My Hero Academia: Where dragons fly

Malthael’s new powers.

QUICK NOTICE: In this chapter you may already see that I plan to bring this story in a NSFW direction. I will try my best to have plot and not just fucking. But with my lack of expirience and cuz im a horny bastard, I can't promise achieving this. For those that want a NSFW free series. If you somehow have not seen the tags. You have been warned.



Chapter 3

It was a day like any other, but for one certain individual, it was special—it was his second birth. However, while there would normally be joy in a room where someone had just been born, here, there was panic. Where you would typically hear the crying and screaming of a newborn, there was only silence.

The woman who should have been smiling from ear to ear, holding her son, was instead panicking and screaming for him to be okay, becoming almost hysterical as nurses tried to calm her down. The man who should have been overjoyed at having a son and heir was instead yelling at the doctors to check on his son's health, nearly raising his fist in anger. The doctors themselves were examining the boy in confusion, searching for the reason why he was as silent as a grave and as still as a corpse, despite clearly being alive, his eyes moving around.

Then, the head doctor, Dr. Aldrich, who had just delivered the baby, stood up. His movement caught everyone's attention, though the mother was still slightly panicked.

The father of the newborn, Leon Krone, who was Dr. Aldrich's best friend, approached him, pleading for help:"Please, Victor, help my son. If anyone can, it's you."

Dr. Aldrich nodded simply and carefully took the baby, Malthael, in his arms. He began searching the boy for abnormalities but found no explanation for the unusual behavior.

Dr. Aldrich's eyes started to glow as he used his Quirk, "Check-up," which allowed him to scan different parts of the body for health issues and anomalies, as well as ways to address them. His Quirk also provided general statistics about those body parts, such as blood type and Quirk details. He scanned the boy's brain and other organs, only to find them perfectly healthy—perhaps even too healthy. The baby's body parts displayed stats that were off the charts compared to normal newborns. For instance, his bones already had a density typical of a six-month-old, and his heart, while beating at a normal rate, was pumping with unmatched force, indicative of extraordinarily strong heart muscles.

This revelation perplexed Dr. Aldrich, who looked at the boy with confusion evident on his face. The source of his confusion was unknown to the onlookers, who, already on edge, were filled with dread and panic once again.

After analyzing the baby, the doctor tried various methods to elicit a reaction—patting his back and more. Eventually, he took a flashlight and shone it into the boy's eyes to see if his pupils would contract. Finally, the baby responded by moving his tiny arms in front of his eyes to block the light. The doctor repeated the test a few more times, and each time the baby reacted.

This gave the doctor the confirmation he needed:"Your boy is fine, Leon. While I can't explain why he's so still and silent, I can confirm that he's healthy—more so than any other baby I've ever seen."

Those words eased the tension in the room. While such reassurance from a regular doctor might have left some doubts, Dr. Aldrich, with his Quirk and experience, was anything but ordinary. He was probably one of the best doctors in Europe—perhaps even the world.

Leon, now slumped in a chair as if he'd just held up the world, asked:"What did you mean by that, Victor? That my boy is healthier than any other baby?"

Victor—Dr. Aldrich—who had just handed the baby back to his mother, turned to respond:"I used my Quirk to scan him, and the stats of his body are off the charts. It's as if he's a newborn with the body of a six-month-old. It's strange—I've never seen anything like it—but you don't need to worry. It just shows how healthy your boy is."

Hearing this, the boy's mother, Eva, smiled and said:"That's beautiful to hear, Victor. Thank you for delivering and helping our child." She spoke while gently rocking the baby in her arms.

Dr. Aldrich, happy for his friends, replied:"I did nothing but my job. I need no reward, especially since you're my friends."

Leon, now standing again, smiled and said:"Alright, but we—we've got a proposition for you. Eva and I discussed this a while ago. We'd like to ask you to be Malthael's godfather, if that's okay with you."

Dr. Aldrich's eyes widened in surprise at the proposition, but he quickly responded:"I'd love to be his godfather."

While all this was happening, the cause of all this chaos and joy was lost in thought. But let's go back a few minutes.


I looked around at the new faces surrounding me, most of them in doctor's attire, while one was dressed in casual clothing. I almost shivered as I felt the wind brush against my naked skin and began to realize what was happening. I had just been reborn. This was the start of my new journey, but before I could raise my tiny hands in joy and scream, I was interrupted by a holographic window popping up in front of my eyes.

It read: "Greetings, young dragon. I am the system granted to beings who possess the powers of a dragon. I will disappear after being read and understood."

As the text stated, the window disappeared the moment I understood its message. Soon, new windows popped up, each displaying new information.

I focused on the foremost window.

!Your new body is vastly different from your old one. But some changes will only first appear once you enter year four of your life, this is so it appears a quirk of your world. I will now show you all the changes and powes in your body aswell as when you shall aqcuire these!

This window also disappeared soon after I read it. The next few windows displayed my new powers. I could feel excitement rise in my chest as my eyes moved to the next window. I started to read the names of my powers and what they did.

Draconic weaponry:

Being a dragon blesses you with a body that will be a force of destruction. You will be granted the following.

  • Claws.
  • Razor-sharp Teeth.
  • Scales that will change color based on your draconic rank.(!)
  • A pair of Wings. (!)
  • Horns. (!)
  • A tail with a weapon at the end.

!This power will activate once the age of four has been reached!

I shifted my focus toward the marks at the end of the scales section, only for a notice to open with an explanation.

Dragons are sorted into ranks. Each rank presents a number of different colors. Higher-ranking dragons can still hold colors of lower ranks, although these colors will be enhanced or changed uniquely to the dragon. The ranks and colors are as follows, from lowest to highest:

  • Standard Dragon: Brown, Red, Blue, Green
  • Elder Dragon: Copper, Grey, Iron
  • Ancient Dragon: Silver, Gold, Amethyst
  • Primordial Dragon: White, Black

As I read this information, my mind flashed back to Aldrakar and his pitch-black obsidian scales.

