My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Skill Explanation 2

PRIMORDIAL FIRE MAGIC MASTERY: The user through the use of magical sigils or words can create, shape, and manipulate flames of ancient primordial nature. As opposed to regular Fire Manipulation, these flames are indistinguishable and absolute. As such, they can cause natural and supernatural fire effects such as Crown Wildfires, Firestorms, Solar Flares, Hypernovas, and Heatwaves to manifest, and also can manipulate flames that possess heat that go beyond Planck Level and defy the very laws of Hyper-Thermodynamics. It allows a user to burn anything, even non-flammable, incorporeal, or conceptual things like time and nonexistence. They also can manipulate the underlying foundation of the concept of fire and the concepts associated with it. Fire Immunity and Heat Immunity do not protect from these flames as they will be completely bypassed due to its sheer potency and primeval nature. In many cases, users of this power will be able to override any other forms of Fire Manipulation as fire is the domain of the user.


LESSER MINOR DIVINITY: The user has a minor portion of divinity and divine powers granting them stronger amounts of power beyond the mundane but still weaker than those of full divinity, making users a minor divine being by nature. Users can gain this lower divinity by having a divine ancestry, transforming into a minor deity or other divine being either by another god or by gaining the faith of millions. Minor divinities can evolve into full divinities through the gathered faith of mortals.


WAR EMPOWERMENT: The user becomes stronger, faster, and more durable by absorbing energies released by war and all forms of conflict including mental, physical, spiritual, and conceptual ones, regardless of the area and numbers involved. The users may be able draw sustenance from the conflicts, heal wounds, and even stop aging.


ADAPTIVE DEVELOPMENT: The user possesses a rapid development rate, allowing them to permanently push back their limits within minutes when continuously reaching them, whether physical, mental, or supernatural. It makes them particularly fearsome opponents both in the short and long term, as they improve fast enough to surpass their opponent during battle quickly, and their numerous improvements endlessly accumulate during their lifetime. This skill is common among all war deities and is seen as one of their greatest abilities.


LESSER ANGEL LORDSHIP: The user possesses absolute power over all lesser angels and can freely bring new ones into existence. The power encompasses all kinds of angels from regular angels and nephilim. They can be controlled, summoned, redefined, banished, erased, and recreated at will.


DIVINE COMBAT: The users of this power are the undisputed masters of all forms of combat, including natural and supernatural fighting skills and infinite strength and stamina. They have immense defensive abilities unsurpassed by any other fighter; they also possess a high level of intellect which they use to plan their attacks carefully. Also because of the users great strength and immense durability, when fighting other superpowered beings, most fights are a brawling contest, but when called for it, users employ their incredible martial ability to take out opponents quickly and efficiently. This ability also allows the user to understand, adapt, and incorporate any new fighting style they come across almost instantly.


WAR & PEACE MANIPULATION: The user can manipulate both war and peace in all forms. They can induce, erase, and become empowered by war and peace at once. They can cause world peace or a world war, pitting everyone on the planet against each other. This ability does not influence the minds of mortals but simply amplifies the desire for war and peace already within them. As such it would fail to influence someone who completely rejects the idea of either war or peace.


WAR CRY: The user can vocally induce war and extreme violence within a varying radius through emitting a powerful supernatural scream that overrides the minds of all who hear it, causing them to become extremely violent and unable to stop themselves from violently attacking others around them. This can affect all who hear it ranging from a few feet in front of them, to a few city blocks and even to much farther depending on the strength of the user inducing this crazed scream.


HOLY FLAME MANIPULATION: The user can create, shape, and manipulate holy flames which are flames empowered with aether. These flames are effective against demons and other evil beings and are inextinguishable by normal elements such as water but they can be extinguished by nether and nether empowered elements. It may also trap and immobilize fallen angels and demons, rather than killing them outright. The color of the flames varies depending on the strength of the user. Some flames can have different properties and abilities such as summoning spirits of the deceased back to the world of the living. Very strong or high-level users could obtain or gain the ability of Resurrection via Summoning the deceased or lesser angels from Heaven.


