My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 424 - 424: Treating You Well, Because I Like You! (Second update)

Chapter 424: Chapter 424: Treating You Well, Because I Like You! (Second update)

Translator: 549690339

The Chairman’s office of the Milky Way.

Ying Chang’an was so stunned by Yin Qin’s words that he couldn’t say a word for half a minute.

His eyes stared wide at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin seemed also very understanding, waiting for him to react, without rushing him.

After quite a while.

Ying Chang’an said somewhat excitedly, “Are you for real?”

“I’ve said I am not joking.”

“You’re sure you want to finance ‘Hall of Heaven’ crew?”

“I am sure.” Yin Qin nodded, “The Milky Way has produced all kinds of programs, but we’ve not yet ventured into TV dramas and movies. I have always planned to produce TV dramas, but couldn’t find a good time. Now, when we have such a splendid opportunity, you’re short of funds and I’m short of talent, it’s the perfect match. Why not?”

Ying Chang’an was excited beyond words, he was so moved that he could barely speak.

He turned his head to look at his director.

The director was also filled with excitement.

Ying Chang’an, still unsure, asked again, “Chairman Yin isn’t fooling me, right?!”

“Even though I, Yin Qin, like to play, I wouldn’t toy with you all in such difficult times. I always keep my word.”

“So, you are willing to assume the compensation my company owes to the cast and crew, and simultaneously finance the filming of my ‘Heaven’s Hall’ TV series?” Ying Chang’an was still in a somewhat incredulous state, feeling it was too good to be true.

“Yes.” Yin Qin nodded, giving a very assured answer.

Ying Chang’an couldn’t help but exclaim, “My, my, it seems the incense offering and praying didn’t go wasted.”

Yin Qin chuckled.

After a spurt of excitement, Ying Chang’an suddenly turned cautious again. “Can you, as the Milky Way, make this decision? I heard that Weng Cheng is in charge now.”

“If I dare to promise a ratings increase to 2, I naturally have the capability. You just need to have faith in me.”

Ying Chang’an was still somewhat apprehensive.

If things were really as Yin Qin said, he would certainly thank his lucky stars! However, since it seemed so easy, he found it hard to believe.

“Relax!” said Yin Qin with another chuckle, “Even if you don’t, what else can you do? In your current situation, do you still have the ability to oppose me? Instead of resisting and getting hurt, wouldn’t it be better to lie down and accept it?”

“Fine!” Ying Chang’an suddenly agreed, “Chairman Yin, I, Ying Chang’an, have been in the business world for many years. If you really help me out this time, I’ll never forget it for the rest of my life. If you ever need my help, just tell me.”

“Well then, thank you in advance.”

“Pleasure doing business.” Ying Chang’an extended his hand.

Yin Qin shook it.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Yin Qin, Ying Chang’an finally left with his director and assistant.

Wu Meili watched as Ying Chang’an, who had stormed in earlier as if he was ready to kill, left joyously as if he had won a lottery. She truly admired Chairman Yin’s abilities.

Haven’t people been underrestimating him before?!

Meanwhile, in Weng Cheng’s office.

A subordinate said, “The head of the film company, Ying Chang’an, went to see Yin Qin. I thought they would have a fierce confrontation, but Ying Chang’an suddenly left very happily. It seems they had a pleasant conversation?! I don’t know what favor Yin Qin did for Ying Chang’an that made him accept Yin Qin’s arrangement and agreed to the suspension of ‘Hall of Heaven’s’ variety show. As far as I know, the starting date for ‘Hall of Heaven’ has already been set and everyone is ready. Further delay would lead to labor losses. The compensation wouldn’t be small, and given the current state of Brilliant Films and Television, it might not be affordable.”

Weng Cheng, drawing on his cigarette, said with certainity to his confidant, “Is there any need to ask? Obviously, Yin Qin bribed him with money!”

“So, you mean, Yin Qin gave Ying Chang’an a large sum of money.”

“Yin Qin has always been lavish with money and never took it seriously. The delay of a small-budget drama group for 2 weeks is just a matter of a few million yuan, and Yin Qin would surely choose to resolve it by giving money.” Weng Cheng said coldly.

