My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 422 - 422: Strict Self-discipline, the Young Master is really powerful! (Third update)

Chapter 422: Chapter 422: Strict Self-discipline, the Young Master is really powerful! (Third update)

Meeting room.

Everyone was unconsciously nodding in agreement with Yin Qin’s statement.

“OK, now let’s talk about what we should do next. We’ve already discussed our goals and analyzed the current situation. Now, it’s time to talk about the specific plan to improve the “Heaven’s Hall” program. Firstly, the topic of “Heaven’s Hall” is not sufficient. Since it began broadcasting, it has only trended once, and even then, it ranked eighth in the hot search list. This clearly shows that we have not done enough to raise public interest!”

“You mean we should start a campaign now? Don’t you think it’s too late?” Xie Mao asked.

“It’s never too late to wake up, as long as you have the courage to act,” Yin Qin said frankly, “Now I need your experience to understand how we can create a buzz. I can analyze the reasons, but I need your suggestions on how to do it. Don’t be afraid to speak out even if the suggestion is not perfect. Right now, we are just brainstorming.”

Then, Yin Qin instructed his secretary, “You should take down everyone’s suggestions.”

Wu Meili nodded hastily.

At this moment, she was completely convinced by Yin Qin.

Xie Mao was the first to say, “We can use the Milky Way App to send notifications to all users who have installed our app.”

Yin Qin nodded.

Another staff member suggested, “We can pay for our show to trend, keep it at the top of the Milky Way news feed and increase our visibility to attract viewers’ attention.”

Yin Qin continued to nod.

The secretary was recording all the time.

“Nowadays, there are many short video apps. We can promote our show on them. In my opinion, a single promotion may not be very effective because many people will choose to ignore it. But “Heaven’s Hall” is a casting show, with many clips of actors performing. We can release these clips for others to take part in. We can even set up an activity where the top three videos with the most likes receive a cash prize. This can attract many people to participate and naturally raise our visibility. It’s also a way to promote our show, I think…” This suggestion came from a new employee who had only been with the company for three months. She was speaking enthusiastically but suddenly worried that her words were too unrealistic.

She paused, everyone was quietly looking at her, and she seemed a little shy. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, you’re doing very well, keep going.” Yin Qin encouraged her.

“Then I’ll continue.” The new employee found her courage, and said, “I think we can set even higher rewards. For instance, we can invite the person who ranks first to our show and perform together with the real actors. Many internet celebrities on short video platforms are just as popular as the real stars, they can even boost our ratings.”

“Very good.” Yin Qin gave an affirmative answer.

The others also thought this was a good idea.

“We will employ all of the methods just mentioned. However, we should focus on promoting on the short video apps, which Liu Qian will be responsible for. Xie Mao and Wu Yousheng will assist her.” Yin Qin concluded, “Don’t compare the responsibility or merit of tasks between each other now. Let’s see everybody as equals and the rewards will be the same too. It’s the spirit of cooperation that matters, and there’s no hierarchy in it.”


“Let’s arrange public interest matter as just discussed. Next, we need to focus on the content of the show itself. To be honest, the casting in this show is predetermined, which I think is a major factor affecting viewership. In this case, those who are selected in advance are just performing a show, and they can’t feel the urgency of the competition. The production team just wants to use this variety show to attract attention to their TV series. The starting point is different from ours, we are producing a show, they are doing publicity, and these are two different concepts!”

At Yin Qin’s words, other people were really taken aback.

People say that the young master Yin of the Milky Way is useless and only knows how to enjoy life. But isn’t he doing a great job now? Moreover, he can pinpoint the problem accurately, make unique views, and no one can help but admire him.

What a joke.

After following Ji Baijian for so many years, Yin Qin has learned a lot, it’s just that he doesn’t like competing with others and doesn’t want to exert himself.

The young master is indeed capable!

He declared, “I will directly tell the production staff of “Hall of Heaven” my opinion. If it’s a casting show, then let’s seriously choose the roles and let viewers choose their favorite characters. If they disagree, I will suspend the show and even discredit them. I believe that the Brilliance Film and Television Company will not dare to risk it all since it has already produced several big budget failures. If it can’t turn things around, it’s almost done for.”

The others quietly listened on.

Then Yin Qin continued, “There are also problems with the rules of the show. They are not intense enough and not exciting to viewers. Let’s all share our ideas, and Secretary Wu, please keep records.”

“In my opinion, a one-on-one competition is indeed too simplistic. Why can’t we set up team matches? It’s simple – in the last five finals, two teams should be selected. Captains should be chosen first, then each team can perform, and viewers can vote for their favorite team. The winning team can be safe for a while, and one person should be eliminated from the losing team. The person who is eliminated can be revived by a mentor’s ‘revival card’, which can only be used once. Reviving does not mean promotion, but presents an opportunity to adjust one person in the other team, which can make the winning team aware of potential danger and compete once again. In this way, the atmosphere of the competition will be much more intense than regular matches.” Li Qi suggested, “On this point, I have always been curious about why there are no celebrity mentors. Although they are common, their popularity can definitely boost the show’s ratings. So why not invite mentors to participate in the final five rounds?!”

“I think it’s a good idea. We can discuss the specifics further. Li Qi will now be in full charge of the show’s rules. I suggest you look into the rules of some intense foreign talent shows for ideas – their rules tend to be more realistic and can better excite the audience!” Yin Qin affirmed.


