My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 175: The Divine Visualization Technique: Observing… the Three Pure Ones?

"Indeed, the villagers of Qingshui Village aren't very strong right now, so the benefit they provide to you, Dad, is minimal. But you mustn't overlook them because to become a true god, your strength, potential, and cultivation speed are all connected to the people of your domain," Qi Qi advised earnestly.

She was filled with ambition, determined to cultivate her adoptive father into a peerless true god.

"If I'm strong enough, won't that solve the problem?" Qi Yuan pondered. In the Liufeng Realm, he could quickly create powerful warriors in large numbers, but it seemed more difficult in the Fancun Realm.

"The realm of true gods is known as the Seven Steps to Heaven. The first three steps make you a Venerable, and the last four steps elevate you to a Great Venerable. To become a Great Venerable, at least one person in your domain must also be a true god! The more true gods you have among your people, the stronger you will become!" Qi Qi painted a grand vision for Qi Yuan.

After all, the realm of a Great Venerable was not something to consider just yet. She mentioned it to give her adoptive father some motivation. According to the villagers of Qingshui Village, her adoptive father had only recently been born, and many of his memories might not have resurfaced.

Qi Yuan listened and then asked, "Does this apply to a Yang God as well?"

Qi Qi was taken aback and slowly replied, "That… I do not know."

Qi Yuan looked up at the stars in the sky. The brightest one was clearly the Yang God. As for the others, they might not be Yang Gods, but at the very least, they were Yin Gods.

In the Canglan Realm, a great calamity was imminent. According to Elder Wutian, twenty thousand years ago, a supreme being had once defeated such a calamity. Unfortunately, with the descent of the Immortals and Gods from the heavens, that supreme being eventually fell.

Behind that calamity were a Yang God and countless other immortals and gods.

If Qi Yuan had countless immortal and godly subordinates, would he still fear that calamity? In the worst-case scenario, both sides could just gather their forces and see who had more, who was stronger.

"You make a good point," Qi Yuan agreed with Qi Qi. "I want to rename Qingshui Village to Pei County."

He needed to train these villagers.

But the problem was, how? Could he just hold feasts every day?

That wouldn't be enough.

"How about I go steal some treasures to enhance their cultivation?" Qi Yuan asked, seeking Qi Qi's opinion.

Qi Qi responded, "That could be one way, but what's more important is the Divine Visualization Technique. However, for that, Dad, you need to recover your past memories."

"Huh?" Qi Yuan was confused. What past memories?

Seeing his confusion, Qi Qi continued, "Every ancient god was once a heroic spirit who died in the Great Battle of Hongtang. In that battle, true gods served as generals, and Zifu cultivators as soldiers, with thousands of true gods participating. All these true gods perished in the Great Battle of Hongtang, unknown to the world.

"Dad, you are an ancient heroic spirit who witnessed many true gods. Once you recover your memories, you can describe those true gods and form the Divine Visualization Technique, which you can then bestow upon your people.

"The stronger the god being visualized, the faster the cultivators' progress and the higher their potential ceiling."

This meant that the stronger the ancient god before their death, the more true gods they had encountered, and the more Divine Visualization Techniques they could create. In contrast, heroic spirits with lower cultivation levels might have seen fewer true gods, leading to fewer Divine Visualization Techniques and less improvement for their people.

"Most cultivators in the Fancun Realm now visualize the Lord of Hongtang and his Twelve Heavenly Generals. They are indeed powerful, but too many people are visualizing them, and the descriptions are vague, so the improvement for cultivators isn't that great.

"If you, Dad, can recall ten true gods, especially a few who haven't been visualized by other cultivators, then… the people of Qingshui Village would see their cultivation levels rise quickly," Qi Qi continued.

Qi Yuan thought for a moment and asked, "What if the gods aren't from the Fancun Realm? Can they still be visualized?"

He recalled the Yin Gods from the Canglan Realm. Those Yin Gods should be considered true gods. Qi Yuan had seen quite a few of them. If he described them for the villagers of Qingshui Village to visualize, wouldn't that work?

"Have those gods ever received incense offerings?" Qi Qi asked.


"If they haven't received incense offerings or been worshipped by the masses, then it probably won't work," Qi Qi said seriously.

In the Fancun Realm, the true gods of the past had all been worshipped by at least one city. Only such true gods could be used to form the Divine Visualization Technique.

Hearing this, Qi Yuan realized his previous idea wouldn't work. Did he have to return to the Canglan Realm, summon those Yin Gods, and have them establish temples to receive the worship of thousands? That wouldn't work, and besides, there weren't that many Yin Gods in the Canglan Realm that he'd encountered.

"Don't worry, Dad. Once your memories return, you'll be able to create the Divine Visualization Technique," Qi Qi reassured him.