LIFE-FORCE MANIPULATION: The users can shape and manipulate life-force, the fundamental force that allows life to appear, exist, grow and flourish throughout the universe. They can control their own personal life-force that dwells within them and others, allowing them to achieve untold power and great abilities considered to be beyond that of normal beings. Using too much life force for mortals may cause one to become exhausted, shorten one's lifespan, or die.


PURIFICATION: The user depending on the level of power can remove all darkness or evil such as curses from a person or objects, often including demons possessing it or mind control affecting it. It can turn evil into good or merely make someone pure. With enough power, the user is also able to rid others infected by powerful negative elements such as nether.


PYROPORTATION: The user can teleport via fire, merging into a flame of any size and appearing anywhere else from the same element.


BLESSING BESTOWAL: The user can bless anything including people, places, and objects producing positive effects. This can include bringing good luck to people, or something as little as Emotion Augmentation. What this power does is entirely up to the user even going as far as giving people bad luck or causing deaths. The most traditional effects are granting long life, fertility, health, success, and wealth or suppressing negative emotions and memories. Most blessings normally deal with negating misfortune or other negative effects.


POWER BESTOWAL: The user has the ability to can give fragments of their power to others giving them superpowers either permanently or temporarily. These powers or abilities will be a weakened version of the user’s power. As a side effect of bestowing others with an ability, the user will weaken but upon the death of the new host, the fragment of power shall return to the user. Through this ability, the user can even tinker with someone's existence, genetics, soul, or similar to grant them abilities. Be warned that the powers the user gives may come with psychological or physical detriments due to the new host being incompatible with the ability. In this case, the effects may be irreversible even when the ability is removed from the new host.


PENANCE STARE: The user can induce a variety of negative effects in beings who have sinned or committed evils by locking eyes with them, with the effects ranging from inflicting pain to knocking people out, or sometimes even killing people. This ability does not work on purely good beings and those immune to sin or are remorseless such as demons.


LESSER AETHER MANIPULATION: The user can create, shape, and manipulate Aether, a powerful and unique celestial element said to flow throughout the universe and existence, and also binds the four classical elements: water, fire, earth, and air together. The user’s poor control of the ability does not allow them to manifest the true might of aether. They will usually be forced to use an element as a medium to control minor amounts of aether rather than being able to utilize aether to control the positive forces of creation.


INHIBITION RELEASE: The user can feel and release the inhibitions of another being and essentially corrupt them by having them give in to their most primal desires. The user brings out the worst in sentient beings and can reduce them to nothing but impulse-driven beasts. This ability can be resisted by those with a high enough level of self-control and is useless against those without emotions and desires.


TACTICAL ANALYSIS: The user is an extremely skilled strategic genius and applies this skill to several objectives, able to intuitively create strategies and plans several steps ahead of the opponent. They can elaborate complex strategies and apply them not only in battle but in all activities that involve cunning intellect. They can instinctively anticipate all of the possible obstacles and opportunities knowing what the best actions to take in any situation, allowing them to adapt and prepare for future events in advance. The users of this ability are very analytical and can understand or anticipate the enemies' moves, and always be two steps forward in any situation. The only drawback to this ability is that it is useless when the user lacks enough information to formulate an effective plan or when the user faces an entity that they hold a 0% chance of overcoming.


ABSOLUTE REGENERATION: The users can heal from any physical injury, even if there is literally nothing remaining of the user. One will be as frail and vulnerable as before, but every injury shall cease; critical injuries will be healed in a matter of seconds if not instantly. Even wounds that are irreversible will heal just like normal wounds so long as the user’s mana can overpower the foreign mana within the wound. All forms of cellular injuries, degradation, and disease infection will be healed at metaphysical levels, rewriting all damage to a mere dream, even if said injuries appeared before the regeneration powers are obtained, such as heredity illnesses and unformed limbs, and they do not age. User is immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime. Even if the user is completely annihilated from all aspects of their existence, i.e, if something completely erases the user from the past, present, and future on a conceptual level, if the user also uses the skill temporal-spatial lock then they would be able to reclaim their existence. The user may even reappear at a different spatial position upon regeneration, evading anything potentially jamming into the body.