“About the scripts selection…” Yin Qin continued to instruct, “The scripts of a few contests are very flat, and some exciting plots are overly dramatized. So I think we need a professional teacher to choose the scripts professionally and provide equal training for all the remaining actors. Zeng Huan will be fully responsible for this. Once you’ve chosen the mentor, report it to me separately.”


“What I have in mind at the moment is just these. If you have any idea during your work, feel free to share it with me. I can responsibly tell you that before the end of this show, I have no personal rest time. I can be reached 24/7 and can handle any problems you encounter at any time, day or night!” Yin Qin stated, “That said, I will give you two weeks to complete everything I just mentioned. Can you do it?!”

“It should not be a problem. But Sir, now “Heaven’s Hall” airs weekly. If you give us two weeks, doesn’t that mean wasting two episodes?”

“No, I will suspend the show for two episodes.”

“Isn’t that bad!” Xie Mao said worriedly. “No show has ever been suspended suddenly. This is completely unacceptable to viewers.”

“You said that no show has ever been suspended, so how do you know that viewers can’t accept it? I believe that with a good reason, viewers are not as unreasonable as you think. Don’t worry, I know how to handle this situation, just focus on what you have at hand.”


“Finally, allow me to be a bit nagging. You are the only people I, Yin Qin, trust. If I chose you, I trust you absolutely. No need to say much, I just hope that not a word of our meeting is heard by anyone else outside this room”.


“Alright, we’re dismissed now. It’s been a tough time.”

With that, Yin Qin immediately left the conference room.

Others started to leave one after the other as well.

As soon as Wu Meili followed Yin Qin into his office, she was immediately assigned a task, “Help me gather the reporters of the Milky Way, and invite reporters from other stations. At four o’clock this afternoon, I have a press conference. I demand that all the platforms in the Milky Way broadcast it live.”

“Yes”. Wu Meili respectfully responded.

Yin Qin sat in his office chair, writing his own press statement.

In the past, he simply spoke extemporaneously. But now he began to rigorously discipline himself, scrutinizing his own words and behavior.

He wrote and revised, weighing his words painfully.

In the big office downstairs.

A confidant of Weng Cheng said respectfully to him, “Just now Yin Qin hosted a meeting with a large group of people in his conference room. Now it seems that he has invited reporters to his personal press conference at four in the afternoon, but we don’t know what he’s planning. Do we need to stop him?”

“No need,” Weng Cheng said dismissively, “Let him make a spectacle of himself. The bigger the fuss, the better.”

“But what if he really achieves something …”

“Impossible! Even if he is incredibly lucky, he could never achieve a 2 rating. That would be a miracle. Since it’s impossible, let him make trouble. Otherwise, after promising him power in front of all these directors and then preventing him from doing this and that, it will make me look petty.”

“Director is wise.”

“You may leave now. You just need to keep an eye on him for me.”


In his heart of hearts, Weng Cheng completely scorned Yin Qin. If it weren’t for his cautiousness of Ji Baijian, Yin Qin’s long-time friend, he wouldn’t have endured Yin Qin for so many years.

As far as he knew, Ji Baijian was currently devoting all his attention to Warm Village, with all affairs of Jihong Group being managed by Ji Baili. Ji Baijian didn’t pose a major threat anymore.

Thinking of this, the smirk on his face became more pronounced.

On the contrary, he was very much looking forward to seeing Yin Qin humiliated and castigated by the masses!

At four o’clock in the afternoon.

Yin Qin appeared at his personal press conference.

He said to the reporters below, “Today, in addition to the reporters from our own Milky Way, I have also invited reporters from other platforms. Thank you all for coming.”

The entire room responded with a courteous round of applause.

“The reason I have invited everyone here today is to let you all understand that my decision on this matter is unchangeable.”

The reporters all looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what Yin Qin was up to.

“As I believe everyone is aware, I am the new chairman of the Milky Way. My father has transferred all his shares to me. From now on, I will bear the full responsibility for the Milky Way Media Technology Company. The first thing I am doing after taking office is to reform the “Heaven’s Hall” casting show. I will make a fresh start in the last 5 final competitions, which will include changes both in the rules of the competition and in the production team.”

As soon as he said this, the whole room was in an uproar.

The reporters were very active.

“Chairman Yin, do you mean that you want to suspend the “Heaven’s Hall” program, or you want to kill this program outright?”

“The rating of this show is 0.5, with a large audience base. Aren’t you afraid of offending the audience by doing this?”

“Can Chairman Yin reveal why you want to shelve this show?!”

Yin Qin stood up, projecting an imposing image.

“First of all, I’m not killing the program. I’m just suspending it for two episodes – that is, this program will not be broadcast this week and the next week. It will resume with the last five remaining competitions in the week after next. The reason I made such a decision is because I’m unsatisfied with the show. It did not meet my expectations, so I need to reform it, which is also a responsibility to the majority of viewers! I would also like to take this press conference as an opportunity to apologize formally to all the viewers who support the “Heaven’s Hall” program.”

“Where exactly is Chairman Yin dissatisfied? Can you tell us? Or is Chairman Yin simply making changes to “Heaven’s Hall” without considering the consequences, just to show off his performance after taking office?”

“I just want to show some results,” Yin Qin confessed bluntly.

And he looked as if it was only natural.

That made the reporters, for a moment, speechless.

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