My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 356: That’s It? No Twist—This Wouldn’t Even Make It As a TV Drama

In the graveyard, a rarely visited place, Wang Yuanyu, with a black bag over her head, looked at Qi Yuan with a trace of admiration and respect in her eyes.

This bloodline holder appeared a bit eccentric, often speaking shocking words, but much of what he said resonated deeply with her.

For example:

  • "What’s there to fear in death? I’ve got friends on both sides."
  • "Even sunlight dies, and its shadow is its corpse."
  • "I don’t like girls who grow on you because I don’t have the patience to wait."

But most important were his reflections on the nature of reality, illusion, and attitude towards the world, which left a lasting impact on her.

So, who is Tu Kongming? Let him roll away!

The memories she cared about were the ones that were real to her.

“Do you think Ma Longhun hasn’t shown up because he couldn’t afford the graveyard’s entrance fee?” Qi Yuan suddenly turned to Wang Yuanyu and asked.


“I should never have set an entrance fee for this graveyard. I was trying to keep unwanted people out, so I turned the Ma family’s graveyard into a tourist attraction with an admission fee. I forgot that Ma Longhun might be broke.”

Qi Yuan had a sudden realization, as if he had found the key to the mystery.

Wang Yuanyu couldn’t help but laugh. She wondered if her belief in some of Qi Yuan’s words meant she had caught his madness.

“Mr. Qi, you’re overthinking things,” Wang Yuanyu said.

In truth, she was also quite curious, and even though some of Qi Yuan’s statements were absurd, she found herself believing bits of them.

At that moment, an elderly woman with a troubled expression approached. It was Wang Nanny.

She glanced at Wang Yuanyu before speaking softly, “Miss, I have something to discuss with Mr. Qi.”

The implication was clear: Wang Yuanyu needed to leave.

Though puzzled, Wang Yuanyu tactfully departed, leaving Qi Yuan and Wang Nanny alone in the graveyard.

Before Wang Nanny could speak, Qi Yuan beat her to it: “Ah, pay the entrance fee. I’ve been diligently guarding this graveyard day and night. I deserve some fees!”

Qi Yuan’s demand didn’t surprise Wang Nanny; she had heard it many times before. Clearly, this wasn’t the first time Qi Yuan had asked her for an entrance fee.

“Here are ten drops of demon blood.”

Wang Nanny tossed the demon blood to Qi Yuan, who happily accepted it.

Unfortunately, Ma Longhun’s family members were all minor demons, not famous great demons. Otherwise, Qi Yuan could have made a fortune charging for entry.

“Mr. Qi, I have a small request. I don’t know if it’s appropriate to ask...” Wang Nanny hesitated, trying to be polite. After all, in some ways, bloodline holders were considered their subordinates.

“One... two... three ‘nots’—are you asking or not?” Qi Yuan’s attention, as usual, was focused on something strange.

Wang Nanny coughed and looked troubled, then spoke: “Miss Wang Yuanyu and Tu Kongming have been lovers for three lifetimes...”

“Why not seven lifetimes as enemies?” Qi Yuan interrupted.

Wang Nanny paused briefly before continuing: “Wang Yuanyu comes from a noble background, while Tu Kongming was just a poor boy. But he was hardworking and ambitious. The two studied together, and over time, they grew fond of each other. But then Ma Longhun appeared, lusting after Wang Yuanyu’s beauty and secretly poisoning her. To save Miss Wang, Tu Kongming ventured deep into the frozen valleys, diving into the icy cold lake to plead with the mystical turtle. The ice not only froze his body but also his soul. In exchange for one of his arms, the mystical turtle appeared, and Tu Kongming used its shell to create a great elixir to save Miss Wang.”

As Wang Nanny spoke, she seemed genuinely moved by Tu Kongming’s selfless actions. If any man treated her like that, she thought, she would likely be touched.

“Poor little turtle, losing its home at such a young age,” Qi Yuan sighed.

Wang Nanny felt exasperated.

Shouldn’t the focus be on the touching love story?

“After Miss Wang was revived and learned of Tu Kongming’s actions, she was deeply moved. The two confirmed their feelings for each other and fell in love, living happily ever after in the ‘river of love.’ But of course, happy days never last.” Wang Nanny continued, her tone a bit lovesick.

“Was it because someone peed in the river of love?” Qi Yuan thought he was clever, immediately seeing the ‘truth.’

Of course their happiness didn’t last—someone must have peed in the river, ruining it!

“...” Wang Nanny looked at Qi Yuan, her mouth twitching. She took a deep breath to calm herself before continuing, “Because... Ma Longhun returned. No one expected him to commit such a heinous crime, colluding with foreign tribes. On the day of Miss Wang’s and Tu Kongming’s wedding, Ma Longhun brought 3,000 foreign soldiers to steal the bride. Miss Wang, of course, refused. In a fit of rage, Ma Longhun decided that if he couldn’t have her, no one could. He attacked, but Tu Kongming shielded her, already wounded. He died from the blow, and Miss Wang took her own life in grief.”

