My Incestuous Life

I Can Let You Do This… and More

Alice PoV


I am furious! Incomparably furious! And the cause? It's what happened between Mom and Lucas. Every time I remember it, I feel like sticking my hand between the two of them and screaming that this is treason. 

My brother is already mine, how can our mother try to get her claws into him? Does she think I haven't noticed the focus she has on washing his crotch? That thirsty old woman, he is just a child, how can she get these ideas.

I am also a child, before you call me a hypocrite. At least technically. But she is 29 or 28 from what I remember - about 30 times his age - plus the fact that she is his MOTHER! Does this world have no sense of decency?


'Aahh.' I mentally sigh.

I'm more jealous than angry really. The fact that it's not my pussy, but Mom's is what makes me jealous. And that makes me angry. I mean, wouldn't the normal reaction be to get angry if I saw my future husband sucking another woman's pussy? But why don't I care about that, but about the fact that it was not MY pussy that he sucked for the first time?

And yes, he is my future husband. I have decided, he will be MINE one way or another. Even if I have to kidnap him and hide him to make him mine. That's sick, but so what? The important thing is who he will end up with.

But in spite of all this, I am despondent here in the bathtub. With an upset expression and slumped shoulders, I certainly look very pitiful. As for why no one has noticed, it's because I'm hiding my face in my mother's belly.

I might get jealous and say I'll kidnap him and blah blah blah, but I'm afraid he won't even look at me the way I want him to, maybe he'll only have eyes for Mom, since she is so beautiful. Or even worse, he will hate me or not want to associate with me if he knows my thoughts, since that is the last thing in the world I want.

This may have come out of nowhere, since the image I convey is probably of a crazy, obsessive woman who doesn't care about anything but being with her love. But I am still a person, you know? I have my own insecurities - although maybe they are silly from your point of view -.

I'm afraid of getting hurt because of that. It is extremely painful to put high hopes in something only to have them dashed and to know that you never had a chance from the beginning. And I don't want to go through that, even if I have to erase those feelings by force, even if it is as painful as breaking hope.

Turning my head, letting only my right eye appear between my hair, I see Luc, who is trying to float, waving all his limbs in the water, so I murmur softly and wistfully:

"You wouldn't do that to me, would you?"

"Did you say something, Alice?" then mom immediately said.

"No mommy" I replied lifting my face, only to hide it soon after.

'Haah' sighing mentally to vent those insecurities, I soon regain my resolve with my whole being exuding confidence.

I will not let insecurities bring me down! Even if there is a possibility that he will reject me, at least I will try! Thinking too much will only make me afraid, and the worst regret is that I never did it! And that I refuse to feel!

That's right, Alice! Have positive thoughts! And I doubt that when you grow up he will resist your charm! He will run after you himself, even if you do nothing! At least I hope so...

So I get up from my mother's lap and run to where Luc is standing with a smile and open arms. I'm sure I look extremely adorable now, and this will help me in my Brother Seduction Project. I will name this goal that I have created now.

"Luke, I will help you!" 


Hehe, in a few years you will be completely seduced by me, just wait....

My dear brother.


Lucas PoV


It has been a few hours since the bathroom event. After that, we showered normally, and neither I nor Mom ever touched the subject. She probably thinks that I have already forgotten about it. And if so, she was right, I only remembered it again in the middle of dinner, all because of the also possible reincarnation of my sister. I kept thinking about this subject the whole time.

To say that I am not worried about it would be a lie. All because this possible discovery opens up many questions about my reincarnation.

Did she keep her memories from her previous life? Are we just her and me reincarnated? If not just the two of us, have any of them retained their memories? Why are we reincarnated? Is there a specific condition for choosing who will reincarnate? What kind of intentions does this being or whatever we reincarnate have? Is it something harmful or beneficial to us? 

All these and countless other questions filled my mind, but in the middle of dinner I pushed them to the back of my mind. There's no point in thinking about it now because I won't have the answers, and thinking about it will only stress me out and make me anxious, because it's not a pleasant feeling to know that a guy who is strong enough to mess with the reincarnation cycle is using me as a probable pawn in his plans.

It may be very strange and forced to you how I put these thoughts aside, but I don't think so. It's just silly to stress about something you have no control over, let alone something you don't even know the most basic why. And above that, stress is bad for your health.

Going back to the beginning of the subject, I have to think about how I am going to approach Alice about this. I can't just say in front of our mother 'Gee Alice, you reincarnated too?', I would just be inviting trouble. She can also deny it, but that would be an obvious confirmation, because what kind of baby would know what reincarnation is? The worst thing for me would be if she just pretends she doesn't know anything, since my hands would be tied, and she would be more cautious with me. There is also the more unrealistic possibility that she would just confirm everything, because this is probably a secret you don't tell anyone, although I think it's very silly not to tell someone you trust completely. Of course, you don't just tell the person 'Hey, I am someone reincarnated',

Another equally important issue is the place where I will do this, because since we are babies, Mom is almost never far away from us, so this would make it even more difficult to approach the subject, since as I said before, the whole situation is well planned. 