I then shifted my focus to the notices from the Horns and Wings sections. New text appeared where the markers had been.

Wings are a sign of power among all beings, and this is also true for dragons. Dragons with multiple wings are seen as particularly powerful and wise.

Horns are a symbol of pride and power among dragons. Most dragons have similar horns that grow out of the back of their heads and face backward. However, some have unique horns, and these dragons are seen as leaders among their kind and other beings.

Again, like with the scales, my mind flashed back to Aldrakar and his forward-facing horns. Although I also recalled that Aldrakar had only one pair of wings, I thought nothing more of it. With that, the tab completely closed, and I looked at the next one.

Draconic Element: 

Every dragon possesses a unique element. This element is used in their breath and other abilities. Some dragons are born with or acquire multiple elements. There has never been a known limit to the number of elements a dragon can hold, with the most ever recorded being an ancient dragon with four elements. The elements possessed by dragons are more powerful than their natural counterparts. The element(s) also affect a dragon's body in unique ways. For example, a dragon with the element of ice may have claws made of said ice. The dragon is immune to their own element.

!This power will activate once the age of four has been reached!

Soon, that window closed as well, and I began to wonder what element I would receive. However, before I could think much about it, I had to cover my face as a doctor shone a light into my eyes several times. Afterward, the doctor left me alone, so I shifted my focus to the next few windows.

Draconic eyes:

Dragons possess special eyes. They can see things that other races cannot. They see the truth, as illusions do not work on them. They can see flaws, identifying the weaknesses of things and beings.

!This power will activate once the age of four has been reached!

Draconic biology:

A dragon's body functions in many ways, some unique to them, some not. The most notable features include:

  • Nose: A dragon's sense of smell is incredibly strong, capable of detecting differences between every single drop of blood spilled in a war or noticing the slightest change in a known environment.

  • Brain: A dragon's brain holds the Dragon Tongue, the language and writing of dragons, by instinct, as well as improved learning skills and memory.

!This power will activate once the age of four has been reached!

Draconic aging: 

Dragons are biologically immortal. A dragon will grow larger and stronger the longer it lives. The strength accumulated with age varies from species to species.

!This power will activate once the body has fully matured!

Improved biology:

Being the holder of dragon blood improves the genetic traits and body of your previous species. For humans, this includes enhanced adrenaline, muscle, and bone structure. This power will transform you into a peak specimen of your species. This feature will continue to evolve and will do so according to the current body of the being.

!This power is already active!

Draconic greed:

As a dragon, you are cursed with an insatiable greed, a deep and consuming desire for the things you covet. Things that don't belong to you are strongly affected by this power. This could range from gold to books, or even living beings. Once something becomes yours, you will fiercely guard it, allowing no one to touch or claim it.

!This power is already active!

Draconic lust:

Dragons are notoriously lustful creatures, with an almost unmatched libido. Your body also passively gives off pheromones that stimulate the lust of those you hold sexual interest in. You may also enter a state similar to heat, occurring once a month and lasting for three days. During this time, your pheromone output may increase. This drive stems from the low fertility and rare birth rates among dragons.

!This power activate once the age of eightteen has been reached!

I looked at the last two windows in disbelief. These could hardly be called "powers," yet the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. After all, no being is without flaws.

My thoughts were interrupted as a new window appeared before me:

"With this, all powers have been named. The system will now say goodbye..."

Before I could finish reading, the message abruptly vanished, only for a new, far more ornate window to take its place.


Hail unto thee, O ancient and eternal dragon. I beseech thee, forgive mine ignorance, for I hath not discerned thy presence sooner. Now, with reverence, I shall invoke the names of thine primordial powers, the very might that doth set thee and thine kin apart from all lesser beings

I read the system's message in astonishment, noticing the dramatic shift in tone. Unlike the previous blue-glowing digital messages, these new windows were bordered in gold, the text itself glowing with an ember-colored light.

"But this means... I'm a Primordial Dragon, like Aldrakar," I realized. "I suppose it makes sense, considering my powers come from him."

Primordial hunger:

As a primordial dragon, thou dost possess the power of insatiable hunger. Thou art able to devour other beings and, in doing so, grow in strength. In rare cases, should the devoured soul hold a power that doth resonate with thine own, thou shalt acquire that power in ways most unique, shaping it to thine will.

!This power will activate once the age of four has been reached!

I reread that several times, trying to grasp its full meaning. A power like this could place someone at the pinnacle, though it seemed there were limits.

Primordial heart:

Being a primordial dragon, thou dost radiate an aura of awe and dread. This very presence commands admiration and respect, yet instills a primal fear within the hearts of those who behold thee. Those who are counted as thine allies art spared from this fearsome influence.

!This power will activate once the age of four has been reached!

"Interesting. This will certainly be useful in certain situations," I mused.

Primordial crown:

Being a primordial being hath granted thee the right of change. Those who capture thine interest fall beneath thy sway, their very forms subject to thine will. Thou canst shape the bodies of thine allies in myriad ways, bending them to thine liking.

!This power will activate once the age of four has been reached!

As I read this, the potential uses of such a power began to unfold in my mind.

Finally, one last message appeared:

"With this, I hath named all thy powers."

"I must now bid thee farewell, O great dragon. I wish thee safe travels and a reign most prosperous. May thou sit upon a throne of thine own desire."

As I watched the message fade away, a smile crept onto my face.

"Well, this will certainly be a fun new life," I thought to myself.



Quick note: If anyone is reading this and feels the desire to post a comment please feel free to name your opinions about the powers the Malthael will gain.

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