My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 475

"Brother Mo, let's play one more song!"

"I want more!!!"

"Master Wang Mo, please tell me another story. Don't make me kneel down to beg you."

"Wang Mo!"

"Wang Mo!"



The audience, both live and watching the live broadcast, once again made a huge noise when they saw Wang Mo was about to step down, refusing to let him step down.

Wang Mo smiled and shook his head. If he didn't go down, it would become his own music show.

Everyone also knows that Wang Mo cannot stay on stage. After all, this is a show of a country's music heritage, not Wang Mo's personal show.

after he stepped down.

Next, the Chinese music delegation did not miss the mark either.

Bamboo flute, pipa, long flute... and also some musical instruments such as cucurbit flute and konghou were played. The beautiful melodies of various tunes made many people feel the profoundness of Chinese music again.

It is obviously impossible to play all the hundreds of musical instruments, not even a tenth of it.

This time, the musical instruments that can participate in the performance were all carefully selected by Zhao Shu and domestic senior officials. Each instrument can not only represent Chinese folk music, but also be popular and pleasant to the ear.

After stepping down.

Zhao Shu stared at Wang Mo for a long time: "You guy, how many songs do you still have that you haven't played yet?"

Wang Mo chuckled: "No more."

Zhao Shu's eyes widened: "I don't believe you, you just casually came on stage and composed two stories and two pieces of music. I don't believe that they happened to be your last items."

Wang Mo coughed: "Then you still ask?"


Zhao Shu almost choked to death and wanted to slap the opponent on the head. But after hesitating for a moment, he was reluctant to fight.

Wang Mo quickly changed the topic: "Mr. Zhao, look at the performance, the large orchestra will start playing soon."

Zhao Shu nodded, knowing that the final orchestra performance was of great importance, so he concentrated on it.

After almost three hours, the presentation of individual instruments finally came to an end.

A chorus of admiration.


"A true musical extravaganza."

"It seems that what was said on the Internet is right. The music inheritance of Fusang Country is all leftover from China."

"The big band will perform next, right?"


Speaking of big band playing.

Simon, Romando and others in the audience immediately took a deep breath and looked at each other.

finally come!

This time at the International Music Hall Night, they have been crushed by China since the first day. At this moment, China finally reached its weak link.

But Simon still whispered: "Romando, has China really not made any achievements in large-scale performances by Chinese orchestras?"

"rest assured!"

Romando snapped his fingers and vowed: "I have already investigated the musical background of China, and also carefully asked Jiro Miyata who had stayed in China for a long time. The conclusion I came to is that China's musical instruments are in the single The performance is indeed very beautiful and elegant, but I have no experience in playing with a large orchestra. This big Eastern country seems to naturally only like private, quiet and elegant performances, and does not like large-scale performances at all."

Simon then breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

But...when he saw Wang Mo sitting calmly not far away, his heart suddenly jumped.

The background of Chinese music is easy to investigate.

But this young man is too mysterious to see through.

"It's impossible for Wang Mo to produce any good works in the last large-scale Chinese orchestra, right?"

Think of this.

Simon was not calm again.


Internationally, the reactions of European and American netizens and Chinese netizens were reversed.

During this period, many European and American netizens have been completely captured by Wang Mo's talent and have become crazy fans.

So these people are looking forward to the last round of big performances.

“Looking forward to Huaxia’s large-scale performance!”

"I look forward to Master Wang Mo's amazing music again."

"Wang Mo will definitely not let us down."

"China is going to break the record of zero and get the title of the hometown of music."

"From now on, there will no longer be six music kingdoms in the world, but seven music kingdoms."

"No, still six."


"Fusang, a country that picks up Chinese garbage, is it worthy of becoming a music kingdom?"

"That makes sense!"

However, all Chinese netizens frowned and looked a little solemn.

“It seems that our country doesn’t have a large-scale folk orchestra, right?”

"I haven't heard of it anyway."

"I only know that there are guzheng solos and guqin solos, with at most some bamboo flutes and large and small accompaniments. But there has never been a symphony orchestra like the West."

"Then our performance in the last round will naturally fall behind, wouldn't it?"

"Oh, what should we do now? Although Brother Mo is very strong, we also believe in his strength. But this is because we have not had a large-scale performance team configuration since ancient times. This is our weakness. We cannot allow Brother Mo to temporarily form a team Orchestra, and then play good music, right? This is too much nonsense."

Someone is looking forward to it.

Someone rejoices.

Someone is sad.

But soon, everyone’s eyes were fixed on the stage.

