My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 407: Preparations for the Upper Realm, Trump Cards, and Family

Holding Little Jia in his arms, Qi Yuan personally fed her a bunch of snacks.

Little Jia’s wedding dress became even more solid, but her aura remained unchanged.

Qi Yuan’s mind was filled with complicated thoughts.

Little Jia was from the Royal Wedding Dress Clan.

He had encountered other members of the Wedding Dress Clan before.

Those members could speak and even transform into human form.

But Little Jia was different; she only existed in the form of a wedding dress.

Even with the power of a Yang God, Qi Yuan couldn’t change Little Jia.

The power of a Yang God was already incredibly terrifying.

While it couldn’t grant sentience to a rock, it could easily awaken the sentience of an insect or a fish.

"Perhaps someone in the Upper Realm could help Little Jia speak," Qi Yuan thought as he lovingly watched Little Jia eat her snacks.

In the Upper Realm, there were Yang Gods who had reached the Supreme Truth realm, who might understand what was happening with Little Jia.

After about half an hour, Little Jia stopped absorbing the Blood Crystal Essence, indicating she was full.

"Let’s go and check out... that strange land, and prepare for the Upper Realm."

When the great calamity fell, the chaos left behind turned into a strange land within the Underworld.

Qi Yuan was curious about this strange land.

But after awakening, he had been busy devouring the three thousand worlds and hadn’t had a chance to investigate it.

In just a few breaths, Qi Yuan appeared in the strange land with Little Jia in his arms.

Qi Qi also appeared, her face pale, clearly not fully recovered.

The battle against the three thousand Great Calamities had taken a significant toll on her.

Even though she and the other deities of the Underworld had worked hard to shield Canglan World from the worst of the conflict, the battle between the three thousand Great Calamities and four thousand Yang Gods took place inside the Violet Mansion and was far too intense.

Had it been outside the Violet Mansion, the damage would have been far less.

"The fragments left behind by the fallen calamities have formed this strange land. After investigating it, I discovered that this land... is somewhat similar to chaos; it’s a kind of energy. This energy... might be used to sustain the operations of the Underworld," Qi Qi explained to Qi Yuan.

She had spent much time in the strange land, researching it.

After all, since her foster father managed the Underworld, she needed to understand any new areas that appeared.

"Usable?" Qi Yuan asked calmly.

"Yes." Qi Qi nodded vigorously, her eyes flashing with excitement. "When you revived the shattered mountains and rivers of Canglan World and brought back the dead, it wasn’t done out of thin air. It consumed a great deal of energy from the Underworld. Much of that energy came from the Mountain and River Society Seal, as well as resources like No Return City and Nine Plate Mountain. Some of it even came from you.

"But the strange land left by the Calamity is an exceptionally rare form of energy, capable of reviving much more."

As she spoke, Qi Qi waved her hand, grabbing a handful of the strange energy from the land.

"In the battle against the Calamities, you lost three hundred and twenty-seven Nascent Souls. If left to heal naturally in the Underworld, it could take tens of thousands of years, and the Underworld doesn’t have enough energy to support all of them recovering. But with this energy, it’s different!

"With just one-third of the energy here, your shattered Nascent Souls could walk out of the Underworld again within a year. And if we use more energy, they could awaken in an instant!"

Qi Qi’s face was full of excitement.

She knew exactly what this meant.

If such an Underworld existed in the Mortal Heart Realm, why would the ancient gods ever fear the new gods? Why would they fear death or battle? They could even grow stronger through war.

It would be the ultimate logistical base.

At this point, Qi Yuan uncharacteristically used his brain: "So, three calamities' worth of energy is enough to revive one Nascent Soul, at a ratio of about three to one?"

Qi Qi nodded. "Exactly."

Qi Yuan’s eyes brightened but then turned pained. "Ah, I’ve been too wasteful and indulgent in the past. All those I cared about have died without purpose, sigh... If they had died in my Underworld, their energy could have been converted, and even in death, they would have continued to contribute. That’s the true meaning of 'some people die, but they live on!'"

Qi Yuan was filled with regret.

How could he have just let so many of his past loves die without doing anything?

He should have preserved their bodies.

After all, they were his loves in life, so even in death, they should remain his.

Otherwise, it would tarnish his reputation as a deeply sentimental man.

Qi Qi almost laughed but kept it professional. "Father’s right. The bodies of slain enemies are valuable resources.

"However, Calamities are special. Three Great Calamities are enough to revive one Yang God’s energy. For ordinary Yang Gods, it might take even more."

"Even a small gain is still a gain! How could I, in good conscience, waste any of my past loves?"

Qi Yuan said, visibly excited.

"It seems that in addition to a band, a mourning team, and a feast team, we’ll also need a body collection team!

"Sigh, I was so foolish in the past. Why did I let those gentle and lovely—albeit somewhat elderly and unwashed—past loves rot in the wilderness?

"Their bodies were probably eaten by wild dogs and vultures. How painful and wasteful!"

"This time, when I head to the Upper Realm, I’ll embrace the traditional virtue of frugality and ensure that every one of my past loves continues to serve a purpose even after death!"

