My Hero Harem Was Cucked


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"So this is where you've been staying little brother" Evelyn interrupted my thoughts with a mutter as she shot me a half jealous look.

"You make it seem like I was doing nothing but lounging around" I raised an eyebrow at her as the gates slowly creaked open and the carriage pulled inside toward the front of the manor. 

'I spent most of the time getting pummeled by the explode and Scarlett' I felt my body shiver just thinking about that intense and stubborn animal who calmed she was a delicate woman.

'Shit I totally forget about her' My excitement to see my mother dimmed just slightly replaced by a rare sense of fear. 

The carriage traveled along a path paved of what I knew was diamond which I could only shake my head at. On the other hand the sight of the perfectly cut bushes and tall majestic trees only seemed to add to the beauty, But as we came closer to the manor I felt my head move side to side once more. 

 'Is that really necessary?' Dozens of servants dressed in neat black uniforms were lined up in two perfectly straight lines waiting for us to arrive.

"Fancy" Evelyn seemed both amused and excited as she glanced at the Duchess with a raised eyebrow.

"You'll get used to it" The Duchess had already finished cleaning her lips and put on an expression of indifference as the carriage came to a stop.

"Shall we" She gestured toward the rest of us as the door opened and she stepped outside.

I glanced at Ella who followed suit with Evelyn basically jumping out making me sigh. I climbed outside with Nessa reluctantly letting go of my arm as the bright sun forced me to shield my eyes slightly, I didn't bother to pay attention to Leon the sound of multiple voices shouted out.

"Duchess!" The servants all bowed deeply showing their respect and shouted in unison as their eyes never left the ground. 

"My lady" One figure was different as they stood in the center of the two lines bowing only their head. 

'Damn' I turned even more stiff as I saw the beautiful women who used to give me nightmares when I first started my training.

'Scarlett' Despite my feelings toward her I couldn't deny that she had a beauty that put her on par with Ella and the others. 

She had short and fiery red hair that seemed to have no orderliness to it that fell onto her forehead, A pair of similarly matching eyes were framed by long eyelashes while her plump lips seemed to be etched into a permanent smirk. The most noticeable thing about her though was the fluffy pair of fox ears that sat perched atop her head signaling her decent as a beast kin.

Her figure was clad in silver armor wrapping around her neck and traveling down her arms while the chest plate protruded outward to an unnatural degree. The armor was one piece stretching over her wide hips and becoming a skirt that stopped at her upper legs exposing a pair of thick and muscular thighs that rivaled the duchesses. 

"Hero" Scarlett's eyes moved from the duchess and landed on me and I flinched seeing the glint in them as she smirked.

"S~Scarlett" I greeted her first while receiving a glance from the Duchess who looked slightly amused.

"Scarlet it's been a while" The Duchess spoke while putting her hand on Scarlett's shoulder and giving it a pat.

"It's been too long" Her fluffy ears dropped and she would have almost looked cute if I didn't know her sadistic personality.

"But my lady" Scarlett's brows furrowed as her fiery colored eyes moved down with a look of confusion.

"…What exactly are you wearing?" She asked making The duchess shift with an expression of embarrassment.

"We'll talk about it later but first" She shifted the conversation obviously not wanting to tell her most trusted subordinate the reason for her vulgar half nudity.

"Everyone is dismissed" The Duchess looked around and waved her hand with a hint of irritation.

It was a signal that quickly changed the quiet greeting that we had received. The servants didn't hesitate and quietly dispersed without another word, It truly showed how a subordinate of nobility was supposed to act and even I couldn't help but be impressed at the sight. 

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