My Hero Academia: Where dragons fly

Malthael’s new look and disaster

Chapter 5

Year 2139, January 9

It was total mayhem, with a raging inferno and screams in the midst of it. Many people were trying to help, but few were actually managing to.

Through the flames, one could hear a child constantly releasing a blood-curdling scream, with the child's family desperately trying to help.

But let's move back a few minutes.

It was Malthael's birthday. And boy, was it a great day. It was a smaller party with only family and friends being present. Everyone was happy as they gave Malthael his presents. Meanwhile, Malthael himself was having fun. His presents were great, with the best coming from Uncle Victor, who gave him a unique Zippo lighter with draconic engravings. As he stated, it fit Malthael perfectly with his obsession over fire, and the engravings reminded him of Malthael. With Malthael being already smarter and more mature than most kids, there was no problem giving him such an item. The future dragon chuckled to himself:"You have no idea how fitting this actually is."

After that came the last and greatest gift from Godfrey:"Here, my little knight. I brought you this." His grandfather showed Malthael what appeared to be a life-sized shield and sword, also with special engravings.:"I know they are too big for you, but they are not meant for fighting, but for decoration. I know you love stuff like this, so I had these two created with you in mind." As Malthael looked in awe at the masterful craftsmanship of the two items, he stated:"This is great, and I love the design too. You are the best, Grandpa."

After hearing that, Godfrey laughed and picked Malthael up, placing him on his shoulder:"That is good to hear, my little knight." As Godfrey started running around the snow with little Malthael on his shoulders, playing with him and having fun, everyone just smiled and looked on.

After a while, Malthael was set down as he asked to play in the snow a bit, to which Godfrey, of course, agreed. As Godfrey left, Malthael was alone and went to talk with his parents when everything slowly started to happen.

While talking, they were observing Malthael, only to see him break down on his knees while clutching his chest.

Eva instantly dropped her drink:"MALTHAEL!"

She, along with Godfrey and everyone else, started running towards him, but before they could even reach him, they were pushed back by a heat wave, watching the snow around Malthael melt in seconds.

Before they could do anything, they heard Malthael let out a brutal scream, only for a tidal wave of flames to erupt from him. Before the flames could reach them, steel plates moved in front of them as they turned towards Godfrey, who was clearly struggling with his quirk: Steel Lord. That power allows the user to sense and control objects made of steel within a certain radius.

After clashing against the steel, the flames flowed back towards their origin, only to spiral upwards into a tornado made of flames.

With the screaming of Malthael still not stopping, they had to do something. Leon was the first to ask:"What is happening? And how do we stop it?" Only for Victor to chime in with his eyes glowing:"It's his quirk. It's awakening, I can see it." Eva answered this time:"But why the flames? Neither Leon nor I have flame-related powers. And since when was awakening a quirk painful?"

As they turned towards Victor, who seemed most knowledgeable in this subject, Godfrey answered:"There are rare cases where a new quirk forms, a sort of mutation. As for why it is painful? From what I can see, it's not a new transformation or emitter quirk being formed, but a mutation one. This means that his whole body is reforming from the start. Normal people who possess a mutation quirk don't have that problem as they got them from their parents and are technically born with such forms, but in the case of a new mutation being born into a normal body, the pain is unimaginable."

Hearing the news, the blood drained from Leon and Eva's faces, with Eva stating the obvious:"We have to help him. With my quirk, maybe I can douse the flames. But I would need to go near him, and it strains a lot." Godfrey nodded, and Leon lamented the lack of material for his quirk: Gold Lord. That power allows the user to sense and control objects made of gold within a certain radius.

Godfrey started moving two steel plates slowly towards Malthael with Eva and him behind them. However, they slowly reached a limit as the heat got too high. But they achieved their goal. They were now about two and a half meters away from Malthael. Eva cut her finger and activated her quirk: Blood Duplication. That power allows the user to rapidly duplicate her own blood as well as red and white blood cells.

As the drop of blood landed, it slowly turned into a sea, drowning the flames in it.