Qi Qi didn’t say anything, fully aware of her foster father’s personality.

After all, back in the Mortal Heart Realm, no other ancient god had ever thought of attending the new gods' feasts.

But her father had, and he’d actually done it.

Under Qi Qi’s guidance and with Little Jia in tow, Qi Yuan made his way to the Gate of Myriad Principles.

The Gate of Myriad Principles was like a universal gateway to anywhere.

Shrouded in violet mist, the Gate had transformed into the Gate of Supreme Truth, a treasure that could drive any Yang God to madness.

If opened, it could lure a Yang God into the Underworld to be ambushed.

And if they died in the Underworld, none of their energy would go to waste.

"But what if I lure in a Supreme Truth being?" Qi Yuan hesitated.

He had no concept of just how powerful beings in the Supreme Truth realm were.

If a single True Buddha came through, he could probably handle it.

But if more showed up, he would likely die.

As for Supreme Truth beings... they were probably even stronger.

"So, I need to optimize this trap. If someone steps through the Gate of Myriad Principles, I can’t let them go straight into the Underworld. They might damage it."

Qi Yuan thought, using his brain once again.

"Father, could you move the other end of the gate into the void between realms? That way, if a powerful enemy comes through, you could banish them into the void," Qi Qi suggested at just the right moment.

Qi Yuan’s eyes brightened with inspiration. "My dear daughter, you truly have inherited my brilliance! Your intelligence is almost on par with True Sage Zhi! You’ve given me a great idea!"

Qi Qi’s words had sparked a lot of ideas for Qi Yuan.

Back in the Flowing Wind Realm, when he had used the Key of Myriad Principles to open the gate, he had ended up in a dead universe.

So now, could he open the Gate of Myriad Principles to his own Stellar Golden Core universe?

Could he set the other end of the gate in that universe?

If so...

Qi Yuan’s eyes gleamed with excitement.

What if he created a black hole Golden Core and pointed the other end of the Gate of Myriad Principles at it?

Could a Supreme Truth Yang God escape?

If not, then they would be bombarded by thousands, even tens of thousands of stellar Golden Cores.

And these were real stars, not just the reflections of stars across the heavens.

Their power would be... far greater.

"If they’re too strong, I’ll banish them to the farthest reaches of the universe. Even though Yang Gods are fast, it would still take them a long time to cross the universe!"

Qi Yuan marveled at his own genius.

If the Gate of Myriad Principles could really take him to his universe...

Then, if he encountered an unbeatable enemy, he could hide in his universe through the gate and shut it behind him.

How could they chase him?

Of course, this method would only work against moderately strong enemies. If they were too powerful, Qi Yuan might not even make it through the gate before being killed.

He stared at the Gate of Myriad Principles and took out the Key of Myriad Principles, his eyes gleaming.

"Gate of Myriad Principles, you know where I want to go!"

Qi Yuan took a deep breath, inserted the key, and turned it.

With a click, the gate opened, releasing an ancient, profound, and desolate aura.

Holding Little Jia tightly, and with his right eyebrow completely calm, Qi Yuan stepped through the Gate of Myriad Principles without hesitation!

"This place... as expected..." Qi Yuan’s normally calm gaze was finally filled with awe.

Before him stretched a vast, unending river of stars.

Deep, boundless, ancient.

The Star Realm of the Nine Heavens didn’t even compare to a fraction of its size or age.

Stars burned, and suns exploded.

Suddenly, Qi Yuan’s eyes narrowed.

In the distant reaches of the universe, a young girl in a black dress seemed to be reciting divine laws, her voice like an oracle.

Stars floated around the hem of her dress, like tiny ornaments.

Divine power surged from her, and she seemed to be capturing a massive star.

Her face was pale, sweat beading on her jade-like face. She bit down on her lip and pulled with all her strength.

The scorching star burned, and her sleeves turned to ash only to reappear again.

Her delicate hand tightly grasped the star, trying to refine it into a Golden Core.

But the star was too enormous, and her figure seemed infinitely small in comparison.

Seeing this, Qi Yuan's eyes filled with deep concern.

Ning Tao was helping him form a Golden Core.

His own efforts to form it had been far too slow.

With Ning Tao’s help, the process could be greatly accelerated.

“Ning Tao, let me help you.”

With his words, Qi Yuan’s massive Dharma Body surged forth.

A colossal, blood-red figure appeared, and the girl in the black dress, far across the universe, looked up. Her eyes shone with unconcealed joy.


In the distance, the golden canary that had been fanning herself also revealed a smile of delight.

“Qi Yuan!”

Qi Yuan's figure appeared beside Ning Tao, standing shoulder to shoulder with her.

The massive star burned with intense flames.

Though it had no consciousness, its sheer mass was a form of resistance.

This star was so enormous that it dwarfed even the Dharma Bodies of most Yang Gods.

If a minor Yang God were struck by it, their Dharma Body would likely disintegrate.

At this moment, the Golden Core chapter of the Qi Yuan Sutra began to work at full speed.

