My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 360: What is the Purple Mansion? This is Qi Yuan’s Purple Mansion!

"Long hair, short knowledge," Qi Yuan muttered aloud as he listened to the old men and women talking.

Indeed, they all had long hair, reaching down to their waists.

According to ancient sayings from Blue Star, that meant it was time to marry them.

But after saying this, Qi Yuan realized something and quickly added, "Except for me and my wife."

As a cultivator, Qi Yuan had long flowing hair, and Canary's hair was even longer, so no exceptions were needed there.

"Hmph, nonsense! How could someone help another comprehend the essence of divine powers?" the old man in the crimson mask couldn't help but retort.

The others also felt that Qi Yuan was causing trouble.

"The world is vast, full of wonders. Why do you speak so absolutely? Just because you haven’t seen it, how do you know it doesn't exist?" Qi Yuan said casually.

It was like the old saying, "You are not the fish, so how can you know the joy of a fish?"

This argument was perfect for any disagreement.

"Even celestial beings from above can't do such a thing, so how could anyone else?" the old man in the crimson mask argued.

"Can celestial beings claim to be invincible?" Qi Yuan replied calmly. "Even above celestial beings, there are more powerful entities. And besides, everyone knows that when you cultivate to the highest level, you can reach omniscience and omnipotence. So, why couldn't someone help another comprehend the essence of divine powers?"

Qi Yuan always backed his arguments with reason and logic. Honestly, if his cultivation ever failed, he could go back to Blue Star, open a shop, and make a living writing essays for people.

"You… you..." The old man in the crimson mask was speechless, feeling that Qi Yuan was just being stubborn.

At that moment, a man cloaked in a purple robe spoke up, "What this fellow Daoist says isn't entirely false. Generally speaking, no one can help someone else comprehend the essence of divine powers needed to advance from Nascent Soul to the Purple Mansion. But exceptions exist. I’ve heard of a world where a powerful Daoist from the Purple Mansion held a public lecture, and among the ten thousand Nascent Souls who attended, all of them entered the Purple Mansion after hearing the Dao."


"Ten thousand Nascent Souls attended?"

"And it wasn’t a celestial being or a god?"

"Hah, who knows if what you're saying is just made up?" the old man in the crimson mask sneered at the purple-robed man, his tone hostile.

"What I speak is the truth," the purple-robed man's voice turned cold, and a faint yet overwhelming aura of a deep abyss emanated from him.

The gathered Nascent Soul cultivators sensed this and their faces turned pale with fear.

"A powerful cultivator from the Purple Mansion!"

"He’s from the Purple Mansion!"

All the doubts and debates vanished instantly.

Even the old man in the crimson mask became respectful. "If the great cultivator says so, it must be true. I was simply ignorant and short-sighted."

Clearly, the overwhelming power of a Purple Mansion cultivator had a significant impact on Nascent Soul cultivators.

In the world of cultivation, strength was everything.

Hearing this, Qi Yuan felt dissatisfied. "Why did you argue when I said it, but accept it when he says it?"

The old man in the crimson mask glanced at Qi Yuan and couldn’t help but say, "Because that senior is a Purple Mansion cultivator. Are you?"

Hearing this, Qi Yuan’s expression became melancholic. "Sigh, no, I'm just a small Nascent Soul cultivator."

Yes, in the world of Canglan, he was still a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The old man in the crimson mask ignored Qi Yuan and stood up, offering the seat of honor to the purple-robed cultivator from the Purple Mansion.

Still feeling indignant, Qi Yuan muttered, "Even though I’m Nascent Soul, my alternate account is a Yang God. Does that count?"

The old man in the crimson mask obviously didn’t believe him, chuckling, "No, it has to be the Purple Mansion."

None of the cultivators present took Qi Yuan's words seriously.

After all, the appearance of just one Purple Mansion cultivator was already shocking enough.

Expecting a Yang God to show up at this meeting? That would be absurd.