DIVINE-ABSOLUTE IMMORTALITY: The users are absolutely immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, are absolutely self-sustained and, as their mind and soul are as immortal as their biological bodies, they are both immune to mental and spiritual damage. Any injuries the user suffers will immediately heal, even if the user's body is blown up, disintegrated or completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level and even if the user is completely erased, they will still return to life. Alternately, some users are absolutely immune to all harm, and can never die from any natural causes. Either way, they are inerasable and are unaffected by time manipulation of any level. The users completely transcend the concept of death itself, though many users transcend both the concepts of life and death. The user's existence and soul become completely free and independent of even the concept of reality, making them unbound to the subjects of life, death, and manipulations. The user's existence is eternal to the point that they would not only continue to exist even after the end of time and all of existence, but would also remain completely unaffected and unchanged by it, essentially outliving time itself and everything else. Also, the power cannot be removed, erased, destroyed and manipulated by any means. Overall, only truly omnipotent beings can kill these users and/or affect their immortality. In some cases the user's existence can overpower almighty laws (though this would only apply to the highest of Supreme Beings), thus rendering their immortality truly perfect and absolute in every sense.


ABSOLUTE CONDITION: Users have all their capabilities, attributes and aspects at a maximum and limitless level. At the most basic level, users have a supreme and absolute physical and mental condition, with absolutely nothing being able to surpass them in those attributes. For example, with their strength, they could lift multiverses or punch so hard reality is distorted. With their speed, they could travel infinite distances/execute infinite actions within a finite amount of time and go everywhere and everywhen faster than instantly. With their intellect, they could outsmart the smartest cosmic beings effortlessly. The other attributes of the user (if he has them) will also be at an absolute or near absolute level depending on the user, such as his regeneration, invulnerability and potential, actually having the physiology of an nigh omnipotent being.


SELECTIVE OMNISCIENCE (WAR): The user knows and understands everything about war. This power is usually associated with the embodiment of a specific subject such as an embodiment of death knowing everything about the dead and ways to die. This ability is the result of extracting knowledge of Omniscience, so it allows its user to know everything about war in the way the omniscient knows but only about the given information on this subject alone. Essentially, true omniscience is the combination of all possible variations of selective omniscience.


WAR ASPECT MANIFESTATION (DESTRUCTION): The user of this power is or can become the personification and representation of war. The user can cause war, and utterly obliterate the enemy with destruction and devastating means. The user controls rage, inflicts pain, and can make others' lives miserable by rendering them homeless or taking away their loved ones. Since they represent this aspect of war their mere presence can cause a war unless they repress this ability.


PROTECTION EMBODIMENT: The user is the embodiment of protection. Users can protect others from any and all threats whether they are physical, mental, spiritual, or conceptual so long as they are more powerful. They also serve as the force that empowers guardians and represents an absolute defense and a strong sense of security to all who need it.


WAR EMBODIMENT: The users become the concept of combat in all its forms, including mental, physical, spiritual, and conceptual ones, regardless of the area and numbers involved, and can control how conflict progress. Users are extremely skilled in all forms of fighting, weapons, and both strategy and tactics as well as statistics of war to the point where they are considered Gods.


DIVINE AURA: The user emits transcendent presence which has supernatural effects related to their divine aspect and their relative disposition. For example, a god of misfortune would cause malefic or catastrophic events or effects to happen within their presence while a god of fortune’s presence would do the opposite.


PYROSCIENCE: The user understands everything about fire, heat, and everything related to it. As such, they know everything within the fire, and what lies within and around it. The user knows everything when it comes to fire because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons how fire and heat are supposed to work.


LESSER FLAME DEITY PHYSIOLOGY: A user with this ability is a Fire Deity, a god or goddess who represents or is associated with Fire, Heat, Drought, Summer, and Volcanoes. A Fire Deity is a deity in mythology associated with fire.