Qi Yuan wanted to say that he had no memories to recover. He had never participated in the Great Battle of Hongtang, nor had he seen true gods, so he couldn't create a Divine Visualization Technique.

Suddenly, he had a thought: "These new gods are also worshipped by the masses. If I visualize them into the Divine Visualization Technique, would that work?"

Qi Qi felt that her adoptive father was being overly imaginative, but considering that he had just been born and his memories hadn't fully returned, she understood.

"Visualizing these new gods could lead to terrifying consequences. Your people could even be assimilated and become demonic creatures," Qi Qi explained.

This immediately made Qi Yuan abandon the idea.

"Dad, don't think too much about it. For now, focus on killing more evil gods and accumulating evil god divine power. Creating a Divine Visualization Technique requires consuming your divine power, but you can also use the divine power of evil gods as a substitute."

"I have a bit of evil god divine power," Qi Yuan said. After killing two evil gods, he had indeed gained some evil god divine power, though he didn't know how to use it. Now, after hearing Qi Qi's explanation, he finally understood its purpose.

"If I make up some true gods, can they be used to create the Divine Visualization Technique?" Qi Yuan couldn't help but ask.

He truly hadn't seen any true gods from the Fancun Realm.

Qi Qi smiled and replied, "Dad, if you're knowledgeable enough about those gods, you might really be able to create something. Here's a guide on how to form the Divine Visualization Technique. Once your memories return, you should be familiar with these methods. But for now, you can look at it and try it out."

If the attempt failed, it wouldn't consume the evil god's divine power; it would just waste some time. So Qi Qi felt no qualms about giving the Divine Visualization Technique guide to Qi Yuan.

After chatting for a while, Qi Qi left the temple.

Qi Yuan sat alone in the temple, frowning. "Does this mean I'm only suited for solo combat?"

Not knowing any true gods who had been worshipped by the masses meant he couldn't create a Divine Visualization Technique.

"Can I make up something?" Suddenly, Qi Yuan had an idea.

After all, didn't the people on Earth have many gods?
The Three Pure Ones, the Four Sovereigns, the Five Elder Lords, the Six Divisions, and the Seven Primordials.

Qi Yuan's eyes lit up.

Weren't these big shots worshipped by the masses?

But… they seemed to be fictional.

Qi Yuan thought about it and quickly opened the guide that Qi Qi had given him.

It was a piece of black cloth, with white text written on it, detailing the method for forming the Divine Visualization Technique.

"Before visualizing a god, can one enter a divine world and communicate with other gods about the Divine Visualization Technique?" Qi Yuan was taken aback, his interest piqued. "Could this be another chat group?"

Holding the black cloth, Qi Yuan followed the instructions and began to circulate his divine power.

Ripples appeared on the black cloth.

In an instant, Qi Yuan's consciousness was drawn into it.

His eyes gleamed with curiosity. "So even the cultivation world has technology, though the form of technology differs from that on Earth."

Different paths lead to the same destination.

In the Liufeng Realm, Ning Tao had worn black stockings, and now in the Fancun Realm, encountering something like a chat group was normal.

What Qi Yuan saw before him was indeed something like a chat group.

He scanned the interface, and a message immediately caught his eye.

"Is there a newcomer? Have you visualized any gods before? What level of true god did you visualize?"
Three rapid-fire questions.

The speaker's name was Dongjianghe, apparently the group leader, who seemed very enthusiastic.

"No, this is my first time visualizing a god," Qi Yuan replied honestly.

It was best to be humble with these ancient god seniors.

"A newbie!" Dongjianghe seemed even more excited. "I remember my first time visualizing a god—I visualized a two-step true god, and the other gods here called me the Young Heavenly Emperor!"

Hearing this, Qi Yuan was filled with respect. "You're amazing!"

"Would you like me to share some tips on visualizing gods with you? I guarantee you'll be able to visualize a powerful god!" Dongjianghe offered enthusiastically.

"A Young Heavenly Emperor? Just another fallen genius.

You've failed your last two visualizations.

Hmph, I, the Divine Cat Venerable, have visualized a Great Venerable!" Divine Cat Venerable mocked the group leader in the chat.

It seemed they had some history.

"The Great Venerable you visualized has been visualized by many others; it's nothing special!" Dongjianghe retorted.

"It's still a Great Venerable, and it can easily suppress you, a fallen genius!" Divine Cat Venerable shot back.

Immediately, several other members who had been lurking chimed in.

"The East Heavenly Emperor is about to fall, and the Divine Cat Venerable will take his place!"

"East Heavenly Emperor, you should've kept your mouth shut when the Divine Cat Venerable was visualizing; now you're getting what you deserve."

