My Incestuous Life

Thoughts of a Mother

Ana PoV


Today was supposed to be another normal day. Spending time alone while waiting for the day to come when my twin childs would be born. They are the only source of happiness in my life since that day in the capital. Haaa... I don't want to remember that again. 

But well, as I said, today was supposed to be another normal day, apart from the slight discomfort I felt since I woke up. Things went on as usual until the middle of the day, with the discomfort becoming an unbearable pain, as if something wanted to come out of my stomach. At that moment I realized that today would be the long-awaited day that my babies would be born.

Using all the strength I could muster, I went to my room and took the Communication Stone - a type of stone that has the ability to transmit sounds, as you might guess - and called the only midwife in the village where I currently live:

"Mrs. Amelia, the babies... huuf haah... are being born... please come quickly... huuf haah."

(Is Mrs the right way to refer to Amelia? Because those titles get weird when translated into my language - Author)

"Oh, that was earlier than expected. I'll just pack up things here and be right there. Two or three minutes, tops."

Luckily, she responded almost instantly. 

After that, I dropped the Communication Stone and went to the room where we had already agreed the delivery would be and threw myself on the bed while panting furiously and writhing in pain.

I never imagined that just two or three minutes could be so long. And it was at this moment that I regretted not accepting the offer to stay at her place that she had proposed a week ago.

As I was drowning in regret, I heard footsteps coming toward the bedroom, and who appeared at the door was Mrs. Amelia, along with everything she needed to deliver the baby.

(I don't know what an old fashioned birth would be like, I did some basic reading on how a normal birth is done before writing, but I'm still sorry if it gets weird - Author)


"So, little Ana, what are you feeling in your belly? The pain is how? Any discomfort that you find strange?"

"I feel like something is contracting inside me... It's weird and uncomfortable."

"That's to be expected. Since you are dilating the place where the baby is so that it can come out. That will only get worse as time goes on. So try to hold on."

And so, while trying her best to hold on to the growing pain as time went on, the long-awaited time finally came.

"That fucking hurts!"

"Oh, the tip of the ears appeared, start pushing now, little Ana. Count on me, 1... 2... 3... push... 1... 2... 3... push...... It's out! It's a boy!"

"Waah waah."

When he finally came out, I felt an incomparable amount of relief and happiness. Relief that this suffering I went through for two years and six months was not in vain, and happiness because I can finally see what I have dreamed of all this time.

All my complaints about the event in the capital disappeared from me, just this moment was more than enough to erase them. No matter how much I hate that man, how much pain and humiliation he caused me, it doesn't change the fact that he is the one who gave me this baby that is in front of me now. (Don't get the wrong idea, it wasn't r*pe - Author)

Turning my full attention to the baby in front of me, I saw that he was being held aloft by Mrs. Amelia as he cried. Then she started to lower him down and he turned around, finally seeing what was behind him.

As I laid my loving gaze upon him, I felt a connection of closeness between us. This is called the Family Connection. It is something inherent in all half-beast tribes, like a lineage connection that we have with our descendants or ancestors. It serves as more of a security measure for the noble families, since it doesn't have much use for the commoner families beyond proving kinship.

As for the little one, his gaze was dazzled when he looked at me, probably because he sensed the connection between us. Or maybe it was because he was dazzled by my beauty? Fufu ~. Ahem, I have to stop this narcissistic habit, but it is difficult, because I am really beautiful, so I should have no problem emphasizing it... Haaah, again.

Still with the dazzled look on his face because of my beauty... our connection, he didn't even notice that Mrs. Amelia was pouring water on him to clean him from the blood. It fascinated me, is my beauty that great? Fufu, as expected of me.

Meanwhile, after cleaning him, Mrs. Amelia brought him to my right side so that I could carry him. Lifting my arms to pick up this adorable little thing, I begin to appreciate its short white hair, its fluffy white ears and tail that fill me with the desire to caress them just by looking at them, its blue eyes just like mine, and its cute little face that I want to fill with kisses for all eternity.

When I looked into his eyes, I realized that they were no longer on me but were looking around the room. This saddened me, is this boring room more interesting than my beauty? But then again, that makes sense, he is a baby, so he is curious about things he sees for the first time, so I shouldn't be disappointed and just let him look around now and teach him to appreciate my beauty when he gets older and understands things. That is a good solution, as expected of me, fufu ~.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Mrs. Amelia saying:

"Oh, it's a boy, and he looks very healthy with how much he's been crying, little Ana. And he seems to be very curious, he hasn't stopped looking all over the place since his brith. And his name, you've already made up your world?"

To which I reply as I take him in my arms:

"Ufufu, yes, he's very talkative and curious, isn't he? I'm glad he looks healthy. I've already decided his name too. It'll be Lucas, Lucas Sorey."

"A good name. Get some rest now, we still have to get the second child out. Just a little longer and it'll be over."


Hearing the second part of his sentence, once again filled me with an indescribable joy. If just Lucas brought me so much happiness, how happy can I be with one more? 

I wonder if now the one to come will be a girl or another boy? I must say that although I will know the answer in a short time, the anticipation is driving me crazy.

I am awakened from all this anticipation and thoughts when I hear a noise to my right side. As I turn around, I realize that it is Mrs. Amelia who has placed a crib next to me. I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't even see when she came out.

Then as she looks at me and my belly, she says:

"Let's start taking out the second baby, little Ana. It wouldn't be healthy If he stayed there longer."

(I almost had a heart attack now, the app crashed right when I went to write that sentence, lucky I didn't lose the file - Author)

"Huuf, haah. Right." I take a deep breath in and out as I put Lucas in his crib.