BLAZE ANGEL PHYSIOLOGY: Users possess is a blaze angel and unlike a normal angel a being connected to and serving Higher Power they share a unique connection with the first flame.


KINDNESS ARCHANGEL BUD: The user is considered a candidate to become the host for 1 of the 7 divine virtue. Once the bud blooms the user will become a living embodiment of compassion and gain the ability to feed off of the compassion of everyone and everything including themselves.


PRIDEFUL CHAOTIC DEMIURGE: A demiurge is an artisan-like being responsible for the fashioning, shaping, and maintenance of a physical universe, or at least some portion of it. Depending on the system, they may be considered to be either uncreated and eternal or considered to be the product of some other Supreme Entity. The Demiurge is a supernatural being imagined as creating or fashioning the world in the subordination of a Supreme Being, and sometimes regarded as the originator of evil or good. This being is regarded as the creator of the world, but inferior to the Supreme Deity, who is the creator of the universe itself and the Demiurge. The Demiurge is also incapable of creating perfect world forms, and all of their planetary creations are flawed as a result.


OMNI-ENERGY METABOLIZATION: Users can sustain themselves and their powers by feeding on any and all energy. If the user can truly master this ability then it is possible for them to absorb, store, transfer, change, diminish, supercharge and/or transmute pure energy within their bodies.


UNDEAD PULSE: The user exists in a paradoxical state of being simultaneously alive and undead by all definitions of both states. They may appear to be alive for all intents and purposes, to any test or scan, but possess necrotic energy that undead use in sustaining and empowering themselves. As an added bonus this ability protects the user from the drain effect of netherworlds and other undead will naturally not attack the user.


SYNERGY: The user can merge two or more powers to create new powers as well as different combinations. Sometimes the second ability may be naturally born, or it may have been taken from another by force.


MANA DESTABILIZATION: The user can create destabilization in mana and even abilities that use mana causing balance distortion ranging from single molecules to cosmic scales. The primary objective of this power is to make everything lose stability and collapse in on itself. Any energy or power that has been destabilized will eventually dissipate into nothing, leaving the target helpless.


DARK ENTITY LORDSHIP (VAMPIRE, REAPER, DEMON, UNDEAD, WEREWOLF, DARK FAE): User possesses absolute power over dark entities, including themselves, and can freely bring new ones into existence. This power encompasses all kinds of entities: biological and synthetic, natural and supernatural, physical and spiritual, divine and metaphysical, and all other types. They can be controlled, summoned, redefined, banished, and recreated at will. Due to Zero’s unique stature, he can acquire lordship of the creatures he assimilates.


LIGHT ENTITY LORDSHIP (ANGEL, LIGHT FAE): User possesses absolute power over light entities, including themselves, and can freely bring new ones into existence. This power encompasses all kinds of entities: biological and synthetic, natural and supernatural, physical and spiritual, divine and metaphysical, and all other types. They can be controlled, summoned, redefined, banished, and recreated at will. Due to Zero’s unique stature, he can acquire lordship of the creatures he assimilates.


PYROKINESIS: Users can create, shape, control, generate and manipulate mortal flames. They can easily control the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. The user can also completely control the temperature of the fire at will.


ELECTROKINESIS: Users can create, shape, and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles. As an elemental power, electricity manipulation is very simple and straightforward accompanied by a near-limitless myriad of uses. Most commonly, users would be able to discharge large amounts of electricity in order to shock their opponents, potentially paralyzing them, burning them, or even stopping their hearts in severe cases. Some users would also be able to summon lightning bolts from the sky or create thunderstorms at will. At a more advanced level, users would be able to exert control over electronics and other devices powered by electricity, allowing them to remotely access, disrupt, and control technology, such as mobile phones, televisions, computers, traffic lights, etc. They would be able to perceive or even control data stored on electronic devices, or even assume control over the entire device purely through an electrical connection.


VAMPIR: A very unique skill that is formed from combining all the active and passive skills of a true vampire. This skill is a passive skill that transforms the user’s body allowing them to use all the abilities of vampires without the use of mana.