Well, it's not worth thinking about it too much for now. I will start paying attention and see if there is any part of the day when Mom leaves us alone for a relatively long time that I can use.

Now that I think about it, I've never seen my mom work, she just stays home all day while she takes care of Alice and me, so where does the money she uses come from? Savings, maybe? Or pension? She could be rich too. Either way, I don't care where that money comes from.

Finishing all this monologue, let's get to what I am doing and where I am now. 

I am in our bedroom playing with Alice in bed, while Mom is in the bathroom brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed - she has already done this with us, by the way. As for my playtime with Alice, we are rolling around while tickling each other anywhere we can without stopping laughing, I also took care not to go too far to the edge of the bed and fall over by accident.

This playfulness lasted until Mom came back from the bathroom and climbed on the bed, pulling us one on each side of it.

It was then that I decided to bring up what had happened in the bath.


"Mommy..." I said, almost purring from her caresses in my ears.

"Yes, Luke?"

"Are you going to let me...taste more of that juice?"

I could see her face contort when I said that, but apparently instead of being the same way she was in the shower, she was really trying to suppress a smile? That eccentric mother... I like that side of her. I could also see Alice's expression twitching, but she quickly hid her face in her mother's chest.

Now I would say that it is confirmed, you have also been reincarnated, my dear little sister. That's too often to be a coincidence. But I wonder, why is her face contorted? Could she be someone who thinks incest is wrong? Someone with excessive morals? No, the most plausible explanation is that she must think that doing this to a baby is wrong, and well, she is right.

But since I am a baby only in body, I don't think it would be wrong. It would only be wrong if my mother felt aroused by my baby body, then it would be too much even for me. There are certain levels that should not be exceeded, and getting aroused by a baby is one of those levels.

If the cause of her arousal was the fact that her SON was doing this, that would be fine with me, since it would be extremely hypocritical for me to think that it was bad, since I also get aroused by her, and even if there was no such fact, it would still be fine with me, since who wouldn't like a mother like that?

As I let my thoughts run free, I heard my mother reply:

"Luke, you can't.... for the time being." I was extremely disheartened when I heard the first part, since since she has been acting out, I was sure she would let me, but the second part cheered me up again. 

"Can you wait until you grow up? Because even if mommy doesn't mind, and even likes that you want this, you're still a baby, and that wouldn't be even remotely right. I'll be able to let you do that... and more. So I hope you understand and can wait a little while," she said as she smiled at me, and I must say, that was fatal. 

"But... Okay. I'll wait. But when will I be old enough to do that?" I wanted to protest, but I finally realized that regardless, I still have the body of a baby. And although she doesn't mind me doing this in the future, it wouldn't be comfortable knowing or having her son drink her juices while he is still a baby, so I just accepted it without protesting. 

Then I took the opportunity and decided to ask how old I should be, since I don't want to be just in the dark about when this will happen, since curiosity would no doubt kill me in the first few days.

"Uhm... around the age of ten to twelve? By then you will have an idea of what it is and what we are doing. Then you can decide if you want to continue or not, okay?" I get another fatal smile.... My dear mother, try not to bewitch your child like that.

"Okay," I say smiling too, and I see her face opening into a bigger smile. I think we will both be looking forward to it.

"Let's go to sleep now, shall we?" then mom put Alice and me on her right side, which is the side that the bed - by the way, we stopped sleeping in the cribs some time ago, because I wanted to sleep in the bed because I wanted to sleep next to mommy - is against the wall so we wouldn't fall and kissed us goodnight before turning off the light so we could sleep.

After mommy turned off the light, I started to think about what happened now.

I couldn't see Alice's face during the entire conversation, as she hid behind Mommy's chest, but this is already a normal occurrence every time we go to bed.

But I imagine that many unusual expressions appeared on her face, as this always happens when mommy and I interact and there is a 'sexual tenor' to the subject.

After I realized this, I always wondered why, but always put it aside, because when I confront her, I will probably know the answers. Or maybe not... but whatever, although I think of her as an 'enemy' - because of her reincarnate status and not knowing her intentions - I don't think she intends to do us harm, but caution is never too much . 

There is also that line from Mom that drew me in 'So when you grow up, I'll be able to let you do this ... and more.', since that is literally a green pass for what I wanted. To say I am excited would be an understatement, if I could I would be jumping for joy right now.

And having my beautiful mother tell me this made it all the better, along with the excitement of anticipation, my joy increased even more. It will probably be hard for me to sleep tonight. 

The only thing I would say "bad" about it, is that I will have to wait ten years for it. Ten years of seeing it and not being able to play... that's going to be quite an ordeal. But the build-up of expectation will only make it even more exciting when the time comes. So I can say that this is both good and bad.

At least I can still touch your breasts when I go to suckle. Hey, I just realized something, she didn't say anything about not being able to touch her breasts after I come out at that age. So I guess breasts would be a kind of free area? At least there is a chance.

I wonder what the future of this family would be least one thing I know, dull will be far from it.

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