The enormous star, under the control of Qi Yuan and Ning Tao, began to spin and transform, eventually condensing into a single Golden Core.

The massive Dharma Body dispersed in that instant.

Two soft bodies collided into Qi Yuan’s arms, and tender lips sought his in a passionate kiss.

The flames burned hotly, but the fire in their hearts was even stronger, and the clothes that had been burned away did not reform.

In their previous encounters, Ning Tao and the golden canary had mostly interacted with Qi Yuan through projections and avatars.

But now, their real bodies were finally reunited with Qi Yuan.

As springtime emotions filled Ning Tao’s beautiful eyes, she pushed Qi Yuan away.

“Husband... you must go now!”

The golden canary gazed at Qi Yuan, her eyes filled with reluctance.

“Humph, the time and space in this universe are anchored to you, husband.

“One day in your world is a hundred years here.

“But with you present, time here moves at a similar pace to Canglan World.

“Every moment you spend here wastes precious time, and fewer Golden Cores will be formed.

“If you’re to face Taihuang Palace, you need every possible advantage,” Ning Tao explained seriously.

Perhaps it was because the heat of the star was so intense, but her snowy white skin began to flush red.

Qi Yuan felt a pang of heartache.

He understood that Ning Tao was trying to form as many Stellar Golden Cores as possible to give him a better chance against Taihuang Palace.

Ning Tao smiled, exuding infinite charm. “I control time, husband. I control years and ages. There is no lack of time for us to be together. So, why the hesitation?”

The golden canary also nodded enthusiastically, her smile radiant. “Hee hee, if I miss you, I can just come down to play with you anytime.”

Ning Tao leaned in, planting a delicate kiss on Qi Yuan’s forehead.

“We’re legally married. No matter what danger or difficulty we face, we should face it together!
In the Flowing Wind Realm, you helped me, husband. Now, it’s my turn to help you.
Your enemies are my enemies!
How could I let you face such a powerful enemy alone, bearing all the burdens while I enjoy myself in peace?
If you were hurt, I’d feel it too. You’re not the only one who cares deeply, husband.
I, Ning Tao, am not only the most beautiful woman in the world, but also your wife, your family, and your support.”

As she spoke, Ning Tao hugged Qi Yuan tightly.

“Mhm.” Qi Yuan nodded deeply, his voice filled with emotion. “I’m so lucky.”

“We’re both lucky to have found each other.”


After leaving that distant part of the universe, Qi Yuan cast aside his emotions.

“Damn Taihuang Palace, you’ve gone too far!”

Qi Yuan muttered, gazing up at the ten suns in the sky.

Now, with Ning Tao’s help and her mastery of Buddhist divine techniques, she was working tirelessly to create Stellar Golden Cores.

In her hands, one or two divine techniques were equivalent to a single Stellar Golden Core.

During this visit, Ning Tao had already accumulated many Stellar Golden Cores. However, she had not projected them into this world or across the heavens.

If she did, it might alert Taihuang Palace, which would be risky.

The ten suns were just right for now.

“It’s time to go to the Upper Realm.”

Qi Yuan’s mind filled with various thoughts.

There were several ways for him to reach the Upper Realm.

The first route was through the void between worlds.

But this path would drop him into a random location in the Upper Realm.

The Nine Heavens were vast, so vast that even a Yang God couldn’t explore them all in a lifetime.

So, this route was out of the question.

The second route was through the teleportation array in Canglan World.

In the lair of the Great Calamity, there was a teleportation array.

But this array led directly to Taihuang Palace, which was far too dangerous.

At this point, Qi Yuan had no clear understanding of the Supreme Truth Yang Gods.

He, a mere Purple Mansion cultivator, wasn’t yet a match for the master of Taihuang Palace.

The third route was through the teleportation array on Moonwatch Continent, but it wasn’t currently operational.

Qi Jianjun had returned from fishing and told Qi Yuan that the teleportation array leading to the Moon God Palace had been shut down, for reasons unknown.

Qi Yuan wasn’t aware that this was related to the injuries Moon God Ancestor had sustained some time ago.

The fourth option was to travel to Buddhist Country.

But the fifth route was the one Qi Yuan prioritized.

It involved traveling through Moonwatch Continent to the Black Demon Abyss in the lower realm and ascending to the Fifth Heaven, where the Molo Clan resided.

Black Demon Abyss, located in the Sixth Heaven, was a special power not inferior to Taihuang Palace. The power structure there was intricate, with some factions having disputes with Moon God Palace.

The Molo Clan had two benefactors: one was Black Demon Abyss, and the other was Taihuang Palace.

However, Black Demon Abyss was proud and placed great importance on bloodlines, so even though the Molo Clan constantly sought their favor, their connection remained distant. Black Demon Abyss barely paid attention to them.

As a result, the Molo Clan gradually shifted their allegiance toward Taihuang Palace, seeking a new benefactor.

“I’ll start by visiting the Molo Clan. Jin Li is currently in the Demon Abyss, and part of her enemies there are the Molo Clan.”

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