MYTHIC ENERGY MANIPULATION: The user can create, shape, and manipulate mythic energy, a sentient force of power said to come from eldritch beings allowing for the transcendence of the natural laws of physics. This ability not only grants the user great strength, abilities, and control over numerous variations of mythological energies but also allows them to overwhelm weaker mythological beings as well as rival that of powerful mythical entities.


BLESSING REMOVAL: The user can remove and manipulate blessings that they bestowed onto a mortal. This ability does allow the user to remove a blessing given by another god but the mortal will die upon the forceful removal and this is considered a taboo amongst gods.


MAGIC CLOTHING: The user can generate all sorts of clothing and accessories out of pure magical energy and with temporary enchanted magical properties with their own special abilities. They can even be used to resist certain attacks because of the magical properties that the clothing is made of. The user can even utilize magical spells from their clothing for attack or defensive purposes in any way, shape, or form.


CHAOS FORM: The user has a true form that if shown, can distort the very fabric of reality and all of existence. By revealing the true form of the user, it may possess another effect, which may unweave the very fabric and laws of reality. The user’s very presence is so corrupting and reality-defying that their very presence can drive the weak-minded mad and insane.


PRIDE EMBODIMENT: The user is an embodiment of pride and gains power from the hubris of oneself. Users can use pride as a power source to extend their life span or as a weapon. They can transcend to a higher existence if the user is proud of what they are now.


ETERNAL DEITY SOUL: Users of this ability have a soul or spiritual essence that is divine or godlike in origin. Users possess a soul that cannot be destroyed or take any form of damage as with a normal soul. Only divine powers of the highest order have the ability to damage this soul.


CHAOS PRIMORDIAL (1ST STAGE): Users are the mythological void state preceding the creation of the universe (the cosmos) appearing in many creation myths. The etymology for Chaos or kháos (χάος) means 'emptiness, the vast void, chasm, and abyss. The term chaos has been adopted in religious studies as referring to the primordial state before creation, strictly combining many separate notions of primordial waters, primordial darkness, void, formlessness, or pre-existing unmanifested matter from which a new order emerges and a primordial state as a merging of opposites, such as heaven and earth, which must be formed or separated by a creator deity in an act of cosmogony. In both cases, chaos refers to a notion of a primordial state that contains the cosmos in potentia but needs to be brought about by a demiurge before the world can begin its existence. The user of this ability has attained the first stage by becoming a demiurge capable of creation and is on their way to becoming the void that encompasses all of existence.


DIVINE BEAST INSTINCT: The user possesses an apex predatory instinct, allowing them to become masters of assassinating, hunting, manipulating, planning, and tracking. One with this ability instantly discern all factors of any situation and manipulate them so it's the most optimal and favorable for them. Making them a master of manipulation, pursuit, and capture. This includes sensing what will happen and how to adapt to it, what moves a target will make, where they are headed, and effectively manipulating the target, thus causing the target to inevitably play right into the user's hands.


CHAOS ADAPTATION: The user is able to survive and adapt to every condition even those that are chaotic or ever-changing, from chaotic worlds to areas with different space-time laws that change all the time with randomness to worlds with great strife and discord, etc., as well as chaos and chaotic energy itself. This ability is normally held by eldritch abominations.


ELEMENTAL RESISTANCE: The user is highly resistant to or can tolerate elements and elemental forces, being able to survive direct or indirect elemental effects or traverse through an elemental environment.


CHTHONISCIENCE: The user instinctively knows everything about the underworlds, netherworld, and the dead. As such, they know everything within the underworld, and what "lives" or dwells there. The user knows everything when it comes to the underworld because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how the underworld is supposed to work. This also includes all the magic associated with this field.


VITALISCIENCE: The user knows everything about life, the living, and everything related to it. As such, they know everything within life, and the deep secrets that lie within, and around it. The user knows everything when it comes to life because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how life is supposed to work. This also includes all the magic associated with this field. This also includes all the magic associated with this field.


