My Hero Academia: Where dragons fly

F*cking reporters…

Chapter 12

Year 2153, April 9 (No PoV)

Malthael arrived on his bike with Momo holding onto him, only to find a swarm of reporters gathered outside the gate. Recently, there had been a growing crowd, but never so many that it was hard to get inside.

He parked a bit further away, letting Momo climb off before dismounting himself.

“This will be annoying,” Momo murmured, her brow slightly furrowed. “I don’t think we can avoid them… but let’s try.”

The two made an attempt to slip through, but the moment they were spotted, it was over. They were engulfed by flashing lights and rapid-fire questions.

“What is it like having All Might as your teacher?”

With a sigh, Malthael replied:“He’s good.”

“Can… can you elaborate?”


Without another word, Malthael wrapped an arm around Momo, unfolded his wings, and lifted them both over the crowd, landing in front of the school entrance.

They made their way to the classroom, where Malthael joined a group that had formed around him—Momo, Eijiro, Sero, and Shoji. They chatted until Aizawa entered the room, his usual serious expression in place.

“Good work on yesterday’s combat test,” Aizawa began. “I saw what you all did out there. Bakugo, you’re talented, but stop acting like a child. Midoriya, you broke your arms again. This can’t go on if you expect to become a hero.”

He paused, leaning forward:“Now, onto homeroom business. Apologies for the delay, but today, we’ll be electing a class representative.”

At once, the room erupted with people calling to be nominated. Then Iida stood up, detailing his plan for a fair vote, and everyone agreed.

The election was held, and when the votes were counted, Malthael emerged in first place with four votes, and Momo came in second with three.

Just as they were processing the results, the lunch bell rang. As they walked to the cafeteria, Momo leaned in and whispered to Malthael:“How did you know we’d be voting for class president? And why did you tell me to vote for myself?”

Malthael smirked:“That’s a secret I’ll keep,” he teased, grabbing an extra-large plate of food as they took their seats at a table with Shoji, Eijiro, and Sero.

“So, now that you’re our leader, what’s your plan?” Sero asked with a grin.

“Leader, huh? So I’m king? Fitting.” Malthael chuckled. “I’ll need to figure out what the role entails first.”

“Fair enough. But Mal,” Eijiro asked, leaning forward, “why do you fight with a sword and shield? Your body’s already a weapon.”

Mal looked at him with mild surprise:“Mal, huh? I like that. Anyway, I’ve always had a natural talent with a sword, and I use one to honor an ancestor of mine—a great knight and swordsman.” His explanation earned a few nods. Then Shoji chimed in.

“While we’re asking questions,” Shoji said, “why do you eat so much?”

“It’s because of my quirk. I get a lot of power from it, but it has its downsides. Huge appetite is one of them,” he explained.

“Damn, that sucks,” Eijiro said sympathetically. “But I guess with your power, it makes sense.”

Lunch soon wrapped up, and they started back to class—at least, they tried to. But before they made it, the alarm sounded, throwing the cafeteria into chaos.

“What’s going on?” Sero asked, confused as people began to scream and run.

Malthael’s expression hardened:“Someone broke onto school grounds. With the alarm, everyone’s rushing back to class all at once. It’s a mess, and people could get hurt.”

“Shouldn’t we go back, too? Look, Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya are heading that way,” Shoji pointed out.

Malthael told them to wait. He sprinted to a window and looked outside, then turned back toward the chaotic hallway. Hovering above the crowd, he took a deep breath.

“ROOOAAAAAAGH!” The strange, thunderous sound he made was an eerie mix of a volcanic roar and the screech of metal on a chalkboard. It paralyzed everyone in place.

“EVERYONE, CALM DOWN!” he commanded, his voice carrying authority. “It’s just the media that broke in. Look at you, panicking at the slightest sign of danger. This is where heroes like All Might and Endeavor stood. Imagine what they’d do in your situation. We’re here to replace and surpass them, so don’t start running at the first sign of trouble like little girls.”

With that, he descended, and the crowd parted for him out of fear and respect as he strode back to class. By the time his classmates returned, Eijiro was practically glowing with excitement.

“THAT WAS SICK! The way you calmed everyone down was so cool!”

Most agreed, though some hadn’t been in the cafeteria and hadn’t witnessed it firsthand. Shoji quickly filled them in.

Aizawa entered soon after and acknowledged Malthael’s quick thinking:“Good job calming everyone down. You might have prevented some injuries.”

Classes resumed, and after a while, Malthael headed to the roof during a break, finding Aizawa there, leaning against the railing with a lit cigarette.

“Rough day?” Malthael asked, joining him.

“Yeah…” Aizawa exhaled a plume of smoke.

With a chuckle, Malthael leaned beside him, lighting a cigarette of his own:“So, how did the media get inside?”

“The front gate turned to dust,” Aizawa replied. “We’re still trying to figure out how, but it’s likely someone’s quirk.”

Malthael nodded thoughtfully:“Anything to do with disintegration is dangerous. But enough of that. Got any plans for the evening?”

They chatted until the break ended, heading back to class.

Once everyone was settled, Aizawa spoke:“As you’ve seen on your schedules, there’s a class listed as S-ED. To explain it, let me introduce your teacher.”

A woman with dark purple hair and a curvy figure walked in, wearing a skin-tight suit. The R-Rated Hero, Midnight, smiled at the class, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

“I’m Midnight, though most of you already know that,” she said with a wink. “I’m here for S-ED—Sexual Education. We’ll talk about anatomy, relationships, and everything in between. Normally, our first class would be tomorrow, but we’ll start Friday instead, due to other plans.”

As she left, some students were buzzing with curiosity. Momo raised her hand. “What’s happening tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow, we’ll be going to the U.S.J. for rescue mission training. It’s off-campus, so we’ll take the bus.”

The room filled with excitement. Rescuing was a core part of hero work, and everyone was eager—everyone except Malthael. He knew what would happen at the U.S.J., and ever since starting at U.A., he’d dreaded that moment. It was one of the few major events he remembered vividly without his guidebook.

A conflict stirred in him. He wanted to let things unfold as they were supposed to, but he also wanted to help, especially with All Might. He and Victor had been searching for a way to heal the hero, but so far, no luck.

The day wrapped up as usual, and Malthael said goodbye to his friends. Momo climbed onto the bike behind him, and they sped off, awaiting the challenges of the next day.

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