Because on the stage at this moment, there are already a large number of staff carrying various musical instruments.

There are popular musical instruments such as guzheng, guqin, erhu, pipa, etc.

There are also eclectic musical instruments such as dulcimer, ruan, sheng, suona, etc.

When the huge chime bell was also carried on the stage, it caused even more exclamations.

"so much?"

"Such a big scene?"

"Have you used all the chimes?"


European and American netizens were shocked and excited at the same time.

It seems that they were right, Wang Mo and Hua Xia will really give them a grand performance.

Chinese netizens are at a loss.

Such a big battle?

Dozens of players?

This formation is almost no smaller than the one used to perform "March of Destiny".

Does China still have such a lineup of national orchestras?

Never seen before!

Unheard of!

After the staff set up all the instruments and the huge Chinese performance team was ready, many people were still in shock.

Simon's eyelids also jumped and he looked at Romando: "Is this what you said about China not having a large Chinese orchestra?"

Romando swallowed: "Maybe it's just a big scene? Is it just an illusion?"

It’s just superficial again!

Simon was speechless.

When you played "Destiny" last time, you said it was just an appearance. What was the result? Being teased by others.

Now again?

Simon felt a little unable to sit still. He tried to calm himself down and then looked at the stage.

Center stage.

The conductor is still Luo Bin.

Luo Bin was still concise and to the point: "Next, our orchestra will perform "Yun Gong Xun Yin" composed by Mr. Wang Mo. Please enjoy it."

Yungong Xunyin!

For the Chinese people on earth, maybe some people have never heard of this name, but when its melody sounds, the genes engraved in the bones will awaken.

Because this is the theme song of "Journey to the West".

Not only is it well known to more than a billion compatriots in China, it is even famous all over the world.

It can be called a masterpiece of Chinese classical music!

When Wang Mo first heard the last performance of the International Music Hall Night, which was performed by a large orchestra from his country, he almost immediately thought of "Yun Gong Xun Yin".

In his opinion, this piece was prepared for a large-scale performance.

It contains a lot of musical instruments. In addition to the basic guzheng, guqin, harp, and triangle, there are also chimes, chimes and other musical instruments that are rarely used in China. There are more than 70 kinds of musical instruments, including electronic instruments, Western instruments, and Eastern music. It can be called the song with the most instruments Wang Mo has ever seen.

The melodies played by so many musical instruments create the unique and rich musical style of "Yungong Xunyin". Even outsiders who have never watched "Journey to the West" will be amazed by it when they hear it for the first time.

However, "Yungong Xunyin" is classified as electronic music by many people.

Because the creator Xu Jingqing used a lot of electronic music in this music, professional musicians call it the king of electronic music.

This time, China is going to showcase local musical instruments, and it is impossible to use electronic music. In other words, for good effect, you can add a little onomatopoeia similar to electronic music, but it must not become mainstream.

But this did not trouble Wang Mo.

After all, this piece is still Chinese classical music at its core, so after getting "Yungong Xunyin" in the system, Wang Mo made some modifications to it.

On the basis of preserving the original flavor as much as possible, this divine song was changed into a piece that can be played purely with Chinese classical instruments.

Facts have proved that his transformation was successful.

When he picked the folk orchestra to play it for the first time.

When the melody of "Thing thump thump thump thump, thump thump thump thump..." was heard by Zhao Shu for the first time, the godfather of Chinese music opened his mouth wide and almost lost his mind.

Therefore, in the face of doubts from the outside world, Zhao Shucai was not worried at all.

In front of such music, what is there to worry about?

He even had a smile on his face and murmured to himself: "I'm really looking forward to it..."

In the center of the stage, everyone is already in place.

Everyone in the performance team of more than 80 people has high morale.

on site.

Became silent.

Even Aangda, who had been chattering attentively before, actually closed his mouth at this moment and looked at the stage seriously.

In silence.

In the meantime, Luo Bin's hand was raised, and then suddenly dropped.

At the beginning, the excitement of the suona was like a thunderous force, instantly overwhelming the hearts of the audience: "咻咻咻~~~"

Then the huge performance team started.

"Thing thump, thump thump, thump thump."

"Thing thump, thump thump, thump thump."

At the scene, everyone who was already very focused suddenly became excited.

Everyone subconsciously sat up straight.

The majestic melody seemed like a huge wave crashing over.

The waves crashed on the shore.

Thousands of waves splashed.

In front of everyone's eyes, a spectacular scene appeared almost instantly: it was overlapping mountains among the clouds and mist. Huge waves were crashing against the rocky cliffs, turning into white waves that filled the sky.