It would be like a small village gathering and someone suddenly claiming they were the president of a neighboring country. Nobody would believe it.

"Not even a Yang God counts, huh? Sigh," Qi Yuan felt dejected.

No one paid any more attention to Qi Yuan; all eyes were on the Purple Mansion cultivator, as such figures were incredibly rare in the Three Realms.

The powerful cultivator from the Purple Mansion continued, "The great being I mentioned who taught the Dao was actually the reincarnation of a mighty figure. The Dao of that world was created by him, which is why he could easily help others step into the Purple Mansion."

Upon hearing this, the other cultivators nodded in realization.

Some were excited to learn such secrets, while others felt a sense of loss.

"The path of immortality is vast. Anything can happen."

"The higher your cultivation, the more you realize how small you are."

The Nascent Soul cultivators sighed in reflection.

At this moment, Canary’s face lit up with joy. She leaned close to Qi Yuan and whispered, "Is he talking about you, Blood Bead?"

"Probably," Qi Yuan hesitated but answered.

"I’ve heard that when the Blood Lord taught the Dao, he wore a red robe and was incredibly handsome, with ten thousand land legends bowing before him. It’s a pity I never saw your glory back then. How about next time you wear a red robe for me?"

The young woman whispered seductively, her breath soft and fragrant, her words tinged with intimacy and affection.

Through his mask, Qi Yuan looked at the girl’s fair face and couldn’t help but say, "Xiaojia has seen it, why don’t you ask her?"

"Xiaojia has seen it, but I haven’t!" Canary pouted, her eyes wide with surprise.

Holding her soft hand, Qi Yuan solemnly said, "Arrested, you're Ningtao!"

Canary’s face turned red, and she responded shyly, "Blood Bead, I am not Ningtao!"

The two continued their whispered conversation at lightning speed.

At this moment, the old man in the crimson mask stepped forward again, his voice earnest, "Please, senior, teach us the Dao and guide us on the correct path!"

A group of Nascent Soul cultivators discussing the Dao couldn’t compare to a lecture from a Purple Mansion cultivator.

The other cultivators also looked expectantly at the Purple Mansion cultivator.

Surprisingly, the purple-robed cultivator's gaze shifted to Qi Yuan. "I wonder, fellow Daoist, do you have any insights into the Purple Mansion?"

The purple-robed cultivator was curious about Qi Yuan’s background and wanted to test him further.

"In fact, I do have some insights into the Purple Mansion. A friend of mine once said something intriguing: ‘Purple Mansion, Purple Mansion... the character itself contains a mansion, so it must be a purple mansion!’" Qi Yuan shamelessly borrowed from the Wise True Lord’s words, but since he attributed the source, it wasn't plagiarism.

The Nascent Soul cultivators were stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Is there really such a saying?"

"Daoist friend, are you joking?"

"If that’s the case, I could say the Purple Mansion is made of innate purple qi, forming a mansion!"

"This mansion must be the five viscera!"

"Obviously, it’s a heavenly mansion!"

The Nascent Soul cultivators began spouting all sorts of nonsense in response.

Hearing this, Qi Yuan froze for a moment, deep in thought. "A mansion made of innate purple qi?"

"Innate purple qi is the ultimate energy, the primordial chaos, the mother of all things, representing boundless vitality. It’s the first energy of immortality. Even for the highest Yang Gods, innate purple qi is an extremely rare treasure! So, are you planning to build a mansion out of it? That’s quite the bold idea—even Yang Gods can’t do that!" one of the Nascent Soul cultivators mocked.

At that moment, Qi Yuan turned to the plump cultivator who had suggested the idea of innate purple qi, his face lighting up with excitement. "Sir, your brilliance is worthy of the highest praise. Truly, there are geniuses hidden among commoners! Could you remove your mask and let me see what kind of wise eyes you possess?"

