My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 363: This Is Fair!

The Purple Mansion cultivator looked at Qi Yuan and smiled. "Let us all join forces to open this door together."

At that moment, Qi Yuan glanced at Ningtao and whispered, "You should head back and bring Zero-One here. I think this place suits him well."

"Okay." Ningtao nodded and vanished instantly.

The Nascent Soul cultivators present were momentarily surprised. The elder in the crimson mask squinted, deep in thought. That boy dared to send his companion away? The members of the Heaven-Shaking Plan were rushing over, and if they encountered her, that woman would surely die. However, he kept these thoughts to himself.

The other cultivators didn’t comment on Ningtao’s departure either. Before entering the relic, they had hidden their identities, fearing that other Nascent Souls might discover the relic. Now, they were glad for others to know. Holding the Sky Eye, even though they couldn't fully unleash its power, killing a few Nascent Souls would be easy.

"Alright, let’s do it together!" Qi Yuan clenched his fist. A powerful force surged forth, and the door, which had previously resisted their combined efforts, crumbled into dust in an instant.

The cultivators were astonished and cast suspicious glances at Qi Yuan. After a brief moment, all of them turned into streaks of light and vanished. Only the Purple Mansion cultivator remained, looking slightly nervous. He cautiously asked, "Could you tell me more about the person who helped others comprehend the essence you spoke of earlier? Who exactly is this person?"

Qi Yuan smiled at the man in the purple robes. "That was one of my alternate accounts."

The Purple Mansion cultivator’s heart raced, his breath quickening. "Is that really true?"

"Of course," Qi Yuan said, smiling with a hint of nostalgia. "The Flowing Wind Realm, Wugui City, I am…"

"The… Blood Lord!" the Purple Mansion cultivator blurted out, trembling all over.

Nearby, Xie Tang was utterly confused by the Purple Mansion cultivator’s reaction. The plump cultivator gaped, shocked. What was happening?

"You’re the Blood Lord, the legendary Blood Lord of the Flowing Wind Realm, who preached the Dao to ten thousand supreme cultivators!" The Purple Mansion cultivator was in disbelief, filled with terror.

Xie Tang stared at Qi Yuan, finding the whole situation absurd. Wasn’t he just a Nascent Soul cultivator? How had he suddenly become the Blood Lord, a legendary figure who helped Nascent Souls comprehend the essence?

The plump cultivator blinked in astonishment. Could he really go and find him after dying, as he had joked?

Both Xie Tang and the plump cultivator were overwhelmed by the strangeness and absurdity of it all. Xie Tang even wondered if the two were just acting, but to what end?

"Oh?" Qi Yuan raised an eyebrow and glanced at the Purple Mansion cultivator. "You’re one of the demons from the Myriad Demon Realm that invaded the Flowing Wind Realm?"

"No, no! Blood Lord, I am not one of those demons!" the Purple Mansion cultivator quickly protested, clearly terrified. After all, this was the Blood Lord they were talking about. When ten thousand supreme cultivators had gathered under the Blood Lord’s command, even though the Purple Mansion cultivator hadn’t witnessed it firsthand, he had heard the tales from his elders. Though millennia had passed, the events still haunted the memories of those who had lived through them.

"How exactly are you different from them?" Qi Yuan asked casually.

When Qi Yuan had attended the Dao Discussion earlier, he had already sensed the identity of the Purple Mansion cultivator, but he hadn’t been concerned.

"I am one of the indigenous demons of the Myriad Demon Realm!" the Purple Mansion cultivator hastily explained. "In ancient times, the Myriad Demon Realm belonged to us native demons. But one day, all of our ancestral demons vanished without a trace."

The ancestral demons were the progenitors of the various demon clans, each one at the level of a Yin God. They ruled the Myriad Demon Realm and had willingly severed their connection to the heavens, refusing to ascend to higher realms. However, in ancient times, a catastrophe occurred, and all the ancestral demons disappeared. With no ancestral demons to protect them, the Myriad Demon Realm was invaded by demons from the upper realms. The native demons were either exterminated or enslaved, becoming resources for the upper realm demons.

Now, most of the ancient demons in the Myriad Demon Realm were either enslaved or in hiding. Very few, like the Purple Mansion cultivator, had managed to survive and secretly cultivate to the Purple Mansion level.

Qi Yuan looked at the Purple Mansion cultivator and said calmly, "It’s true, you are somewhat different. Your path carries a hint of martial arts."

His nose hadn’t grown longer, so the Purple Mansion cultivator was telling the truth. Even his tone was genuine, and there was indeed a trace of martial arts in his aura.

The Purple Mansion cultivator swallowed nervously. "For some reason, I feel a strange sense of familiarity with you, Blood Lord."

Although he was terrified, he couldn’t shake the feeling of kinship.

Qi Yuan chuckled but didn’t respond. The truth was, humans from this world and the demon tribes from the Mountain and Sea Scroll shared a common ancestor.

"I’ve heard that the demons of the Myriad Demon Realm have been stirring up Cangxing, trying to invade Gongxing?" Qi Yuan asked casually.

