My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 337: The Entire City’s People, or Just One Tong Tianyou?

"You there, why are you seeking the Demon Subduing Division?"

Yang Guang casually asked the young bailiff.

"The county magistrate wishes to meet with the officials from the south to discuss important matters," the young bailiff promptly replied.

"We will see Lord Tong first and then meet the county magistrate," Qi Yuan said casually.

Investigating the cause of Tong Youwei's death and finding Tong Tianyou would require some information from the county magistrate as well.

The young bailiff's face lit up with joy. "I'll wait right here for you, sirs."

Having finally brought the Demon Subduing Division to the county magistrate, the young bailiff was thrilled.

As the county magistrate had said, the Demon Subduing Division was the most powerful in Fengyuan, specializing in eliminating demons. They might be able to break the siege of Zhenyang City.

Zhenyang had become an isolated city for three years.

The people of Zhenyang had suffered from demons for a long time.

Under the steward’s lead, the group marched deep into the Tong Estate.

The further they went, the more they encountered tall, powerful guards with strong blood auras patrolling.

They wore soft armor, had fine swords at their waists, and carried high-quality equipment.

"Your family’s security is quite tight. How could a demon have infiltrated and killed Tong Youwei without anyone knowing?" Yang Guang asked.

In just a short while, he had seen no fewer than fifty private guards patrolling.

Rather than an estate, the Tong Manor resembled a large fortress, complete with a training ground.

The steward lowered his head and replied, "I do not know, sir. There were rumors that it was an inside job from within our Tong Estate. After the death of Master Youwei, the old master was furious and purged the servants. All those suspected were beaten to death!"

Hearing this, Qi Yuan couldn't help but remark, "This game is still too rigid. There should be a mission for us to investigate the cause of death of those beaten to death; that would add a twist."

An Qiao quickly agreed, "Is the master’s life more valuable than the servants'?"

Yang Guang chuckled but commented in awe, "No wonder everyone wants to be a noble family; they have soldiers, food, and land. The Tong family is practically a small royal court."

Their conversation was transmitted through sound, ensuring the steward did not hear them. Otherwise, he might have thought they were government officials sent to suppress the Tong family and could have accused them of treason. They might not be able to leave the Tong Estate without a fight.

As a local noble family, the Tong Estate housed nearly a thousand family soldiers and over a hundred armored soldiers.

This kind of force could not be underestimated.

About a quarter of an hour later, after winding through the estate, they finally reached Lord Tong's residence.

Outside the courtyard, many maids stood with gloomy expressions.

They seemed to be worried about the young master, who had been captured by demons.

The steward couldn't help but wail, "Our ancestors have served the Tong family for generations. If the young master does not return, the Tong family will fall apart. Where would we go then?"

His sadness was not feigned.

After all, being a family servant in a noble house like the Tong family was much better than being a peasant. It was also a position of prestige.

"Let's go and see your lord," Qi Yuan said.

After about a dozen breaths, they entered an antique-style house.

Qi Yuan and the others filed in, surveying Lord Tong, who was lying in bed.

Lord Tong was in his sixties, frail and breathing weakly.

A white-haired woman sat by the bed, her face tear-streaked.

The woman, who was only in her forties, had well-maintained skin but was also covered with white hair.

She was the same woman who had walked step-by-step up the steps to Wanshan Temple to pray for medicine for her son, Tong Youwei.

Upon seeing them, Lord Tong opened his cloudy eyes. "My lords, you must bring my grandson back. If you do, there will be a great reward."

Lord Tong waved his hand.

The steward gave instructions, and after a few moments, several burly armored soldiers brought a wooden chest into the room.

The chest was opened to reveal piles of silver, along with some jewelry and ornaments.

An Qiao saw this and felt a mix of emotions.

Had she not entered the Yellow Springs World, she might have been tempted by such wealth, but now she was unmoved.

However, the wealth and private soldiers already demonstrated the strength of the Tong family.

With such power, the eldest son’s mysterious death and the young master’s kidnapping suggested deep waters beneath the surface.

Yang Guang looked at Lord Tong and softly asked, "Lord Tong, we will certainly search for Tong Tianyou. What we need to know now is... the cause of Tong Youwei’s death."

The white-haired woman’s hands trembled. Hearing her son's name, tears fell like rain: "My poor son, whom I carried for ten months... it was my fault for not protecting you."