He really knew Yin Qin too well.

“Then… are we just going to sit back and do nothing?” the confidant asked.

“Notify the finance department that no loans should be given to anyone without my agreement. Even with the chairman’s signature, it won’t work. Only my own signature will do!”

“Yes.” The confidant answered respectfully.

Weng Cheng extinguished the cigarette.

He really wanted to see what Yin Qin could achieve without money!

At this moment, having seen Ying Chang’an off, Yin Qin started planning his next steps.

He let the other members of the project team resolve the issues of the project itself, whereas he had to deal with all external pressures, including the intentional difficulties created by Weng Cheng.

Weng Cheng would certainly not let him do as he wished.

But… he will problem-solve as problems come.

First thing is to do his own planning well.

An afternoon passed.

It was nearing the end of workday.

Yin Qin stretched, he had been so busy that he hadn’t changed positions even once, and the coffee at his side had gone cold as he had no time to take a sip.

He picked up the phone next to him, “Secretary Wu, ask the Finance Director to come over, please.”


“Also, make me another cup of coffee.”


Yin Qin stood from his position and moved his body a little.

Just one day, and he could feel his body stiffen as if it wasn’t his own.

He twisted his body, looking out over the bustling traffic of Jin City from his floor-to-ceiling window.

He was beginning to understand what his father once went through.

Sometimes, the pressure of work is too much; when he gets busy, he tends to neglect his meals and overlook a lot of things around him.


His father realized it quite early, and is now living a happy life as an elder.

The office door was knocked.

“Come in.” Yin Qin turned around.

He went back to his seat.

Finance Director Zhu Liu walked in, “Chairman Yin, you were looking for me?”


Zhu Liu sat opposite to Yin Qin.

In the meantime, the secretary brought Yin Qin his coffee. He took a casual sip and asked, “What’s the current financial situation of the Milky Way?”

“Are you asking about this year’s income, Chairman?”

“No, I am not that interested in that. I just want to know how much of our budgeted costs for this year remain.” Yin Qin was forthright.

“We have just started the year, so the budget is still ample. Do you want me to give you a list of this year’s budgeted costs, Chairman?”

“No, that is not required. I just want to know how much of our budgeted funds, beyond the necessary expenditures, is available for use.”

“Director Weng initially budgeted 20 million for that.”

“Good, keep all of this budget for me.” Yin Qin issued an ultimatum.

“But…” Zhu Liu seemed hesitant. “Director Weng said that all costs, even those within the budget, have to be confirmed with his signature. Even if it’s a penny of cost, it needs Director Weng’s approval. Especially for this project of yours, Chairman, which has no budget allocation at all, I can’t agree to it.”

“Needs Weng Cheng’s consent?” Yin Qin raised an eyebrow.


“Doesn’t the chairman have the right to control the company’s finances?”

“I’m sorry, Chairman, we received a notice stating that currently, Weng-director is in charge of all major and minor affairs of the Milky Way Group. According to the company’s rules and regulations, only Director Weng’s signature is considered valid. I’m only following regulations.”

“Is that so?” Yin Qin cynically chuckled.

Weng Cheng really did have complete control over the Milky Way.

How had his dad endured this?

“Chairman, I have to remind you, any budget exceeding 5 million needs the collective approval of the board,” Zhu Liu said.

“Alright, I understand. You may leave.”

“I’m truly sorry, Chairman,” Zhu Liu said, finally showing a modicum of respect towards Yin Qin.

Top executives like them always tread carefully, afraid of offending anyone.

Boardroom intrigues were akin to battles between immortals. Mere mortals like them should be content observing from the sidelines.

Yin Qin waved his hand dismissively.

Zhu Liu left.

Yin Qin finished his coffee.

It seemed like another challenging battle was on the horizon!

He rolled up his sleeves and earnestly set about drawing up a budget and a plan for its implementation.

He worked diligently until 11 pm.

His shoulders were stiff.

He felt like he was on the verge of collapse.