Qi Yuan’s attitude was sincere, almost as if he were imitating the legendary Liu Bei humbly seeking Zhuge Liang.

The plump Nascent Soul cultivator was taken aback. Hearing Qi Yuan’s sincere words, he wasn’t sure if Qi Yuan was being sarcastic or genuinely admiring him.

"Cough, no need," the plump cultivator said awkwardly.

The other Nascent Soul cultivators looked at him with amusement.

Qi Yuan continued, "Sir, you have helped me greatly. In Gongxing, I will protect you from now on!"

He patted his chest confidently.

Such a genius mind—he wanted to recruit this cultivator for himself.

Who knew what brilliant plans could be hidden within that big brain?

"Uh, sure," the plump Nascent Soul cultivator replied, not wanting to offend anyone. Though he felt undeserving of Qi Yuan’s admiration, he went along with it.

Actually, he felt a bit guilty, as he considered himself to be just average.

Receiving such high praise from Qi Yuan made him feel unworthy.

"Do you have any more wisdom to share?" Qi Yuan asked eagerly.

This concerned his own Dao, so he needed to be careful and show proper respect.

The plump Nascent Soul cultivator cleared his throat, feeling more and more like he was in over his head. But the thought of being so admired by a fellow cultivator made him feel a bit smug.

After some quick thinking, he finally offered, "When it comes to the Purple Mansion, each cultivator has their own understanding, and everyone’s perspective is different.

For each cultivator, the best source of divine power is what’s most suited to them. In other words, the Purple Mansion that suits you is the best one.

From your remarks, it seems you wish to take an unconventional path, a unique Purple Mansion.

In that case, what’s suitable for you is naturally the most appropriate."

The plump cultivator’s response sounded like a load of nonsense to the other cultivators, following a twisted kind of logic.

While it was true that each cultivator must forge their own path, the Purple Mansion realm wasn’t supposed to be that flexible.

Nevertheless, Qi Yuan listened intently, like a diligent student standing in the snow outside his master’s door.

"Therefore, from your interpretation of the Purple Mansion as a mansion, I suggest focusing on the character ‘mansion,’ and perhaps you’ll gain new insights."

The plump cultivator cleared his throat again, satisfied with his answer.

However, he felt it was still missing a key point, some kind of concrete evidence. So, he added:

"The path of immortality emphasizes the union of yin and yang, the fusion of heaven and earth, and the harmony of natural law. If you keep that in mind, you won’t go astray."

The other Nascent Soul cultivators couldn’t help but chuckle at this.

To them, the plump cultivator's words were mostly nonsense, except for the final line, which borrowed from ancient wisdom and made some sense.

Qi Yuan furrowed his brows as many thoughts swirled in his mind.

"The Purple Mansion that suits me?"

In this world, the most powerful entities were beyond measurement, beyond definition, and beyond observation.

While the Purple Mansion was a common cultivation realm, the most powerful ones were likely beyond definition.

Or, to put it another way, the best Purple Mansion would be one that was undefined and ever-changing to fit the circumstances.

Just like some of the most powerful beings, who could shift their worldview to suit themselves at any given moment.

The plump cultivator's words had a profound impact on Qi Yuan.

"Master, I’ve realized something!"

Yes, Qi Yuan had an epiphany.

What was he missing right now?

Why had he worked so hard in cultivation all these years?

For freedom, for ultimate happiness, for a life without regrets.

But on his path, there had been far too many regrets.

In the Moonwatch Continent, in the Five Elements Forbidden Land, the Five Patriarchs—Jinzu, Shuizu, Muzu, and others—had sacrificed their lives so Qi Yuan could control the forbidden land. That was a regret.

Under the Ancient Tree, he never saw Jinli again. That was another regret.

In the City of No Return, where three people defended the city, Zhang Sheng and Chen Jiao had given Qi Yuan wine before dying. Only Qi Yuan remembered their names. That too was a regret.

There were so many regrets.