"Yeah, breath It and out, you can grab something to squeeze if the pain is too intense."

"It's alright, I think I can handle it this time."

"Okay then, hang on, you can start pushing on 3. 1... 2... 3... Go!"

"Ugh, it... hurts a lot!"

"Come on, don't stop now, it's halfway through!  Come on, just a little longer! Get out! It's a girl!"

"Waah waah."

"Huuf haah, huuf haah. I'm glad they were finally born."

Totally tired and with sweat all over my body, that was my condition after my daughter came into the world. But even this was not able to stop the happiness I am feeling now. My babies are born, nothing else matters now.

After a few seconds to catch my breath, I look forward again and what I see is a beautiful white fluffy cause swinging along non-stop along with two little white ears and hair also, and the first thing that came to my mind is 'So adorable'.

After enjoying the adorable sight in front of me, I realize that my little girl is not crying, unlike her brother who cried a lot. Instead, she is just looking around the room curiously.

Then her gaze lands on her brother, along with the dazzled looks from both of them and a smile from my little cutie. I guess they felt the Family Connection too, huh? 

Again she looked around the room until her gaze fell on me, after which I could also feel the feeling of the Family Connection between us. As she looked at me, she began to squeal and stretch out her arms in a cute way. Such an adorable child, again, as expected of me.

But before I could pick her up, Mrs. Amelia threw water on her to clean her from the blood. I saw her pouting, and couldn't help but find them even more adorable.

As Mrs. Amelia was cleaning her, she said to me:

"A girl, she looks very curious, but she's quiet unlike her brother. You have a pair If adorable twins now, little Ana. And what this little one's name, what's It going to be?"

To which I soon replied:

"She will be Alice, Alice Sorey. And yes, they are really adorable hehe."


They were born, hehe, I feel incredibly happy.  Because as of today, I will finally be able to live with the only reasons for happiness in my life.


It has been a few hours since Lucas and Alice were born, as far as I can see with the sun going down through the window.

We have spent all this time playing and interacting, with Lucas in my left arm and Alice in my right arm. I was very happy in this time that we spent together.

Mrs. Amelia left us a few hours ago after checking that everything was okay with me and the babies. But not before she made sure to warn me several times to call her with a Communication Stone if I sensed anything wrong with me or the children.

One thing I can say that I have learned in this time that we have spent playing, is that unlike how it was when they were born, Lucas is more the quiet type and Alice the talkative type. I thought it would be the opposite, given how it was when they were born. But it is as they say, 'Life is always full of surprises'.

While we were playing happily, Luc - a nickname I gave him during this time - started to cry. I was worried that I had done something wrong and hurt him, I was about to examine him when something clicked in my mind:

'Hasn't it been a few hours since the two of them were born? They must have been hungry after all this time, right?  How could I have forgotten that!"

So I say to Luc:

"Are you hungry, Luc?"

Then I see him looking at me with an expression as if to say 'yes'. As expected of my little boy, he is very intelligent.

Well, that's what I interpreted from his expression that hardly changed at all. But it doesn't change the fact that my little boy is very intelligent because of the good genes he inherited from me.

Turning my attention to his hunger, I smile at him and pull out my breast that was under the sheet and my shirt and see Luc looking at him with bright eyes, this made me happy because I finally found a use for those melon-sized pieces of fat that make my shoulders hurt. 

I may be narcissistic, but that doesn't mean that I will love it if my breasts are big. My shoulders are always aching because of them, so finding a use for them other than attracting the gaze of others on the street has made me happy. But that doesn't mean that I hate them either, because my narcissistic side is happy to have this mouth-watering body even on me.

Putting aside thoughts of the size of my breasts, I see Luc pushing his head towards my nipple, so I help him by pushing it into his mouth, to which he responded by sucking on it with fervor. 

I notice that Alice has started to look at me with puppy dog eyes and a wronged expression, as if she had been left out, as she takes her little head in Luc's direction.

Seeing this, I just pull out my other breast and give it to Alice to suck, which brings a happy smile to her face. Hehe, she is really adorable.

As I let them both suckle, I start to think about how I am going to lead my life from this moment on. Should I go back to my parents' home in the capital? Continue here in the village? Go to some city other than the capital? And several other options.

I'm stuck between going back to the capital and staying here in the village. Going back to the capital would be beneficial for the three of us, they could grow up not only with their mother, but also with their grandparents, meet other children their age, which there are not here in the village, I would have the support of my parents and friends, and after these two years and six months, I have already overcome my trauma, the key to this was the birth of the two today. But there are also the disadvantages of the capital, which would be the vile nature of the people, that you never know what they can do, they can also be exposed to things that would not be right for children, like drugs, which are things that so far I haven't seen in the village where we currently live, but that doesn't mean that there isn't, I'm not naive enough to believe that just because I can't see it doesn't happen these things here.

As for the positives of the village, it would be that the environment here is 'pure' compared to the capital, there are few people here I would suspect to be of bad character, we would be much closer to each other by possibly interacting with each other more, I could follow their growth much more closely than if we were in the capital, etc. As for the disadvantages, it would also be the lack of children their own age for them to interact with, they might be too innocent about the world because it is too isolated here, having the possibility that they won't adapt to the capital if one day we move there, etc.

I pondered this for a long time, but I ended up with the choice of staying in the village. Why? The possibility of being much closer than if we lived in the capital really appealed to me. As a mother with a tendency to be super loving, that alone was enough to make me stay here.

It was only after I came out of my deep thoughts that I realized that the two of them had already fallen asleep. 

'They look really cute when they're sleeping like that, hehe.'

And so, watching them sleep for a while, I couldn't take my tiredness any longer and also entered the world of dreams.

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