Keeping a family seemed anything but easy.

He grabbed his car keys and left.

His secretary was mindlessly scrolling through her phone outside. Seeing Yin Qin emerge suddenly, she put down her phone and respectfully stood up.

“I’ll often work late. There’s no need for you to keep me company unless I tell you to.”

“…” Wu Meili watched Yin Qin in stunned silence.

Yin Qin was perhaps the most down-to-earth boss she had ever worked with.

Yin Qin drove home.

By the time he reached his villa, it was already half past eleven.

Everyone was asleep.

While walking, Yin Qin did his best to make as little noise as possible, not wanting to disturb anyone.

He carefully opened the door to his room.

To his surprise, a lamp had been left on in the room. Luo Xiaolang was seated by the bed, engrossed in her phone. It gave off the impression that she had been waiting for him.

He thought he wouldn’t be moved by such sentimentality.

Yet, in that moment, he couldn’t help but feel touched.

He casually asked, “Why haven’t you gone to sleep yet? What if our little tiger wakes up in the middle of the night for a feeding?”

“The little tiger hasn’t woken up in the night for a long time now, and likely won’t,” said Luo Xiaolang, putting her phone aside. She looked at Yin Qin and casually mentioned, “I was waiting for you.”

“What were you waiting for?” Yin Qin asked, appearing indifferent.

But damn, why did his heart feel so warm, as if it was about to melt?

Luo Xiaolang chuckled.

When she smiled, she seemed so bright and comfortable. It felt like a breath of fresh spring air.

She replied, “I got used to sleeping with you. If you’re not with me, I can’t sleep.”

“That won’t do. In the future, I might come home later than I did today,” said Yin Qin, continuing, “Sleep early, don’t wait up for me, understood?”

“Okay,” nodded Luo Xiaolang.

“I’m going to shower,” said Yin Qin. Rubbing his shoulders, he added under his breath, “So stiff… I wonder if a hot bath will help.”

Luo Xiaolang watched Yin Qin’s retreating figure.

She slowly settled back into bed.

Yin Qin wanted to extend his bath, but sleepiness swiftly overcame him. He dressed into his pajamas and climbed into bed.

Once in bed, Yin Qin naturally pulled Luo Xiaolang into his embrace.

He wasn’t sure when, but he’d begun to find Luo Xiaolang’s scent – a milky sweetness – appealing.

He buried his face into the crook of her neck.

Suddenly, Luo Xiaolang pushed Yin Qin away and got up.

Yin Qin furrowed his brows.

“Lie on your stomach, Yin Qin.”


“I’ll massage your neck and shoulders.”

“Can you do it?”

“Yes,” Luo Xiaolang confirmed with conviction.

With his shoulders aching tremendously, Yin Qin didn’t refuse. He laid on his stomach and instructed, “Don’t use too much strength, be gentle.”

Who knew how powerful the girl was?

Luo Xiaolang acknowledged his instructions, sat on top of him, and started massaging his shoulders.

Her touch was not too forceful but was far from gentle.

At that moment, Yin Qin felt entirely relaxed and comfortable — pure bliss.

In that moment, he felt like all his hard work was worth it.

All the hardship completely vanished in the face of this intense feeling of happiness.

He wasn’t sure if this euphoria stemmed from Luo Xiaolang, or just from the sheer physical pleasure.

As he lay there, enjoying the massage and gradually drifting into sleep, he murmured, “Luo Xiaolang, why are you so good to me?”

He knew Luo Xiaolang was not usually the type to consider others. He also knew that this woman was not easy to get along with. But she was so good to him. He could profoundly feel her kindness, her genuine unwavering treatment towards him.

Upon hearing Yin Qin’s words, Luo Xiaolang fell quiet.

She didn’t understand why she was so nice to Yin Qin either. Whenever she saw him working so hard, she felt an urge to do something for him. Whenever he didn’t return till late, she felt compelled to wait for him.

Her eyes stirred.

She lightly bit her lip.

Finally, she responded, “I don’t know either, maybe it’s because… I like you.”

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