Lord Tong’s eyes also showed a hint of sadness.

"Youwei... was likely killed by the flower demon, Man Luo!" Hatred flashed in Lord Tong’s eyes.

Yang Guang's eyes lit up.

Indeed, important information had just been revealed.

Qi Yuan stood quietly to the side, his expression amused.

His nose hadn't grown, indicating that Lord Tong was telling the truth; Tong Youwei had indeed died at the hands of the flower demon, Man Luo.

"My poor grandson was also taken by the flower demon, Man Luo!" If hatred could kill, the flower demon Man Luo would have died countless times from Lord Tong's gaze.

Hmm, his nose didn't grow, so it’s true.

This mission... is unexpectedly simple?
Just ask an NPC, and they tell you the answer?
"Did the Tong family have any enmity with the flower demon Man Luo?" Yang Guang continued.

Investigating the truth also meant understanding the motive behind the killer's actions.

Hearing this, Lord Tong's face changed slightly.

Lady Tong, who had just stopped crying, started weeping again.

Lord Tong’s voice turned hoarse and pained.

"I have been indulgent with Youwei my entire life. Whatever he wanted, I gave him, fearing only to disappoint him.
He wanted the courtesan, and I got her for him. He wanted Kirin blood, and I sent people to Mount Shu Yao to hunt it.
But when he wanted to marry a demon into the Tong family, that was the first time I got angry with him.
We humans and demons are sworn enemies. How could I allow a demon into the family?"

"So, this flower demon Man Luo was someone Tong Youwei loved?" An Qiao asked.

An Qiao's mind raced with thoughts.

From her years of watching TV dramas, it seemed likely that the Tong family's master had separated the couple, causing the flower demon Man Luo to hold a grudge.

She resented Tong Youwei for changing his mind, so she dug out his heart and kidnapped his son.

Everything suddenly made sense; it seemed simple.

"Yes. Back then, I wouldn’t allow her into our house. Youwei resented me for it, but later... he understood our concerns.
He and Lady Yun were respectful to each other. After Lady Yun passed away, he never remarried," Lady Tong said, reminiscing about the past.
"I wish Man Luo had taken my heart instead of Youwei’s. My poor son."

Lady Tong's emotions were becoming agitated.

Listening to all this, Qi Yuan's nose didn’t grow.

This meant that Lord and Lady Tong were telling the truth.

Tong Youwei had indeed died at the hands of the flower demon Man Luo.

Cough, cough... At that moment, Lord Tong coughed, blood appearing at the corner of his mouth.

Lady Tong quickly went to his side to attend to him.

Yang Guang and the others understood it was no longer appropriate to stay.

"Lord Tong, please take care of yourself. We will find Tong Tianyou." Yang Guang finished speaking and left with Qi Yuan and the others.

"What do you think?" Yang Guang transmitted to them.

"If they are telling the truth, Tong Youwei's death is straightforward.
All we need to do is find the flower demon Man Luo, and the truth will be revealed," An Qiao responded.

"Alright, then let's meet the county magistrate.
This mission seems more challenging in terms of finding Tong Tianyou than investigating Tong Youwei's death.
Mount Shu Yao has three thousand demon soldiers; it looks like a tough battle ahead!" Yang Guang’s fighting spirit was evident.


On the mottled walls, traces of black blood remained, and the brick walls bore many knife marks.

The county lieutenant, clad in armor, was a burly man with sunken eyes and a fierce gaze. However, his expression was grim at this moment.

"Hmph, Zhenyang has been besieged for three years, and despite numerous requests to the court, no one has responded.
Yet the court sent the Demon Subduing Division to investigate when a single scion of the Tong family went missing.
Hmph... is the entire city’s population worth less than one Tong Tianyou?"

The county lieutenant was particularly displeased, harboring disdain for the noble families.

He was once a leader of displaced people who rose up against the demons.

But he was ultimately outnumbered and defeated, retreating to Zhenyang City, where he became a county lieutenant, commanding the county's military affairs.

The county magistrate was a small old man with a constant kindly smile on his face.
"Old Li, your grievances aside, don’t show it when the emissaries arrive."

"Hmph." The county lieutenant, Old Li, snorted, his expression reluctant, and then he sighed, "I understand; the people of the city can’t wait any longer."