“That’s it?” Qi Yuan was dumbfounded. “No twist? No excitement?

“Based on modern scriptwriting, shouldn’t he have stolen the groom instead? Is there more? Did Ma Longhun dig up Tu Kongming’s corpse to make him into a zombie for some forced romance?”

Wang Nanny facepalmed, taking yet another deep breath. “Now, in this world, those events are repeating. Only by reenacting them can Miss Wang truly be revived, and the world can avoid collapse. The deeper reasons are too complex for me to understand. But... the original events must be reenacted. Yet there’s a problem. Up to now, Miss Wang hasn’t fallen in love with Tu Kongming. This is extremely dangerous. Time is running out for both her and this world. I beg you, sir, for the sake of the greater good, please stop seeing Miss Wang for a while!”

Wang Nanny bowed respectfully, her voice sincere.

Qi Yuan was surprised. “What does that have to do with me?”

“Miss Wang has spent too much time with you. I fear she’s developing feelings for you,” Wang Nanny said helplessly.

There was no denying it—Qi Yuan’s looks were far too handsome. Although his words could ruin his image, he would make a great ornamental flower vase when he stayed quiet.

To put it dramatically, even spending a little time with Qi Yuan made Wang Nanny, who hadn’t had a period in thousands of years, feel like she was about to start menstruating again.

“Sigh, being too handsome is such a hassle. Honestly, I don’t even think I’m that handsome. Just average, really,” Qi Yuan said, mimicking a famous phrase, “Not realizing my own good looks.”

“But this isn’t my fault, and... it’s not like Wang Yuanyu has fallen for me, right?” Qi Yuan stretched lazily, his posture relaxed.

He hadn’t sensed any love from Wang Yuanyu—only admiration and good conversation.

If there had been any romantic interest, Qi Yuan would have noticed long ago.

And if he had noticed, he definitely wouldn’t be passive or evasive.

“So, telling me this is pointless. Wang Yuanyu doesn’t love Tu Kongming—not because she’s in love with me, but maybe she just doesn’t like him. Besides, don’t bother me with trivial stuff like this. It’s not interesting, and there’s no twist. Boring.” Qi Yuan shook his head, utterly uninterested in the tale of the three-lifetime lovers.

It wasn’t nearly as exciting as that TV show about the seven lifetimes as enemies.

Wang Nanny’s expression shifted slightly.

Her voice grew stern. “What I say is true. This concerns the survival of the world. We can’t afford the slightest mistake. Better to kill by mistake than to let something slip through. Please, sir, stay away from Miss Wang and let her and Tu Kongming return to their original paths!”

Qi Yuan shook his head. “What does their original path have to do with me?”

“This concerns the survival of the world!”

“Oh, so it’s just a game server crashing? You should sacrifice a programmer for that. Do I look like a programmer with this hairline? Oh, I forgot—you’re an NPC, so you can’t kill a programmer.” Qi Yuan waved dismissively, then suddenly his expression softened. “By the way, Wang Nanny, are you married? I have a friend who’s been looking for an amazing wife. I think you’d be perfect. Even if you’re married, no problem—just get divorced. My friend’s not picky.”

Qi Yuan thought of Bei He Han Qianyun, still worrying about his friend’s love life.

The old woman Wang Nanny was stunned, her thoughts scattered. She felt like she couldn’t keep up with Qi Yuan’s train of thought.

What’s going on?

“I’ve devoted my life to serving the world, with no time for personal matters,” Wang Nanny declined.

Qi Yuan sighed in disappointment.

It seemed Han Qianyun’s love life would be difficult to resolve.

“If you’re not getting married, forget it. I’m not going to waste more time talking. Don’t disturb me while I’m playing the system—I’m about to start cultivating.” Qi Yuan quickly changed the subject.

Wang Nanny, still feeling muddled, simply left.

Alone in the graveyard, Qi Yuan gazed at the tombstone before him, memories flashing through his mind.

After so many quests, he felt like he was beginning to sense something.

“Oh no, better stop thinking before I get a big head. I don’t want to be a bighead.”

Qi Yuan didn’t care to figure out the truth behind everything or uncover the hidden reality.

Only strength mattered.

Schemes, truths, calculations—did they have a use?


But if Qi Yuan grew strong enough, he could crush all those schemes with a single punch.

“You’ve consumed 100 drops of demon blood and gained 100 days of cultivation.”

“You’ve consumed 100 drops of demon blood—Blazing Bird Punch has finally advanced. Damage to airborne creatures increases by 50%. Against birds, armor-piercing increases by 50%.”

Hearing this, Qi Yuan’s eyes widened.

“Does this mean all the men in the world will fear me now?”

“Sigh, why don’t girls grow wings? Then I’d be invincible.”

Qi Yuan let his thoughts wander.

“Wait, girls can’t be defined that way. Who’s to say they don’t have wings? Maybe they’re hidden in their pants. How would I know if I’ve never seen it?”

