My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

56 – Olivia vs Leon



"Frustrated because you can't seal my powers? You have much to learn, whelp."


Olivia, who was grinning at her enemy, was overflowing with confidence.


"Let me educate you. You can seal people's magic and skills away, but that only applies if they are weaker than you or if you can measure their limit. Yufine is someone who can't be explained. Besides, she hasn't reached her awakening yet. Her growth potential is huge.


As for me… you currently can't seal me for the same reason. You have no clue about my peak. And besides you aren't stronger than me."


"Enough nonsense!"


Leon lifted his hand in the air. A large summoning formation appeared.


"Witness the true Efreet!!"


The same summon that Yufine used against Mina. However, through Leon, Efreet was twice as big.


"Obliterate her! [Blazing Inferno]!"


"*Sigh*… baka."


The moment the torrent of flames were about to hit Olivia, she raised her hand and bent the flames to her will.


"Trying to use fire against me is pointless. These flames lack true heat."


She swung her dragon arm and a powerful crimson slash sliced Efreet's head off, forcing him to fade away.


"Don't underestimate me. If fire won't work, that just means I'll use something else."


He extended 3 fingers in the air. Similar to Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon, various golden gates opened above his head.


"Multi magic casting, huh?"


Countless holy beams of light shot from those gates like a rain of arrows.


"Oh my, I guess I better dodge."


After images were left behind as Olivia waltzed around the field. She almost turned dodging into a form of dance. Not a single shot could touch her. 


"You have no grace in you. Multi magic casting is a powerful ability. And I'm sure one day Yufi will learn it too. But to rip the life out of you… I only need one magic. Let me show what my former title meant.


Your flesh, your blood, your bones and your armaments… I'll grind them all to dust… on my name of Hellfire Kaiser, there is nothing you can do to beat me now!!"


"What? The flames around us… are disappearing? No… you're sucking them into that sword?"


"This is my trump card."


"Are you trying to deceive me? What's going on here?"


"Test it out… on your own skin."


A large vertical slash. Even though the distance between them was big, Leon felt the need to jump sideways. If he had stayed where he was, he would have been split in half. Because the ground underneath their feet was split into a molting crevice.


"Hmm? So you concentrated all of your fire into the edge of your blade?"


"Correct. The name Hellfire isn't for show. All the flames that I can generate, as well as my internal flames are enveloped on me. Anything they touch is eradicated to nothingness! This is my trump, [Solaris Eternal - Anfang]!"


For a moment Leon scratched his head and then slowly drew his own sword.


"What a boring trick. In other words…


If I don't touch your blade and cut you directly, it's all over!!"


Similar to Rift Walk, Leon started circling Olivia with tremendous speed. He didn't lose sight of her sword for even a second. And then a powerful slash from above followed.




Shock assaulted Leon. Olivia didn't move a muscle. He didn't lose her. His brain is telling him that she made no movements at all. Yet… why… did his sword vanish halfway upwards?


"What the hell… did you do? My prized possession that can't be broken no matter what!!"


"How foolish. You weren't listening, whelp. Didn't I clearly say it? Or perhaps you can’t comprehend basic human speech. All the flames at my disposal are enveloped on me. Not just the sword. I suppose it's hard for your brain to understand, so I'll just show you. [Solaris Eternal - Ende]!!"


Similar to how a certain"I'm fired up" character from a popular anime called “Pixie’s Tail” unleashes his dragon mode, Olivia made the true horror of flames visible. By activating "Ende", Leon was able to notice. The snow around them melted. The land itself was burning. Olivia's sword turned into crimson flames and she herself was also covered in them.


"Do you understand now? Ende literally means the end. Now that I unleashed it and you can see, you can think of my blade and body… as being the sun itself. A temperature of 10 million degrees. You can't even touch me at this point. So… let's end this, shall we?"


My throat… the air itself is also thinning… and my hands… they are…






"I don't need to be a medium to guess what you're thinking. You are experiencing fear right now."


"Fear? Me? Don't be absurd. Just because I can't touch you, that doesn't mean I don't have ways to deal with you!!"


Leon extended both his arms in the air. This time one large magic formation appeared in the sky.


"This is the ultimate Holy attack. The beams of light will tear anything to shreds that comes in contact with them! [Heaven's Strike]!"


A powerful yellow laser beam shot out from that magic circle. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it as strong as a giant Kamehameha wave. Its force would be enough to destroy the entire mountain range.




Olivia jumps into the air to intercept the blast. The crimson flames evaporated the beam of light as easily as a knife would cut through butter. Then she once again turned her attention to Leon.


"It's over!!"


With high speed she charged towards her opponent.


"Fuh. I was waiting for that. I just had to distract you for a second. [Banishing Cage]."


Before she could reach Leon, a golden cage suddenly appeared out of nowhere stopping her advance. The cage did not melt.


"This is from the astral realm. If I can't kill you the logical option is to banish you in another dimension for eternity. Magic and physical attacks will not affect anything from the astral realm. Your pride got the better of you. Soon you will vanish now and I will win."


"As if I would let my cute daughter be trapped in that awful place."


Olivia pointed her index finger forward and thrust it as hard as she could. It was like her hand was swallowed by a black hole. And that same hand appeared at Leon's back, piercing his shoulder.




Blood didn't gush out because of the extreme heat.


"Did you really think I don't have access to the astral realm? I admit I was careless, but for now, this is where our battle ends."


Light emitted from Leon's shoulder at the same time the cage started glowing.


"Woman are you crazy? If you double chain the spell both of us will be…"


"Yeah, but Yufi will be fine. I will pave the way for her destiny. For now… Goodbye, whelp."




A powerful shockwave was generated and a bright blinding light was generated. When everything calmed down…  Olivia, Yufine’s body and Leon were nowhere to be found.

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