In his youth, he led a hundred young men from his village to fight the demons, protecting their homes and gaining numerous victories.

At that time, the government sent officials to offer him a position, but having won many battles, he was proud and arrogant, not taking the government seriously.

When the government saw that they couldn't win him over, they colluded with the demons, leading to the massacre of his troops.

He had no face left to return to his village.

Otherwise, if those old women and children asked about their sons, husbands, or fathers, he wouldn't know how to answer.

His heart was filled with anger towards Mount Shu Yao.

Because the strategist of Mount Shu Yao was someone from the government who had tried to recruit him.

"Sigh, I don’t know how much longer Zhenyang City can hold out." The county magistrate hunches over, as if this position is more comfortable.

At this moment, footsteps approached.

The county magistrate straightened his back, suddenly full of energy, and quickly looked towards the entrance, moving to greet them.

The county lieutenant hurried over as well.

"The emissaries have traveled far; I have prepared a feast for you. Please enjoy!" The county magistrate greeted them warmly, his face filled with a spring-like smile.

Outside, it was the young bailiff, along with Qi Yuan and the others.

Qi Yuan's eyes lit up. "A feast, not bad. It’s good to have a feast early."

Last time, the game ended before he could have his feast.

This county magistrate reminded him that he could have a feast first.

After the feast, he could go kill some demons; perfect.

"Please, honored emissaries, come inside." The county magistrate quickly said.

The county lieutenant scrutinized the three Demon Subduing Division members, his expression serious.

Clearly, he sensed the strength of the Demon Subduing Division members.

After some brief pleasantries, they all went inside.

Inside, a table was set with a dozen hot dishes, steaming with heat.
Qi Yuan and the others sat down casually, the aroma wafting up to greet them.

"I love feasts," Qi Yuan said without hesitation and started eating immediately after sitting down.

Of the dozen hot dishes, most were vegetables; only four were meat.

Qi Yuan ate with relish, but An Qiao and Yang Guang did not touch their chopsticks.

The two of them were not interested in ancient dishes.

Moreover, the food looked rather plain and somewhat simple.

Seeing that the two weren't eating, the county magistrate quickly said, "Zhenyang City has been under siege for three years, and supplies are scarce. We don't have anything good to offer. Please forgive us, esteemed emissaries!"

“I just ate, not hungry.” Yang Guang replied, also picking up his chopsticks to take a piece of radish.

However, the radish tasted bland, as if not enough salt had been used.

“You didn’t put enough salt on this.” Yang Guang commented while touching his bald head.

The county magistrate smiled awkwardly, "With Zhenyang City under siege and the trade routes cut off, there's a shortage of salt."

“It’s that bad?” Yang Guang was taken aback. Suddenly, he thought of what he had seen on the way to the county office.

There seemed to be no young or strong men around, only old men, women, and children.

Even the bailiffs seemed to be just kids.

Before the county magistrate could respond, the county lieutenant couldn't help but speak up.
"Honored emissaries, you may not know, but ever since the noble families migrated south, we who stayed in the north have become the demons’ food supply.
There is a severe shortage of food and salt in the city.
We have no choice but to risk sending people outside the city to buy food and salt.
The journey is extremely dangerous, and any misstep means falling into the hands of the demons and becoming their food.
Only three out of ten groups return.”

The county lieutenant's eyes were filled with deep helplessness.

Out of ten groups that set out, only three returned with salt or food.

The rest either perished or... went missing.

Hearing this, Yang Guang's eyes filled with rage, "These demons should be eradicated!"

The county magistrate then quickly asked, "Honored emissaries, is there any word from the court about when the royal army will reclaim the north?"

The county lieutenant also looked at Yang Guang with great anticipation.

Being stared at like this made Yang Guang a bit embarrassed. He touched his head, "I don't know about that."

Though he was with the Demon Subduing Division, he wasn’t a member of it.

He naturally didn't know when Fengyuan would reclaim the north.

Upon hearing this, the county magistrate’s previously straight back slumped again, and his energy immediately waned.

The Demon Subduing Division was close to the emperor, and they had the most reliable information from the court.

These emissaries said they didn't know, which meant... the court had not even mentioned reclaiming the north.

The county magistrate’s last hope was dashed.

Then he forced a bitter smile. Given the ongoing southern migration, a northern campaign was but a distant dream.

