My Hero Academia: Where dragons fly

Prologue -1

On a battlefield covered in ash and blood, where mountains once stood tall, there lay a Dragon as vast as those very mountains. His obsidian scales shimmered with a deadly beauty, and his eyes glowed like embers, streaked with gold that flowed from the iris. Viciously protruding horns crowned his skull, facing forward in defiance. His body, bloodied and beaten, heaved with labored breaths. How could such a mighty creature fall? By the hand of a single man—a knight dedicated and disciplined, a god among mortals.

Though even such a man is not invincible or indestructible, he slowly fell to his knees, holding himself up only with his sword, which was already cracked and chipped. His armor was similarly cracked all over, and his cape was burned. The man was coughing up blood.

Aldrakar, the Dragon King said:"You... cough... what is your name, mortal?"

???:"My name? Malthael... Malthael of the crown."

Aldrakar, the Dragon King said:" Very well... cough, cough... Malthael. State your wish."

Malthael:" What I wish for? Why?"

Aldrakar, the Dragon King said:" Because I shall grant you a wish. You have earned it, for you, a mere mortal, have managed to best me in combat. It seems this shall be the final act I perform."

The man furrowed his brow, clearly perplexed by the question and offer tried to come up with a wish. Then he thought of his pregnant wife and a smile came to his face.

Malthael:"I don't plan to run from death so I'll ask of you this oh great being. Please watch over my line of blood until the day the second of my name is born. When that day comes help him in his life in any way. "

Aldrakar, the Dragon King spoke:"Very well young warrior"

As they both collapsed, the message spread across the land that the Dragon King had been slain. The slayer's family was granted nobility and a great deal of land.

As time slowly began to spin, Aldrakar watched over the line of his killer with both great joy and great disappointment. Joy as watched the human world evolve and as he could rest for the first time in so long; disappointment as he watched, only to see that talent like Malthael’s was never born again. Over time one could also see Aldrakar grow fond of the bloodline.

With the death of the Dragon King the world slowly began to change. Machinery emerged and the supernatural was forgotten and turned to legend, to fairy tales told to children. The world became the world of today. Towers of glass and roads of stone.

Our focus shifts to the screams of a woman. Her screams originating from her giving birth to a boy. As she lay there, happy, the nurses asked for the boy's name. The Father answering:"Malthael, after our great ancestor."

And so the life of our protagonist started like a small flame only to be so soon snuffed out just as quickly.

Malthael would say his life was relatively easy. He was born in a rich and prestigious family in germany, with the last name of Krone. Malthael was talented at everything he did. And his luck was quite high as well, some saying he was blessed. 

Malthael's days were quite simple. Wake up, walk through incredibly long hallways of the castle they lived in, yes they lived in a castle, one of the few bonuses of living in Germany and being rich. After walking through said hallways, eat breakfast, learn a bit in the library, train sword fighting, the thing he was especially talented in with his mother saying he's the incarnation of Malthael the Dragon Slayer. A made-up ancestor of our family—or so he believed. After training the sword although more sword and shield as he quite liked having a shield in combo with his longsword, anyway after doing that Malthael would hit the gym. After that he was free to do however he liked. That resulted in him watching anime most of the time or reading manga.

On one day however fate had something different planned for him. After hitting the gym(which was also in the castle he lived in) Malthael wanted to meet up with a few friends and hit up a bar. Which he did, he had great fun but after being inside for a while he said he'd go for a smoke quickly and went outside.


“As I step outside, the cold immediately hits me, and I shiver.” I pull out my gloves together with my lighter and my pack of cigarettes. After putting on the gloves I open the pack only to see one last cigarette being inside as I chuckle to myself:" Let's see how this day or more like night is gonna be." I think to myself as each time I smoked my last cigarette the day was either really lucky like really, really lucky or scuffed beyond belief. As I watch the cinders flow into the night and feel the smoke filling up my lungs I get weirdly calm, as I always do when there is fire or ash in the surroundings. As I blow out the smoke almost like a dragon I hear screams to my right. As I look that way I get blinded by lights as I see a truck almost like a freight train driving towards me. Before I can react, I’m already rolling across the street. My clothing ripping against the concrete and my bones breaking. I can feel my life slipping away as I breathe in smoke for the final time, closing my eyes as my life slips away.

Only to open them a few seconds later to find myself on an empty battlefield with a mighty mountain sized dragon standing before me. As I hear him say with a voice that sounds like the definition of power itself.

Aldrakar, the Dragon King spoke:"Malthael Krone, second of your name, I greet you. I shall honor the pact made with your esteemed ancestor, who bore your name."
As I hear those words and see the creature before me, I can only say one thing:"... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!"

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