They still didn't relax, though, as they didn't hear the screams stop. Suddenly, all the blood dried out near instantly, and the steel plates were pushed aside with Eva and Godfrey being pushed back by the immense heat. As they looked towards the tornado, they saw their son walk out of it, still screaming. However, their son looked clearly different. Small black horns were piercing his hair, which wasn't white anymore but had turned into actual flames. On his back were a pair of quadruple black wings and a tail. His hands were also black with claws and a spike protruding from his elbows. His eyes were reptilian, with a slit in the middle instead of a pupil and no sclera. Their son was holding his head, still screaming with flames leaving his mouth, revealing sharp teeth. He was slowly walking towards them with Godfrey shielding himself in steel and making his way towards Malthael. However, what nobody expected was for Malthael to punch Godfrey in the gut, which pushed him back a few feet. Before anything else could happen, Malthael collapsed, and with him, so did the flames.

As soon as the flames died, everyone was sprinting towards Malthael, ready to help him, with Victor at the forefront. As soon as he reached Malthael, he once again activated his quirk and scanned his entire body, only to find no damage except a lack of pretty much every element that helps build and grow the body, like calcium. As he looked at the quirk, he made a mental note to tell everyone about it after this was over and they were more in secret.

He stated:"His body is severely lacking every needed mineral and element. If this had gone on for a bit longer, he would have died." Soon, they heard sirens from firetrucks to medical vehicles. The latter was, however, not needed as everything Malthael needed was already inside the castle and nobody else got hurt.

Victor was already holding Malthael and sprinting inside towards the nearest room. He ordered the maids and butlers to gather all medical gear. With it, he soon started stabilizing his body. While Malthael's vitals didn't seem to be dropping any further, staying in such a state for a prolonged time is not healthy, especially while having such a young body.

With Malthael's family soon entering the room and Malthael stabilizing, Victor ordered everyone else to leave.

With everyone worrying, Victor had to comment:"He's fine for now. His body just burned all the minerals needed for growth and a lot more, which makes sense as his body had to grow several new limbs."

With that, all the panic and worries started leaving the room like air leaving a balloon.

Victor still had something to say, though:"But his quirk is something else. I've never heard or seen a quirk like that."

That peaked the interest of everyone:"His quirk, from what I could tell, it does quite a lot to his body. You see the black things on his legs, arms, tail, and wings? They are supremely hard but still flexible scales. His wings allow him flight, and his tail and horns are just weapons on their own. His teeth are hard enough to bite steel and not get damaged. And from what we all saw, he can breathe and maybe control fire. Speaking of, his hair is weird. It looks and feels like flames, but it doesn't seem to be hot, yet my quirk states that his hair is almost 400 degrees hot but nothing happens to the pillow like you see. It's really weird. His muscles also went up a few tiers in strength. Right now, he may be strong enough to win armwrestling with an average adult. And maybe he even has more abilities. But as far as I can tell, he is the definition of a living weapon."

This news shook the room a bit. Leon had to say:"Assuming this quirk gets stronger, he has the potential of a top-tier hero." But Godfrey stated something that nobody else wanted to hear:"Or a villain." The thing is, nobody could completely deny that reality as they thought back to the attack that was delivered against Godfrey.

Eva, clearly ready to defend her child, said:"While he may have attacked you, we all saw that he was not in the right state of mind, right?" That also gave them a round of thought, with Godfrey stating:"Yes, I think we should stay with him till he wakes up but stay vigilant against any further outbursts. While I truly hope it was just a loss of control, I'm not one to deny reality and my own better judgment. And that punch was delivered with the intention to destroy. I could feel it."

With that decision, they waited and waited and waited for two hours, then three, then five, until...


I was in pain. No, pain was no description for this. I was in hell. I keeled over in the snow. I felt it, my whole body changing. I felt my bones grow, pierce my skin. I could feel my blood literally start boiling. I could feel my throat burning, either from the screaming or the literal fire flowing through it. I could feel new limbs form and old ones completely change. I could feel my skin turning into something new. I could feel my organs, every single one of them, along with every fiber of muscle change, destroy themselves only to regrow... differently. I truly felt... hell.

I felt my emotions revolt against my will, all of them suddenly growing stronger than ever, creating chaos inside my brain.