"Blood Lord, that has nothing to do with me! The demons currently controlling Cangxing are from the upper realms!" the Purple Mansion cultivator quickly clarified, desperate not to be misunderstood.

"I see," Qi Yuan replied, unconcerned. "Let’s go inside and have a look."

The control room wasn’t very large, just a few square kilometers, and there were several small rooms inside. However, every room had already been ransacked, leaving nothing behind—not even a single hair. It was clear that everything in the control room had long since been taken away, leaving those who had arrived first with nothing to show for their efforts.

The group followed Qi Yuan as he led them deeper into the relic. After about a dozen breaths, they regrouped with the other cultivators inside. These cultivators were all staring greedily at something in the air ahead of them.

In the air, a translucent, glass-like box floated—a crystal-clear, flawless structure resembling white jade. Its shape was unmistakable: a coffin.

"This coffin must be a supreme treasure!"

"Is there… someone lying inside?"

The Nascent Souls, noticing Qi Yuan and his group, continued staring at the coffin. The coffin radiated an aura stronger than even the ancestral treasure they had discovered. It was likely the most valuable item in the entire relic. However, their magic powers were too weak to see through the coffin, leaving them uncertain whether it held a body.

At that moment, Qi Yuan smiled. "This coffin and I are fated. It belongs to me now. After all, I haven’t taken anything from this relic yet, so taking a coffin isn’t unreasonable, right? That’s fair, isn’t it? Who agrees? Who objects?"

Qi Yuan always prided himself on being ethical and never taking advantage of others.

The elder in the crimson mask sneered. "You sure know how to make plans."

A pale-faced female cultivator added, "You couldn’t manage to grab anything yourself, and now you want to talk about fairness?"

The members of the Heaven-Shaking Plan chimed in. "Before we came here, we agreed that everything would depend on our abilities."

"Friend, we’re all Nascent Souls here. Surely you understand that in this world, there’s no such thing as fairness. Everything depends on… power."

Most of those speaking were members of the Heaven-Shaking Plan. The lone Nascent Soul who had come alone chose to remain silent, unwilling to offend Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan spoke softly, "I offered you fairness, but you refused. Very well, as you wish. So, who agrees, and who objects? Those who agree, fairness will be upheld. Those who object… well, their cultivation level will take precedence."

The elder in the crimson mask sneered again. "I object!"

"I object too!"


Immediately, six members of the Heaven-Shaking Plan voiced their opposition.

"I agree!" The Purple Mansion cultivator spoke up.

Xie Tang quickly followed suit. "Agree!"

The plump cultivator, sensing the tension, hastily added, "Agree!"

The lone Nascent Soul, caught between two factions, hesitated, a look of struggle on his face.

"Everyone here has made a heart-devil oath not to fight inside the relic. Isn’t that enough to avoid conflict?" he asked nervously.

"Heh, you made a heart-devil oath, but we didn’t!" At that moment, over a dozen Nascent Souls entered the room, exuding powerful auras.

Seeing the dozen unfamiliar Nascent Souls, the lone Nascent Soul’s face paled.

The six Nascent Souls who had objected earlier stepped back to join the newcomers.

"Kid, now you understand what fairness really is, don’t you?" the elder in the crimson mask said smugly.

He had no fear now. They had all sworn not to fight inside the relic, but the newly arrived Nascent Souls weren’t bound by that oath. With a wild grin, the elder in the crimson mask laughed, confident in their overwhelming advantage. They had gained the most from the relic, while Qi Yuan and his group of fools had wasted time staring at murals. Now, Qi Yuan even dared to claim the most valuable treasure for himself. Ridiculous.

At that moment, Xie Tang looked at Qi Yuan, her mind racing. Was he really the Blood Lord? She remained on high alert, prepared for any danger.

"I’ve studied for nine years under the compulsory education system, so I understand what fairness is. I also understand what peace means," Qi Yuan said, scanning the group of Nascent Souls. "Oh, and if you die, don’t forget to thank me for giving you the chance to show off in front of me. Oh, right, I forgot—you’re all wearing masks. No faces to show."

With those words, Qi Yuan glanced at the group and gently blew a puff of air.

"This is fairness!"

The gust of wind was so faint, not even strong enough to match a cat’s yawn.

Yet, in that instant, the twenty Nascent Souls standing before him froze, unable to resist.

It was as if time had stopped for them.

Their ancestral treasures, their Sky Eyes—everything crumbled before that one breath, as insignificant as amoebas.


The mighty Nascent Souls, revered as gods among men, disintegrated like wax statues, turning to dust in the blink of an eye.

The scene was terrifying.

These were Nascent Souls—legends among mortals, beings of immense power. Yet they couldn’t even withstand a single breath from Qi Yuan. They weren’t even on the same level.

Xie Tang forgot to breathe. At that moment, she fully understood: this was the Blood Lord, the legendary powerhouse.

The Purple Mansion cultivator was equally horrified. The Blood Lord was even more powerful than the ancient records had suggested! A single breath from him could kill even a Great Supreme!

Qi Yuan then turned to the last surviving Nascent Soul in the room, the one who had come alone. "Do you agree, or do you object?"