LUMOSCIENCE: The user knows everything about light, the day, and everything related to it. As such, they know everything within the light, and what lies within, around it, and touches it. The user knows everything when it comes to the light/day because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how the light and the day are supposed to work. This also includes all the magic associated with this field.


EREBOSCIENCE: The user instinctively knows everything about darkness, shadows, the night, and everything related to it. As such, they know everything within the darkness, and what lies within and around it. The user knows everything when it comes to darkness because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how darkness and the night are supposed to work. This also includes all the magic associated with this field.


LUNASCIENCE: The user knows everything about the moon/moons. As such, they know everything within the moon, and what is there. The user knows everything when it comes to the moon because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how the moon is supposed to work. This also includes all the magic associated with this field.


NIGH-OMNISCIENCE(CHAOS DIMENSION): The user knows almost everything about and what happens in the space named Chaos Dimension. While it is possible to have certain details blocked from the user or be limited in other ways, possibly only being able to see one timeline or universe or have just small patches of information that are missing or blocked out.


CHAOS BODY: The user is made up of or can transform their body completely into chaos matter or energy. Users' transformed form can be anatomically identical to their normal form, aside from being made of chaos, in which case it contains all of the organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately users can transform into the homogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other. The user does not have a true gender and is able to switch genders at will if they please.

DESIRE FOR KNOWLEDGE: The user’s sin of lust has manifested in an unusual way and they’ve developed a need to possess immense knowledge of the universe. They want to be aware of most things such as powerful spells, advanced science, where to find someone, etc. This desire is so overwhelming that if another being stands in the way of them achieving this desire the user will do all that they can to erase them from existence.


WEAKNESS DETECTION: The user can sense the weakness of almost anything, including people and objects, possibly including more insubstantial targets such as relationships, societies, organizations or laws of nature.


MALEFIC FORCE MANIPULATION: The user can create and manipulate the force of evil energy and use it to fulfill their desires, whether it be from a dimension, object, or another being. This ability not only grants the user great strength and control over numerous variations of evil and demonic abilities as well as rival the power of high demonic entities.


GRAND DESIGN CONSTRUCTION: The nature of this ability is not just to create and shape on a supreme level; it is to put it all together in a way that makes sense in its entirety. The user of this ability knows how each individual aspect begins, what role it will fulfill, and how everything will inevitably end. The user has planned and determined them all.


PSYCHOLOGICAL INTUITION: The user, either innately or through training, is a master of psychology and can use it for various purposes, often by changing the perception or behavior of others through underhanded, deceptive, or even abusive tactics. Users also have a mastery of the associated speech and body language, expertly sending all the right signals. Granting the user major leverage in any social situation and allowing them to easily wrap anyone around their little finger in a matter of moments and easily forging a potentially fanatical level of trust and devotion in whoever they exert these talents on. Using this ability, the user can develop an incredibly charismatic personality and is capable of causing sudden and profound changes to the psychological state of others very quickly and easily. With enough time the user could change anyone's views on anything. More benevolent users may use it to help those with mental or emotional problems, while the more malevolent users may use it to manipulate others into doing their bidding, or even drive some to acts of murder or suicide.


STRATEGY ADAPTATION: The user is able to automatically adapt to different tactics and strategies and formulate the most optimal course of action. With this power, one could adapt to a strategy or trick used against them, so that the same strategy and trick does not work on them twice.


STRATEGY MANIPULATION: The user can create, shape, and manipulate policies, doctrines, plans, strategies, and tactics of any field: military, politics, business, games, etc., creating, changing, and influencing the plans, control all interconnected goals and actions, deciding the dominant tactics, set into motion any unstoppable strategy and plots.


SEDUCTION INTUITION: The user innately possesses flawless seductive skills and overwhelming charming allure which they can use to easily and efficiently seduce, persuade and manipulate anyone and every one of either the same, opposite or entirely different species of sex.


ANSWER INDUCEMENT: The user can induce answers to anything that does not have an answer, even if it does not make sense.