Then, the sound of the drums seemed to turn into thunder.

The void roars.

The heaven and earth are shaking.

The passionate melody covered the entire venue and instantly ignited the entire atmosphere. Subsequently, guzheng, pipa, erhu and other performing groups joined in one after another, raising the entire artistic conception to a breathtaking height again.


The long bass flute sounded, followed by various percussion instruments, which seemed to strike deep in everyone's hearts, making everyone's heartbeats rise and fall.

Many people crane their necks almost subconsciously.

A huge ensemble of instruments.

A performance with a strong psychedelic tone.

The guzheng is crisp and sweet, the suona is high-pitched and passionate, and the sounds of erhu and pipa are interspersed. Although it is complicated, it does not appear disorderly at all.

The chime is ringing!


Many people initially thought that the chimes would only emit simple chiming sounds. However, after the huge set of chimes sounded, the crisp and sweet music almost overwhelmed everything.

That is noble!

That is mighty!

The heavy sound penetrated the long river of history and sounded in the opera house, but it carried an atmosphere etched in history, giving the whole piece a mysterious aura.

The performance of the performers was breathtaking, and every note jumped out accurately.

Like an elf dancing.

Sometimes it is as vast as a river or sea.

Sometimes as delicate as a stream.

"Thing thump, thump thump, thump thump."

"Thing thump, thump thump, thump thump."

When the music was halfway through, brass horns and large and small drums joined in, beating people's eardrums with the melody of guzheng and pipa, creating a grand and spectacular momentum.

Everyone seemed to be transported into a mysterious and magnificent cloud palace by this performance.

Up there is the heavenly palace where the gods live.

There are heavenly soldiers and generals wearing silver armor patrolling, fairies floating back and forth talking and laughing, and high-level immortals traveling in the sky.



Just as the audience was immersed in the grace.


A high-pitched and beautiful female voice burst through the air, sublimating the song to an ethereal realm of nature. With the complementation of other instruments, the world almost bloomed with brilliant light at this moment.

Everyone's thinking stopped at this moment.

There was only this piercing high voice in my mind.

Their eyes were glassy.

Their expressions hardened.

They think rigidly.

At the scene, in the live broadcast room, the audiences all over the world who were watching the performance of the Chinese national band at this moment all forgot what they were doing, and only saw the music.

Someone dropped his cell phone on the ground, but he didn't know it.

The cigarette in someone's hand burned their fingers, but they seemed not to feel the pain.

This female voice is sung by Miao Xiaoxia.

Originally, on a purely musical stage, it was against the rules to include singers singing. However, Wang Mo asked the organizer that just adding such a monophonic chant without words or singing would not affect the overall performance. Other bands have done this in performances before. So Wang Mo did not hesitate to add in the original music.

Sure enough, the effect is amazing.

Although Miao Xiaoxia was not present at the scene, it was just the recorded voice, which made the effect slightly less perfect. But after all, Miao Xiaoxia has a monster voice that can sing "Left Finger Moon", and her powerful explosive power still conquered the entire audience instantly.


"Dong dong dong!"

Then the more passionate performance started, and with every beat of the drum, every melody seemed to turn into a phalanx of warriors fighting in all directions, with roaring and whistling sounds.

A majestic melody burst out.

Impacting everyone's hearts.

In the end, dozens of musical instruments merged together like the hand of God, and the melody played turned into a refreshing trickle of water, which slightly soothed everyone's tumbling hearts.


The orchestra's performance officially stopped.

Less than three minutes to go.

Two minutes and twenty-four seconds to be exact.

Compared with the performance of "Symphony of Destiny" which lasted for more than thirty minutes, the performance time of "Yun Gong Xun Yin" was not even one-tenth.

When Wang Mo got the score, he originally thought about extending it to more than ten minutes. Because in his inherent concept, only more than ten minutes can be worthy of a large-scale performance.

But in the end he gave up the idea.

"Lachist March" lasts only thirty minutes, doesn't it also become an immortal movement?

Music, precious essence.

So in the end, Wang Mo kept the original version without adding any superfluous features.

As long as the performance is the essence, so what if it's less than three minutes?


The band's playing has stopped.

But no matter whether it was live or in the live broadcast room, everyone was still silent, and the huge opera house was almost silent.


One celebrity lost his voice: "What?"

The man swallowed his saliva and wanted to say something but didn't say it.

And beside.

When the other celebrities heard this man's words, they finally came to their senses one by one.

"God! What is this?"

"What did I hear?"


“God’s music?”

