My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 473 Among all kinds of musical instruments, suona is the king!

Center stage.

A special color burst out from the depths of Wang Mo's eyes, and the corners of his mouth also curved slightly.

He knew very well that these European and American audiences were most likely deceived by the Chinese bastards who climbed over the wall to comment internationally, so they did the thing of covering it with white cloth and listening to the suona.

After all, in terms of deception ability, ten Westerners cannot compare to one Chinese netizen.

Coupled with the differences in Eastern and Western cultural customs.

In the East, covering with white cloth represents mourning.

In the West, white cloth is very common in weddings and funerals. For example, even when getting married, white wedding dresses and white curtains are favored in the West, and white is mostly used during funerals.

Because white cloth represents purity and nobility in Western culture. Not as penetrating as China. So putting a piece of white cloth on your body doesn't seem so out of place.

In this case, it would be much easier to handle.

Wang Mo had an idea in his mind. He stretched out his hand and a staff member handed over a bronze suona.

He held it in his hand and smiled at the audience: "It seems that everyone has a high level of appreciation, and they immediately chose the suona. There is a saying in China: Among all musical instruments, the suona is the king. So the suona is also popular in China Known as the King of Instruments.”

Upon hearing this, the eyes of Western audiences brightened.

King of musical instruments?


Exciting enough!

But soon, they were stunned.

Because Wang Mo said again: "However, in fact, suona can only be regarded as an unpopular musical instrument."



Everyone in the West was stunned.

Since it is an unpopular instrument, why is it the king of instruments?

Isn't this contradictory?

Soon, I got a perfect explanation: "Why is the suona the king of musical instruments? Because in Chinese history, the suona will only appear in weddings and funerals. A suona will play throughout your life, including birth, full moon, high school, marriage, etc." Childbirth, death... because suona is not for people to appreciate, but to create atmosphere and stimulate life."

He just said a few words briefly. After all, the cultural background gap was too big. No matter how much he said, Westerners would not understand.

But just these few sentences left many Western audiences stunned for a moment.

And the music played by musical instruments is not meant to be enjoyed? Just for the atmosphere and life?

I can't understand it.

Aren’t all kinds of musical instruments created for enjoyment?

Wang Mo didn't give them much time to think, but simply said: "Next, I will play a song called "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix" for everyone to experience."

When Chinese netizens heard this, they smiled knowingly.

"As expected, it's "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix."

"Hahaha, Brother Mo created a miracle on the suona."

"That's right. With this piece of music, we know that the suona can also play such a cheerful tune."

"I think it was this song that overturned everyone's perceptions when we played against the eleven countries."

"It's just that there are so many idiots in the West covering it with a white cloth. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for Brother Mo to play "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix"?"

"It's definitely not appropriate for the occasion, but you can't really ask Brother Mo to play a funeral song, right?"

"Well, that's right..."

In the discussion of Chinese netizens and the expectations of Western audiences.

Wang Mo finally blew the suona.

The high-pitched, loud voice spread throughout the entire venue almost instantly.

On timbre.

On penetrating power.

Let alone China, even if you look around the world, there is probably no music that can compare with Suona.

So in just an instant, everyone was attracted by the sound of the suona, and then showed surprise.

"This instrument?"

"Isn't this voice too transparent?"

"But it sounds great. It really feels like flocks of birds flying happily together."

"Oh my god, a simple wind instrument, but it gives me an atmosphere that is no less than that of a symphony orchestra?"

"No wonder it is called the king of Chinese musical instruments."


However, many Europeans and Americans who are covered with white cloth feel that the artistic conception of this music is somewhat incompatible with the white cloth on their bodies. After thinking about it, many girls turned the white cloth into wedding hoods and put them on their heads, while men turned them into scarves and wrapped them around their necks. seems much more comfortable now.

However, there are still some impatient Europeans and Americans who cursed: "Those Chinese netizens deceived me. What the hell does this music have to do with white cloth?"

Someone continued to scold: "Yes, it doesn't matter at all! Although Wang Mo's performance is not bad, this instrument cannot be called the king of musical instruments at all. It seems that the media reports on Chinese musical instruments these days are too exaggerated. It doesn’t live up to its name at all. Wang Mo is also talking nonsense, the king of musical instruments? Shit!"


Just when they were indignant.

Wang Mo's suona playing on the stage slowed down.

If the blowing speed was 10 before, now it is only 3 at most, and the speed is suddenly three or four times slower.

Generally speaking, in music, this kind of combination of fast and slow performance is very common and can be found in basically every piece of music.

At first, everyone just thought that this was the characteristic of the song "A Hundred Birds Pay Attention to the Phoenix".