CHALLENGE CREATION: The user is capable of creating various kinds of challenges, whether they are games or race or sports, or even a one-on-one battle. They are able to create challenges and contests that are not bound by reality and are able to manipulate them in ways they see fit. The user possesses the proper powers that are made for the challenges they declare, they would be at a major advantage over their opponents. If the user defeats their opponents, they would be able to gain whatever the challenge decrees to be the prize at the end. The user may manipulate how the rules work, become empowered, or gain the advantage of the terrain. The user can create all sorts of games, deathmatch, capture the flag, domination, hide and seek, and strategy games.


CHALLENGE MANIPULATION: The user can create and manipulate various types of challenges (games, races, tournaments, tests, etc.) for various purposes, such as finding worthy individuals or chosen ones deserving of receiving power.


PERSUASION: The user can compel people by speaking, the victims are unable to disobey; the seemingly cogent commandment is far too compelling. Users can persuade people into hurting or killing themselves or even flip around their sense of logic, but can never cause victims to achieve what they are not capable of such as making a normal human fly.


ESCAPE ARTISTRY: The user possess an innate automatic response and intuition to escape all manner of bonds with ease. The user mind deductively analyzes knots, fetters, bonds, etc. The user has an innate understanding of how to escape all manner of bonds and captivity.


UNLOCK: The user can gain access or entry to any location, place or time. They can easily gain access to places that are spatially locked, temporal locked, spatial-temporal locked, isolated, closed, and possibly even omnilocked locations. It doesn't matter where or what the location or target is, they can always access them. And in some cases you can access just more than locations, you can even gain access to items, desires, or if not abilities themselves.


PICK-POCKETING: The user innately is a master of pick-pocketing, able to pick the pockets and steal from anyone without them noticing.


SHADOW CAMOUFLAGE: The user is able to become undetectable as long as they are in darkness or shadow.


THEFT NULLIFICATION: User's possessions can't be stolen, the power acts as a trigger that automatically activates other powers when someone tries to take away, prevent from using, or steal something of users without their permission. The power may include both abilities that protect possessions, such as activating Inertia Manipulation or Invulnerability on items, or powers such as Limitation Inducement on the would-be thief.


BETRAYAL EMPOWERMENT: User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. through lies and betrayal, whether their own or others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the betrayal or even slow or stop aging.


GREED EMPOWERMENT: Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by the greed of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the greed of others.


FORTUNE EMPOWERMENT: Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come in contact with luck, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from luck or even slow or stop aging.


MISFORTUNE EMPOWERMENT: Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come in contact with misfortune, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from bad luck or even slow or stop aging.


PROBABILITY MANIPULATION: Users can manipulate probability, how likely an event is to occur, or how likely it is that a proposition is true. They can decide how likely events happen, making unlikely things occur more often or instantly and preventing liable events from happening. They can cause and prevent both good and bad luck, sudden deaths, natural disasters, and even apocalyptic events.


POSSIBILITY INDUCEMENT: The user can make the impossible possible, ignoring concepts of probability, causality and anything else that would suggest what they want to happen can't do so.


DESTINY PERCEPTION: The user can sense the fate of others: they can see if others are meant to be loved, hated, rich, poor, or die. They can also find out if they are fated to be good or evil.


AUGMENTATION: The user can enhance, augment, increase and multiply something already existing, whether matter, emotion, or concept. Note that the user cannot actually create anything, simply increase what exists, no matter how little there is.


REPLICATION: Users can instantly and perfectly replicate objects or entities, numerous times, while usually being able to recombine the clones. Most users have both of these abilities (if subconsciously), copying their clothes/equipment along with their bodies. The original user will normally be able to maintain control over all copies.


LOGIC INFRINGEMENT: Users can infringe the laws of logic/reason as if they didn't exist, allowing them to do anything they may want to do without any justification or reason behind them. The user is able to do the impossible, infringing all kinds of logic in any place, time, or even other dimensions with different laws of logic.


CAUSALITY IMMUNITY: Users' personal causality is independent of external systems. This grants them immunity to causality-related abilities, natural and supernatural laws, and essentially protects them from any unwanted effect.

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