Ignoring these comments, Dongjianghe turned to Qi Yuan and asked, "Newbie, what do you plan to visualize? Tell me, and I'll give you some advice.

Normally, I don't give advice to newbies, but mine can increase your success rate by at least ten percent."

"I’m thinking of… visualizing a divine dog," Qi Yuan replied after some thought.

"A divine dog?" Dongjianghe sounded alarmed. "Newbie, there are hardly any true god divine dogs in the Fancun Realm, and even fewer that have received incense offerings. The more a true god has been worshipped, the higher the chances of successful visualization.

"I advise you to pick a different true god, or you’ll just waste your divine power."

Qi Yuan hesitated, but then Divine Cat Venerable spoke up in the chat: "Newbie, you're set.

Last time, Dongjianghe said my visualization wouldn't work, and I ended up visualizing a Great Venerable."

"Newbie, you're golden. Anyone Dongjianghe approves of ends up failing or getting poor results. Anyone he disapproves of soars!"

"Before each visualization, we always check in with Dongjianghe. If he approves, we skip the attempt. If he disapproves, we go for it immediately."

Everyone in the chat had their own opinions.

Qi Yuan gradually began to understand some of the intricacies of Divine Visualization.

The value of the resulting Divine Visualization Technique could vary greatly.

Two factors determined its worth.

First was the strength of the god visualized, rated on a scale from one to seven, representing the Seven Steps to Heaven.

Second was the "visualization degree," indicating how many people had visualized that god and how many followers practiced that particular technique.

The product of these two factors determined the technique's value.

The values were ranked in seven tiers: Common, Elite, Rare, Uncommon, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical.

It was a bit like classifying monsters in a game, with each tier further divided into one to three stars.

Dongjianghe had once visualized a three-star Rare technique and had been quite proud of it in the chat group.

Meanwhile, Divine Cat Venerable had been mocked by Dongjianghe but ended up visualizing a one-star Uncommon technique.

An Uncommon one-star technique, if not given to all followers, could be enough to cultivate a true god—provided one had a treasure that could help someone reach true godhood.

So Divine Cat Venerable had the confidence to challenge Dongjianghe.

"Newbie, don't listen to their slander. Trust me, pick a different true god to visualize.

If you insist on visualizing this one, there's a high chance you'll fail. Even if you succeed, it'll likely be a one-star Common technique," Dongjianghe warned sincerely.

"I don't think visualizing a divine dog will work either, but since Dongjianghe is against it, I believe you'll succeed. Go for it, newbie; we believe in you," someone else encouraged.

"Thanks for the advice, everyone. I'm going to visualize now."

Qi Yuan exited the mental space and entered the visualization site.

The visualization site was a mountain within the spiritual world.

To visualize, one needed to imagine the god they wished to see and eventually carve it into the mountain.

Then, a Divine Visualization Technique would be created.

For his first attempt, Qi Yuan chose not to visualize something too powerful, partly out of fear of major karmic repercussions and partly to experiment and see if it could actually be cultivated.

He looked at the mountain.

Memories from Earth flooded his mind.

With his innate ability, the Great Forgetting Mind Technique, Qi Yuan could recall every detail from his past, every glance, and every memory.

He remembered flipping through various books out of boredom while sick and living alone. At the time, he hadn’t committed them to memory, but now he could recall everything.

In his mind, the image of a majestic divine dog began to take shape.

"Its form is like that of a white elephant, its might like that of a dragon. With golden wings fluttering, it dazzles the heavens.

"A single bark could frighten the gods, and three barks could break water, terrifying the ghosts!"

Wearing a three-peaked hat, dressed in a solemn red robe, a fearsome three-eyed deity rode on clouds and rain, with a terrifying divine dog by his side, exuding a powerful aura.

In Qi Yuan’s mind, the image of a terrifying divine dog solidified.

At that moment, a deep voice echoed from within the visualization mountain.

"Have you ever seen this god?"

"Does this god truly exist?"

The two voices were awe-inspiring, and Qi Yuan instinctively felt compelled to answer truthfully, unable to lie.

Then, he looked up at his Golden Core.

Instantly, the Great Forgetting Mind Technique activated.

Qi Yuan's gaze became resolute.

"This god exists!"

"I’ve seen it before—two heavenly gods were battling from the Ninth Heaven down to the Eighteenth Layer of Hell. This divine dog stood by, seizing the opportunity to launch a sneak attack!"

The visualization mountain fell silent.

Qi Yuan’s answer had been recorded.

After about a breath’s time, the visualization mountain spoke again.

"If there is no incense worship, this Divine Visualization Technique may fail. Do you still wish to proceed?"

"Yes!" Qi Yuan watched the visualization mountain, his curiosity piqued.

He was also a bit nervous.

If this succeeds… it would be unbelievable!

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