The lone Nascent Soul trembled, utterly terrified.

What had he just witnessed? Even a Yin God couldn’t do this!

"I… agree!" he stammered, his face contorted in fear.

"Why do you look so miserable if you agree? Are you only pretending to agree?"

"No, no, no!" The Nascent Soul was so scared he fell to his knees. "I swear, my ancestors for eighteen generations all agree!"

Qi Yuan nodded, satisfied. "Fairness prevails. I’ll gladly accept this coffin as my own."

With that, Qi Yuan turned to the coffin, his eyes undergoing a subtle transformation.

Where before the contents of the coffin were hidden, now details began to emerge.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared before Qi Yuan’s eyes.

"It’s her?"

Inside the coffin lay a woman whose appearance bore a striking resemblance to someone Qi Yuan knew.

At that moment, Ningtao reappeared, along with the robot Zero-One. "There’s someone inside that coffin?"

"Yes, a woman," Qi Yuan confirmed, relaying what he had seen to Ningtao.

Ningtao squinted, her expression shifting. "Could it be… the female lead from the murals?"

"Probably," Qi Yuan nodded.

"What a tragic and moving story. Poor thing," the plump cultivator murmured.

Qi Yuan agreed. "She’s been lying here for who knows how long. She must be so lonely."

Xie Tang was puzzled. Could a dead person feel lonely?

Qi Yuan’s voice was filled with sympathy, his expression almost like that of a concerned older sister. "She’s all alone here, without a single friend or relative, just sleeping in this lifeless place. It’s heartbreaking. I’m a very compassionate person, so I’ll be generous today and give her a grandmother!"

"Huh?" Xie Tang blinked in confusion. Was the person lying in the coffin flat-chested or something? But in the murals, she didn’t seem small…

At that moment, Qi Yuan closed his eyes.

Within his body, the last of his Nascent Souls stirred.

This Nascent Soul belonged to Wu Shi, and for a long time, it had remained dormant. But now, it finally showed signs of awakening.

Through the coffin, the Nascent Soul of Wu Shi, the Mother of No Food, entered the body of the woman inside.

Qi Yuan sighed in relief. Wu Shi was beginning to awaken.

Suddenly, he realized something. "Oh no, I didn’t get her permission before giving her a grandmother. Is that rude?"

Meanwhile, the Purple Mansion cultivator was in shock. If the woman inside the coffin really was the heroine from the murals, her power would be unimaginable. Yet, the Blood Lord had casually opened the coffin and placed something inside her.

Just how powerful was the Blood Lord?

Ningtao chuckled. "She’s dead; she can’t give permission."

"Does that mean I have to find her guardian? But she doesn’t have one." Qi Yuan frowned, thinking. This was tricky.

Then, suddenly, an idea struck him. "Wait, Wu Shi is her grandmother! As long as Wu Shi agrees, it’s fine. Wu Shi, do you agree?"

The Nascent Soul of Wu Shi, now inside the woman’s body, pulsed once or twice.

Qi Yuan smiled in satisfaction. "Wu Shi agreed. Great! Today, I’ve been especially polite."

Xie Tang, listening to all this, dared not say a word.

Was this really how things worked? If someone didn’t agree with you, you could just give them a new grandparent to agree on their behalf?

She couldn’t help but feel that the Blood Lord was rather odd—powerful, yes, but odd.

At that moment, Qi Yuan turned to Zero-One and said, "You’re an intelligent robot. See if you can hack into this place’s database. Maybe there’s something useful in there, or maybe you can upgrade yourself."

This was why Qi Yuan had asked Ningtao to bring Zero-One along. After being enhanced by Qi Yuan, Zero-One was no ordinary robot. It was also different from the typical constructs found in the immortal world.

"As you command, Master."

From Zero-One’s hand, several tendrils extended and connected to the walls of the control room. Her eyes flickered with streams of data.

Qi Yuan and the others stood in silence.

After what seemed like a long time, Zero-One suddenly opened her eyes.

"So, how’s it going? Did you get the data?"

Unlike before, Zero-One didn’t answer him right away. Instead, she looked directly into Qi Yuan’s eyes.

"Master, do you know what love is?"

Qi Yuan blinked, caught off guard. "Oh no, my robot’s turning into a lovesick teenager."

"I think, for a robot, making money is more important than love!" Qi Yuan said firmly.

He wasn’t about to let his robot get distracted by romance.

"Master, can money buy love?" Zero-One asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"For some people, it can," Qi Yuan replied nonchalantly. "Now, back to business. Did you find anything valuable in there?"

"Yes," Zero-One answered. "According to Gongxing’s terminology, there’s a bank account and an encrypted key."

"Money?" Qi Yuan’s eyes lit up. "How much?"


"Give it to me!" Qi Yuan still loved money, after all.

"Please check, Master."

Suddenly, a string of symbols appeared in Qi Yuan’s mind.

Unlike real-world account numbers or passwords, the account here wasn’t made up of numbers, letters, or characters. Instead, it was a… feeling, difficult to describe.

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