Once, Qi Yuan had said that someday he would reconstruct the elements of Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire, turning falsehood into reality, bringing the Five Patriarchs back to life.

Now… couldn’t the Purple Mansion be built with this in mind?

As the saying goes, yin and yang must be balanced.

Purple Qi represents the utmost vitality, the foundation of all life, the essence of resurrection.

Since he had yang, was he missing yin?

What is the ultimate yin of this world?

The underworld!

Yes, it must be the underworld!

For Qi Yuan, the underworld was the ultimate yin, filled with countless souls.

The underworld also contained the Six Paths of Reincarnation, linking yin and yang.

So, the underworld was the perfect yin counterpart.

Most importantly, the underworld also had the word “mansion” in its name.

Surely, this was destiny.

What is the Purple Mansion?

It’s the underworld, infused with the life-giving essence of Purple Qi!

Qi Yuan thought his idea was incredibly creative.

Using Purple Qi to resurrect those he had encountered in the past, bringing them into the underworld.

That way, even the Five Patriarchs from the Five Elements Forbidden Land could be revived.

All of Qi Yuan’s regrets could be addressed in this Purple Mansion, and those who had passed away could return.

Moreover, Qi Yuan’s source of divine power—the Void Sovereign: Heart Demon’s Will and Great Forgetfulness Sutra—would perfectly complement this underworld-themed Purple Mansion.

The Heart Demon’s Will could become the eighteen levels of hell, tormenting those who entered with endless heart demons.

The Great Forgetfulness Sutra could serve as the River of Forgetfulness, with a single dose of Meng Po’s Soup making any cultivator forget their past self.

This Purple Mansion wouldn’t just be for reviving old friends—it would be a fearsome tool in battle as well.

First, find an unremarkable world, open the Purple Mansion, and lure in enemies.

Yes, spread the Purple Qi.

And what is Purple Qi?

It’s a heavenly treasure. Seeing Purple Qi, wouldn’t the enemies be tempted?

Purple Qi represents infinite vitality, the ultimate source of life. There would be no hidden dangers, only difficulty in capturing it.

So, seeing the Purple Qi, even Yang Gods would be drawn in, unable to resist capturing it.

Well... once they reached out to capture it, they’d be in big trouble.

Beneath the Purple Qi would be the dark, cold underworld.

Oops, sorry. The moment they grabbed the Purple Qi, they’d be dragged into hell.

Those who came seeking Purple Qi would never understand why, while chasing after it, they ended up in hell instead.

Once they entered Qi Yuan’s Purple Mansion, they would be at his mercy.

Whether it was the Heart Demon’s Will or the Great Forgetfulness Sutra, it would be game over for the enemies.

For those he didn’t like, he could simply destroy them.

For those he did like, he could wipe out their soul and true essence but keep their cultivation intact, allowing a new true essence to grow. They’d be perfectly set up to work for Qi Yuan.


Qi Yuan admired his own brilliance but knew that the path to constructing this Purple Mansion would be a long one.

Looking at the plump cultivator, Qi Yuan said seriously, "Master, I will never forget your teachings. If you die one day and I’m too unfilial to collect your body, don’t worry—I will revive you!"

His words caused the room to erupt in laughter once again.

"Revival? My friend, do you think you’re the Dao Ancestor?"

"Not even the Dao Ancestor of a whole realm could do that!"

"I’ll thank you on behalf of this friend, hahaha!"

The plump cultivator’s face changed rapidly as he looked at Qi Yuan.

Who talks like this, cursing someone to die?

But seeing Qi Yuan’s genuine expression, the plump cultivator figured Qi Yuan probably just lacked social skills, and he couldn’t help but feel moved.

This young man had a sincere and forthright nature, the kind of person he liked.

"Thank you for your kind intentions, Daoist friend. If my soul is ever extinguished, I’ll be sure to come back as a ghost and find you," the plump cultivator replied tactfully.

He felt quite proud of his clever response.

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