In just a few seconds, many people's expressions began to change.

After a few more seconds, everyone slowly widened their eyes.

As time passed, the entire audience was stunned and filled with disbelief.

As for the live broadcast room, netizens were also stunned.

"my God?"

"What...what's going on?"

"Oh my god, what did I hear?"

"God! How could this happen?"

"A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix", which had been so joyful before, made many people feel happy when they listened to it, as if they were really experiencing the joyful day of wedding. At this moment, after Wang Mo's playing speed slowed down, the artistic conception suddenly changed.

Not a simple change.

Instead, it gradually changed from great joy to great sadness.

The originally cheerful and jumping notes now turned into a deep sadness. The notes flow slowly, like fallen leaves in autumn, with endless loneliness and sadness.

The sound of suona is low and long, as if it can touch the softest place in the heart, making people cry.

Many people were dumbfounded.

Even music masters such as Simon were so shocked that they almost doubted life at this moment.

They are obviously two identical pieces of music.

It's obviously the same melody.

It's just that one is fast and the other is slow.

Under the pleasant music, they heard the cheers and joy of the birds, and the happiness and joy of life.

Under the slow music, these cheering birds seem to have a story each.

Some are sad.

Some are sad.

They are no longer messengers of joy or bringers of good news about marriage, but have become the incarnation of sorrow, telling the impermanence of life and the pain of separation with their songs.

The desolate melody hovered in the huge opera house.

The joy just now has been dispersed without a trace, and strong sadness and sorrow enveloped everyone.

The performer is obviously Wang Mo.

Obviously the music is still suona.

The melody obviously hasn't changed.

However...the artistic conception is one of heaven and earth.

One is happy and the other is sad.

One is happy, one is sad.




Everyone at the scene almost doubted life. Some people pinched their eyebrows hard, and some people rubbed their eyes over and over again, thinking that what they were experiencing at this moment was a hallucination.


Not an illusion!

But what really happened.

In China, the laughter of the netizens who had been watching the jokes of European and American netizens suddenly stopped, and then began to turn into sculptures.


Not just Western audiences, but everyone in China heard such music for the first time.

They had heard "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix" played by Wang Mo before, and it had always been a happy and joyful melody. Even in the past few years, "A Hundred Birds Pay Attention to the Phoenix" has blossomed all over China. I don’t know how many people blow it on happy events. Known as the number one wedding song.

However, they never dreamed that after the playing speed of "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix" slowed down, its artistic conception would change so amazingly.

It went directly from joy to sorrow.

Everyone who sees this scene is stupid.

"My mother, can this still happen?"

"Oh my god, it's just that the speed has changed, and the artistic conception has changed drastically?"

"I was feeling happy just now, but suddenly I became sad and sad?"

"Obviously the music score hasn't been changed? What's going on?"


Not just ordinary netizens.

Even at this moment, many people in China who are proficient in suona, including Zhao Shu, a Chinese music boss, all have expressions of disbelief.

This is simply a divine change.

It's beyond their imagination!

It's beyond their comprehension!

Many people recall that Wang Mo wrote a similar song a few years ago, and the same song sang two completely different artistic conceptions.

That song is called "Under the Sea".

The first artistic conception is: causing depression.

The second artistic conception is: healing.

But the two songs essentially have different melodies. Because of the difference in melody and the difference in the singer's singing voice, they have different artistic conceptions.

However, this song "A Hundred Birds Pay Attention to the Phoenix" is different.

The score before and after it is exactly the same, without any change. The sound it makes is also the same suona. The only real difference is the speed.

But just this difference produced completely different results.

So incredible.

It was even unbelievable to the point of making everyone’s scalp numb.

Even Zhao Shu, who was well-informed, felt like his back was getting cold at this moment.

Listening to the increasingly sad and tragic music on the stage.

At this moment, countless European and American netizens fell into silence, and the abuse and clamor disappeared without a trace. They just feel cold sweat running down their backs.

Wang Mo's playing continued, but the atmosphere seemed to become gloomy.

It was as if there were gusts of sinister wind, passing through the void and penetrating into the depths of everyone's hearts.

At the scene, many people subconsciously tightened their clothes.

On the Internet, many European and American netizens even had sweaty palms.

People who had bought white cloth before had unknowingly covered themselves with the cloth... Well, this is much more reassuring.

Listening to the increasingly sad melody, I suddenly realized that this piece of white cloth is really useful.

"Chinese netizens did not lie to me."

"Covered with a white cloth, I always feel like my soul has left my body."

"Okay...are you going to send me away?"

"I feel like I'm getting married one second and buried in the next second."


The song "Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix" only lasts for more than six minutes.


