My Hero Harem Was Cucked

Ella’s choice 

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"This is… quite unexpected." I rubbed my temples, trying to wrap my mind around this unconventional and confusing revelation.

"I understand that this may seem unorthodox, but in these desperate times, every advantage counts. My skill can make a real difference in our fight." Leon continued with his tone earnest.

'Almost three times stronger' I instantly wondered how stronger Ella or even the duchess would get with such a boost not to mention Nessa's already incredible magic.

'But…' My heart was filled with emotions that I didn't have time to break down so I did the only thing I could and pretended to be calm.

"Leon, I appreciate you meeting me and the potential benefit your skill could bring. For now, I hope you can stay here in the city. I'll contact you soon with our decision." I said holding out my hand to which Leon stood up and grabbed.

"I'll be here thank you for your time"  Leon nodded, his expression understanding as we shook hands. 

I took one last look at the man with such a unique skill before gettin up and opening the door. The guild master who was waiting to the side gave a slight bow as we left the room, the Duchess walking beside me with a pensive look on her face. 

"What do you think of this, Duchess?" As we stepped outside the adventurer guild and onto the busy street I turned to her

"The demons are a threat to everyone, and we need every advantage we can get. Even if the method is extreme, we should still consider it." She sighed, her brow furrowing.

"Yes but.." Her words echoed in my head and started to speak but stopped myself and tried to look at this from the prospective of someone who was supposed to save the world.

 "I agree. We can't afford to ignore any potential advantage, no matter how unconventional. But we need to approach this carefully." I said Before the Duchess placed a hand on my shoulder, her gaze firm.

 "We'll figure it out together, Hero. For now, let's get some rest and we can discuss this with the others tomorrow." She said making me let out a sigh as I nodded in agreement.

As we made our way back to the inn through the busy streets as the sun set above us I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The weight of the decision ahead of us was heavy, Was sacrificing something or someone precious to me worth it or was my responsibility to defeat the demon more important. I only knew that with my beloved companions by my side that we would find a way forward.


It didn't take long to get back to the Inn before I walked upstairs returning to my room, I had expected it to be empty but I was taken aback to find Ella waiting for me. She stood by the window, the late afternoon light casting a soft glow on her sharp features and golden hair, Her eyes met mine and she seemed to instantly pick up on the turmoil within me.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." She titled her head walking over toward me as I closed the door giving us privacy.

"It's… complicated," I hesitated, unsure of how to broach the subject before running a hand through my hair. 

"The guild found someone who has the capability to join our party. But his skill is… unconventional." I sighed looking at Ella whose  eyes narrowed slightly. 

"Unconventional how?" She asked and for some reason the words were very hard to produce as I took a deep breath.

"A man named Leon has an EX rank skill called 'Eros Enhancement.' It boosts the abilities of any woman he shares an intimate connection with." I said as I looked up seeing  Ella's face remained blank making it impossible to gauge her reaction. 

"Intimate? How so?" The silence stretched, heavy and uncomfortable before finally she spoke.

I didn't say anything and only looked at her meeting her beautiful blue eyes, If you were to ask who knew Ella the best in the world then I would undoubtedly take that spot but even I couldn't read the raging emotions that seemed to fill her eyes. 

"I see," she said simply, her voice calm and measured. 

"And what do you think about this?" Ella asked me and I couldn't lie to her as I sighed. 

"I don't know," I admitted.

"It's effective, but the implications… I'm not sure how to handle it." I said as I saw Ella look toward  the window, her expression thoughtful.

 "If it can help us in our fight against the demons, then we should consider it." She spoke after a couple seconds of silence that seemed to drag on for much longer. 

"Ella, you can't be serious. This isn't just a simple skill—it's…" I stared at her, shocked and horrified and I started to understand that I was hoping for Ella to tell me that using the skill wasn't worth it. 

"It's necessary," she interrupted, turning back to me.

"I'll volunteer to test it." I froze hearing the resolution in her tone making my heart freeze.

"No," I said immediately, my voice firm.

 "I can't ask you to do that." I shook my head walking past her but she blocked my path.

"You're not asking," she replied softly, stepping closer. 

"I'm offering. If it means making us stronger and increasing our chances of survival, then it's worth it." I struggled to find the words as I heard her statement with my mind racing. 

"Ella, this isn't just about survival. This is… personal. I can't let you do this." I said with a shaky voice before confirmation placed a hand on my arm, her touch gentle yet resolute.

"We've faced countless dangers together. This is just another challenge. Trust me."  Her unwavering determination left me conflicted, torn between my duty and my feelings. 

"Ella, I…"

"We'll discuss it with the others tomorrow," she said, cutting me off gently.

 "For now, let's rest. We'll need our minds clear." she said as she squeezed my arm slightly and staring into my eyes. 

Reluctantly, I nodded, knowing that the conversation was far from over. I could only watch as she walked past me leaving me in the prison that was my one mind. I laid down, my mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Ella's willingness to sacrifice herself for the greater good both humbled and frightened me. Tomorrow, whether I liked it or not we would face this new challenge together, just as we always had.

Staring at the dark ceiling, my mind a turbulent sea of thoughts. Sleep was an elusive dream, slipping further away with each passing minute. The idea of Ella being with another man, even for the greater good, gnawed at me. I turned over, trying to find a comfortable position, but the turmoil inside me wouldn't let me rest.

Ella's determination to volunteer, her calm acceptance of the situation, haunted me. I couldn't shake the image of her with Leon, their intimate connection boosting her abilities. My chest tightened with a mix of jealousy and helplessness. I knew it was necessary with the terrifying power of the demons but the personal cost felt too high.

The night stretched on, each minute dragging painfully slow. Every time I closed my eyes, visions of Ella and Leon flashed behind my eyelids. The weight of my responsibilities pressed down on me, making it hard to breathe. How could I lead my companions into such a situation? How could I let them make such sacrifices? 

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