Shaking off his idle thoughts, Qi Yuan closed his eyes to meditate.

Suddenly, a weathered voice rang out.

“Qi boy... I didn’t think I’d still be alive.”

This voice came from within Qi Yuan’s body.

Qi Yuan’s eyes brightened. “Shenlei Grand Sovereign, you’re finally awake.”

Hearing that long-familiar voice stirred deep feelings within Qi Yuan.

Still, their reunion was calm, as if they had never truly parted.

In the Origin Land, Shenlei Grand Sovereign’s eyes gleamed with a mix of sorrow and nostalgia. “I had accepted my death along with the fall of the Mortal Heart World. But you, boy—you’re incredible. You even slew the Yang Gods.”

Shenlei Grand Sovereign held deep respect and gratitude for Qi Yuan.

After all, the Mortal Heart World was his home, where countless beings had thrived.

The Yang Gods were beings far beyond human strength, almost invincible.

Yet Qi Yuan had turned the tide with his extraordinary might.

But they had faced two Yang Gods. He never expected they would win.

“Let’s not dwell on the past. Shenlei Grand Sovereign, hurry up and cultivate. I need you to earn me some rewards.” Qi Yuan urged him.

Freed from the Mortal Heart World, Shenlei Grand Sovereign and others like him were truly in their element.

With the limitless potential of the Visualization Technique Qi Yuan provided, Shenlei Grand Sovereign faced no bottlenecks in his cultivation. Reaching the Yang God stage was merely a matter of time.

Had he reached the Mythical Realm while still in the Mortal Heart World, he would have broken through to the Yang God realm instantly.

This was due to the unique nature of the innate deities, the Visualization Technique, and their connection to the ancestral land of the ancient clan.

“Stop rushing me. I’m already cultivating. When we meet again, I’ll be a Yang God.” Shenlei Grand Sovereign’s words radiated determination.

Once a distant goal, the Yang God realm was now within reach.

Many of Qi Yuan’s innate deity soul seeds were on similar paths.

Freed from the constraints of their worlds, they were thriving, and breaking through to the Yang God stage was as easy as drinking water.

“Hurry up. My enemies are too strong—one Yang God won’t be enough. There are others in your world too. Watch over them and help them awaken and grow stronger,” Qi Yuan said.

While his innate deities had begun to sprout in the Origin Land, most were still operating instinctively. Few had fully awakened like Shenlei Grand Sovereign.

“Fine, fine. I’ll go find the others now,” Shenlei Grand Sovereign grumbled. “Woke up just to be swamped with work. Should’ve stayed asleep.”

Despite his complaints, there was clear joy and pride in his tone.

“I’ve got a plan!” Qi Yuan said excitedly.

Shenlei Grand Sovereign sighed. “What plan this time?”

He was well-acquainted with Qi Yuan’s “plans,” which were usually simple and blunt, more like improvisation than a real plan.

And yet, somehow, those crude plans always succeeded.

It left Shenlei Grand Sovereign speechless.

“I want to buy out this game, but I’m broke. So why don’t we take it by force? Here’s the plan in three steps:

Step 1: You unite the others, raise your strength, and take over the world below for me.

Step 2: Your growing strength will feed back into me, and I’ll conquer Gongxing and Canxing.

Step 3: With all the worlds under our control, I can focus on completing my missions and advancing to the ranks of Human Dao Martial Lord, Spirit Dao Martial Lord, and eventually, the God of All Paths.

It’s a flawless plan! Unbeatable—pure genius!”

Qi Yuan was so thrilled with his plan that he felt his head clear.

Back on Blue Star, a plan like this would have kept him up all night with excitement, requiring melatonin to sleep.

Some people might even need an extra something to help calm down.

“Haha, your planning skills have dropped this time—there’s not enough detail.”

“You’re right! I made a huge mistake by not setting a timeline. Since time moves faster in your world—forty years there is just one year for us—the first step is for all of you to become Yang Gods within 3,000 years.

Step two: I’ll unify Gongxing within a hundred years!”

Qi Yuan shuddered at the realization.

Even the smartest people can make mistakes!

Ancient wisdom is never wrong!

If someone as clever as him could overlook such a detail, what hope did anyone else have?

“The world below is called the Origin Land. The most powerful force there is the Eastern Alliance. They have a fair number of Martial Lords, and their strength is decent. But... behind them is a mysterious figure called the Eastern Lord, who might be a Yang God. In fact, his methods may be even more formidable than a typical Yang God,” Shenlei Grand Sovereign relayed the information he had gathered.

“The Origin Land? Using the brush of the Mountain River Society to create countless Mountain River Scrolls? Could this guy actually be a programmer?” Qi Yuan chuckled.

He was aware of the Yang God realm’s Heaven Position Realm and Supreme Principle Realm.

But what realm would someone capable of creating worlds like the Mountain River Scroll be in?

“No worries—let him be strong. I’ve got my Blazing Bird Punch. I’m not afraid!” Qi Yuan declared confidently.

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