After a series of sad music slowly came out, Wang Mo put down the suona.

This represents the official end of his performance this time.

However, many people are still immersed in that incredible artistic conception, with very complicated expressions.

That kind of impact.

That kind of penetration.

After a long time, Simon sighed: "It seems that Wang Mo is not boasting. Of all kinds of musical instruments, suona is the king. With this miraculous change of artistic conception, suona is the most incredible musical instrument I have ever seen."

Stephen also shook his head: "Oh my God, joy turned directly into sorrow? And the transformation was seamless? If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't have believed it was real."

These music masters are so amazing.

Not to mention other ordinary people.

A heart cannot be calm for a long time.

Of course, what is even more shocking is another thing: How rich is China’s music heritage? Just such an instrument that looks more like a trumpet can play such magical music. What about other instruments?


Suddenly, someone started shouting again.

"Master Wang Mo, how do you play that stick-like thing?"

"Mr. Wang Mo, can you play that gourd-like instrument?"


Someone wants to listen to the bamboo flute.

Someone wants to hear Hulusi.

Someone wants to hear the chimes.

European and American netizens' curiosity about Chinese musical instruments these days all exploded at this moment.

Many people originally thought that China's display of so many musical instruments was just superficial, but now these thoughts have long disappeared, and there is only an extreme desire for all kinds of unseen musical instruments.

Now that Wang Mo has come to power, of course he is not ready to step down so soon.

Anyway, it is to showcase China's musical heritage. If he could do better, he would definitely be disrespectful.

So after hearing the cries from the audience, he gave Zhao Shu a look and decided on the second instrument. It is also the musical instrument most popular among celebrities at the scene: Erhu.

For Europeans and Americans, this instrument is very incomprehensible.

How can you play a good tune with just two strings?

Wang Mo doesn’t talk nonsense either.

The starting point is the song "Two Springs Reflect the Moon".

Wang Zha in Erhu music.

Known as the saddest song in history.

When Wang Mo played "Er Quan Ying Yue" on the stage, it not only shocked the entire Chinese orchestra, but also made all the musicians from the eleven countries willing to admit defeat and no longer dare to covet China.

Without it!

In fact, this piece of music has reached the ultimate musical height to a certain extent. No other melody can surpass it in melancholy mood.


When the song ended, many celebrities present had red eyes and tears.

"It's incredible that two strings can play such a sad tune."

"It's so sad. It's the saddest melody I've ever heard in my life."

"Oh my god, these Chinese musical instruments are really treasures!"

"International music officials are all bullshit! China has such a rich music inheritance, but it has never been called the hometown of music before. Let alone the hometown of music, it has never even entered the top ten. If it weren't for this This time Wang Mo burst out with unprecedented musical talent. If we want to know these instruments and music, God knows how long it will take."


Originally, Wang Mo wanted to perform "Horse Racing" on the stage.

Let these guys who have never seen the world see another extreme of erhu.

But after thinking about it, I gave up.

His time is limited and he cannot waste too much time on the erhu.

Because the status of the erhu in China is not very high after all, and it is difficult to get started with this instrument. Spending too long on it is not worth the gain.

Wang Mo still hopes that Chinese guqin, guzheng, flute, etc., which are popular enough and relatively easy to learn, can arouse the love of foreign people.

Although the outside world now knows that Chinese music has a profound background.

However, this kind of heritage cannot be admired in isolation. It needs to be passed on and accepted by other countries in the world and willing to learn. This is the ultimate goal.

Now, since I have successfully aroused the curiosity of these Western people, it will be much easier to handle.

Just when he was about to take the next step.

Simon stood up and asked: "Mr. Wang Mo, I found that each of these Chinese tunes has a very strong artistic conception, which can make people indulge in it at once. The impact of this artistic conception on us is far greater than that of Western instruments. ,Why is this?"

Wang Mo thought to himself: Because the songs we played are all famous Chinese songs through the ages, the artistic conception is certainly stronger.

But of course he couldn't say that.

A thought came to my mind.

Got an idea.

He smiled and said: "Because every piece of Chinese music contains a story. And music expresses this story through performance. Because the story is moving, the artistic conception displayed by the music is strong."


Simon groaned.

This is a bit interesting.

Is there a story behind every piece of music?

They Western musicians compose music almost entirely based on improvisational inspiration. Although some music also contains some simple stories, most of it is just my own description of a certain scene or picture.

Who is full enough to embed a story in every piece of music?

So after hearing Wang Mo's words, many people responded with skepticism.

at once.

Someone shouted: "Excuse me, Mr. Wang, what kind of story is in the "Er Quan Ying Yue" you just played?"