"Has there been any edict from the court?" the county magistrate asked again.

“No.” Yang Guang continued eating his radish.

In fact, he didn’t recognize most of the other vegetables and was afraid of falling ill if he ate them.

Hearing this answer, the county magistrate was momentarily at a loss for words.

The court had forgotten about Zhenyang City.

He asked again, unwilling to give up, "Why have the emissaries come to Zhenyang this time, and when will you return?"

"We will leave once we find Tong Tianyou," Yang Guang replied truthfully.

The county magistrate's face changed slightly.

The county lieutenant slammed his chopsticks on the table. "The court sure is concerned about the Tong family!"

As for the city’s people, did the court even mention them? The county magistrate quickly stood up and apologized, "I’m sorry if we’ve offended you, esteemed emissaries."

“No problem,” Yang Guang replied in a low voice.

Having completed many missions, he naturally understood that the people in these mission worlds were real people.

Not just game data.

Seeing Fengyuan’s people suffering, he also didn’t feel good about it.

At this moment, the county magistrate said, "When the emissaries leave, could you perhaps take some of the children with you?"

Now, Zhenyang City had no hope.

A breakout was impossible.

The only safe way out was for a small elite unit like the Demon Subduing Division.

The county magistrate hoped that these nearly twenty members of the Demon Subduing Division could take some seeds of hope out.

Even though they might only save a dozen people.

But even saving one... was still saving a life.

Zhenyang City had suffered heavy losses among its young and strong men.

Only about a third of the soldiers on the city walls were young men.

The remaining two-thirds were split between elderly soldiers and child soldiers.

Hearing this, Yang Guang looked ashamed. "We cannot do that; I'm sorry."

Once they completed their mission, they would immediately leave this world and return to their base.

They couldn't bring anyone back with them.

Upon hearing this, the county magistrate froze, and his trademark smile vanished.

The county lieutenant picked up his chopsticks and slowly resumed eating, saying as he ate, "The emissaries have important military duties. How could we hold them up?"

The county lieutenant Old Li’s voice was rather sarcastic.

He harbored deep resentment towards the court.

Yang Guang grew increasingly embarrassed and didn’t know what to say.

The atmosphere at the table became awkward.

They ate in silence, with none of the earlier friendliness and familiarity.

The county magistrate hunched over, also remained silent, as if whoever spoke first would be the one embarrassed.

About a hundred breaths later, Qi Yuan put down his chopsticks.

"Alright, the feast is over. Time to kill some demons!" Qi Yuan clapped his hands and stood up.

After the feast, he had to kill some demons; otherwise, the meal would have been for nothing.

"Emissaries... are you going to kill demons?" The county magistrate was taken aback.

Weren't these Demon Subduing Division members here to rescue Tong Tianyou?

Why would they go to kill demons?

"Yes, I’ve long been interested in the demons on Mount Shu Yao and plan to hunt some.
By the way, do you have a map of Mount Shu Yao, and can you tell me their troop deployment and strength?" Qi Yuan asked, ready to mooch off some information.

“Does the Demon Subduing Division intend to attack Mount Shu Yao?” the county magistrate’s eyes lit up.

“No, it’s just that I intend to hunt some demons on Mount Shu Yao,” Qi Yuan said softly.

Yang Guang added from the side, “Brother Qi wants to hunt some demons to extract their demon blood and enhance his strength.”

Hearing this, the county magistrate’s hope was dashed once again.

To extract demon blood to enhance strength meant they wouldn’t kill many demons.

It seemed the court really had no intention of dealing with Zhenyang City.

However, regardless, the emissaries going to hunt demons, killing one was one less demon, which was still beneficial to Zhenyang City.

The county magistrate was willing to help.

“Bring the map of Mount Shu Yao!”

Soon, the excessively young bailiff brought the map to Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan took the map and said, "Thank you. As a reward, after killing the demons, the bodies will be yours for food.
Do you want to send some people with me to carry the demon corpses?”

“Yes, Hou Mushi, didn’t you always want to see Mount Shu Yao?
Here’s your chance, take some people and go with the emissaries,” the county lieutenant instructed.

The young bailiff, named Hou Mushi, was delighted and immediately bowed, "Thank you, emissaries."

This Hou Mushi was the young bailiff they had met at the Tong Estate earlier.
He looked to be only about twelve or thirteen years old, making him a child soldier.

