answer your questions I’m the primordial of chaos but you can just call me Nyx. I haven’t done anything to this foolish boy but I plan to when he wakes up. As for her, she’s under my protection so nothing here can harm her including you all.” answered Nyx in a relaxed tone.


“Primordial… of chaos!?” yelled Dahlia as she took a step back in fear. Azalea noticed the look of fear in her sister’s eyes and began to feel nervous as she grabbed her hand hoping to quell their fear. The 3 ladies were shocked by the reveal of the intruder's identity causing them to freeze momentarily giving Nova a chance to sneak past them and run at Hikaru.


Nova ran past Nyx who stared at the young girl with a puzzled look before saying, “So that’s what it was. What are the odds that my son would find a piece of that? This doesn’t feel like a coincidence.”


Nyx then turned to face the 3 women paying Nova no mind as she reached Hikaru. Nova tried to grab Zero’s hand but an invisible force repelled the girl. Nova rolled in the water but she got up again except this time her eye glowed green. Before Nova could do anything Nyx appeared behind her and placed her hand on Nova’s head which caused Nova to collapse into the water.


“Nova!” yelled the 3 women as she charged at Nyx but they froze when Nyx looked at them. Nyx walked over to them and said, “Don’t worry about the little girl she’s just asleep, and as for your paralysis it’ll wear off soon. Now I’m sorry for messing with you guys so much but there was something I needed to verify about this little girl.”


“Who… are… you?” Valna managed to say despite the paralysis.


“I’m Zero mother pleasure to meet you all.” said Nyx as she smiled.


Valna and the twins were shocked at the reveal that they had been faced off against Zero’s mother. While still reeling from the shock Dahlia and Azalea managed to slightly move enough to meet each other’s eyes and an understanding was shared by the 2 of them. They finally understood what Zero meant when he said his mother resembled Nova as she noticed many similarities.


‘Couldn’t you have said this at the beginning?’ thought Hikaru as she watched the exchange between Nyx and the 3 women.


Nyx looked and Hikaru and smiled while saying, “It wouldn’t have been any fun if I did that.”

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