Wang Mo raised his eyebrows. Someone gave him a pillow if he was really sleepy.

If this person asked what the story of "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix" was about, he would probably have to make one up right now.

But "Two Springs Reflect the Moon"...

Wang Mo did some facial expression management and then told A Bing's story.

This is the first time he has talked about Abing's life, so it is the first time even the Chinese people have heard it.

"Once upon a time, there was a man named A Bing. He was a musical genius since he was a child... Later he became blind. In order to make a living, he performed on the street every day and lived a miserable life. But even so, he was still naked. The body and food were not enough. It was under such circumstances that he created "The Moon Reflected in Two Springs"..."

Wang Mo is talking about real history.

It's just that there is no A Bing in Blue Star, and everyone thinks that "The Moon Reflects on Two Springs" was created by Wang Mo, so many people think that Wang Mo is telling a story, but even so, everyone is still moved by A Bing's tragic experience .

"Oh my god, it's so bad."

"It made my heart feel clogged."

"I finally understand why Wang Mo created "Er Quan Ying Yue". He must have created this story first, and then inserted himself into A Bing's life. Wang Mo happened to have experienced a dark time before, That’s why I wrote this sad song.”

"A Bing's life is illusory, but Wang Mo's life is real."

"That's why he was able to write Symphony of Destiny."


Many European and American netizens are also very good at thinking.

Combined with the previous videos about Wang Mo’s life experience on YouTube, after listening to A Bing’s story, many people automatically had many stories about Wang Mo’s miserable past in their minds.

Romando was also full of thoughts: "As the saying goes: music contains stories, and stories can make music more exciting. Everyone knows the truth, but for someone who specially creates a story for a piece of music and writes such a wonderful story, I think Looking at the entire Blue Star, there is only one Mr. Wang Mo."

Hear the words.

Wang Mo's heart suddenly moved again. He smiled and said: "Master Romando, you overestimate me. In fact, I don't have the ability to create such stories. In fact, they were all written by others. And I based on these stories Written to music.”

At this time, the audience was agitated.

"Written by someone else?"

"who is it?"

Romando also showed a questioning expression: "Excuse me, who is this person?"

Wang Mo said: "West Tower."

West Building!

Many people didn't react at first, but soon there were exclamations.

"Xi Lou! That fairy tale king?"

"One person produced ten fairy tales in a row to suppress the legends in the world of fairy tales?"

"The fairy tale writer who wrote Snow White and Cinderella?"

"It's him?"


Hearing the exclamation, everyone came back to their senses.

The story of A Bing that Wang Mo just told was actually created by the fairy tale king Xi Lou, and then Wang Mo composed it into music!

Everyone finally understood how Wang Mo, a musician, could have such a good literary talent.

Now the case is solved.

Especially Chinese netizens, they understand that Xilou is far from being a simple fairy tale king. He is a literary god who has crushed the entire Shanshui Society by himself!

With such literary heritage and imagination, it is so easy to write a few good stories.

Immediately, there was a heated discussion.

"This is a powerful alliance!"

“Musicians and writers working together.”

"Wang Mo is the world's music master, and Xilou is the world's fairy tale king. Music and literature collided with each other to create different sparks."

Suddenly someone said: "Huh? Since Xilou and Wang Mo are together, wouldn't Xilou just write one story for Wang Mo? Are there other stories?"

Instantly, many people were excited.

"Yes, Xilou definitely didn't just write one story."

"Doesn't that mean Wang Mo also created other music?"

Romando also thought of this possibility and immediately asked: "Mr. Wang Mo, have you and Mr. Xilou collaborated on other stories and composed them into music?"


Hearing Romando's words, Wang Mo had a bright smile on his face.

When he mentioned Xilou at this time, he thought of a way:

First, improve Xilou’s international reputation and let the world know that Xilou is not just a simple fairy tale writer, but also a writer.

Second, combine music and literature, or combine Chinese music and Chinese literature, to give everyone a different musical shock and let the outside world have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

Now, these people have indeed taken the bait.

Therefore, after Romando finished speaking, Wang Mo said without hesitation: "Yes!"

The eyes of celebrities in the audience brightened.

"Sure enough!"

"Oh my God, this is a combination of a literary master and a music master."

“I’ve never seen collaboration like this.”

"I'm really looking forward to what kind of story Xilou will write, and what kind of music Wang Mo will create based on the story."

Romando asked about their expectations: "Mr. Wang Mo, can you give us one or two examples? Let us see how wonderful the collision can be when music and literature are combined?"


Wang Mo nodded again without hesitation.

His purpose was achieved.

Next, let these international friends experience the dazzling sparks produced by the collision of Chinese literature and music! (End of chapter)

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