“Your name is Hou Mushi?” Qi Yuan asked with a curious look.

Hou Mushi was puzzled. "Has the lord heard of me?"

“I have heard of another Hou Mushi with the same name, but he was a great general.” Qi Yuan recalled a piece of history he learned recently while pretending to be a student with Ning Tao.

In history, there was indeed a famous general named Hou Mushi.

This general had an extraordinary experience, learning martial arts and military tactics from a divine figure in his dreams when he was young.

Hou Mushi became a leader of displaced people, commanding an army of over 100,000 elite soldiers at the height of his power.

He ended a period of turmoil.

His achievements were comparable to those of Guo Ziyi of the Tang Dynasty on Blue Star.

However, Qi Yuan didn’t think much of it.

In games, it’s normal to refer to real-life figures for the setting.

This Hou Mushi's prototype might just be the real Hou Mushi.

“Gather the people, let's go, time to hunt demons!” Qi Yuan said.

After a good meal, it was time to hunt some "white moonlight" demons.

“Understood!” Hou Mushi straightened his back, looking excited.

Qi Yuan asked, “Does the county magistrate know where the flower demon Man Luo is now?”

"I have heard of this demon. It is rumored that the trouble in the Tong Estate was caused by the flower demon Man Luo.
This demon should be on Mount Shu Yao. As for its specific location, I do not know.
If the emissaries are in a hurry to find this demon, you could visit the abbot of Wanshan Temple.
This demon lived in Wanshan Temple before it transformed and has a close relationship with the abbot. He may know its whereabouts."

“Oh, Wanshan Temple?” Qi Yuan opened the map and immediately saw Wanshan Temple.

He wondered, “Wanshan Temple is right on Mount Shu Yao. Why has the demon army left this temple alone?”

“Hmph, because the strategist of Mount Shu Yao is a disciple of the abbot of Wanshan Temple!” The county lieutenant's tone was harsh when he mentioned this.

He had a deep-seated hatred for the strategist of Mount Shu Yao.

“This setting is complicated. It seems the abbot of Wanshan Temple... is also a key mission character,” Qi Yuan remarked casually.

With his many years of gaming experience, Qi Yuan was certain the abbot of Wanshan Temple was important.

Yang Guang nodded, agreeing with Qi Yuan’s observation.

The county magistrate and the county lieutenant were confused, not quite understanding Qi Yuan’s words.

"Let's go. First to Wanshan Temple, then to hunt demons." Qi Yuan stood up.

Yang Guang, serving as a temporary bodyguard, quickly followed.

An Qiao did the same.

Soon, the only ones left in the room were the county magistrate and the county lieutenant.

“Clean this up, and bring this delicious food to the soldiers on the city wall.
They haven’t had a taste of meat for quite some time,” the county magistrate instructed, hunching over as he looked at the warm food on the table, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

His meals hadn’t been this good in a long time; it was only this lavish thanks to the emissaries of the Demon Subduing Division.

"These people from the Demon Subduing Division... they are likely here to take away the Tong family.
Can we... keep the Tong family’s grain and livestock?" The county lieutenant stroked his beard, his expression unreadable.

If the Tong family were taken away by the Demon Subduing Division, the city’s power would diminish.

Zhenyang City... really had no hope left.

"Sigh." The county magistrate sighed. "It is indeed good to be a noble family."

Zhenyang City was in crisis, and the county magistrate often went to the Tong family manor for help.

Unfortunately, Lord Tong showed no interest in defending Zhenyang City.

He neither sent troops nor provided food.

As county magistrate, he had no way of dealing with Lord Tong.

Firstly, Lord Tong was a noble with a thousand private soldiers and a fortress built within the estate.
In terms of power, it was even stronger than Zhenyang City.

Secondly, Lord Tong held an official position and was known for his extreme filial piety. Fengyuan was a state governed by filial piety, and to be known as a household of utmost filial piety was a great honor, almost like an amnesty.

Thirdly, Lord Tong had connections in the court. If the county magistrate offended him too much, his legitimacy as a county magistrate could be called into question.

The latter two points didn’t bother the county magistrate much.

But the first point he couldn’t ignore.

He was very envious of the Tong family's private soldiers. If they could help defend... Zhenyang City would be much better off.


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