I tried to look around but saw only flame. I could hear my family yell, so I tried walking towards the sound, but the pain was too much. With the influx of emotions, I saw black. My mind vanished along with my consciousness, but somehow I still felt like I was moving my body, like I was doing things but at the same time... not.

So there I was, looking up at a ceiling slightly familiar. My body... felt... great? Somehow? I held up my hand towards the ceiling only to see an unfamiliar hand. Scales, so black that they would stand apart in a completely dark room, covering my arm and claws so vicious at the end of each one of my fingers.

I inspected my hand for a bit, after which I turned to look around and saw my family all looking at me, but I could feel something different. There was tension in the air, so thin it could be cut with a knife:"Hello? Is everything alright? Am I that hideous?" With those simple words, the tension disappeared as I was suddenly surrounded by hugs and complaints, with my mother nearly choking me to death:"We were so worried about you. You almost died." Those words gave me a wake up call:"Died? What happened?" Grandpa gave me a quick recap, although I could feel that he seemed to be leaving something out:"I was asleep for seven hours? And I have gained a unique quirk?" Victor stated:"Yes, but you seem to be taking the whole experience quite well. Aren't you in pain or anything?" "No, not at all. I actually feel great. Like really great. Like I could crush the world in the palm of my hand." That line brought the tension up a notch again:"Something must have happened while I was unconscious, but they don't want to tell me."

"Can I have a big mirror? I wanna see how I look." After acquiring said mirror, I inspected myself. With the system already telling me what I would get, most things didn't surprise me, mostly. Most surprising was my flame hair. I hesitantly moved my hand through it, but nothing happened. I had to say, though, it kinda reminded me of Endeavor's beard. The next surprising thing was the number of wings on my back: four. According to the system, that would mean that among dragons I seem powerful and wise. Nice. The last thing surprising me was the new system message appearing before my eyes, telling me this:

"O primordial dragon, I greet thee once more. Before thee I stand, though perchance not for the final time, to speak unto thee of thy draconic elements."

Fire and Flame:

You are granted the right over the eternal burning, ever-bright flame of the proud dragon race.


Where flames rise, ash flows. You are granted the right over the burned and forgotten, over the things that once were touched by fire.

I felt a surge of excitement flow through me as I asked:"Can we go outside? I wanna test my quirk a bit. Get my mind off the whole nearly dying thing."

Everyone nodded as they made their way outside, only to see a huge scorched grassfield. But before I did anything, I heard my father state: "Please don't burn the forest or castle down."

I nodded with a chuckle, as I walked onto the field and started to try everything. I began by trying to move my tail around, but with it being a completely new limb never before possessed, it was hard to get used to. But once I did, I started using it a bit as I inspected the sharp blade with ridges at the end of my tail. It was a crude-looking blade, but that didn't mean it was bad. No, it was vicious. I moved to a tree that was a bit scorched on one side and hit my tail against it, which left a clean gash across it. Soon, I started trying other things.


The Krone family and Victor were all observing Malthael. They watched him move over to a tree, only to swing his tail at it, which left a huge cut across it. After that, they saw him use his claws against the same tree, which also left cuts, although smaller than the tail cut. The longer they watched, the more they realized how right Victor was with the "living weapon" statement. After moving away from the tree, they saw him start slowly breathing in and out. Then suddenly, he took in a huge breath, looked up, and roared, from which a two-meter-long flame fan came out. While not as powerful as when he awakened, the heat was still there. To their surprise, however, he took in another huge breath and roared again. This time, however, a huge ash cloud came out. After that, he stretched out his hand, and the ash seemed to slightly change form, just slightly. This gave them confirmation that Malthael may not only breathe and control fire but ash as well.

But the most obvious yet still most incredible thing came after. They saw Malthael close his eyes, his wings started to move a bit, to swing a bit, and after about five minutes, he jumped up but didn't seem to come down. Instead, he gained more and more height. He started to move around not just vertically but horizontally as well. He possessed omnidirectional flight. After being about 20 meters high, they saw him dive down only for his wings to catch the wind and let him glide at incredible speeds.

As they saw him fly across the vale, Victor stated:"I think he makes a great hero."

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