Especially Chinese netizens, their scalps were all numb.


"I really doubt that I am not Chinese."

"Is this a piece played by our Chinese band?"

"It feels like I'm listening to the music in a fairy palace."

"Oh my God, even kneeling down is not enough this time. Just lie down and listen."

These Chinese netizens are all numb. They have grown up with all kinds of Chinese classical music, but they have never heard such magnificent music, and they have never thought that Chinese classical music can be performed by such a huge orchestra, and Such a magnificent effect.

It's just...a little too short, right?

They seemed to have been ignited with passion just now, and now it’s gone?


It's too short.

Not only Chinese netizens think this way, but also Western netizens also slander them. They just got into the mood, but it felt like it was over within a few seconds?

It was a little too short, but thinking back to the performance just now, everyone couldn't help but marvel.

The song is less than three minutes long, and almost every second is endlessly memorable.

What makes them even more miraculous is that they can still remember every second, the impact of the suona at the beginning, the interplay of the guzheng and the pipa in the middle, the vibration of the drums at the back, and the female voice that makes goosebumps appear.

What kind of music can keep you passionate for three minutes? While being passionate, can you still maintain the wonderful and peak artistic conception throughout the whole process?


In the audience, Romando swallowed and licked his dry lips again, with an embarrassed expression. If the cameras of many reporters weren't pointing at him, he would have liked to dig a hole and crawl in.

Next to him, Simon rubbed his eyebrows: "Is this what you said about China not having a large-scale folk orchestra?"

Romando: "Ahem."

Simon said angrily: "Is this China's weakness you said? It's really... so weak."

Romando: "Ahem."

Simon sighed quietly, knowing that what he said was a bit excessive. Because he himself also went to understand the current situation of Chinese orchestras, and the situation was similar to what Romando said.

It's just that the performance of the Chinese National Orchestra on the stage today subverted their perceptions.

Simon's eyes subconsciously stayed on Wang Mo.

Obviously, such a performance that subverted their cognition was most likely because of Wang Mo.

There was a moment of silence.

Stephen suddenly said: " we still have hope?"

The hope he asked was the probability of competing for the "home of music".

Simon shook his head: "There is no hope. Although the music played by the symphony orchestras of several of our countries is also very good, China has two advantages:

First, it’s fresh. This is the first time that a Chinese folk orchestra has appeared on the international stage, so people are naturally curious and fresh about the music they play. This made the audience naturally have a good impression of Hua Xia's performance.

Second, it’s the tune. Judging from the performance just now, this "Yun Gong Xun Yin" is almost at the top level in the world in terms of magnificence and hugeness. Its impact on the public will definitely far exceed the symphony that the audience has long been tired of hearing.

Just these two advantages gave Huaxia an absolute advantage in the final round of orchestra performance.

Do you think we still have hope? "

Rudolf nodded in approval: "Mr. Simon is right. The fusion of musical instruments in "Yun Gong Xun Yin" has almost reached the ultimate level of a piece of music. Its rich musical connotation, beautiful melody, and profound artistic conception almost make it amazing. It's an eye-opener for me. We have no chance of winning when we compete in the final round with this kind of music. To put it bluntly, in front of the symphonies displayed by several countries, "Yun Gong Xun Yin" can definitely start a competition massacre."


The expressions of several other people changed slightly.

This represents the symphonies of several of their countries, and they are not even qualified to compete with "Yungong Xunyin".

Everyone was silent again.

After a while.

Simon sighed leisurely and said: "I was really looking at the sky from a well. Before this, I always thought that my research in music had reached a peak and could no longer make any progress. But today I discovered that I have only learned a few Western instruments. . I know almost nothing about the inheritance of such a huge music country like China. I think, after this grand ceremony, I feel that I should go to China and live for a while to experience and learn their music."


Hear this.

Stephen's eyes lit up: "That's exactly what I meant."

Romando: "Count me in."

Rudolf: "I think I want to go to this ancient country. Maybe China's different music heritage can make a breakthrough in my stagnant inspiration."

Several music masters hit it off immediately.

At this moment, Wang Mo never expected that these masters who were at the pinnacle of today's music would even think of going to China.

While he was sitting leisurely.


A celebrity stood up and shouted loudly: "Master Wang Mo, you said before that many musics have a good story. You also proved your words with "Butterfly Lovers" and "Mountains and Flowing Waters". Then this song "Clouds" "Gong Xunyin" is so magnificent, does it have a corresponding story?"


After hearing what this man said, many people became interested and looked at Wang Mo. (End of chapter)

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